Gregor Mendel was a priest from the mid
19th century who conducted
experiments in his garden.
 Mendel is considered the
“Father of Genetics!”
While working in his garden, Mendel
wondered why different pea plants grew
tall, while others were short.
 Some had green seeds, others yellow.
 He called all these characteristics traits.
Mendel experimented with thousands of
pea plants to understand the process of
heredity – the passing down of traits
through generations.
 Genetics is the scientific study of
If you look at a flower, you can see that
the petals surround two structures.
 The first is the Pistil. It produces eggs, the
female sex cell of plants.
 The second is the stamen. Stamens
produce pollen – the male sex cell. It
contains sperm.
When the egg and pollen (sperm) cells
join, this is called fertilization.
 Pea plants are usually self-pollinating –
meaning they can pollinate themselves,
even when they are alone.
 Mendel developed a method to crosspollinate – meaning he moved the
pollen from one plant to the pistol of
another. This is called “cross pollination”
or “crossed” for short.
Mendel decided to cross plants that
looked completely different to see what
would happen.
 He started with purebred plants. Plants
that he saw that generation after
generation, produced plants that looked
identical to the parent plant.
 He called the Parent generation the “P
generation” for short.
In one experiment, Mendel crossed purebred tall plants with purebred short
 Scientists today call these parent plants
the parental generation (P generation).
 All of offspring were Tall!
The offspring generation are called “F
 The “F” stands for filial – the Latin word for
“daughter” and “son.”
 The first generation of offspring are noted
by a little number 1 after the letter “F”
 The second generation (from mating the
F1’s together) form the F2 generation
(and so forth).
When the plants in the F1
generation were full grown,
Mendel allowed them to selfpollinate.
 Surprisingly, the plants in the F2
generation were a mix of tall
and short plants!
 The shortness trait had
Mendel counted the tall and short
 About 3/4ths of the plants were tall, while
only 1/4th of the plants were short.
Mendel also crossed pea plants with
other contrasting traits.
 In all of Mendel’s crosses, only one form
of the trait appeared in the F1
 However, in the F2 generation, the “lost”
form of the trait always reappeared in
about 1/4th of the plants!
Mendel reached several conclusions on
the basis of his experimental results.
 He reasoned that individual factors, or
sets of genetic “information,” must
control the inheritance of traits from
 The factors must come in PAIRS!
 One from the male parent and one from
the female parent!
The last conclusion Mendel made was
that one factor in the pair can Mask or
Hide the other!
 In Mendel's experiments, Tallness in pea
plants masked the Short pea
Today, we use the word “Gene” instead
of “factor.”
 Alleles are the different forms of the
same Gene.
 Plant Height = Gene
› Tall plants = allele
› Short plants = allele
Each pea plant inherits two alleles from
its parents – one from the egg and one
from the sperm.
 A pea plant may inherit two alleles for
tall stems, two alleles for short stems, or
one of each.
An organism’s traits are controlled by the
alleles it inherits from its parents.
 Some alleles are Dominant, while other
alleles are recessive.
 A Dominant allele is one whose traits
ALWAYS shows up in the organism when
it is present!
 A recessive allele, on the other hand, is
hidden by a dominant trait. It only shows
up when it is ALONE!
In Mendel’s cross for stem height, the
purebred tall plants in the P generation
had two alleles for tall stems.
 The purebred short plants had two alleles
for short stems.
 The F1 plants each inherited an allele for
tall stems from the tall parent and an
allele for short stems from the short
When you have two genes that are
different (not purebred) then you are
called a Hybrid!
› Name another thing you think about when
you hear the word “Hybrid.” What does it
mean in your example?
Geneticists use letters to represent alleles.
 A Dominant allele is ALWAYS represented
with a capital letter!
› Tall plants = T
A recessive allele is ALWAYS represented by
a lowercase version of THE SAME LETTER OF
› Short plants = t
This way, you always know that the “T’s” go
When a plant inherits two Dominant
alleles for tall stems, its alleles are written
as TT.
 When a plant inherits two recessive
alleles for short stems, its alleles are
written as tt.
 When a plant inherits one allele for tall
stems and one allele for short stems, its
alleles are written as Tt.
Unfortunately, the importance of
Mendel’s discovery was not recognized
during his lifetime.
 Then, in 1900, three different scientists
rediscovered Mendel’s work.
 These scientists quickly recognized the
importance of Mendel’s ideas.
 Because of his work, Mendel is often
called the Father of Genetics.