Chapter 21 Lecture PowerPoint To run the animations you must be in Slideshow View. Use the buttons on the animation to play, pause, and turn audio/text on or off. Please Note: Once you have used any of the animation functions (such as Play or Pause), you must first click in the white background before you can advance to the next slide. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Lymphatic and Immune Systems • immune system – not an organ system, but a population of cells that inhabit all of our organs and defend the body from agents of disease – especially concentrated in the true organ system – lymphatic system • network of organs and vein-like vessels that recover fluid • inspect it for disease agents • activate immune responses • return the fluid to the bloodstream 21-2 Lymphatic and Immune Systems Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Capillary bed Tissue fluid Tissue cell Lymphatic capillary Venule Arteriole Figure 21.3a (a) • maintain fluid balance • protect body from infection and disease 21-3 Functions of Lymphatic System • fluid recovery – fluid continually filters from the blood capillaries into the tissue spaces • blood capillaries reabsorb 85% • 15% enters lymphatic system and is returned to the blood • immunity – excess filtered fluid picks up foreign cells and chemicals from the tissues • passes through lymph nodes where immune cells stand guard • lipid absorption – lacteals in small intestine absorb dietary lipids that are not absorbed by the blood capillaries 21-4 Components of the Lymphatic System • lymph – the recovered fluid • lymphatic vessels – transport the lymph • lymphatic tissues – aggregates of lymphocytes and macrophages that populate many organs • lymphatic organs – defense cells are especially concentrated here – separated from surrounding organs by connective tissue capsules 21-5 Lymph and Lymphatic Capillaries • lymph – clear, colorless fluid, similar to plasma, less protein – extracellular fluid • lymphatic capillaries (terminal lymphatics) – – – – penetrate nearly every tissue of the body sacs of thin endothelial cells - loosely overlap each other closed at one end gaps between cells are large enough to allow bacteria and cells to enter – valve-like flaps that open when interstitial fluid pressure is high, and close when it is low • so no backflow into tissue 21-6 Lymphatic Capillary Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Lymph Opening Tissue fluid Endothelium of lymphatic capillary Anchoring filaments (b) Figure 21.3b 21-7 Valve in a Lymphatic Vessel Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Lymph Lymph flows forward through open valves Valve (a) (b) Closed valves prevent backflow © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Dennis Strete, photographer Figure 21.4a Figure 21.4b 21-8 The Fluid Cycle Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Lymphatic system Cardiovascular system Lymphatic capillaries Cervical lymph nodes Pulmonary circuit Lymph nodes Lymphatic trunks Palatine tonsil L. internal jugular v. Thoracic duct R. lymphatic duct Thymus Axillary lymph node Subclavian vein Collecting duct Thoracic duct Cisterna chyli Spleen R. and l. lumbar trunks Superior vena cava Collecting vessels Abdominal, intestinal, and mesenteric lymph nodes Intestinal trunk Red bone marrow Inguinal lymph nodes Blood flow Popliteal lymph nodes Lymph flow Systemic circuit Lymphatic capillaries Figure 21.5 Lymphatic vessels Figure 21.1 21-9 Mechanisms of Lymph Flow • Low pressure, no pump • moved along by rhythmic contractions of lymphatic vessels – stretching of vessels stimulates contraction • skeletal muscle pump • arterial pulsation rhythmically squeezes lymphatic vessels • thoracic pump aids flow from abdominal to thoracic cavity • valves prevent backward flow • rapidly flowing blood in subclavian veins, draws lymph into it • exercise significantly increases lymphatic return 21-10 Lymphatic Tissue • lymphatic (lymphoid) tissue – aggregations of lymphocytes in the connective tissues of mucous membranes and various organs • diffuse lymphatic tissue – simplest form – lymphocytes are scattered, rather than densely clustered – prevalent in body passages open to the exterior • respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive tract • lymphatic nodules – dense masses of lymphocytes and macrophages that congregate in response to pathogens – constant feature of the lymph nodes, tonsils, and appendix – Peyer patches – dense clusters in the ileum (small intestine) 21-11 Lymphatic Nodule Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Intestinal villus Lymphatic nodule Custom Medical