HORMONE INJECTED FOOD Health or Danger ? WHAT ARE HORMONES ? Hormones are very essential for the proper functioning of the various body organs of the humans, as well as other animals Hormones are your body's chemical messengers. A hormone is a chemical substance produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs. HOW DO HORMONES WORK IN THE BODY ? Many processes in the body are coordinated by hormones which regulate and balance the working of organs and cells. Some hormones have long term effects (growth). Other hormones have shorter term effects. Too much, or too little, of a hormone can cause illness. Hormones are basically of two types - steroids and proteins. Protein hormones are normally in a cramped stage in the stomach. These hormones lose their function when we eat anything, while steroid hormones get active only when we eat anything. Due to this contradiction, protein hormones must get induced in the body in order for them to perform properly. There are several illnesses that are caused by the lack of several important hormones. For instance, patients suffering from diabetes need to be given insulin, which is a protein hormone. WHERE ARE HORMONES MADE? Hormones are made by specialized glands or tissues throughout the body. Most, but not all, hormone glands are part of the endocrine system. PROCESSES AFFECTED Growth and development Metabolism Sexual function Reproduction Mood Artificially induced hormones today Today a high percentage of the cattle in the world are grown using hormones. The mostly used types of hormones are: - Natural Hormones Estradiol Testosterone Progesterone - Synthetic Hormones Melengestrol acetate Trenbolone acetate Zeranol Natural Hormones There are several natural hormones in food products that are very useful. Some notable plants contain certain hormone like substances that are called phytoestrogens (dietary hormones), that can cause several dysfunctions, it also has remedial properties. It is said that the phytoestrogens can protect against breast cancer. There are several researches though that point out the downfalls of the phytoestrogens. When female rats were fed with isoflavonoid coumestrol, they showed various physical dysfunctions such as irregular menstruation in female rats and male rats showed abnormal mating behavior. The rat offspring also obtained the induced hormones. This research was carried forward by Patricia L. Whitten who is a biological anthropologist from Atalanta. While another research showed extra uterine growth and also increase in weight. Infertility syndrome called clover disease were observed in the cattle who were fed on the ear containing these hormones for research purposes. Artificial Hormones It has been observed that there are several hormones (growth hormones) that help animals gain weight in no time. Inducing such hormones in the animals artificially, can reduce the amount of food as well as the time required for gaining weight. All this results into quick production of the animals for the meat industry. The same technique is applied in the dairy production as it also increases the milk production of cows and other dairy animals. What is rBGH? Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone is composed of three natural hormones and three synthetic hormones. This product is used to fatten cows and chicken in the shortest time possible – in order to reap profit instantly. Studies and Researches have proven that these synthetic hormones remain as residue in poultry, beef, and dairy products right into our dinner plates. If you’re an X-Men fan, you won’t believe you’re slowly changing your body into a hormone-modified system. NON NATURAL FOODS They are artificially obtained in two ways: 1.) Hormones which produce growth and accelerated fattening. 2.)Genetic manipulation: (introduce the wished genes into the plant or animal DNA so that they show the desired characteristics: Transgenic or genetically modified. Animals that undergo this type of hormone fattening are mainly:chickens, cows and pigs. Hormones were introduced through their fodder. Are the hormones injected into the animals? From ear implant that is put under the ear. Are hormones in our food dangerous? No one is really sure whether sex hormones in meat or growth hormones in milk, meat and fish are dangerous for humans or animals. It’s not easy to tell if hormones in significant levels remain in the milk or meat of animals and scientists are attempting to develop more successful methods to measure hormone residues left in meat from hormone-enhanced animals. Farmers have only been using "recombinant bovine growth hormone" since the mid 1990s and, as breast and other cancers take a long time to develop, it is difficult to track a link. Side effects caused by eating excessive hormone-injected food: - Headaches - Muscular trembling (especially in hands) - Cramps - Anxiety - Insomnia - Sweating - Appetite increase - Nausea - Palpitation - Hypertension Plant