What toxicants can teach us about metabolic organisation … Tjalling Jager Dept. Theoretical Biology Contents “There’s something rotten in the field of ecotoxicology” … Toxic effects in a DEB context ‘DEBtox’: an incomplete history and recent developments Challenges for further research Talking about toxicants … Ecotoxicology: Study of effects of chemicals on organisms In practice … • • • • exclude humans, mice, rats, rabbits, etc. exclude other mammals and birds all levels of organisation (molecule to ecosystem) stronger link to risk assessment than to science What is “rotten” in ecotoxicology? • basic tool: the standard toxicity test Reproduction test Reproduction test Reproduction test Reproduction test wait for 21 days … Range of Concentrations total offspring Dose-response plot EC50 log concentration What use is an EC50? The EC50 … • • • • changes in time and differs between endpoints time patterns are chemical-dependent depends on test conditions (e.g., pH, temp, food) depends on definition of response (e.g., total offspring or reproduction rate) And therefore … • tests are highly standardised by OECD, ISO, ASTM EC50 “Something rotten …” Ecotoxicologists are asking the wrong question Which concentration leads to 50% effect under highly standardised test conditions? Species: Daphnia magna Age: less than 24 hours Duration: 21 days Endpoint: total # offspring Temp.: 18-22 °C Food: 0.1-0.2 mg C/ind./day OECD (1998) toxic effects “Something rotten …” Ecotoxicologists are asking the wrong question Which concentration leads to 50% effect under highly standardised test conditions? Better questions What is the process by which a toxicant affects an organism’s life history? How can we use test data to predict population response under field-relevant conditions? Look closer at individual Look closer at individual Look closer at individual Look closer at individual Natural role for DEB Toxic effects have energetic consequences Understanding effects on reproduction requires understanding how food is turned into offspring (start of DEB theory 30 years ago!) Natural role for DEB Toxic effects have energetic consequences Understanding effects on reproduction requires understanding how food is turned into offspring (start of DEB theory 30 years ago!) Assumptions for toxicant effects 1. Effects are caused by internal concentrations 2. Internal concentrations affect DEB parameter(s) DEBtox concept external concentration (in time) toxicokinetics internal concentration in time DEB parameters in time DEB model effects in time Potential targets food faeces assimilation reserves somatic maintenance maturity maintenance structure 1- maturity offspring body length cumulative offspring Potential targets time Jager et al. (2004) TPT time Potential targets food faeces assimilation reserves somatic maintenance maturity maintenance structure 1- maturity offspring Potential targets food faeces assimilation reserves somatic maintenance maturity maintenance structure 1- maturity offspring body length cumulative offspring Potential targets time Alda Álvarez et al. (2006) Pentachlorobenzene time Potential targets food faeces assimilation reserves somatic maintenance maturity maintenance structure 1- maturity offspring Potential targets body length cumulative offspring Chlorpyrifos time Jager et al. (2007) time DEBtox concept external concentration (in time) Affected DEB parameter has specific consequences for life cycle toxicokinetics time-varying concentrations internal concentration in time DEB parameters in time temperature Extrapolation! food limitation DEB model effects in time A brief history of ‘DEBtox’ egg Corresponds with origin of DEB in 1979 A brief history of ‘DEBtox’ egg The 80’s … Kooijman (1981) • toxicokinetics determines survival pattern Kooijman & Metz (1984) • toxicants affect energy budgets and thereby population response A brief history of ‘DEBtox’ egg The early 90’s … Parallel to OECD trajectory • review test guidelines with respect to statistical analysis • 1996: “analyse time course of effects” and “study mechanistic models” A brief history of ‘DEBtox’ Birth in 1996 … Windows software and booklet (Kooijman & Bedaux, 1996) Series of papers • Bedaux & Kooijman (1994) • Kooijman & Bedaux (1996) • Kooijman et al (1996) A brief history of ‘DEBtox’ And 10 years later … ISO/OECD (2006) • DEBtox next to methods for NOEC and EC50 ECB workshop (2007) • presenting DEBtox to EU risk assessors A brief history of ‘DEBtox’ The 2000’s … Péry et al (2002, 2003) • modifications for midges Ducrot et al (2004, 2007) • midges and snails Lopes et al (2005) • link to matrix models Billoir et al (2007, 2008) • matrix models, Bayes, new derivation division A brief history of ‘DEBtox’ In our group … Jager et al (2004), Alda Álvarez et al (2005, 2006) • multiple endpoints and ageing • population (Euler-Lotka) Baas et al (2007, 2009) • mixtures: lethal effects • (sub-lethal subm.) division A brief history of ‘DEBtox’ Embryo division … Klok & De Roos (1996), Klok et al (1997, 2007) • earthworm matrix model, Bayesian approach A brief history of ‘DEBtox’ The near future … ‘DEB 3’ Limits of ‘DEBtox’ To work with standard test data … ‘DEBtox’ applied a simplified