Ch 15 & 16 Evolution Review

Evolution Review
1. Shells, bones, insects trapped in
sap, or traces of dead organisms
are examples of?
Homologus structures
Vestigial structures
1. Shells, bones, insects trapped in
sap, or traces of dead organisms
are examples of?
Homologus structures
Vestigial structures
2. Fossils may form when….?
A) an animal is buried in mud, tar pits, on
the ocean floor, or in swamps
B) an animal is buried by sediment
C) an animal dies and decomposes
D) A and B
2. Fossils may form when….?
A) an animal is buried in mud, tar pits, on
the ocean floor, or in swamps
B) an animal is buried by sediment
C) an animal dies and decomposes
D) A and B
3. Darwin made observations of
organisms on…?
Hawaiian islands
Galapagos Islands
Caribbean Islands
British Isles
3. Darwin made observations of
organisms on…?
Hawaiian islands
Galapagos Islands
Caribbean Islands
British Isles
4. Darwin observed differences in
beak shapes in species of finches.
He concluded that these species
probably had
A) a common ancestor
B) had migrated from Europe
C) had descended from similar birds in
D) ate the same diet
4. Darwin observed differences in
beak shapes in species of finches.
He concluded that these species
probably had
A) a common ancestor
B) had migrated from Europe
C) had descended from similar birds in
D) ate the same diet
5. Adaptation
A) is the process by which a population becomes
better suited to its environment
B) is a measure of an individual’s hereditary
contribution to the next generation
C) results from barriers to successful breeding
between population groups in the same area
D) is a short term process in which physiological
changes take place in a single being in its own
5. Adaptation
A) is the process by which a population becomes
better suited to its environment
B) is a measure of an individual’s hereditary
contribution to the next generation
C) results from barriers to successful breeding
between population groups in the same area
D) is a short term process in which physiological
changes take place in a single being in its own
6.Darwin proposed that evolution
A) during half-life periods of 5,715 years
B) because of natural selection
C) because of geological change
D) only through artificial selection
6.Darwin proposed that evolution
A) during half-life periods of 5,715 years
B) because of natural selection
C) because of geological change
D) only through artificial selection
7. A main idea in Darwin’s origin of
species was
A) species change drastically and quickly
B) species change over time and never
compete with each other
C) species may change in small ways but
cannot give rise to new species
D) species change over time by natural
7. A main idea in Darwin’s origin of
species was
A) species change drastically and quickly
B) species change over time and never
compete with each other
C) species may change in small ways but
cannot give rise to new species
D) species change over time by natural
8. The process by which organisms
with traits well suited to the
environment survive and reproduce
more successfully than organisms less
suited to the environment is ?
A) adaptation
B) natural selection
C) genetic drift
D) reproductive isolation
8. The process by which organisms
with traits well suited to the
environment survive and reproduce
more successfully than organisms less
suited to the environment is ?
A) adaptation
B) natural selection
C) genetic drift
D) reproductive isolation
9. For natural selection to occur
there must be ?
A) Competition for unlimited resources
B) Geographical isolation
C) Genetic variation in species
D) Stable environments
9. For natural selection to occur
there must be ?
A) Competition for unlimited resources
B) Geographical isolation
C) Genetic variation in species
D) Stable environments
10. Increased competition is a
likely result of ?
A) plentiful resources and a small population
B) variation within a population
C) scarcity of resources and a growing
D) Gene flow
10. Increased competition is a
likely result of ?
A) plentiful resources and a small population
B) variation within a population
C) scarcity of resources and a growing
D) Gene flow
11. Because natural resources are
limited, all organisms
A) display homologous structures
B) must migrate to new habitats
C) will overproduce offspring
D) must compete for resources
11. Because natural resources are
limited, all organisms
A) display homologous structures
B) must migrate to new habitats
C) will overproduce offspring
D) must compete for resources
12. Insufficient resources and a
growing population is likely to result
in _______ ?
A) increased genetic variation
B) Increased competition
C) genetic equilibrium
D) convergent evolution
12. Insufficient resources and a
growing population is likely to result
in _______ ?
