Mendel & His Pea Plants


Mendelian Genetics

Mendel & His Pea Plants

Genetics – the study of heredity

Heredity – how traits are passed from parent to offspring

A man by the name of Gregor Mendel was curious as to how traits were passed from parent to child.

– He did his own mathematical experiments with pea plants .

– For all of his work, he is known as the “ Father of Genetics .”

Mendel & His Pea Plants

Mendel decided to use pea plants for the following reasons:

– The plants were small

– They were easy to grow

– They were inexpensive

– They produced a lot of offspring in a short time

Mendel & His Pea Plants

He also liked to use pea plants because they were easy to pollinate . A single plant had both male and female parts on the same flower.

– The stamen is the male part (holds sperm)

– The pistil is the female part (holds eggs)

Mendel studied 7 traits

Mendel’s Experiments

First, Mendel created a Parental (P) Generation of tall & short purebred plants.

– Purebreds will only produce offspring like themselves .

– Tall purebred plants only produce tall offspring.

– Short purebred plants only produce short offspring.

Mendel’s Experiments

Step 1 : Mendel crossed a purebred tall plant with a purebred short plant by cross pollination . This meant dusting the pollen of one flower onto the pistil of a different flower.

– All the offspring came out TALL !

– He called this generation the


1 generation.

– Mendel was thoroughly confused .

– Shortness had somehow disappeared !

Mendel’s Experiments

Step 2 : Mendel crossed two of the tall plants from the F

1 generation by self pollination . This meant dusting the pollen of one flower onto the pistil of the same flower.

– ¾ of the plants were Tall and ¼ were Short!

– He called this generation the


2 generation .

– Mendel was now thoroughly frustrated .

– Shortness had reappeared!

Let’s Recap


Step 1

Step 2



? = All Tall!

? =

¾ Tall & ¼ Short!



Mendel’s Conclusion

Mendel concluded that parents pass traits to their offspring via things called “factors”.

– We now know that the factors Mendel was talking about are called genes .

– Genes are pieces of your DNA .

– Genes control all your traits .

Mendel’s Conclusion

Mendel also concluded that there are different forms of the same gene.

– Different forms of a gene are called alleles

– Everyone has 2 alleles for a single gene

– One allele comes from mom , one from dad

Learning Terminology

Dominant allele

– The allele that always shows when present

– Represented by a

Capital letter


– What allele can we use to represent Tallness?


Recessive allele

– The allele that is masked by the dominant one

– Only shows up if the dominant allele is NOT present

– Represented by a Lower-case letter of the dominant trait


– What allele can we use to represent shortness?


Homozygous for a trait

– 2 of the same alleles for a gene

Heterozygous for a trait

– 2 different alleles for a gene

Learning Terminology


– What an organism looks like ; physical appearance


– What do the following organisms look like?

• TT =

• Tt =

• tt =





– The 2 alleles an organism possesses

– Think of it as the combination of letters


– What are the genotypes for the following:

• Tall =

TT or Tt

• Short = tt

Let’s Recap: Write the Genotypes



TT tt Tt Tt Tt Tt



Tt Tt TT Tt Tt tt
