Chapter 5—Key concepts • The “modern synthesis” or “Neo-Darwinism” emerged in the 1930’s and 1940’s when population genetics was linked with natural selection as the primary mechanism of evolutionary change. Extreme NeoDarwinists believe that all evolution is “microevolution” (i.e., gradual changes, added up over hundreds of generations, to produce new anatomical features, new species, and new fundamental body plans). • Beginning in the 1970’s, the concept of “macroevolution” has challenged extreme Neo-Darwinism. According to macroevolution, large-scale evolutionary changes do not occur as a result of gradual, stepwise processes, but more abruptly. Macroevolution is supported by the discovery of regulatory genes. • A slightly different meaning of “macroevolution” involves phylogenetic evolutionary trends: i.e., trends above the species level. Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 1 Chapter 5—Key terms • Neo-Darwinism (= modern evolutionary synthesis) • Microevolution (phyletic evolution) • Macroevolution (phylogenetic evolution) • Structural genes • Regulatory genes Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 2 Microevolution vs. Macroevolution • These terms mean different things to different people • Textbook author considers microevolution to mean gradual, generation upon generation change; and macroevolution to mean abrupt, saltational change potentially resulting in new anatomical features, new species, even new body plans Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 3 Conventional meaning of microevolution and macroevolution Macroevolution = phylogenetic evolution (branching; evolution above the species level) Microevolution = phyletic evolution (evolution at the population/species level) Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 4 Darwinian evolution • Evolution = descent with modification – In natural populations, more offspring are produced than can be sustained in the environment – There is variation among individuals (because of mutations and genetic recombination during sexual reproduction) – Natural selection results in the differential survival of variants – Variation is heritable: therefore, advantageous traits are likely to be passed on from generation to generation Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 5 Neo-Darwinism • Population genetics = use of mathematical models to determine how mutation and natural selection can cause changes in gene frequencies in populations • When population genetics was coupled with Darwinian selection, the so-called modern evolutionary synthesis emerged. Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 6 Neo-Darwinism • A tenet of Neo-Darwinism is the belief that all evolutionary changes can be attributed to repeated rounds of microevolution – Microevolution = small scale changes that occur in a few generations in response to natural selection – Phyletic evolution = Gradual changes, added up over hundreds of generations, can produce new anatomical features, new species, new body plans Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 7 Exceptional evidence for Darwinian evolution in the deep-sea fossil record Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 8 images courtesy of Ocean Drilling Program images courtesy of Ocean Drilling Program Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 9 planktonic foraminifera Turborotalia Ch-Width Ch-Height Baselength Ap-W Ap-H a Diam. Um-angle c b Radius image courtesy of Paul Pearson, Cardiff University Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 Axis 10 Diameter (m) 350 400 450 500 550 34 P16 36 P15 Age (Ma) 38 P14 40 P13 42 P12 44 52 successive populations spanning ~12 million years (~0.25 m.y. increments) P11 46 Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 11 image courtesy of Paul Pearson, Cardiff University evolutionary trend 80% Diameter (m) 100% 350 34 400 450 500 44 P14 P13 42 P12 44 Aperture aspect ratio 0.50 0.55 0.60 34 0.65 0.7 P13 42 P12 3.0 P15 P15 P13 42 P12 44 Age (Ma) P14 40 P14 P13 42 P12 44 P11 P13 42 P12 P13 42 P12 P11 46 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.60 Coiling axis / diameter 0.62 0.55 34 P13 42 P12 44 0.65 0.70 0.75 P16 P15 P15 38 P14 40 P13 42 P12 44 P11 P14 40 P13 42 P12 44 P11 46 images courtesy of Paul Pearson, Ch. Cardiff Fossils & Evolution, 5 University 0.80 36 38 P14 0.60 34 P16 36 40 46 P14 40 44 P15 P11 46 P14 0.48 38 40 34 P15 Aspect ratio of final chamber 5.5 36 38 32 38 P16 36 38 5.0 30 P11 34 P16 36 4.5 28 36 46 4.0 26 P16 44 3.5 24 34 40 Chambers in final whorl 0.75 34 P16 Age (Ma) P14 40 Baselength / diameter 0.60 22 P15 46 Age (Ma) 0.45 0.88 P11 46 0.40 Umbilical angle (degrees) 0.86 38 P11 46 0.84 36 44 P11 0.82 P16 38 40 0.80 P15 Age (Ma) Age (Ma) Age (Ma) P12 0.78 36 38 42 Roundness 0.45 34 P15 38 P13 0.425 P16 36 P14 0.40 34 P15 40 0.375 P16 36 46 0.35 34 P16 0.35 Posterior radius / diameter 550 Age (Ma) 60% Age (Ma) 40% Age (Ma) 20% Age (Ma) Dextral coiling (%) 0% P11 46 12 T. cerroazulensis T. pomeroli Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 ©Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research 13 T. frontosa Neutralism • An initial challenge to “extreme Neo-Darwinism” occurred when it was discovered that many genes are not expressed – If so, then how can natural selection act upon them? • Much of the genetic code is “junk” – Amino acids are coded for by groups of three nucleotides (4 possible in each of three positions) – 64 possible combinations – Yet, only 20 amino acids! – Third position in codon is largely redundant Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 14 DNA double helix nucleotide bases: A = adenine C = cytosine G = guanine U = uracil sugar phosphate Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 15 Third base in codon is largely redundant Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 16 Macroevolution • Macroevolution has emerged as a model for explaining the origin of major adaptive features – Not just repeated rounds of microevolution • Example: hinged upper jawbone in bolyerine snakes (related to boas) – Hinge must have evolved abruptly as a novel feature, not gradually from an unhinged ancestral condition Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 17 Boa constrictor (solid upper jaw) Bolyerine snake (hinged upper jaw) Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 18 Macroevolution • Macroevolutionary changes are supported by the discovery of regulatory genes – Structural genes code for individual proteins and structures – Regulatory genes are like “switches” that turn on or off the expression of other genes • Small mutation in a regulatory gene can radically alter or silence the expression of a string of structural genes that it controls Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 19 Horses still possess structural genes of their three-toed ancestors. When regulatory genes fail to suppress these structural genes, a three-toed horse develops Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 20 Macroevolution • Homeotic genes are special regulatory genes. Mutations to homeotic genes can cause abrupt transformations: – Antennipedia in flies (appendage grows on head instead of antenna) Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 21 Macroevolution • Hox complex of homeotic genes controls basic segmentation of body in arthropods and vertebrates – mutations to Hox genes can cause “stretched DC8”-type transformations) Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 22 Stretched DC8 Natalie Gulbis Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 23 Macroevolution (= phylogenetic evolution) Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 24 Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 25 Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5 26 Trend toward size increase in A, B, C Trend toward size decrease in D–F 27 Fossils & Evolution, Ch. 5