CREDGREW power point

Characteristics of Living Things
Organism = any living thing
CREDGREW (Mnemonic Device)
C = Cells!!! All living things are made up of cells.
C = Cells!!! All living things are made up of cells.
• Unicellular = single celled organism
Unicellular organism = single celled
C = Cells!!! All living things are made up of cells.
• Unicellular = single celled organism
• Multicellular = organism with many cells
C = Cells!!! All living things are made up of cells.
• Unicellular = single celled organism
• Multicellular = organism with many cells
• Prokaryotic = type of cell; very simple; evolved
early; no nucleus
Prokaryotic cell = simple cell; no nucleus; evolved first
Example = Bacterial cell
C = Cells!!! All living things are made up of cells.
• Unicellular = single celled organism
• Multicellular = organism with many cells
• Prokaryotic = type of cell; very simple; evolved
early; no nucleus
• Eukaryotic = type of cell; complex; evolved later;
contains nucleus and other organelles
Eukaryotic cell = more complex; evolved later;
contains a nucleus (and many other organelles)
Example = corn cell
R = Reproduction; All organisms reproduce
• Asexual reproduction - one parent
• Sexual reproduction - two parents
E = Energy; All organisms use energy from “food”;
this is usually in the form of glucose (a sugar)
• Autotroph = an organism that makes it’s own
food using the sun; also known as a
“producer”; examples are plants and algae
• Heterotroph = get food from other
organisms; also known as a “consumer”
D = DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid); all cells contain
DNA; DNA is the chemical that genes are made
D = DNA; all cells contain DNA; DNA is the
chemical that genes are made of
G = Grow; all organisms grow
D = DNA; all cells contain DNA; DNA is the
chemical that genes are made of
G = Grow; all organisms grow
R = Response; all organisms respond to stimuli
(anything in an organism’s environment that
causes it to react)
D = DNA; all cells contain DNA; DNA is the
chemical that genes are made of
G = Grow; all organisms grow
R = Response; all organisms respond to stimuli
E = Exchange; all organisms exchange gasses;
take in CO2 and let out O2
E = Exchange; all organisms exchange gasses;
take in CO2 and let out O2
W = Waste; all organisms produce waste
• Examples: CO2, ammonia, undigested food