Nitrogen use efficiency in sorghum Ismail Dweikat University of Nebraska SORGHUM Sorghum bicolor L. 5th most grown crop in the world USES 214 Million bu in 2011 (USDA) Nigeria 13% India 11% Mexico 11% US 10% KS TX OK SD NE Cereal crop species such as sorghum, wheat, maize and rice, require large inputs of nitrogenous fertilizers in order to maximize yield Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations for Grain Sorghum Expected Yield (Bushels per Acre) Soil Nitrate-N 40 60 45 20 2% soil organic matter 70 90 110 135 40 60 85 105 155 130 180 150 200 170 220 195 9 ppm 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 80 100 120 140 160 Pounds per N to apply per acre 180 200 30 55 75 100 120 140 165 5 25 50 70 90 115 135 20 40 65 85 110 10 35 55 80 5 30 50 16 18 N accounts for the highest costly input, needs to be reduced to increase the profit 20 Nitrogen is one of the most important plant nutrients N assimilation and remobilization is essential in plant growth and development 44 M MT increase of food production by 2050 Expected increase in N fertilizer 3 Fold ~ 30 – 50% is taken up by the plant Most N is lost Surface run off Leaching of nitrates Atmospheric NOx NH3 Producer Environment contamination input Increase NUE Nitrogen use efficiency: Objective 1: Identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analysis and marker identification for nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in advanced using CK60, China17, and SanChi San Objective 2: Identify novel candidate genes for NUE using proteomic and gene expression profiling comparisons of high and low NUE RILs. Candidate genes will be brought into the pipeline for transgenic manipulation of NUE Objective 3: We have transform sorghum using glutamine synthetase (GS), glutamate synthase (GOGAT), Alanine aminotransferase(ALA-AT) and maize dof1 transcription factor genes to enhance NUE . We are in the process of genes stalking Table 2. NADP-Malic enzyme activities (JfctS.E.) in leaves of two China and two U.S. derived sorghum lines grown in the greenhouse at two N levels. Values are calculated on either a protein or leaf area basis Line HighN LowN Protein nmol min~' mg~'- Area nmol min cm~ Protein Area nmol min~' mg~' nmol min""1 cm""2 China 17 2662±331 16.9±0.05 3338±20 0.50±0.03 San Chi San CK60 Tx623 Mean 1979±161 927±126 1477±89 1761±177 17.9±0.64 24.8±4.25 25.1±1.37 21.2±1.58 2468±256 1936±146 2547±350 1822±193 3.90±0.14 6.27±0.47 4.81±1.37 3.87±0.50 Table 3. PEPcase enzyme activities (£tS.E.) in leaves of two China and two U.S. derived sorghum lines grown in the greenhouse at two N levels. Values are calculated on either a protein or leaf area basis Line HighN LowN Protein Area nmol min~' mg~' nmol min~' cm~ 2 Protein nmol min~' mg~' Area nmol min~' cm~2 China 17 29.1 ±8.3 3.65±1.57 41.1±5.6 0.59±0.05 San Chi San CK60 Tx623 Mean 17.1±1.6 44.4±6.0 59.4±2.8 37.5±4.7 1.50±0.15 11.58±1.53 10.24±0.33 6.74±0.90 28.ldhO.9 I0.8±2.4 7.5±1.2 16.9±2.5 0.14±0.02 0.35±0.07 0.15±0.02 0.31±0.04 The China lines averaged approximately 94 g biomass g−1 N while the U.S. lines averaged 85 g g−1 when grown with N stress. This compared to 77 g g−1 and 76 g g−1,respectively, for these contrasting groups at normal N . Maranville and Madhavan. Plant and soil 202 QTL mapping for nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) traits Population development: U.S line Ck60 China lines San Chi San, China 17 • 210 F6 RILs (Ck60 X San Chi San), • 136 F6 RILs (Ck60 X China 17) Genetic linkage map 2 week seedlings grown under 0% N • Genotyping By Sequencing facility, Cornell University • 844 SNPs (Ck60 X San Chi San), • 645 SNPs (Ck60 X China 17) • Mapping population development Ck60 China-17 136 F7 RILs Phenotypic characterization of RILs • Mead, NE • Alpha lattice incomplete Block Design with 2 reps Normal-N field (100Kg/ha fertilizer with soybean rotation) Low-N (no fertilizer, rotated with oats in 2011 and Maize in 2012) Phenotypic characterization of RILs • Mead, NE • Low N (0% synthetic fertilizer, rotated with oats in 2011 and Maize in 2012) • Normal N field (100Kg/ha fertilizer with soybean rotation) • Alpha lattice incomplete Block Design with 2 reps 14 x 15 incomplete blocks for Ck60 x San Chi San lines (210), 12 x 13 incomplete blocks for Ck60 x China 17 lines (136) with parents • 50 seeds per line were used • planting date was same in both fields Phenotypes • Measured in 3 randomly selected plants per plot (in two reps & two locations) • Leaf chlorophyll concentration at 3 stages- before flowering, during flowering and after flowering • Anthesis date (days) • Plant height (cm) • Fresh and Dry weights of stover, head (g) • Moisture content of stover (MC1) and Head (MC2) • Total biomass yield (t/ha) • Grain Yield (t/ha) • Test weight (g) • Grain to stover ratio Data Analysis ANOVA : Across two NN environments in Ck60 x San Chi San population (pop1) Source of variation Line Env Rep(Env) Blk(Env* Rep) Env*Line Residual df Chl1 Chl2 Chl3 PH AD MC1 207 1 2 33.2** 457.68 104.7* 41.9*** 851.3** 33.7553 62.8** 9218*** 4.64 1985*** 34.5*** 26.0*** 178435 19309*** 1628 18042*** 34.3** 636*** 54 19.5*** 15.1** 38.5** 433.8*** 4.72 172 325 20.6*** 7.78 22.4*** 9.03 41.9*** 23.95 971*** 113.4 18.4*** 4.43 MC2 BY GY TW GS 86.32 32.6** 9598 8.49 6792*** 4.35 6.97** 11.3 0.87 22.9* 0.24* 13674** 0.36 208*** 0.58* 15.8*** 44.8* 15.3** 1.78 7.16 0.14 16.4*** 6.07 69.9*** 28.71 21.8*** 4.66*** 9.48 1.73 17.7*** 5.44 0.17 0.15 Chl-1, Chl-2, Chl-3 (chlorophyll-1, 2, 3), PH (plant height), AD (anthesis date), MC1 (stover moisture content), MC2 (head moisture content), BY (biomass yield), GY (grain yield), TW (test weight), and GS (grain/stover) df, degrees of freedom; ***p < 0.0001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05 ANOVA : Across two LN environments in Ck60 x San Chi San population (pop1) Source of variation df Chl1 Chl2 Chl3 PH AD MC1 MC2 BY GY TW GS Line 207 24.4** 49.8** 58.8** 1793*** 221*** 30.0*** 195.7*** 12.0** 2.51** 37.0*** 0.11*** Env 1 2438* 25638** 39857** 984.1 47395*** 428.4 70.30 942.5 371** 8075 15.4* Rep(Env) Blk(Env* Rep) Env*Line 2 140** 115 247** 394.0 49.85 327*** 8625*** 93.2** 4.38 882*** 0.50** 54 14.4 30.8** 32.9* 280* 71.3** 16.1** 85.2* 7.17* 1.38** 19.2** 0.04 172 15.2** 29.5** 35.7** 559*** 67.5*** 16.3*** 102.3*** 7.69*** 1.6*** 16.4** 0.05*** Residual 324 11.2 18.6 22.1 192.6 36.07 8.99 55.54 4.72 0.83 10.5 0.03 QTL analysis for Ck60 x San Chi San population (pop1) C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 qChl3-10a qChl1-3 qMC1-1 qBY-3 qChl1-2 qGY-10a qGY-9 qChl3-10b qChl1-10b qPH-9a qChl1-10a