Lecture 11-Chap07

Chapter 7
Clusters and
7.1 Introduction
• gene family – A set of genes within a genome
that encode related or identical proteins or
– The members were derived by duplication of an
ancestral gene followed by accumulation of changes
in sequence between the copies.
– Most often the members are related but not identical.
7.1 Introduction
• pseudogenes – Inactive but stable components
of the genome derived by mutation of an
ancestral active gene.
– Usually they are inactive because of mutations that
block transcription or translation or both.
• gene cluster – A group of adjacent genes that
are identical or related.
7.1 Introduction
Figure 07.01: Chiasma formation can result in the generation of recombinants.
7.1 Introduction
Figure 07.02: Recombination involves pairing between complementary strands of the two
parental duplex DNAs.
7.1 Introduction
• unequal crossing over
recombination) – Unequal
crossing over results from
an error in pairing and
crossing over in which
nonequivalent sites are
involved in a recombination
– It produces one recombinant
with a deletion of material
and one with a duplication.
Figure 07.03: Unequal crossing
over results from pairing between
nonequivalent repeats in regions
of DNA consisting of repeating
7.1 Introduction
• satellite DNA – DNA that consists of
many tandem repeats (identical or related)
of a short basic repeating unit.
7.1 Introduction
• minisatellite – DNAs consisting of tandemly
repeated copies of a short repeating sequence,
with more repeat copies than a microsatellite but
fewer than a satellite.
– The length of the repeating unit is measured in tens of
base pairs.
– The number of repeats varies between individual
7.2 Unequal Crossing Over Rearranges
Gene Clusters
• When a genome contains a cluster of genes with
related sequences, mispairing between
nonallelic loci can cause unequal crossing over.
– This produces a deletion in one recombinant
chromosome and a corresponding duplication in the
7.2 Unequal Crossing Over Rearranges
Gene Clusters
Figure 07.04: Gene number can be changed by unequal crossing over.
7.2 Unequal Crossing Over Rearranges
Gene Clusters
• Different thalassemias are
caused by various deletions
that eliminate α- or β-globin
– The severity of the disease
depends on the individual
Figure 07.05: α-thalassemias result
from various deletions in the αglobin gene cluster.
7.2 Unequal Crossing Over Rearranges
Gene Clusters
Figure 07.06: Deletions in the ß-globin gene cluster cause several types of thalassemia.
7.2 Unequal Crossing Over Rearranges
Gene Clusters
• HbH disease – A condition in which there is a
disproportionate amount of the abnormal tetramer β4
relative to the amount of normal hemoglobin (α2β2).
• hydrops fetalis – A fatal disease resulting from the
absence of the hemoglobin α gene.
7.2 Unequal Crossing Over Rearranges
Gene Clusters
• Hb Lepore – An unusual globin protein that
results from unequal crossing over between the
β and δ genes.
– The genes become fused together to produce a
single β-like chain that consists of the N-terminal
sequence of δ joined to the C-terminal sequence of β.
7.2 Unequal Crossing Over Rearranges
Gene Clusters
• Hb anti-Lepore – A fusion gene produced by unequal
crossing over that has the N-terminal part of β globin and
the C-terminal part of δ globin.
• Hb Kenya – A fusion gene produced by unequal
crossing over between the Aγ- and β-globin genes.
7.3 Genes for rRNA Form Tandem Repeats
Including an Invariant Transcription Unit
• Ribosomal RNA is encoded by a large number of
identical genes that are tandemly repeated to form one
or more clusters.
• Each rDNA cluster is organized so that transcription
units giving a joint precursor to the major rRNAs
alternate with nontranscribed spacers.
• The genes in an rDNA cluster all have an identical
7.3 Genes for rRNA Form Tandem Repeats
Including an Invariant Transcription Unit
• The nontranscribed
spacers consist of shorter
repeating units whose
number varies so that the
lengths of individual
spacers are different.
Figure 07.07: A tandem gene cluster has an
alternation of transcription unit and
nontranscribed spacer and generates a
circular restriction map.
7.3 Genes for rRNA Form Tandem Repeats
Including an Invariant Transcription Unit
• nucleolus – A discrete region of the nucleus where
ribosomes are produced.
• nucleolar organizer – The region of a chromosome
carrying genes encoding rRNA.
7.3 Genes for rRNA Form Tandem Repeats
Including an Invariant Transcription Unit
• Bam islands – A series of short repeated sequences
found in the nontranscribed spacer of Xenopus rDNA
Figure 07.10: The nontranscribed spacer of X. laevis rDNA has an internally repetitious
structure that is responsible for its variation in length.
