Natural populations of a species typically are not completely isolated, but instead exchange genes with one another to a greater or lesser extent
Gene flow, if unopposed by other factors, homogenizes a population
Island models
Stepping stone models
Isolation by distance models
Homogenizes the populations within a species (unopposed by other forces)
Rate of gene flow = m
1 varies among populations (p i
) resident
the average allele frequency in source population is p
(i.e. immigrant coming from)
within population i (p i
), a proportion of m of the gene copies enter from other populations, and the frequency is p
Source p
= migrant p i resident
A proportion (1-m) of the gene copies are non-immigrants and among these the frequency is p i
After 1 generation the populations new allele freq ( p’) is: p i
’ = p i
(1-m) + pm or p i
’ = p i
-p i m + pm
Δp = m(p – p i
= 0.001
1 in a 1000 is a migrant
Δp i
= m(p-p i
) = 0.001(0.3-0.1) =.0002
p i
’ = p i
(1-m) + pm = 0.1(1-0.001)+0.3*0.001
Equilibrium frequency is found by setting p’ = 0
(or Δp = 0), which is where p’ is not changing between generations and is, thus, in equilibrium
Δp = 0 = m(p-p) thus p = p
Therefore, each population will ultimately attain the same allele frequencies showing that gene flow homogenizes populations
In the absence of gene flow populations tend to diverge due to drift
F st
= fraction of autozygotes in a sub-population at time t
Another way to look at this is that F st is a measure of the observed variation in allele frequency among populations
F st
= 1- (1½N) t see page 315, box 11.D
F st must reach an equilibrium between drift and gene flow
Thus F st
= 1 / (4Nm + 1)
We can rearrange F st
= 1 / (4Nm + 1) so that we can estimate the average # of immigrants into a population per generation
Nm = 1 / (F st
– 1)
Notice! This tells us that the higher the rate of gene flow, the more similar the allele frequencies between populations
Conversely, observing a strong divergence indicates that the balance between gene flow and drift is tipped toward drift
Direct estimates of gene flow
Mark-recapture studies...
Indirect estimates of gene flow
Alleles used to calculate F st are neutral
Allele frequencies must have reached equilibrium between gene flow and drift
Water snakes of Lake Erie
Nerodia sipedon
Live on mainland and on several islands
Color pattern variable
Strongly banded to unbanded
Banding controlled by a single locus with two alleles
Banded is dominant over unbanded
On mainland most snakes are banded
On island many are unbanded
Water snakes of Lake Erie
Banding pattern due to natural selection
On islands snakes bask on rocks
On mainland stay closer to vegetation
Why is the unbanded allele not fixed on islands?
Banded snakes migrate from mainland each generation
Bring banded alleles to island gene pool
Migration works in opposition to natural selection
Westermeier’s hypothesis
Destruction of prairie did two things
Reduced population size
Fragmented remaining population
Remaining prairie chickens were trapped in two islands in seas of farmland
Genetic drift caused decline in heterozygosity
Inbreeding depression occurred
Accumulation of deleterious recessives leads to reduction in population size
Effectiveness of genetic drift is increased
Speed and proportion of deleterious mutations going to fixation increases
Population size decreases more
Mutational Meltdown (synergistic interaction between mutation, pop. Size and drift)
Prairie chickens caught in mutational meltdown
Reproductive success decreased
Hatching success low
Birds had fallen into extinction vortex
Birds needed gene flow
In 1992 conservationists trapped birds from Minnesota, Kansas, and Nebraska and moved them to Jasper County, Illinois
Hatching rate increased and population began to grow
Migration, genetic drift, and nonrandom mating all contributed to fate of Illinois greater prairie chickens
Certain taxa display substantial gene flow over long distances
But on average the level of gene flow is greatly restricted over short distances
Implies local populations can diverge substantially due to drift
Thus, species can adapt to local conditions!!!!
A new mutation takes 4N e to be fixed
What happens if you have a large N e
N e
N e
N e
= 2000 fixation in 8000 gens.
= 1000 fixation in 4000 gens.
= 500 fixation in 2000 gens.
In larger populations (larger N e
) fixation may take a very long long time!
Other mutations arise in the interim
For example, if the mutation rate is 10 -9
(=substitutions per site per gamete per generation)
Given a gene is 1000 nucleotides long...
What is our mutation rate over this gene/gamete/generation?
10 -6 if we have N e copies)
= 1000 (with 2N gene
10 -6
X 2000
X 4000
8 mutations per gene over 4000 generations!!!
Given an estimated 8 mutations in a gene over 4000 generations
And the probability that a new mutation will be fixed 1/2N e
There will be a STEADY substitution of alleles
Therefore: in such large effective populations, we generally expect at least moderate levels of polymorphism
(multiple alleles per loci) given our calculations above!
In calculating the preceding stats for mutation and allele generation we assumed NO selection for or against particular alleles
We therefore assumed they were selectively NEUTRAL....
“It is unlikely that two genes would have identical selective values under all conditions that they must exist in a population Thus, cases of neutral polymorphisms do not exist, it then appears that random fixation is of negligible evolutionary importance”
Lewontin and Hubby (1966)
“Natural selection could not maintain so much genetic variation.” Suggested that much of the variation is selectively neutral.
M. Kimura (1968)
Demonstrated similar rates of evolution between lineages. Concluded that such a constancy could not be maintained by natural selection, must instead be by mutation and genetic drift.