DEB model • constant reserve density • constant length at puberty • constant cost for an egg Constant reserve density … food faeces assimilation reserves somatic maintenance maturity maintenance structure 1- maturity offspring Constant length at puberty … food faeces assimilation reserves somatic maintenance maturity maintenance structure 1- maturity offspring Constant egg costs … food faeces assimilation reserves somatic maintenance maturity maintenance structure 1- maturity offspring ‘DEB 3’ Explicit calculation of maturation • maturity level → hatching and onset reproduction • → maturity maintenance Explicit calculation of egg costs • may change under (toxic) stress Disadvantages • data requirements • computation more complex • parameter interpretation Kooijman et al (2008) Toxicants and DEB 3 Example: • Nematode Acrobeloides nanus • Data from Alda Álvarez et al (2006) Pentachlorobenzene 65 200 cumulative offspring per female 60 55 body length 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 5 10 15 time 20 25 30 0 0 mode of action: decrease of ingestion rate allows estimation of all basic parameters somatic maint. coeff. = maturity maint. coeff. 5 10 time 15 20 Cadmium 180 cumulative offspring per female 65 60 55 body length 50 45 40 35 30 25 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 20 15 160 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 time MoA: increase costs for structure decrease maturity maintenance? . 0 0 5 10 time 15 20 Cadmium 180 cumulative offspring per female 65 60 55 body length 50 45 40 35 30 25 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 20 15 160 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 time MoA: increase costs for structure decrease maturity maintenance? increase ageing? 0 0 5 10 time 15 20 Cadmium 180 cumulative offspring per female 65 60 55 body length 50 45 40 35 30 25 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 20 15 160 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 time MoA: increase costs for structure decrease maturity maintenance? increase ageing? 0 0 5 10 time 15 20 Lessons and questions Using ‘DEB 3’ allows more flexibility • any parameter can be affected by toxicant • fully consistent consequences of effects • but … user-friendliness is decreased Pentachlorobenzene: • effect through ingestion • basic parameters can be estimated Lessons and questions Cadmium: • effect on costs for structure • and … effect on maturity maintenance and ageing? maturity maintenance linked to structural costs? maturity maintenance trading off with ageing? Lessons and questions Cadmium: • effect on costs for structure • and … effect on maturity maintenance and ageing? maturity maintenance linked to structural costs? maturity maintenance trading off with ageing? How to address these questions: • other endpoints, e.g., length at birth (30% reduction) • other chemicals/species with this mode of action Where do we go? DEB 3 allows to address new questions Avenues for further research Challenges opened up by ‘DEB 3’ Interaction toxicants and egg development • egg costs determine reproduction rates • hatching time and size are essential for population Consistent analysis when puberty length is affected • e.g., cadmium in some nematodes • compounds that affect kappa … Natural ‘toxicants’ Suspected kappa effects: Trematodes in snails • Gorbushin and Levakin (1999) Microsporidian in Daphnia • Chadwick and Little (2005) Fish infochemicals on Daphnia • Stibor (1992) Natural ‘toxicants’ Man-made endocrine disruptors? Daphnia and ibuprofen? • Heckmann et al (2007) Nematodes and nonyl-phenol? • Höss et al (2002) Avenues for further research Challenges opened up by ‘DEB 3’ Nature of maturation and maturity maintenance • is maturity maintenance ‘optional’? at what costs? • why is constant length at puberty so common? Interaction between ageing and toxicants • both on survival and reproduction Toxicants influence ageing 0.7 1 0.6 fraction surviving volumetric body length (mm) Folsomia candida and cadmium 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 time (days) Jager et al. (2004) 100 120 0 0 20 40 60 80 time (days) 100 120 Toxicants influence ageing Acrobeloides nanus and carbendazim 70 cumulative offspring 500 body length 60 50 40 30 400 300 200 100 20 0 5 10 15 time Alda Álvarez et al. (2006) 20 0 0 10 20 30 time 40 50 60 Where do we go? Birth of new embryonic ideas? Avenues for further research New embryonic idea Link between metabolic and molecular level • enormous development in molecular biology Molecule to metabolism toxicant target site metabolic process ? genes maintenance assimilation maturation … gene products ? life history Swain et al. (subm.) Final words … Understanding toxic effects requires energy budgets • started DEB development 30 years ago • essential for ecotoxicology and risk assessment Understanding energy budgets requires toxicants • shed light on e.g., maturation and ageing • often requires ‘DEB 3’ formulation Toxicants stress organisms in very specific ways • some 100,000 man-made chemicals registered • plus whole range of natural ‘toxicants’ However, DEB analyses raise new questions … • modellers must have close links to the lab