腸道菌的想像 被遺忘的器官 越顯助教 細菌 = ? 疾病 抗生素發明前,人類最主要的死因。 霍亂、傷寒、淋病、破傷風、下痢與麻瘋病…等。 細菌武器 麻瘋病 『… 理論上來說,細菌武器的殺傷力甚至要超過核彈。 一枚核彈或許可以摧毀一整座城市,但是細菌武器可以 摧毀一整個國家。』 -Geoffrey Scarlett 食品 臭豆腐、乳酪、優酪乳…。 酒、醋、醬油…。 器官 ? 微生物: 從裡到外 1014-15 個 人類細胞:1013個 microbial community has been scarce, so the strength Variations in those host genes that co Mouth Hair on the head of the effect is controversial. However, an increasing ties of the gut habitat therefore have number ofon studies are now evaluating thisMouth effect, and the Variations in those host genes that contribute to p External auditory canal Hair the head affect the variation in the microbiom analysis of host genetics is just beginning to be incorpoties of the gutport habitat therefore have strong poten a contribution of host genetics to Oesophagus rated into studies of how the diversity of the gut bacteria affect the variation in the microbiome. Evidence microbial community has been sca Nostril relates to host susceptibility to disease. port a contribution host is genetics to the diversity of theof effect controversial. How In this Review, we describe how environmental facmicrobial community has been scarce, so the st number of studies are now evaluatin tors can contribute to variation in the diversity and comof the effect analysis is controversial. However, anbegin incr of host genetics is just position of the microbiota, and we explore the role of number of studies are now evaluating this effect, Oesophagus Nostril rated into studies of how the diversita host genes in this process. We also highlight an emerganalysis of host genetics is just beginningto disea to be in relates to host susceptibility Oesophagus Nostril ing view of the microbiota: one in which the microbiota rated into studies of how the diversity of the gut b in describe those host gen Mouth In thisVariations Review, we how External auditory canal Hair on the head Variations in those host genes that c External auditory Hair on head itselfcanal may be considered asthe a complex trait that is underMouth relates to hosttors susceptibility ties of to disease. theto gutvariation habitat there can contribute in the Gastrointestinal tract ties of the gut habitat therefore hav host genetic control and that interactswith environmental Skin In this Review, weaffect describe how environment variation in thewe m position of thethe microbiota, and affecttothe variation in the microbio and host factors in a number of chronic inflammatory tors can contribute variation in the diversity and port contribution of host g host genes in athis process. We also h port a contribution of host genetics diseases. position of the microbiota, and we explore the microbial community has ing view of the microbiota: one in w microbial community has beenansce host genes initself this process. We also is highlight effect controvers mayofbethe considered as a comple of the effect is controversial. How Skin Environment al impact on t he microbiot a Gastrointestinal ingtract view of the microbiota: oneofin which thenow micr number studies e host genetic control and thatare interacts number of as studies are now evaluatin To measure the impact of host genetics on microbial itself may beand considered a complex trait that isj analysis of host genetics is host factors in a number of chr Skin Gastrointestinal tract analysis ofthat host genetics is just begi diversity, host genetic control and interacts with Oesophagus Nostril it is useful to have an understanding of the rated into studies ofenviron how th diseases. Oesophagus Nostril rated into studies of how the diversi factors that can influence variation in the microbiotaMouth in and host factors in a number ofhost chronic inflamm Variations in those genes that con External auditory canal Hair on the head relates tohost susceptibility Vagina relates to host susceptibility to dise the absence of host genetic variation, as these environ- Penis diseases. ties of the gut In habitat therefore this Review, descr Environment