A) increased genetic variation
B) increased competition
C) genetic equilibrium
D) convergent evolution
Diagram for questions #13, #14,
13. If you were to analyze the DNA
from these organisms you would
A) they all have the same number of
B) they all have the same number of bones
C) they have identical DNA
D) their nucleotide sequences show many
13. If you were to analyze the DNA
from these organisms you would
A) they all have the same number of
B) they all have the same number of bones
C) they have identical DNA
D) their nucleotide sequences show many
14. The similarity of these
structures is one form of evidence
that these organisms
all grow at different rates
are of the same species
evolved instantly
share a common ancestor
14. The similarity of these
structures is one form of evidence
that these organisms
all grow at different rates
are of the same species
evolved instantly
share a common ancestor
15. Look at the bones labeled “x” in
the above diagram. They are
known as?
A) fossil structures
B) vestigial structures
C) homologous structures
D) adaptive structures
15. Look at the bones labeled “x” in
the above diagram. They are
known as?
A) fossil structures
B) vestigial structures
C) homologous structures
D) adaptive structures
16. Structures in organisms that
provide evidence that organisms
shared a common ancestor
A) homologous structures
B) hybrid structures
C) vestigial structures
D) A and C
16. Structures in organisms that
provide evidence that organisms
shared a common ancestor
A) homologous structures
B) hybrid structures
C) vestigial structures
D) A and C
17. Vestigial structures are
A) anatomical structures that appear to be
derived from a functional structure in an
ancestor, but that currently do not serve an
important function
B) are a result of harmful mutations
C) structures that have closely related functions
but do not derive from the same ancestral
D) the remains of traces of an organisms that died
long ago
17. Vestigial structures are
A) anatomical structures that appear to be
derived from a functional structure in an
ancestor, but that currently do not serve an
important function
B) are a result of harmful mutations
C) structures that have closely related functions
but do not derive from the same ancestral
D) the remains of traces of an organisms that died
long ago
18. The beak of a bird and the beak of
a giant squid evolved independently
and serve the same function. The
beaks are ?
A) vestigial structures
B) hybrid structures
C) divergent structures
D) analogous structures
18. The beak of a bird and the beak of
a giant squid evolved independently
and serve the same function. The
beaks are ?
A) vestigial structures
B) hybrid structures
C) divergent structures
D) analogous structures
19. If a scientist observes that the
same blood protein is present in a
group of species, he/she will assume
that this provides evidence that these
A) evolved in different habitats
B) descended from a different ancestor
C) evolved in the same habitat
D) descended from a common ancestor
19. If a scientist observes that the
same blood protein is present in a
group of species, he/she will assume
that this provides evidence that these
A) evolved in different habitats
B) descended from a different ancestor
C) evolved in the same habitat
D) descended from a common ancestor
20. Research results concerning
modern evolutionary theory support
the idea(s) that
A) similarities in DNA will be found in closely
related species
B) similarities in amino acid sequences will
be found in closely related species
C) if species change over time, their genes
should have changed
D) all of the above
20. Research results concerning
modern evolutionary theory support
the idea(s) that
A) similarities in DNA will be found in closely
related species
B) similarities in amino acid sequences will
be found in closely related species
C) if species change over time, their genes
should have changed
D) all of the above
Data for question #21
Organism Number of cytochrome c amino acids
that differ from human cytochrome c amino acids
Rhesus monkeys
21. Which is of the following
statements is not supported from the
above data table?
A) rhesus monkeys are more closely related
to humans than chickens
B) dogs are more closely related to humans
than yeasts are
C) all of the proteins produces by humans
and chimpanzees are identical
D) the cytochrome c of chimpanzees differs
from that of the rhesus monkey by only
one amino acid
21. Which is of the following
statements is not supported from the
above data table?