Growth Regulators in Vegetable Production A plant growth regulator is: * An organic compound, * Can be natural or synthetic, * It modifies or controls one or more specific physiological processes within a plant but the sites of action and production are different. Plant Growth Regulators in Vegetable Production If the compound is produced within the plant it is called a plant hormone Substances applied externally also can bring about modifications such as easier separation of fruit from the stem, etc. A large number of chemicals tend to increase the yield of certain plants such as corn and sugarcane. Both internal plant hormones and lab created hormones are called plant growth regulators. Plant Growth Regulators in Vegetable Production Plant Growth Regulators in Vegetable Production There are six classes of phytohormones: Effects of Plant Growth Hormones in human health Flu-like symptoms typically consist of fever and chills, malaise, tachycardia, arthralgias, and myalgias that develop within a few hours after administration. Various cytokines are directly or indirectly involved in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated inflammatory disorders and autoimmune diseases. EU DECISIONS According to the EU hormonal presence /residuals in food could lead to health problems including cancer. More research is needed to answer our doubts conclusively. AS a consequence ,Inducing growth hormones in cattle has been forbidden. How to Avoid Hormone-injected Food and Hormone Active Products Always look for the USDA Organic Seal of Approval (at least we can rely on this) If possible, opt for beef and poultry products from trusted organic farms, and countries that ban usage of rBGH such as Australia, Japan, Europe. To make sure, avoid consuming feedlot beef and spend for grass-fed beef even if these cost more. After all, you won’t be eating beef every day. Peel your fruits and wash vegetables thoroughly before consuming them. Avoid buying sub-standard plastic containers loaded with hormone disrupting chemicals. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD Where can we find genetically modified products? CORN SOY They are added as ingredients in, approximately a 60% of industrial food: Chocolates Sliced bread AND MANY MORE: Tinned and frozen food, baby food, icecreams, appetizers, diet food, jams, margarine, vegetable oil... Current Regulations on Genetically Modified food Labelling Specific labelling is only compulsory when modified DNA can be detected through genetic manipulation or through the proteins belonging to this modified DNA. - - When such DNA is not detected: it is NOT compulsory. Additives and artificial flavouring (even being 100% transgenic) DO NOT have to be labelled! In practice these regulations exclude from obligation of labelling, a 90% of commercial products which contain GMOs or its components. STUNNING DISCOVERIES FROM AUSTRIAN STUDENTS EXAMPLES OF 21° century FOOD PRODUCTION: The students of the BG11 analyzed different kinds of food and in the following text we will show you how food design has an important impact on the production and reveal some stunning facts. 2) The second example reveals an insight into the production of chicken nuggets. The used chickens have an overall lifetime of 3 weeks. As soon as they reach a certain age, they are killed with electroshocks. Nothing of the killed chickens gets wasted: the nuggets contain even the eyes, guts and crushed bones. All the ingredients are pressed together and cut in little pieces so they fit into your mouth. Finally, they get covered with flour, get fried and frozen. 3) Lastly, we will talk about salty snacks, like chips. The students looked closely at two different brands: Pringles, an international company, and Kelly’s, an Austrian company. I guess everybody knows Pringles and their unique shape. That is because the company hired food designers to create a shape that fits the tongue and can be easily stacked. Kelly’s chips, on the other hand, have no certain shape and look more natural. Pringles’ chips are not made of potatoes. Basically, they are just flour, water, salt, emulsifiers and aroma. Kelly’s chips are made of actual potatoes from real farmland. Of course, they are unhealthy as well, but they are more natural. Food production in general changed a lot since automation gained popularity. Actually food is mostly produced by machines in an industrial environment. 1) Orange juice, for example, is not obtained as you might guess. Some people think the oranges are still picked and squeezed by hand. But that is not how things work these days. Let us have a look at the orange juice production of the 21st century: At first, all the water and the vitamins get extracted, so what is left is the pure orange concentrate. That process makes it easier to store and transport the juice. At your local factory, the concentrate gets mixed with water. The mixture results in the well-known orange juice with fewer vitamins.