al impact onwe thave he mis In this Review, how mental factors constitute the ‘noise’ that can mask host affect the variation in we thedescribe microbiome torsthe can impact contribute to variat To measure of host gen tors can contribute to variationaintotht genetic effects. Model organisms provide a system for Environment alaimpact onuseful t he microbiot port contribution of position ofhost the microbiota diversity, it is to genetics have an un position of the microbiota, and w controlling variation between identical hosts: genetically To measure the impact ofgenes host genetics on mic microbial community been scarc host inhas this process. factors that can influence variation i Vagina Penisinbred animals act as replicate hosts, allowing the impact host genes incontroversial. this process. We also diversity, itofis useful to is have an understanding the effect Howev ing view of genetic the microbiota: the absence of host variation ing view of the microbiota: one in w of environmental factors on the variation in the microfactors thatnumber can influence variation inevaluating the offactors studies arebe now itself may considered ast mental constitute themicrob ‘noise’ Vagina Penis itself may be considered as abeginn comp tract biotaSkin to be assessed. Mice are useful models for studies of Gastrointestinal the absenceanalysis of host genetic variation, as these en of host genetics is just host genetic control and that genetic effects. Model organisms p Skin Gastrointestinal tract host genetic control and that interact mice mental factors constitute the ‘noise’ that can mas Nostril human microbial ecology because the intestines ofOesophagus rated into studies of how thein diversity and host factors aidentic numb controlling variation between s Bacteroidetes Fusobacteria and host factors in aprovide number ch harbour communities that are grossly similar in comFirmicutes Bacteroidetes Fusob genetic effects. Model organisms aof syst relates to host susceptibility to disease diseases. inbred animals act as replicate hosts, teria Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria diseases. position (that is, have similar phylum and family level controlling variation identical hosts: gene Actinobacteria Cyanobacteria Prote thisbetween Review, we describe how en ofInenvironmental factors on the var abundances) to those of human intestines, diverging inbred animals act as replicate hosts, allowing the munity composition at different body locations in a tors can contribute to variation in the Environment alare impact od biota tocomposition be assessed. Mice useful m Figure 1 | Microbial community at different bod Environment al impact on t he m Nature Reviews | Microbiology mainly at the genus level (BOX 1). Husbandry conditions ve abundances of the six dominant bacterial phyla in each of environmental factors on the variation in the position of the microbiota, and we e To measure the impact of human microbial ecology because th Nature healthy human. The relative abundances of the six dominant ba Togenes measure the impact of host ge he external auditory canal (nine subjects), the hair on the Bacteroidetes Fusobacteriacan canFirmicutes be standardized across mice, and experiments biota to be assessed. Mice are useful for stu host in this process. We also hig diversity, it canal ismodels useful to ha harbour communities that are gros of the different body sites: the external auditory (nine subje outh (ten subjects), the oesophagus (four subjects), the diversity, it is useful to have an uo incorporate full factorial designs for testing the effects of Actinobacteria Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria human microbial ecology the intestines view offactors the because microbiota: one inphylu whi can influence v head (nine subjects), theing mouth (ten subjects), the oesophagus (fo position (that is,that have similar Firmicutes Bacteroidetes Fusobacteria subjects), the vagina (eight subjects), the penis (12 subjects), Vagina P enis factors that can influence variation various parameters on microbial diversity. harbour communities that are grossly similar in itself may be considered as a complex gastrointestinal subjects),the theabsence vagina (eight subjects), Vagina ofof host genetic Penis to those human int Figure | Microbial community composition at different body locations intract a tract (nineabundances) the nostril (nine subjects). Data taken from REFS 93–97 . 