qAD-9 qMC2-9 qMC1-8 qGY-8 qBY-7 qTW-3 qMC2-1 qAD-1b qGY-2 qGY-10b qPH-6 qBY-8 qTW-4 qAD-2 qPH-3a qAD-3 qPH-2b qPH-2a qTW-1 qGS-1 qAD-1a 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 C2 Chl- (chlorophyll 1, 2 and 3), PH (plant height), AD (anthesis date), MC1 (stover moisture content), MC2 (head moisture content), BY (biomass yield), GY (grain yield), TW (test weight), and GS (grain/stover) Data Analysis ANOVA : Across two NN environments in Ck60 x China17 population (pop2) Source of variation Line df Chl1 Chl2 Chl3 PH AD MC1 MC2 BY GY TW GS 130 50.9*** 41.9*** 105.3*** 3539 49.6*** 34.3** 123.9*** 49.4*** 6.8*** 28.0*** 0.08** Env 1 626.9 4276*** 17016*** 12913 11333*** 347.6 4500 271.6 32.8* 946.9 0.07 Rep(Env) 2 89.1* 9.93 57.8 26255** 55.6* 191.1** 2501*** 34.6 2.57 1483*** 0.02 Blk(E*R) 44 12.5 12.0* 40.45*** 2411*** 11.3 14.8 31.7 13.1 2.43* 5.69 0.02 Env*Line 104 15.6** 18.15*** 58.2*** 3554*** 20.5** 21.8** 59.3*** 19.6*** 3.2*** 10.5*** 0.048*** Residual 190 9.74 8.06 16.7 780 12.8 12.7 26.7 10.5 1.54 5.2 0.02 Chl-1, Chl-2, Chl-3 (chlorophyll-1, 2, 3), PH (plant height), AD (anthesis date), MC1 (stover moisture content), MC2 (head moisture content), BY (biomass yield), GY (grain yield), TW (test weight), and GS (grain/stover) df, degrees of freedom; ***p < 0.0001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05 ANOVA : Across two LN environments in Ck60 x China17 population (pop2) Source of variation Line df Chl1 Chl2 Chl3 PH AD MC1 MC2 BY GY TW GS 130 27.2*** 45.6** 87.7** 4475*** 167.4*** 32.1 238.0*** 15.0** 1.97** 32.7*** 0.05* Env 1 360.5 16104*** 24768** 4740.9 54521*** 420.4 264.0 435.9* 163.3*** 368.1 6.32* Rep(Env) 2 87.7* 23.3 131.7* 771.4 48.85 462.1*** 670.5** 21.4 0.16 1779*** 0.22** Blk(E*R) 44 16.6* 19.1 18.66 412.3** 36.67 18.7 35.0 5.9 0.69 6.14 0.01 Env*Line Residual 104 190 12.1 10.7 27.3*** 13.9 44.03*** 15.13 1000.9*** 46.8* 189.9 31.78 31.6*** 13.5 66.2*** 34.2 8.87** 5.5 1.17** 0.75 9.48** 5.67 0.039*** 0.02 QTL analysis for Ck60 x China17 population • QTLs for PH, dry biomass (Ritter, 2008) • days to anthesis (Srinivas et al., 2009) • EST marker Drenshbm-19 encoding ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3-1 (EIL-1) • Ma3 (Childs et al.,1997) Putative genes TOPLESS-related 1 (Sb01g040800) QTL analysis for Ck60 x San Chi San population C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 qChl3-10a qChl1-3 qMC1-1 qBY-3 qChl1-2 qGY-10a qGY-9 qChl3-10b qChl1-10b qPH-9a qChl1-10a qAD-9 qMC2-9 qMC1-8 qGY-8 qBY-7 qTW-3 qMC2-1 qAD-1b qGY-2 qGY-10b qPH-6 qBY-8 qTW-4 qAD-2 qPH-3a qAD-3 qPH-2b qPH-2a qTW-1 qGS-1 qAD-1a 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 C2 Chl-(chlorophyll 1, 2 and 3), PH (plant height), AD (anthesis date), MC1 (stover moisture content), MC2 (head moisture content), BY (biomass yield), GY (grain yield), TW (test weight), and GS (grain/stover) . Validation of QTLs across two populations C9 Chromosome-6 C5 C6 C7 C6 C8 C7 C4 C5 Chromosome-3 C3 2 C4 C3 C2 qPH-2a qChl3-10a qPH-9a qGY-8 qGY-9 qGY-10a qChl3-10b qChl1-10b qGY-10b qAD-9 qMC1-8 qGY-9 qGY-8 qChl1-2 qBY-3 qChl1 qChl1-2 qChl1-3 qTW-3 qBY-3 qMC1-8 qBY-7 qBY-7 qTW-3 qGY-2 qGY-2 qMC2-9 qGY-10a qPH-9a qChl3-10b qChl1-10a qChl1-10b qChl3-10a qAD-2 qMC2-9 qChl1-10a qAD-9 qGY-10b qPH-6 qTW-4 qPH-2b qAD-3 qAD-3 qPH-3a