Stock Photo Figure 21.8 21-12 Lymphatic Organs • lymphatic organs have well-defined anatomical sites – have connective tissue capsule that separates the lymphatic tissue from neighboring tissues • primary lymphatic organs – red bone marrow and thymus – site where T and B cells become immunocompetent – able to recognize and respond to antigens • secondary lymphatic organs – lymph nodes, tonsils, and spleen – immunocompetent cells populate these tissues 21-13 Red Bone Marrow • involved in hemopoiesis (blood formation) and immunity – soft, loosely organized, highly vascular material – separated from osseous tissue by endosteum of bone – as blood cells mature, they push their way through the reticular and endothelial cells to enter the sinus and flow away in the blood stream 21-14 Histology of Red Bone Marrow Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Sinusoid Capillary Adipose cell Artery Endothelial cells Figure 21.9 Reticular cells Central longitudinal vein Platelets and blood cell entering circulation Sinusoid Megakaryocyte Sinusoid 21-15 Thymus • thymus – member of the endocrine, lymphatic, and immune systems – – – – – houses developing lymphocytes secretes hormones regulating their activity bilobed organ located between sternum and aortic arch degeneration or involution with age fibrous capsule gives off trabeculae (septa) that divide the gland into several lobes • lobes have cortex and medulla populated by T lymphocytes 21-16 Histology of Thymus Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Trabecula Trabecula Cortex Medulla Lobule (b) © The McGraw-Hill Companies/Rebecca Gray, photographer/Don Kincaid, dissections Figure 21.10b 21-17 Lymph Node • lymph nodes – most numerous lymphatic organs – about 450 in typical young adult – two functions: • cleanse the lymph • act as a site of T and B cell activation • elongated, bean shaped structure • enclosed with fibrous capsule with trabeculae that divide interior into compartments 21-18 Lymph Node Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Stroma: Medullary cords Capsule Reticular tissue Trabecula Medullary sinus Macrophage Trabecula Cortex Lymphatic nodule Reticular fibers Artery and vein (b) Medulla Efferent lymphatic vessel Afferent lymphatic vessels (a) Figure 21.12a,b 21-19 Lymph Nodes and Metastatic Cancer • metastasis – cancerous cells break free from the original, primary tumor, travel to other sites in the body, and establish new tumors. – metastasizing cancer cells can easily enter the lymphatic vessels – tend to lodge in the first lymph node they encounter – multiply there and eventually destroy the node – tend to spread to the next node downstream – treatment of breast cancer is lumpectomy, mastectomy along with removal of nearby axillary nodes 21-20 Tonsils • tonsils – patches of lymphatic tissue located at the entrance to the pharynx – guard against ingested or inhaled pathogens – have deep pits – tonsillar crypts lined with lymphatic nodules • three main sets of tonsils – palatine tonsils - posterior margin of oral cavity – lingual tonsils - root of tongue – pharyngeal tonsil (adenoid) 21-21 The Tonsils Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Pharyngeal tonsil Palate Palatine tonsil Lingual tonsil Figure 21.13 a (a) 21-22 Spleen • spleen – the body’s largest lymphatic organ • parenchyma exhibits two types of tissue: – red pulp - sinuses filled with erythrocytes – white pulp - lymphocytes, macrophages surrounding small branches of splenic artery 21-23 Spleen • functions – blood production in fetus – blood reservoir – ‘erythrocyte graveyard’ - RBC disposal – white pulp monitors blood for foreign antigens • spleen highly vascular and vulnerable to trauma and infection – ruptured spleen - splenectomy 21-24 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Diaphragm Spleen Spleen Splenic artery Splenic vein Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Pancreas Superior Kidney Inferior vena cava Aorta Common iliac arteries Gastric area Hilum (a) Renal area Figure 21.14a Red pulp Central artery (branching) Splenic vein Splenic artery (b) White pulp (c) © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Photo by Dr. Alvin Telser Figure 21.14c Inferior Figure 21.14b 21-25 ? 