1 1 درد و قشر های حسی و حرکتی 2 Types of Pain • Fast Pain • Slow Pain 3 3 Pain Perception • Fast pain: sharp and well localized, transmitted by myelinated axons • Slow pain: dull aching sensation, not well localized, transmitted by unmyelinated axons • Visceral pain: not as well localized as pain originating from the skin pain impulses travel on secondary axons dedicated to the somatic afferents referred pain 4 4 Fast Pain Pathway Ventrobasal Nucleus Lamina Marginalis I II IV III VI V VII Anterolateral Pathway Substantia Gelatinosa IX VIII 5 Slow Pain Pathway Ventrobasal Nucleus Lamina Marginalis I II IV III VI V VII Substantia Gelatinosa IX Anterolateral Pathway VIII 6 Types of Neurons • Afferent (Ascending) – transmit impulses from the periphery to the brain – First Order neuron – Second Order neuron – Third Order neuron • Efferent (Descending) – transmit impulses from the brain to the periphery 7 7 Pain and Temperature (Anterolateral System ) Cerebral Cortex 3 2 1 Thalmus Spinal cord 8 8 Nociceptors = specialized terminal peripheral branches of sensory nerve fibers that are sensitive to noxious stimuli 9 Pain Mediators • Result from tissue damage, inflammation or ischemic changes in the tissues provoking the chemical stimulation of nerves. 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 Theories of Pain • 1) Specificity Theory • 2) Pattern Theory • 3) Gate Control Theory 18 Theories/ The Specificity Theory • - pain is a sensation, like vision or hearing, conveyed via unique anatomical structures • Evidence for specificity theory: existence of nociceptors 19 Theories/ The Pattern Theory • Pain results from a pattern of intense activity of neurons that also can encode subtle sensations such as warmth or fine touch 20 Gate Control Theory • Melzack & Wall, 1982 • Substantia Gelatinosa (SG) in dorsal horn of spinal cord acts as a ‘gate’ – only allows one type of impulses to connect with the SON • Transmission Cell (T-cell) – distal end of the SON • If A-beta neurons are stimulated – SG is activated which closes the gate to A-delta & C neurons • If A-delta & C neurons are stimulated – SG is blocked which closes the gate to A-beta neurons 21 21 Gate Control Theory • Spinal cord areas that receive messages from pain receptors, also receive input from other skin receptors and from axons descending from the brain • these other inputs sometimes close the “gates” for the pain mesages. 22 23 Melzack & Wall (1982) 24 24 Gate Control Model (1) 25 Gate Control Theory (1) 26 PAIN INHIBITORY COMPLEX: Presynaptic Inhibition BRAIN STEM.NEURON ANTEROLATERAL PATHWAY INHIBITORY NEURON PAIN RECEPTOR + DORSAL HORN OF SPINAL CORD 27 PAIN INHIBITORY COMPLEX: Postsynaptic Inhibition BRAIN STEM.NEURON ANTEROLATERAL PATHWAY INHIBITORY NEURON PAIN RECEPTOR + DORSAL HORN OF SPINAL CORD 28 Gate Control Theory (1,2) 29 29 Gate control Model (2) 30 Other Considerations • Drugs can suppress pain sensitivity or block pathway • Analgesia : No sensation • Hypalgesia (Analgesia) : Decreased pain (higher threshold) • Hyperalgesia : Increased pain (lower threshold) • Referred pain: one site has pain but felt in another site 31 The Analgesia System • 1) Periaquaductal Gray • 2a) Lateral Tegmental Nucleus • 2b) Locus Ceruleus • 2c) Raphe Magnus Nucleus • 3) Pain inhibitory complex in dorsal horns (Substantia Gelatinosa) 32 32 Stress Induced Analgesia 33 33 Hyperalgesia • Primary Hyperalgesia – due to injury (sensory receptor level) • Secondary Hyperalgesia – due to spreading of chemical mediators (CNS level-injury of Spinal Cord & Thalamus) 34 34 Referred Pain •Dermatomal Theory •Convergence Theory •Facilitation Theory 35 35 Referred PAIN (Convergence Theory-1) • Visceral pain fibers synapse on same secondary neurons as receive pain fibers from skin 36 Referred pain (Convergence Theory-2) 37 Acupuncture 38 39 Cerebral Cortex Three kinds of functional areas: Sensory areas – conscious awareness of sensation Motor areas – control voluntary movement Association areas – integrate diverse information, communicate “associate” with the motor cortex and sensory association areas to analyze input ناحیه حسی پیکری 1 منطبق با نواحی 1و 2و 