qPH-3a qTW-4 qPH-6 qBY-8 qBY-8 Genes DW2 (Srinivas 2009) Ma1 (Paterson 1995) qPH-2b qAD-2 qPH-2a C10 yield, seed QTLs for grain C10 weight and plant height (Srinivas et al. 2009) C9 C8 PopII PopI PopII PopI Validation of QTLs across populations qChl3-10a qBY-3 qMC1-1 qChl1-3 qChl1-2 qGY-10a qChl3-10b qChl1-10b qGY-10b qPH-9a qChl1-10a qAD-9 qGY-9 qGY-8 qMC1-8 qBY-7 qGY-10a qChl3-10b qMC2-9 qGY-10b qPH-9a qChl1-10a qAD-9 qGY-9 qGY-8 qMC2-1 qAD-1b qMC1-8 qGY-2 qMC2-9 qTW-3 qChl1-10b qChl3-10a qPH-6 qBY-8 qTW-4 qAD-3 qPH-2b qPH-2a qAD-1a qBY-8 qTW-1 qGS-1 qAD-2 qPH-3a Grain yield and Plant height QTLs Dw3 gene (Srinivas et al.,2009) qPH-6 qBY-7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 C10 C8 C9 Chromosome-8 C7 C6 C5 C10 C4 C3 C7 C8 C9 C1 C2 Chromosome-7 C6 C5 PopII PopI PopII PopI PopI C5 C6 C7 C8 PopII C9 C10 Chromosome-9 QTLs for PH, flowering time (Lin et al. 1995) qGY-10a qChl3-10b qChl1-10b qGY-10b qGY-9 qGY-8 qMC1-8 qBY-7 qPH-9a qChl1-10a qAD-9 qMC2-9 qChl3-10a qBY-8 qPH-6 Trait Chl1 Chl2 Chl3 PH AD BY GY R2 (%) 37.80 50.80 37.30 44.80 14.70 33.80 17.50 Conclusions • Five genomic regions consistently detected across environments • Candidate genes • Marker assisted selection Objective 3: Identification of differentially expressed exons (DEGs) for NUE in known low-N tolerant and sensitive genotypes of sorghum Phenotypic performance Genotype Plant Height Biomass Yield Grain Yield NN LN NN LN NN LN RIL-1 113 95 4.05 3.00 1.25 0.90 RIL-2 132 83 9.00 3.05 3.05 1.35 RIL-3 149 77 7.50 3.20 1.60 1.12 RIL-4 147 98 7.55 3.45 3.15 1.71 RIL-5 122 109 8.10 3.65 2.45 0.88 CK60 115 91 6.60 3.10 2.90 1.13 BTx623 140 126 8.15 3.99 2.84 1.16 KS78 132 76 10.10 5.90 4.14 2.19 SanChiSan 157 137 16.50 7.60 6.40 4.97 China-17 170 157 13.80 7.25 5.48 3.90 RIL-6 124 93 13.00 11.35 6.17 4.55 RIL-7 152 122 13.20 9.60 3.95 0.95 RIL-8 161 125 13.40 9.40 3.35 2.62 RIL-9 185 168 17.70 15.10 6.15 5.18 RIL-10 163 137 18.40 16.45 7.74 6.65 Low NUE RILs Sensitive Sorghum Inbreds Tolerant High NUE RILs Seedlings growth under (0%) N conditions Differentially Expressed Genes 1) Ck60 2) Tx623 7) Low bulk vs 3) San Chi San 4) China17 5) KS-78 6)High bulk Candidate genes in the QTL regions • QTLs for PH, dry biomass (Ritter, 2008) • days to anthesis (Srinivas et al., 2009) • EST marker Drenshbm-19 encoding ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3-1 (EIL-1) • Ma3 (Childs et al.,1997) Putative DEGs Gene 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 Annotation Sb01g041180 5.3 3.3 2.7 2.7 HSP21 Sb01g048100 4.4 4.2 3.4 3.2 lysm domain GPI-anchored protein Sb01g044810 -3.7 -3.0 -0.6 -1.8 MADS-box family gene Characterization and identification of lead events based on greenhouse phenotype studies for use in down-stream field evaluations. The modulation of nitrogen metabolism requires the understanding of the function and the means of regulation of the different enzymes involved in the process of nitrogen (N) uptake, assimilation and remobilization in order to develop plants with enhanced efficiency in nitrogen utilization. Glutamine synthetase (GS) is a key enzyme in N metabolism. GS together with glutamate synthase (GOGAT) are the main route for ammonium Alanine aminotransferase (ALa-AT) has been shown to allow the maintenance of the carbon-nitrogen balance in plants