Viruses, Bacteria, Protists, Fungi Chapter 7 Grade 7 Science Viruses • _____ Virus - a tiny, non-living particle invades and then multiplies inside of a living cell. • Viruses can only multiply when they are _____ inside of a living cell. • ______ - a living thing that provides the energy host source for a virus. • ________ - organisms that live on or in a host and parasite can cause it harm. • Viruses act like parasites but they are not ___________. organisms Structure of Viruses • Viruses have three distinct shapes: round – _________ – _______ rods – ________ threads All viruses have two basic parts: Protein coat that protects the virus 1. A __________ Inner core 2. A ___________ made of genetic material Virus Structure and Host Cells keys locks • Viruses are like ______ that fit into ______ which is a protein on the surface of a host cell. Lock and Key action - the shape of surface • ______________ proteins allows the proteins to fit into a only certain proteins that are located on the surface of the host. bacteriophage • ______________ - a virus that infects bacteria and has a robot-like shape. How Viruses Multiply • After a _________ attaches to a ________ it virus Host cell enters the cell. • After the virus enters the cell, the ____________ genetic material takes over many of the cell’s functions. • The ___________ genetic material instructs the cell to produce the virus’s proteins and genetic material. • The ________ and ___________ proteins genetic material continue to multiply into new viruses Active Viruses Active Viruses • ___________ - enter cells and immediately begin to multiply leading to the quick death of the invaded cells. • _____________ - “hide” for a while before Hidden Virus becoming active inside of the host cell. The hidden virus hides inside of the host cells ___________ Genetic material before it becomes active. Viruses and Diseases Viruses diseases • ________ cause ________ • Viral diseases are spread through ________, contact Drops of moisture _________, _____________, and bites ___________. Body fluids • _________ - a substance introduced into the Vaccine body to stimulate the production of chemicals that destroy specific disease causing viruses and organisms – a ___________ measure. preventative Bacteria Anton van Leeuwenhoek - discovered bacteria in • ________________ the late 1600’s. • __________ - single celled organisms with no bacteria nucleus. • __________ - the genetic material is not prokaryotes contained in the nucleus. Cell wall Cell membrane • Bacteria cells have _______ and __________ Bacteria – Structure Bacteria - Size Obtaining Food and Energy • Bacteria must have : 1. _____________ Source of food 2. ______________ Energy supply Some Bacteria are __________ autotrophs - self feeders Bacteria make their food in 2 ways: Suns energy 1. ______________ 2. _______________________________________ Energy from chemical substances in the environment heterotrophs - other feeders that feed Some bacteria are __________ on other organisms or the food that other organisms make. Respiration energy • _________ comes from breaking down food in the process of __________. respiration oxygen • Some bacteria need ________ for respiration oxygen • Others do not need ________ - these bacteria are called __________ and will die in the anaerobic presence of oxygen. Reproduction • Bacteria need the following for reproduction: 1. ___________ food temperature 2. ___________ Suitable conditions 3. _______________ Asexual Reproduction - reproductive process that ________________ requires only one parent. - ___________ Binary fission - one cell divides to form two identical cells – each cell gets its own complete copy of the parents cell’s genetic material, ribosomes and cytoplasm Reproduction Continued • ______________ Sexual reproduction - two parents combine their genetic material to produce a new organisms. conjugation - one bacterium transfers some – _________ genetic material to another and then the cells separate. – Bacteria can survive harsh conditions by forming endospores - a small, round, thick-walled, resting __________ cell that forms inside a bacterial cell. freezing heating and - endospores can resist _________, _______, drying - they can survive for many years ______ Bacteria in Nature • Bacteria are involved in: Oxygen and food production – ______________________ – ___________________________ Environmental recycling and cleanup Health maintenance – _________________ Medicine Production – _________________ Autotrophic bacteria were Scientists believe that _________________ responsible for adding oxygen to the Earth’s atmosphere. Bacteria keep oxygen levels in the air ________. stable Food Production / Environmental Recycling Pasteurization named after Louis Pasteur, is a • __________process where beverages such as milk and juices are heated to a temperature high enough to kill harmful bacteria without destroying the taste. Decomposers • ___________ - are “nature’s recyclers” – return basic chemicals such as nitrogen ______ to the environment for other living things to use. Recycling and Nitrogen-Fixing Decomposing bacteria • ________________ break down chemicals in leaves and branches that drop to the ground. Once these materials are broken down, they mix with soil and can be absorbed from _______ of nearby plants. roots • ________________ Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in soils and convert nitrogen gas from the air to nitrogen products that plants need to grow. Health and Medicine Help to digest food • Bacteria _______________ • Bacteria ____________ Make vitamins • Good bacteria can help harmful bacteria from making your sick. • ________________ Insulin-making bacteria - purified and made into medicine for people that cannot make their own. Protists Protists • ___________ - eukaryotes that cannot be classifies as animals, plants, or fungi • All protists live in _____ moist surroundings. • Animal-like protists - protozoans ________ are heterotrophs - other feeders. __________ unicellular • Protozoans are __________ - one celled • Protozoans are classified into 4 groups based move live on the way they ________ and ________ Protozoans with Pseudopods • ________ - sarcodines that live in either water amoeba or soil. Sarcodines • __________ - move and feed by forming pseudopods. False foot • Pseudopod means “__________” – temporary bulges in the cell cytoplasm flows in • Pseuodopds move when the _______ one direction and the rest of the organism follows Pseudopds • Sarcodines use pseudopds to __________. Trap food • The pseudopds are extended on both sides of the food particle until the pseudopods join together and the particle is trapped. Contractile vacuole • _______________ - a structure that collects extra water that is taken into the cells of protozoans that live in fresh water such as amoeba - the water is then expelled so that _______ the amoeba will not burst. Protozoans with Cilia cilia - hair like projections from cells that • ____ move in a wavelike motion. ciliates • _______ use cilia to _____ move and obtain _____. food paramecium - ciliates that are complex – two • __________ _____________ Contractile vacuoles and more than one _______ nucleus asexually • Paramecium reproduce __________ by ___________or ___________ Binary fission conjugation Protozoans with Flagella • Protists that use long, whip-like structures to move - _______ flagella • Some protozoans _________ live inside of the bodies of other organisms. • The relationship where one organism is helped is called ________. (ex. Flagellate that lives inside symbiosis of the intestine of termites) • The relationship where both organisms are mutualism - a type of benefited is called ________ symbiosis _________ Protozoans that are Parasites Plantlike Protists • • • • algae Plantlike protists are called _____. Algea are __________. autotrophs Algea are _________ Food sources and / or ____________ Oxygen producers colonies are groups of unicellular organisms _______ that live together – some cells in the colony are specialized for certain functions such as ____________ reproduction multicellular • Some algea are also __________ Diatoms Diatoms ________ are unicellular protists with glasslike cell walls. Food source for Diatoms are a _________ ___________organisms in waters – diatoms heterotrophic either float or attach to objects in shallow waters. Diatoms move by oozing chemicals from their cell walls and then gliding in the slime. Dinoflagellates dinoflagellates • _____________ - unicellular algea surrounded by stiff plates • Dinoflagellates have two _______ that are flagella held in between their plates. • Dinoflagellates whirl through the water with their flagella and some are ______________. Glow in the dark ocean • Found on the surface of _______ waters Euglenoids • ________ Euglenoids are green unicellular algea that are found in fresh water. • Euglenoids have one animal-like characteristic heterotrophic – they can be ___________ when sunlight is not available. • ________a common euglenoid that has a euglena long whip-like flagellum that helps it to move.. • _______ - helps the euglena to find light eyespot sources – valuable for autotrophs. Red Algae multicellular • Almost all red algae are __________ • Red _________ absorbs small amounts of light pigment that is able to reach deep below the oceans surface. • Red algae is used by humans in products such as _________, _________, and other nutrient Ice cream conditioner rich foods in Asia. Green Algae • Green algae contain ____________ and are Green pigment very diverse. • Green algae can be _________, form unicellular colonies _________, or be multicellular. Fresh water Salt water • Live in either ____________ or __________. • Green algae and plants share the same type of chlorophyll ___________ • There is a debate over whether green algae belongs in the ______ kingdom. plant Brown Algae • ____________ are brown algae. Sea weeds • Brown algae contain ________, ________, brown green orange _________, and _______ pigments. yellow • Cool, rocky waters • Brown algae can form underwater _____ forests and provide valuable habitat for underwater creatures. • Some humans eat brown algae and use it in products such as thickeners in foods. Fungi-like Protists • Third group of protists (animal-like and plant-like protists) heterotrophs __________, have cell walls • Fungus-like protists are _________, and _________________. Use spores to reproduce • Three types of fungus-like protists include: • _________ Slime molds - forest floors, moist shady places • __________ Water molds - decomposers of dead aquatic organisms, parasites of fish and other animals • ___________ Downy mildews - parasites of many food crops Fungi • Characteristics of fungi: eukaryotes - organism whose cell contains a – _________ nucleii – ____________ heterotrophs - other feeder Absorb their food – _____________ – ________________ Reproduce by spores – _________________________ Need moist , warm places to grow Cell structure unicellular multicellular Fungi can be either _________ or ___________ The cells of all fungi are surrounded by a _______ Cell wall hyphae All fungi, except for yeast, have _____ branching thread-like tubes Hyphae are useful in the process of ____________ Food absorption Obtaining Food hyphae • First the fungi grow the _______ into the food source – ex. Fungi on dead trees • Next, the hyphae release a chemical into the food source to help break the food down absorb the food that has • Then the hyphae ______ been broken down by the digestive chemicals that were released Reproduction • Fungi reproduce by _____ spores - asexual and sexual • Fungi make spores _______ asexually - cells at the tips of the _______reproduce to form _______ hyphae spores • Yeast is an exception – yeast cells reproduce budding - similar to a bud growing on through _______ a tree branch – no spores are formed. Sexual reproduction - the hyphae of two fungi • _____________ grow together and the genetic material is exchanged. Role of Fungi in Nature • • • • Foods for people 1. _____________ 2. _________________ Environmental Recycling - decomposers Disease fighting fungi - penicillan 3.________________ Disease Causing Fungus - parasites on plants, 4. _______________ Dutch elm disease, corn smut, wheat rust, athlete’s foot, ringworm • ______ Lichens - fungal and bacterial relationship – “pioneer” organisms. Lichens