A) rhesus monkeys are more closely related
to humans than chickens
B) dogs are more closely related to humans
than yeasts are
C) all of the proteins produces by humans
and chimpanzees are identical
D) the cytochrome c of chimpanzees differs
from that of the rhesus monkey by only
one amino acid
22. Divergent Evolution is (pg. 309)
A) the accumulation of differences between
populations that once formed a single
B) a measure of an individual’ hereditary
contribution to the next generation
C) when 2 or more species have evolved
adaptations to each others influence
D) the process by which different species
evolve similar traits
22. Divergent Evolution is (pg. 309)
A) the accumulation of differences between
populations that once formed a single
B) a measure of an individual’ hereditary
contribution to the next generation
C) when 2 or more species have evolved
adaptations to each others influence
D) the process by which different species
evolve similar traits
23. A main idea in Darwin’s origin of
species was
A) species change drastically and quickly
B) species change over time and never
compete with each other
C) species may change in small ways but
cannot give rise to new species
D) species change over time by natural
23. A main idea in Darwin’s origin of
species was
A) species change drastically and quickly
B) species change over time and never
compete with each other
C) species may change in small ways but
cannot give rise to new species
D) species change over time by natural
24. ________is the process by
which different species evolve
similar traits
A) convergent evolution
B) divergent evolution
C) coevolution
D) artificial selection
24. ________is the process by
which different species evolve
similar traits
A) convergent evolution
B) divergent evolution
C) coevolution
D) artificial selection
25. Coevolution
A) the idea that speciation occurs at a
regular gradual rate
B) the phenomenon by which allele
frequencies in a population change as a
result of random events, or chance
C) The process of species formation
D) the process in which 2 or more species
become more adapted over time to each
other’s presence
25. Coevolution
A) the idea that speciation occurs at a
regular gradual rate
B) the phenomenon by which allele
frequencies in a population change as a
result of random events, or chance
C) The process of species formation
D) the process in which 2 or more species
become more adapted over time to each
other’s presence
26. Over millions of years, some
microbes have evolved to live within
certain animals, while these animals
have adapted to either benefit from or
avoid microbes. Bacteria and animals
A) coevolved
B) become parasites
C) crossbred
D) become competitive
26. Over millions of years, some
microbes have evolved to live within
certain animals, while these animals
have adapted to either benefit from or
avoid microbes. Bacteria and animals
A) coevolved
B) become parasites
C) crossbred
D) become competitive
Image for question #27
27. The similarity between sharks
and dolphins is an example of
A) adaptations
B) convergent evolution
C) divergent evolution
D) coevolution
27. The similarity between sharks
and dolphins is an example of
A) adaptations
B) convergent evolution
C) divergent evolution
D) coevolution
28. Variation in genotype is caused
A) phenotypes changing more quickly than
B) recombination of genes as a result of
sexual reproduction
C) mutations
D) Both B & C
28. Variation in genotype is caused
A) phenotypes changing more quickly than
B) recombination of genes as a result of
sexual reproduction
C) mutations
D) Both B & C
29. Which one of the following
is a population
A) squirrel and gophers, living in Corona, CA
B) magnolia trees in Whittier, CA
C) petunias and sunflowers in a park
D) 5 species of fish living in a pond
29. Which one of the following
is a population
A) squirrel and gophers, living in Corona, CA
B) magnolia trees in Whittier, CA
C) petunias and sunflowers in a park
D) 5 species of fish living in a pond
30. The # of individuals with a
particular phenotype divided by the
total # in individuals in the population
A) Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium
B) genotype frequency
C) Phenotype frequency
D) Allele frequency
30. The # of individuals with a
particular phenotype divided by the
total # in individuals in the population
A) Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium
B) genotype frequency
C) Phenotype frequency
D) Allele frequency
31. recessive allele frequency:
dominant allele frequency::
A) 1.0
B) 0.03
31. recessive allele frequency:
dominant allele frequency::
A) 1.0
B) 0.03
32. For Hardy Weinberg genetic
equilibrium to occur which of the
following conditions is necessary?
A) Infinitely large population
B) No individuals enter or leave population
C) No mutations occur
D) All of the above are required
32. For Hardy Weinberg genetic
equilibrium to occur which of the
following conditions is necessary?
A) Infinitely large population
B) No individuals enter or leave population
C) No mutations occur
D) All of the above are required
33. Actual proportions of
homozygotes and heterozygotes
differ from what Hardy-Weinberg
predicts because of
A) Genetic drift within the population
B) The occurrence of mutations
C) Nonrandom mating among individuals
D) All of above
33. Actual proportions of
homozygotes and heterozygotes
differ from what Hardy-Weinberg
predicts because of
A) Genetic drift within the population
B) The occurrence of mutations
C) Nonrandom mating among individuals
D) All of above
34. Natural selection acts
A) on phenotypes that are expressed
B) on all mutations
C) only on dominant alleles
D) on homozygous genotypes
34. Natural selection acts
A) on phenotypes that are expressed
B) on all mutations
C) only on dominant alleles
D) on homozygous genotypes
35. ______ causes evolution to
take place?