through the translocation of pyruvate or alanine Dof1 (DNA binding with one finger), which regulates C-skeleton production, including PEPC. These C-skeletons can then be utilized in N metabolism. SORGHUM WHEAT TX430 CBO37 Agrobacterium-mediated transformation NTL4/Chry5 C58C1/pMP90 SORGHUM EVENTS WHEAT EVENTS pPTN1037 13 8 pPTN1034 21 13 pPTN1031 11 33 pPTN1040 30 15 pPTN1033 19 48 pPTN1036 21 11 Molecular characterization of transgenic sorghum and wheat 7.7 -6.2 -5.5 -- 3— 2— 1.5— 1— Southern blot, reprobe, Northern Blot pPTN1033 sorghum. DNA digested with Sst I. Probe: pUC 57-OsGSI digested with Xho I and Eco RI (666 bp) Southern Blot, Northern blot, RNA. pPTN1031 DNA digested with Eco RI. Probe: pUC 57-HV-ALA-AT digested with Xho I (504bp) S/N Blot pPTN1040 sorghum plants. Probe: pUC 57-HV-ALA-AT digested with Xho I (504bp) (+ control) TX 430 (- control) ZG 123 3-4a T1-6 ZG 123 3-4a T1-3 ZG 127 3-3a T1-4 ZG 127 3-3a T1-2 ZG 120 4-8a T1-6 ZG 120 4-8a T1-2 ZG 120 1-2a T1-5 ZG 120 1-2a T1-3 NPTII ELISA Southern/Northern blots MW 1. 2. SELECTION OF LEAD EVENTS PCR SPECIFIC ENZYME ACTIVITY GS FeCl G S 3 Glutamine synthetase activity in sorghum pPTN1033 UBI4 + OsGS1 540nm 20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 WQ18 8-1-1 (T1-7 T2-1) T3 WQ18 3-2-1 (T1-5 T2-5) T3 WQ18 3-1-1 (T1-1 T2-1) T3 PP4 24-1b (T0) T1 0.00 TX430 2.00 PP1 2-6a (T0) T1 G S Glutamine GS activity µmol ΥGHA/min/mg protein Acyl phosphate intermediate Glutamate ϒ Glutamyl hydroxamate Hydroxylamine Glutamine 0.350 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 Ala AT activity µmol NADH/min/mg protein TX430 ZG159 1-2b (T1-7) T2 ZG158 2-3a (T1-4) T2 ZG158 2-2a (T1-7 T2-2) T3 ZG158 1-1a (T1-8) T2 ZG151 4-5a (T1-5) T2 2-oxoglutarate ZG151 4-1a (T1-7) T2 ZG151 3-12a (T1-6) T2 ZG151 3-10a (T1-4) T2 Alanine aminotrasferase activity in sorghum pPTN1031 UBI4 + HvAlaAT ZG151 2-15a (T1-6) T2 Pyruvate ZG151 1-24a (T1-7 T2-1) T3 TX430 Glutamate ZG127 3-3a (T1-2) T2 ZG120 4-8a (T1-6) T2 ZG120 4-4b (T1-5) T2 ZG120 2-2a (T1-4 T2-1) T3 ZG120 4-17b (T1-1 T2-1) T3 ZG120 1-2a (T1-3) T2 WQ20 2-1-1 (T1-3) T2 Ala AT activity µmol NADH/min/mg protein ALA AT Alanine NADH LDH NAD+ Lactate Alanine aminotrasferase activity in sorghum pPTN1040 OsANT1 + HvAlaAT 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Example of the pyramiding scheme for the NUE putative genes Conclusions and future work A set of transgenic events have been developed in sorghum overexpressing enzymes involved in N/C metabolism. Lead events from this set are currently under selection based on number of inserts, levels of expression and enzyme activities. Moreover, an appropriate N regime has been determined to phenotype the selected lead events for NUE. The N regime selected was 5% N (0.75mM N) . Furthermore, a set of gene stacks have been developed and its characterization is under progress. NUE evaluation for remaining events will be started. Down-stream field evaluations of selected events and gene stacks for different levels of nitrogen conditions. Ethanol plants turning toward grain sorghum The future is bright Dorchester Co-op workers remove a pile of grain sorghum in this 2000 file photo, Lincoln Journal Star March 4, 2013 Acknowledgment NE Grain Sorghum Board NSCP DOE John Rajewski Malli Geli Tom Clemente Pamela Peña