Unit 6 Mendelian Genetics Chapters 10.2, 10.3 Chapter 11 Mendelian Genetics Chapter 10.2 Explain The significance of Mendel’s experiments to the study of genetics Summarize The law of segregation and law of independent assortment Predict The possible offspring from a cross using a Punnett square Mendelian Genetics Mendel explained how a dominant allele can mask the presence of a recessive allele How Genetics Began 1866 How Genetics Began 1866 Gregor Mendel How Genetics Began 1866 Gregor Mendel Monk How Genetics Began 1866 Gregor Mendel Monk Plant breeder Pea plants Easy to grow Pea plants Easy to grow True-breeding Pea plants Easy to grow True-breeding – consistently produce offspring with only one form of a trait Pea plants Easy to grow True-breeding – consistently produce offspring with only one form of a trait Self-fertilization Genetics The science of heredity The Inheritance of traits Mendel noticed The Inheritance of traits Mendel noticed Certain traits The Inheritance of traits Mendel noticed Certain traits Generation after generation Two true-breeding plants P generation Removed male organs Cross pollinated F1 Generation Seeds grown from P Alleles masked Allowed to self pollinate F2 Generation Offspring from F1 Masked trait reappears Almost a perfect 3:1 ratio Allele Traits Gene Come in pairs Dominant Mendel’s term Form of the trait that appeared in the F1 Capital Recessive Mendel’s term Form of the trait that was masked in the F1 Lower case Homozygous Two of the same alleles for a particular trait DD nn Heterozyous Two different alleles for a particular trait Dn nD Genotype The organism’s allele pairs Dn nD DD nn Phenotype The observable characteristic The outward expression of the allele pair Dn nD nn DD - D D n D Law of segregation Two alleles for each trait separate during meiosis During fertilization, two alleles unite Monohybrid cross Cross that involves hybrids for a single trait Dihybrid cross Cross of plants with two or more traits Dihybrid Heterozygous for both traits Law of independent assortment Random distribution of alleles occurs during gamete formation Genes on separate chromosomes sort independently during meiosis 9:3:3:1 Punnett Squares Monohybrid cross Take the different types of alleles from each parent Place in the square Dihybrid cross 9:3:3:1 F1 generation is crossed Four types of alleles from the male gametes Four types of alleles from the female gametes Probability A coin landing on heads – ½ A coin landing on heads a second time – ¼ Mendel’s results were not perfect Larger the number of offspring the closer 9:3:3:1 Gene Linkage and Polyploidy Chapter 10.3 Main Idea The crossing over of linked genes is a source of genetic variation Genetic Recombination The new combination of genes produced by crossing over and independent assortment Genetic Recombination Genetic variation Independent assortment 2n where n is the number of chromosome pairs Example Pea plants have seven pairs of chromosome Example Pea plants have seven pairs of chromosome 2n Example Pea plants have seven pairs of chromosome 2n 27= 128 The possible number of combinations after fertilization is 128 X 128 = 16,384 Example Humans have 23 pair of chromosome After fertilization 223 X 223 = more than a trillion Example Humans have 23 pair of chromosome After fertilization 223 X 223 = more than a trillion This doesn’t include the amount of genetic recombination produced by crossing over Gene Linkage Chromosomes contain multiple genes that code for proteins Gene Linkage Chromosomes contain multiple genes that code for proteins Genes located close to each other are said to be linked and travel close together Drosphila melanogaster Fruit Fly Gene linkage first studied Genes usually travel together during meiosis However, sometimes they don’t Drosphila melanogaster Fruit Fly Gene linkage first studied Genes usually travel together during meiosis However, sometimes they don’t Scientists concluded that linked genes can separate during a crossover Chromosome Maps Chromosome Maps First published in 1913 Chromosome Maps First published in 1913 Fruit fly crosses Chromosome Maps First published in 1913 Fruit fly crosses Not actual chromosome distances Chromosome Maps First published in 1913 Fruit fly crosses Not actual chromosome distances Represent relative positions of the genes Chromosome Maps First published in 1913 Fruit fly crosses Not actual chromosome distances Represent relative positions of the genes Crossing over occurs more frequently between genes that are far apart In a cross In a cross Exchange of genes is directly related to the crossover frequency In a cross Exchange of genes is directly related to the crossover frequency The frequency correlates with the relative distance between the two genes In a cross Exchange of genes is directly related to the crossover frequency The frequency correlates with the relative distance between the two genes Genes that are further apart would have a greater frequency of crossing over Crossover Polyploidy One or more extra sets of all chromosomes in an organism Triploid organism An organism with 3n chromosome Three sets of chromosomes Triploid organism An organism with 3n chromosome Three sets of chromosome Rare Triploid organism An organism with 3n chromosome Three sets of chromosome Rare Triploid organism An organism with 3n chromosome Three sets of chromosome Rare Lethal in humans Triploid organism An organism with 3n chromosome Three sets of chromosome Rare Lethal in humans Plants increase in vigor and size Mini Lab 10.2 MAP CHROMOSOMES Where are genes located on a chromosome? Where are genes located on a chromosome? The distance between two genes on a chromosome is related to the crossover frequency between them. Where are genes located on a chromosome? The distance between two genes on a chromosome is related to the crossover frequency between them. By comparing data for several gene pairs, a gene’s relative location can be determined. Get a Piece of paper Draw a line Get a Piece of paper Draw a line Mark centimeters (1 – 20) Get a Piece of paper Draw a line Mark centimeters (1 – 20) Label a mark in the center “A” Model Gene Pair Crossover Frequency AB 3 AC 1 AD 4 BC 2 BD 7 CD 5 Lab Gene Pair Crossover Gene Pair Crossover AB 5.5 BF 4.3 AC 6.4 CD 10.9 AD 4.5 CE 2.6 AE 9.0 CF 5.2 AF 1.2 DE 13.5 BC 0.9 DF 5.7 BD 