7.4 Crossover Fixation Could Maintain
Identical Repeats
• Unequal crossing over changes the size of a cluster of
tandem repeats.
• Individual repeating units can be eliminated or can
spread through the cluster.
• concerted evolution (coincidental evolution) – The
ability of two or more related genes to evolve together as
though constituting a single locus.
7.4 Crossover Fixation Could Maintain
Identical Repeats
• gene conversion – The alteration of one strand of a
heteroduplex DNA to make it complementary with the
other strand at any position(s) where there were
mispaired bases.
• crossover fixation – A possible consequence of
unequal crossing over that allows a mutation in one
member of a tandem cluster to spread through the whole
cluster (or to be eliminated).
7.4 Crossover Fixation Could Maintain
Identical Repeats
Figure 07.11: Unequal recombination
allows one particular repeating unit to
occupy the entire cluster.
7.5 Satellite DNAs Often Lie in
• Highly repetitive DNA (or
satellite DNA) has a very
short repeating sequence and
no coding function.
• simple sequence DNA –
Short repeating units of DNA
• Satellite DNA occurs in large
blocks that can have distinct
physical properties.
Figure 07.12: Mouse DNA is separated
into a main band and a satellite band
by centrifugation through a density
gradient of CsCl.
7.5 Satellite DNAs Often Lie in
• cryptic satellite – A satellite DNA sequence not
identified as such by a separate peak on a
density gradient.
– It remains present in main-band DNA.
7.5 Satellite DNAs Often Lie in
• in situ hybridization –
Hybridization performed
by denaturing the DNA of
cells squashed on a
microscope slide so that
reaction is possible with
an added single-stranded
– The added preparation is
radioactively labeled and
its hybridization is followed
by autoradiography.
Figure 07.13: Cytological hybridization
shows that mouse satellite DNA is
located at the centromeres.
Photo courtesy of Mary Lou Pardue and
Joseph G. Gall, Carnegie Institution.
7.5 Satellite DNAs Often Lie in
• Satellite DNA is often the major constituent of
centromeric heterochromatin.
• euchromatin – Regions that comprise most of the
genome in the interphase nucleus are less tightly coiled
than heterochromatin, and contain most of the active or
potentially active single-copy genes.
7.6 Arthropod Satellites Have Very Short
Identical Repeats
• The repeating units of arthropod satellite DNAs
are only a few nucleotides long.
– Most of the copies of the sequence are identical.
Figure 07.14: Satellite DNAs of D. virilis are related.
7.7 Mammalian Satellites Consist of
Hierarchical Repeats
• Mouse satellite DNA has evolved by duplication and
mutation of a short repeating unit to give a basic
repeating unit of 234 bp in which the original half-,
quarter-, and eighth-repeats can be recognized.
Figure 07.15: The repeating unit of mouse satellite DNA contains two half-repeats, which
are aligned to show the identities (in blue).
7.7 Mammalian Satellites Consist of
Hierarchical Repeats
Figure 07.16: The alignment of quarter-repeats identifies homologies between the first
and second half of each half-repeat.
7.7 Mammalian Satellites Consist of
Hierarchical Repeats
Figure 07.17: The alignment of eighth-repeats shows that each quarter-repeat consists of an
α and a β half.
7.7 Mammalian Satellites
Consist of Hierarchical
Figure 07.18: The existence of an overall
consensus sequence is shown by writing the
satellite sequence as a 9 bp repeat.
7.8 Minisatellites Are Useful for Genetic
• The variation between microsatellites or minisatellites
in individual genomes can be used to identify heredity
unequivocally by showing that 50% of the bands in an
individual are inherited from a particular parent.
• variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) – Very short
repeated sequences, including microsatellites and
7.8 Minisatellites Are Useful for Genetic
Figure 07.20: Alleles may differ by
number of repeats at a minisatellite
locus, so digestion generates restriction
fragments that differ in length.
7.8 Minisatellites Are Useful for Genetic
• DNA fingerprinting – Analysis of the differences
between individuals of restriction fragments that
contain short repeated sequences, or by PCR.
– The lengths of the repeated regions are unique to
every individual, so the presence of a particular
subset in any two individuals shows their common
inheritance (e.g., a parent–child relationship).
7.8 Minisatellites Are Useful for Genetic
Figure 07.21: Replication slippage occurs
when the daughter strand slips back one
repeating unit in pairing with the template