Contends that:
a small minority of mutations in DNA sequences are advantageous and are fixed by
Natural Selection and although some are disadvantageous and are eliminated by
“purifying” Selection...
the great majority of mutations that are fixed are effectively neutral with respect to fitness, and are fixed by genetic drift
Most genetic variation is selectively neutral and lacks adaptive significance
BUT, this is not to say that phenotypic change evolves by genetic drift!..... Instead, phenotypic characters evolve by natural selection
The neutral theory acknowledges that many mutations are deleterious and are eliminated by natural selection
It holds that MOST of the variation we see at the molecular level is neutral and has no adaptive role (i.e. No effect on fitness)
Neutral Mutation Rate u
= f
0 u t
Certain alleles are effectively neutral
No benefit or hindrance to fitness or so small it is not a problem (eg. s=0.001)
In other words, the mutant allele is so similar to other alleles in fitness that changes in its frequency are governed by drift alone, not by natural selection!
Small population (500) and s=0.001
simulations show that most variation is due to drift...
But, in a large population (5000), natural selection will be more important since the power of drift decreases (given the large pop. size)
Thus, an allele may be effectively neutral in one population but not in another, simply due to the N e
Examples (Genetic constraints, codons)
The amino acid Leucine is encoded by 6 possible codons:
Here we can envision that changing the
DNA sequence to any one of the 6 possible
Leucine codons would be unlikely to have any effects on fitness or even phenotype!
Protein1 = Lys Ala His Val Glu
Protein2 = Lys Ala Asp Val Glu
Synonymous mutation
Nonsynonymous mutation
Mutations occur at the 3 rd position most frequently and 2 nd most infrequently
Neutral mutation rate would be greatest in DNA seq. that is not transcribed and has known function
(e.g. Pseudogenes, introns, spacers, etc.)
The number of new mutations is u
* 2N e
We know that a mutation will become fixed at a frequency of p, which equals 1/2N e might mutate since 2N e gene copies
The number of neutral mutations that will someday become fixed is
2N e u
* 1/2N e
This can be reduced to u
0 neutral mutation rate)
(which is the
This rate of mutation is theoretically constant and equals the neutral mutation rate!!!!!
Most molecular polymorphisms are selectively neutral
If a locus evolves purely by drift, all variation will be ultimately lost (F=1, autozygous)
What happens if a mutation arises……it becomes allozygous (F<1)
Steady State – a balance between the rate of loss of variation by genetic drift and by the rate of gain of variation by mutation
Alleles Continually Arise By Mutation!
We have just demonstrated that new alleles arise continuously via mutation
Many are lost by genetic drift, but others drift higher and get fixed over 4N e generations.
Remember allele freqs. sum to 1 so previously common alleles have drifted lower and are ultimately lost
Over time we generally see a steady turnover in alleles
The level of variation (H) remains about the same and is Higher in Large populations, Lower in Small populations
Thus, there must be a positive correlation between heterozygosity at a locus and its rate of evolution…
Nonsynonymous and Synonymous changes in protein coding sequence
expect the ratio of Ks:Ka to be 1:1 or less (due to purifying selection)
(eg. adh loci)
What do we expect to see….
We would expect that rates of evolution are greatest at DNA positions that, when altered, are least likely to effect function…
The fight between selection and drift
Population Structure and gene trees
If you have a population that is divided by something and there is no gene flow between populations what will eventually happen over time?
Ultimately, all the gene copies in each will be descendants of one of the copies that was included in each population at the time of isolation
Each population will have a monophyletic gene tree (or is at least likely to, given enough time)
Coalescent Theory tells us that under certain conditions the Gene tree may not match the Species tree
Thus, a gene tree is most likely to provide accurate information about a phylogeny of a species if populations have been small or the time between successive speciation events have been great
Similarly, Gene tree is LEAST likely to match the Species tree when populations have been large or speciation events occurred rapidly
Most adaptations are complex
The appearance of design
Adaptations have been “designed” by a completely “mindless” process
Evolutionary theory does not admit anticipation of future
Teleological (incorrect) view – processes which invoke goals or end points
Evolutionary theory by Natural
Selection must be able to account for the origin of complex adaptations that increase ones fitness
But, Natural Selection must also be able to account for traits that do not increase fitness (e.g. bee sting, anaphylactic shock)
linkage to another allele that increases fitness
Stable Equilibrium
natural selection must be acting in such ways to maintain variation; it does not necessarily cause fixation of a single best genotype
Tungara Frog – Conflicting Selection
If males “CHUCK” females will respond favorably YET….. Exposes males to greater risk of predation by bats
Tungara Frog
Definition of Natural Selection:
Include a trait must vary among biological entities, and there must be a consistent relationship between the trait and one or more components of reproductive success
Short version of Natural Selection:
Any consistent difference in fitness among phenotypically different biological entities
Process of becoming adapted
To the features of organisms that enhance reproductive success relative to other possible features
Includes a Phylogenetic Component
Fleas (wingless adaptation)
Bristle tails (primitively wingless)
Traits evolve from preexisting ones so its’ phylogenetic position is important
a feature that fortuitously serves a new function (the kea in New Zealand)
Our definition
a feature is an adaptation for some function if it has become prevalent or is maintained in a population because of natural selection for that function
Trait might be necessary consequence
(flying fish)
Evolved by random genetic drift rather than Natural Selection (grouse chick patterns – cryptic but drift in patterns occur among species)
Hitchhiking (linkage of traits)
has not become adaptively altered to a response (big fruits, extinct mammals)
Experimental Evidence
Comparative Method – uses phylogeny to compare trait evolution among groups of species
Convergent Evolution – trait which is correlated between lineages (2 different groups evolved the same or similar adaptation independently)