第二章 植物病原真菌 Plant disease fungi are fungi? Fungi: Fungi are eukaryotic organism, hetertrophic in nutrition. Their structures are simple. They can produce asexual and sexual spore. 真菌的概念:What Nutrition—heterotrophic and absorptive; investion of food rare. Thallus—unicellular, filamentous (mycelial) or occasionally plasmodial (naked mass of protoplasm). Cell wall—made up of chitin (cellulose only in class Oomycetes). Nucleus—eukaryotic, characteristically small, near the limit of resolution of light microscope. Life cycle—simple to complex. Sexuality—asexual and sexual. Usually produce spores. 第一节 真菌的一般性状和分类 一、真菌的营养体.Nutrition body: 1、菌丝体Thallus; The thallus may be unicellular on filamentous (mycelium). Fungi are characterized by their hyphae (sing. Hypha)—the long tubular, much branched structures, which collectively are called mycelium. 无隔菌丝和有隔菌丝 Coenocytic hypha ( unseptate hypha) and septate hypha The hyphae may be unseptate or septate. The unseptate hyphae have nuclei scattered in the cytoplasm, this condition is known as coenocytic condition Septa are of tow types: primary and adventitious 2、原生质体Plasmodium e.g. Plasmodiophora brassicae There are no cell wall in nutrition type of Plasmodiophora brassicae 菌丝体的变态和菌组织 Special structure and tissue (1) 吸器Haustorium (2) 附着胞Appressorium (3) 假根Rhizoid (Pseudoroot) (4) 拟薄壁细胞Pseudoparenchyma (5) 疏丝组织Prosenchyma (6)菌核 Sclerotium (7)子座 Stroma (8) 菌索Rhizomoph 真菌菌丝体图 二、真菌的无性繁殖 Non-sexual reproduction ( vegetative and asexual reproduction ) 1、无性繁殖方式: (1) 断裂和裂殖 Fragmentation : A small bit of the broken hypha establishes a new colony. and Fission : This occurs in fission-yeasts only. It is characteristic of bacteria. The cell divdes in transverse plane into two cells (2) 芽 殖Budding.:A small soft portion of the cell wall bulges out like a weak zone of the cycle tube, and a daughter nucleus migrates into it. (3) 原生质割裂 (4) 其它: 2、无性孢子 (类型图) (1)游动孢子 zoospores : Spores formed internally, inside a sac-like structure called sporangia ,The flagellate spores are called zoospores 。 (2)孢囊孢子aplanospores. Spores formed internally, inside a sac-like structure called sporangia ,he non-flagellate spores are called aplanospores. (3)分生孢子Conidia: are borne on conidiophores, which too may be characteristically branched and useful in taxonomy. (4)厚垣孢子Chlamydospores. These are thick-walled, resistant spores which are formed to tide over the adverse environment. These are formed by formation of thick walls around cells. Chlamydospores are not detached from the hyphae. When rest of the hyphae die, these remain viable. 分生孢子的类型图 三、真菌的有性繁殖 Sexual Reproduction: 1、有性生殖过程和方式: 过程: 质配N+N—核配2N—减数分裂N 方式: 游动孢子配合: 异型配子囊接触交配: 同型配子囊配合: 受精丝作用 体细胞结合 2、真菌有性生殖产生的孢子(类型) (1)休 眠 孢 子 囊 Resting sporangium: Fusion between gametes or Planoganetic copulation. Gametes are naked sex cells, which copulate to form a zygote. (2)卵孢子Oospore:The zygote formed by the fusion between morphologically distinct gametangia is called a oospore (3)接合孢子:Zygospore: Gametangial copulation,fusion between two similar gametangia results in a zygote which is called zygospore. (4)子囊孢子Ascospore: (5)担孢子Basidiospore This occours in Asco-- and Basidiomycotina. Spermatia which are minute, male gametes, are formed like conidia on spermatiophores. The spermatium, when comes in contact with the female gametangium through wind, insects, water sugary exudates etc., releases the male nucleus into the female gametangium through a pore. In some higher Ascomycotina and Basidiomycotina, sex organs are not formed. The somatic cells, as such, act as gametangia. Thus somatogamy may occur between cells of different thalli. 四、真菌的准性生殖 Parasexual reproduction 形成异核,体形成杂合二倍体, 有丝分裂交换与单倍体化 对没有有性生殖的真菌意义很大 Parasexual reproduction: Some of the species which exist only as conidial stages and do not from sex organs. Hyphae of different strains by anastomosis give rise to hyphae containing nuclei of different kinds. Such hyphea are called heterokaryotic and the process heterokaryosis. These hyphae derive the benefit of both nuclei occurs in the heterokaryotic hyphae. The diploid nucleus is usually incorporated in conidia, which on germination, give rise to diploid thalli.Occasionally during mitotic divisions ,a peculiar phenomenon- the ‘mitotic crossing over’ occurs which brings about new genetic recombinations,. This is the most important phase of parasexual cycle. 五、真菌分类 1、分类系统 五界系统:(图) 原核生物界、原生生物界、植物界、 菌物界、动物界 八界系统: 真菌界、动物界、胆藻界、绿色植物界、 眼虫动物界、 生动物界、藻物界、 原核生物界 2、Ainsworth的真菌分类系统 菌物界:分为 粘菌门、真菌门 其中真菌门又分为: 鞭毛菌亚门、接合菌亚门、 子囊菌亚门、担子菌亚门、 半知菌亚门 3、几个概念 亚种和变种 var 专化型 f.sp. 生理小种 营养体亲和型