10.0 EF 7.8 BE 3.5 DRAW Suppose genes C and D are linked on one chromosome And genes c and d are linked on another chromosome Assuming that crossing over does not take place sketch the daughter cells resulting from meiosis Show the chromosomes and position of the genes Human Inheritance CHAPTER 11.1 Basic Patterns of Human Inheritance CHAPTER 11.1 California State Standard 3C STUDENTS KNOW HOW TO PREDICT THE PROBABLE MODE OF INHERITANCE FROM A PEDIGREE DIAGRAM SHOWING PHENOTYPES Pedigree DEFINE Pedigree Purebred Pedigree A diagram Pedigree A diagram Of a family tree showing the occurrence of heritable characters in parents and offspring over multiple generations. Human traits Follow Mendelian patterns of inheritance Geneticists Scientists who study traits Geneticists Scientists who study traits Analyze the traits of offspring in a family Geneticists Scientists who study traits Analyze the traits of offspring in a family Map them to determine where a trait comes from Geneticists Scientists who study traits Analyze the traits of offspring in a family Map them to determine where a trait comes from Collecting data from family with a trait that can be traced Geneticists Scientists who study traits Analyze the traits of offspring in a family Map them to determine where a trait comes from Collecting data from a family with a trait that can be traced Geneticists Scientists who study traits Analyze the traits of offspring in a family Map them to determine where a trait comes from Collecting data from a family with a trait that can be traced The family Pedigree To make a map Need symbols Male Female Start at the beginning Mom and Dad Dad and Mom Dad and Mom Dad and Mom Dad and Mom Offspring Brothers and sisters Imagine you are a geneticist “My name is Scott. My great grandfather Walter had hairy earlobes (HE), but great grandma Elsie did not. Walter and Elsie had three children: Lola, Leo, and Duane. Leo the oldest, has HEs, as does the middle child, Lola; but the youngest child, Duane, does not. Duane never married and has no children. Leo married Bertie, and they have one daughter, Patty. In Leo’s family he is the only one with HEs. Lola married John, and they have two children: Carolina and Luetta. John does not have HEs, but both of his daughters do.” Example 2 Parents of a child with severe sensorineural hearing loss are referred to the genetics clinic. They indicate that they have had three children, son, daughter and another son. The father of these children has two sisters both of whom have two sons. His parents are both well. No-one in his family has ever had a child with hearing loss before. The mother of the three children has a brother who has one son and one daughter. Her parents are also well and once again there is no known history of severed hearing loss in childhood. Example 2 However, her maternal grandfather developed moderate hearing loss in his sixties. On specific questioning the mother recalls that her maternal grandmother was the sister of her husband’s paternal grandmother. Draw a pedigree Chapter 11.2 Complex Patterns of Inheritance Objectives Distinguish between various complex inheritance patterns Analyze sex-linked and sex-limited inheritance patterns Explain how the environment can influence the phenotype of an organism Dominance Heterozygous for a trait Dominant trait shows phenotype Plant (Tt) T = tall Incomplete Dominance Red snapdragons – (RR) White snapdragons – (rr) Pink snapdragons – (Rr) Codominance Complex inheritance pattern Both alleles are expressed Sickle-cell disease Disease affects red blood cells Affects the ability to transport oxygen Change in hemoglobin, protein When heterozygous have both normal and sicklecell live a normal life Sickle-cell disease and malaria Scientists have discovered Distribution of malaria and sickle-cell overlap Those with heterozygous sickle-cell are more resistant to malaria Multiple Alleles Blood groups ABO blood types Multiple Allele Color coat of rabbits C cch ch c Epistasis One allele hiding the effects of another allele Labrador’s coat color is controlled by two sets of alleles The dominant allele E determines whether the fur will have dark pigment EEbb or Eebb – Chocolate brown eebb, eeBb or eeBB – Yellow Sex Determination 46 chromosomes – 23 pair One pair determines gender X and Y The other 22 pair are autosomes Dosage Compensation Females have 22 pair and one pair of X chromosomes Males have 22 pair and one Y and one X chromosomes X chromosome carries genes necessary for the development for both females and males Y chromosome carries genes necessary for the development for males Dosage Females get two doses of X One of the chromosomes shuts off X-inactivation Barr bodies – inactive X chromosome Sex-Linked Traits Traits that are controlled by genes located on the X chromosome Female with recessive trait on X would express the trait on the other X chromosome Red-green color blindness XB Y XB XBXB XBY Xb XBXb XbY Mother is carrier Father is not color blind Only a son 8% of males are Environmental influences Environment has an influence on phenotype Heart disease, diet and exercise Sunlight, rainfall and weather Temperature with cats and pigment on fur Twins Scientist study twins to determine the difference of environment on an individual Chromosomes & Human Heredity CHAPTER 11.3 Karyotype Studies Scientists study the whole chromosome Pairs of chromosomes are arranged in descending order Telomeres Protective cap on the chromosome Made of protein Involved in cancer and aging Nondisjunction Cell division during which sister chromatids fail to separate properly Meiosis I Meiosis II Down syndrome Extra chromosome on 21 Trisomy Distinctive facial features Mental disabilities Short stature Heart defects Nondisjunction in sex chromosomes GENOTYPE XX Female XO Turner’s Syndrome XXX Nearly normal Female XY Male XXY Klinefelter’s syndrome XYY Nearly normal Male OY Results in death Fetal Testing Amniocentesis – diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities – infection, miscarriage, discomfort Chorionic Villus sampling – Diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities – miscarriage, infection, limb defects Fetal blood sampling – diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities – risk of bleeding, infection, amniotic fluid might leak, risk of fetal death