1 Skin Actinobacteria Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria the absence of host genetic variatio Gastrointestinal is, have similar phylum and famil the skin subjects) and the nostril (nine subjects). Data taken host genetic control and that interacts w factors constitute th Nature Reviews |(nine Microbiology mainly atmental the genus level (BOX 1) . Hu healthy human. The relative abundances of the six dominant bacterial phyla inposition each (that mental factors the ‘Stochas ticthe variability’ of thebody microbiome. One the abundances) tohost those of human intestines, div Figure 1 | Microbial community at different in aofthe and factors inconstitute a number of ‘noise chro genetic effects. Model orga of the different bodycomposition sites: external auditory canal locations (nine subjects), hair on the can be standardized across mice, an genetic effects. Model organisms p earliest thatsix can have abacterial profound on the Nature Reviews |influence Microbiology mainly at the genus level (BOX 1) . Husbandry con healthy human. relative abundances of the dominant phyla in each headThe (nine subjects), thefactors mouth (ten subjects), the oesophagus (four subjects), diseases. controlling variation betwee incorporate full factorial designs for controlling variation between ident mice can been reduced by exposure to the microbiota microbiota composition is the subjects), maternal environof the different body sites: thethe external canal subjects), the hair on the can be standardized across mice, gastrointestinal tract (nineauditory subjects), the(nine vagina (eight the penis (12 subjects), inbred animals actexperimen as various onand microbial div β-diversity miceparameters can been reduced byreplica expo inbred animals act as replicate hosts (nine subjects), mouth (ten(BOX 2) subjects), the oesophagus (four subjects), the from NOD mice lacking myeloidhead differentiation ment . Several studies have shown that genetically theprimary skinthe (nine subjects) and the nostril (nine subjects). Data taken from REFS 93–97 . incorporate full factorial designs for testing the ef al impact on t he micr of environmental factors on A measure of diversity that Environment from NOD micefactors lackingon myeloid tract (nine subjects), vagina (eight thehave penisa(12 subjects), of environmental the va response protein 88 (MYD88) 22gastrointestinal . In humans, anecdotal identicalthe mice from thesubjects), same litters more similar various parameters on microbial diversity. describes the differences To measure theto impact of host gene 22 biota be assessed. Mice ar External auditory canal EW S I EWI S REVREV REV I EW S 70% 功能? 佔據空間,排除病菌生長:競爭養分、與宿主和諧相 處、殺菌素與乳酸。 保護宿主:調節免疫系統 (腸胃炎)。 調節腸道的生長:腸細胞的增生與分生、加強腸壁間 隙。 分解功能:分解致癌物、膽固醇、膳食纖維、寡糖與 乳糖等。 產生代謝物:維生素、短鏈脂肪酸 科學新發現:肥胖細菌! 腸道微生物:被遺忘的器官 -Ann M. O’Hara & Fergus Shanahan 只是… 環境因素:生活習慣、飲食、先天體質… 並不是每個人都擁有這個健康的器官! 但是可以透過食品來保健! 益生菌 (probiotic) 可改善宿主 (如動物或人類) 腸內微生物的平衡,並對宿主 有正面的效益 A 菌:Lactobacillus acidophilus 乳酸菌 B 菌:Bifidobacterium lactis 比菲德氏菌 C 菌:Lactobacillus casei 乳酸菌 Streptococcus thermophilus 嗜高溫鏈球菌 Lactobacillus bulgaricus 保加利亞乳桿菌 缺點:不易通過消化道 (pH值、氧氣環境) 2. 益生質 (prebiotic) 無法被人類消化的食物,而成為益生菌的營養來源, 促進生長。 ex. 果寡糖、菊糖 動物的例子. 無尾熊 延伸資料:搜尋 “coprophagy” 食品的例子. 優酪乳 牛奶的加工:透過乳酸菌將牛奶發酵,使乳糖變成乳酸, 仍保有牛奶的營養價值,且對乳糖不耐症有緩解的功用 在台灣,習慣稱固態的為優格,液態的為優酪乳 含有益生菌,有助於腸道保持好菌,抑制有害菌之生長, 也可促進腸道保健 因為成分的關係 (乳酸與細菌相關的代謝物),適口性不是 很好,所以要添加很多糖分及香料,熱量高 小組討論 組內每人先依序回答下列問題,整合後派一位上台發表 1. 最常 / 最近使用的腸道菌食品是什麼? 2. 這個產品有訴諸任何功能嗎? 是什麼? 3. 在你身上的效果如何? 4. 為什麼有用 / 沒用? 討論時間:15 分鐘