3برودمن در خلف شیار مرکزی و در شکنج پس مرکزی موقعیت قسمتهای مختلف بدن در این ناحیه بسیاردقیق است 43 Sensory Homunculus Areas input 3b&1:information from receptors in the skin 3a&2:proprioceptive information from receptors in muscles and joints This information from the skin is further processed within area 1 and then combined with information from muscles and joints in area 2 A small discrete lesion in area 1 impairs tactile discrimination Whereas a small lesion in area 2 impairs the ability to recognize the size and shape of a grasped object. Inputs & outputs The cells in areas 3a and 3b project their axons to areas 1 and 2 Most thalamic fibers terminate in areas 3a and 3b Thalamic neurons send a small projection directly to Brodmann’s areas 1,2 Primary Somesthetic Area Thalmocortical connection (VPLc S I) Central region --- cutaneous (3b, 1) Peripheral region --- deep (3a, 2) Somatic sensory portions of the thalamus and their cortical targets in postcentral gyrus Connections within the somatosensory cortex establish functional hierarchies ضایعات S -1 اختالل در مکان یابی دقیق حس اختالل در درک میزان فشار اختالل در درک وزن اشیا اختالل در تشخیص قوام اشیا گرافستزیا و استرئوگونوزیا حس درد و حرارت معموال آسیب نمی بینند 54 Lesion of Somatosensory Area I The person is unable to localize discretely the different sensations in the different parts of the body. However, he or she can localize these sensations crudely It is clear that the brain stem, thalamus, or parts of the cerebral cortex not normally considered to be concerned with somatic sensations can perform some degree of localization The person is unable to judge critical degrees of pressure against the body. The person is unable to judge the weights of objects. The person is unable to judge shapes or forms of objects. This is called astereognosis The person is unable to judge texture of materials ناحیه حسی پیکری 2 در دیواره فوقانی شیار سیلویوس قرار دارد سیگنالهایی از ساقه مغز ،S1 ،نواحی بینایی و شنوایی وارد این ناحیه می شوند نمایش بخشهای مختلف بدن در S2همانند S1کامل نیست 56 secondary Somatosensory Cortex (SII) - SII is hidden in the upper bank of the lateral sulcus in the parietal operculum and responds bilaterally to nonpainful and painful somatosensory stimuli - Perform higher order functions including sensorimotor integration, integration of information from the two body halves, attention, learning and memory 57 Lesion of somatosensory area 2 o lesions in area 2 alter the ability to differentiate the size and shape of objects o Removal of SII causes severe impairment in the discrimination of both shape and texture and prevents to learning new tactile that based on shape مناطق ارتباطی حسی پیکری نواحی 5و 7برودمن هستند ورودی هایی از S1و قشر بینایی و قشر شنوایی و هسته قاعده ای شکمی تاالموس دریافت می کنند ترکیب و کشف رمز اطالعات رسیده به منطقه حسی پیکری را بر عهده دارد 59 اختالل در ناحیه ارتباطی حذف یک طرفه: از بین رفتن توانایی تشخیص اشیا و اشکال پیچیده در سمت مقابل بدن بی توجه شدن نسبت به نیمه مقابل بدن )(Neglect آمورفوسنتز )(AMORPHOSENTHESIS 60 Lesion of somatosensory association area Unilateral visual neglect Layers of Neocortex 63 I. Molecular Layer II. External Granular Layer III. External Pyramidal Layer IV. Internal Granular Layer V. Internal Pyramidal Layer Giant pyramidal cell of Betz VI. Golgi Weigert Nissl Polymorphic Layer 65 Input & output Input & output Motor Areas primary Motor Area (M I) Premotor Area (PM) Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) Frontal Eye Field Motor Cortices (1) The Primary Motor Cortex (Area 4) (2) the Premotor Area (Area 6) (3) the Supplementary Motor Area (Area 6) (4) Frontal Eye Field or Orbitofrontal Area (Area 8) 70 قشر حرکتی اولیه دراولین چین خوردگی لوب فرونتال در جلوی شیار مرکزی ناحیه 4برودمن با حداقل شدت تحریکات الکتریکی باعث ایجاد حرکت می شود دارای نقشه توپوگرافیک 71 Motor Homunculus سازماندهی سوماتوتوپیک قشر حرکتی اولیه آدمک حرکتی نامیده می شود نیمی از قشر اولیه به کنترل عضالت دست و تکلم اختصاص دارد استفاده یا عدم استفاده از یک قسمت بدن اندازه آن را در نقشه تحت تاثیر قرار می دهد 73 ناحیه حرکتی مکمل در قسمت قدامی قشر حرکتی و بر روی سطح میانی مغز(در داخل شیار طولی) درناحیه 6 برودمن 74 75