A) migration
B) nonrandom mating
C) genetic drift
D) all of the above
35. ______ causes evolution to
take place?
A) migration
B) nonrandom mating
C) genetic drift
D) all of the above
36. ______ is the movement of
alleles into or out of a population
due to migration
A) mutation
B) nonrandom mating
C) natural selection
D) gene flow
36. ______ is the movement of
alleles into or out of a population
due to migration
A) mutation
B) nonrandom mating
C) natural selection
D) gene flow
37. Which of the following is most
susceptible to loss of genetic
variability as a result of genetic
A) small populations
B) populations that fluctuate in size
C) medium sized populations
D) large populations
37. Which of the following is most
susceptible to loss of genetic
variability as a result of genetic
A) small populations
B) populations that fluctuate in size
C) medium sized populations
D) large populations
38. Gene flow is
A) movement of genes form one generation
to the next
B) movement of genes within a population
because of interbreeding
C) movement of genes from one population
to another
D) exchange of genes during genetic
38. Gene flow is
A) movement of genes form one generation
to the next
B) movement of genes within a population
because of interbreeding
C) movement of genes from one population
to another
D) exchange of genes during genetic
39. Directional selection
A) occurs when individuals with the average
trait form of a trait have the highest fitness
B) is a change in frequency of a particular
gene in one direction in a population
C) is when individuals at both extremes in a
range of phenotypes have higher fitness
D) Favors intermediate phenotypes
39. Directional selection
A) occurs when individuals with the average
trait form of a trait have the highest fitness
B) is a change in frequency of a particular
gene in one direction in a population
C) is when individuals at both extremes in a
range of phenotypes have higher fitness
D) Favors intermediate phenotypes
40. The type of selection that may
eliminate intermediate phenotypes?
A) Stabilizing Selection
B) Coevolution
C) Polygenic selection
D) Disruptive selection
40. The type of selection that may
eliminate intermediate phenotypes?
A) Stabilizing Selection
B) Coevolution
C) Polygenic selection
D) Disruptive selection
41. One extreme in a range of
phenotypes tends to be eliminated
by ?
A) Directional selection
B) Stabilizing selection
C) Convergent evolution
D) Chromosome drift
41. One extreme in a range of
phenotypes tends to be eliminated
by ?
A) Directional selection
B) Stabilizing selection
C) Convergent evolution
D) Chromosome drift
42. Geographic isolation can cause
speciation because
A) populations that live in diff. environment
may be exposed to different selection
B) members of a species can no longer find
C) the biological concept of species defines
individuals that do not interbreed as
members of diff. species
D) all of the above
42. Geographic isolation can cause
speciation because
A) populations that live in diff. environment
may be exposed to different selection
B) members of a species can no longer find
C) the biological concept of species defines
individuals that do not interbreed as
members of diff. species
D) all of the above
43. _____ is the hypothesis that
evolution occurs at a slow
constant rate.
A) slow motion
B) natural selection
C) gradualism
D) punctuated equilibrium
43. _____ is the hypothesis that
evolution occurs at a slow
constant rate.
A) slow motion
B) natural selection
C) gradualism
D) punctuated equilibrium
44. Geographic isolation is different from
reproductive isolation in that
geographic isolation never leads to speciation,
whereas reproductive isolation sometimes does
B) reproductive isolation only occurs after fertilization,
whereas geographic occurs before fertilization
C) members of 2 species in which reproductive isolation
occurs never try to interbreed, whereas geographically
isolated ones do
D) members of the same species are not physically
separated in reproductive isolation, whereas they are
in geographic isolation
44. Geographic isolation is different from
reproductive isolation in that
geographic isolation never leads to speciation,
whereas reproductive isolation sometimes does
B) reproductive isolation only occurs after fertilization,
whereas geographic occurs before fertilization
C) members of 2 species in which reproductive isolation
occurs never try to interbreed, whereas geographically
isolated ones do
D) members of the same species are not physically
separated in reproductive isolation, whereas they are
in geographic isolation
45. _________ is the hypothesis
that evolution occurs at an irregular
rate throughout geologic time
A) punctuated equilibrium
B) punctuated evolution
C) directional evolution
D) gradualism
45. _________ is the hypothesis
that evolution occurs at an irregular
rate throughout geologic time
A) punctuated equilibrium
B) punctuated evolution
C) directional evolution
D) gradualism