Haves and have nots and some revivion Question… Consider life without a mobile phone. Are individuals who for some reason don’t/can’t use a mobile phone disadvantaged? What do they miss out on? Is this necessarily a bad thing? In this lesson students are learning about: • reasons for and the impact of unequal access to mobile phone services At the end of this lesson students will be able to: • explain the causes of unequal access to mobile phone services • discuss the impact of unequal access on lifestyles and life chances Barriers to access • There are many reasons that many people don’t get access to mobile phones… Technological Personal Geographic Barriers Social Economic Political ‘Haves’ and ‘have nots’ • consider how not being able to use a mobile phone for whatever reason impacts on an individual’s quality of life and life chances, e.g. their access to goods and services, entertainment, opportunities for interacting, keeping in touch and socialising. • What are their knock-on effects for education and training, health and well-being, employment opportunities? Module revision questions • Complete the following questions… • Many mobile phones have a memory card for extra storage. Give another use for this memory card (1) • Some people find it difficult to use a mobile phone. State two features that can make a phone easier to use. (2) Over to you… • Create a revision quiz covering the entire topic we have looked at this half term….