21-26 Defenses Against Pathogens • pathogens – environmental agents capable of producing disease – infectious organisms, toxic chemicals, and radiation • three lines of defense against pathogens: – first line – external barriers, skin and mucous membranes – second line – nonspecific defense mechanisms • leukocytes and macrophages, antimicrobial proteins, immune surveillance, inflammation, and fever • effective against a broad range of pathogens – third line of defense – the immune system • defeats a pathogen, and leaves the body of a ‘memory’ of it so it can defeat it faster in the future 21-27 Nonspecific Resistance and Immunity • nonspecific resistance – guards equally against a broad range of pathogens – effectiveness does not depend on prior exposure – skin and mucous membranes – leukocytes and macrophages, antimicrobial proteins, immune surveillance, inflammation, and fever • immunity – specific defense because it results from prior exposure to a pathogen – usually provides future protection only against that particular one 21-28 External Barriers • skin – mechanically difficult for microorganisms to enter the body – too dry and nutrient-poor to support microbial growth – defensins – peptides that kill microbes by creating holes in their membranes – acid mantle – lactic acid from sweat - inhibits bacterial growth • mucous membranes – digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts – mucus physically traps microbes – lysozyme - enzyme destroys bacterial cell walls • subepithelial areolar tissue – viscous barrier of hyaluronic acid 21-29 Leukocytes and Macrophages • phagocytes – cells that “eat” foreign matter • five types of leukocytes – neutrophils – eosinophils – basophils – monocytes – lymphocytes 21-30 Neutrophils • wander in connective tissue killing bacteria – phagocytosis and digestion – produces a cloud of bactericidal chemicals • create a killing zone – degranulation • lysosomes discharge into tissue fluid – respiratory burst – neutrophils rapidly absorb . oxygen and toxic chemicals are created (O2 , H2O2, HClO) – kill more w/ toxic chemicals than phagocytosis 21-31 Eosinophils • found especially in the mucous membranes • stand guard against parasites, allergens (allergy causing agents) • kill worms by producing superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and toxic proteins • promote action of basophils and mast cells • phagocytize antigen-antibody complexes 21-32 Basophils • secrete chemicals that aid mobility and action of other leukocytes – leukotrienes – activate and attract neutrophils and eosinophils – histamine – a vasodilator which increases blood flow • speeds delivery of leukocytes to the area – heparin – inhibits the formation of clots • lets the leukocytes get there fast • mast cells also secrete these substances – type of connective tissue cell very similar to basophils 21-33 Lymphocytes • three basic categories • circulating blood contains – 80% T cells – 15% B cells – 5% NK cells • many diverse functions more later 21-34 Monocytes • monocytes - move from blood into connective tissue and transform into macrophages • macrophage system – all the body’s avidly phagocytic cells – wandering macrophages – actively seeking pathogens • widely distributed in loose connective tissue – fixed macrophages – don’t move around • microglia – in central nervous system • alveolar macrophages – in lungs • hepatic macrophages – in liver 21-35 ? 21-36 Antimicrobial Proteins • proteins that inhibit microbial reproduction and provide short-term, nonspecific resistance to pathogenic bacteria and viruses • two families of antimicrobial proteins: – Interferons – used against viruses – complement system – cause inflammation and removal or killing of invaders 21-37 Fever • fever – an abnormal elevation of body temperature – from trauma, infections, drug reactions, brain tumors, and other causes • fever is an adaptive defense mechanism - a moderate fever is helpful – promotes interferon activity – elevates metabolic rate and accelerates tissue repair – inhibits reproduction of bacteria and viruses In most cases, there’s no medical need to bring down a fever 21-38 Reye Syndrome • Reye Syndrome – serious disorder in children younger than 15 following an acute viral infection such as chicken pox or influenza – fatty infiltration of liver and other viscera – swelling of brain neurons • nausea, vomiting, disorientation, seizures and coma • 30% die, survivors sometimes suffer mental retardation • can be triggered by the use of aspirin to control fever • never give aspirin to children with chickenpox or flulike symptoms 21-39 Inflammation • inflammation – local defensive response to tissue injury of any kind, including trauma and infection • general purposes of inflammation – limit spread of pathogens, then destroy them – remove debris from damaged tissue – initiate tissue repair • four cardinal signs of inflammation - redness - swelling - heat - pain 21-40 Processes of Inflammation • three major processes of inflammation – mobilization of body defenses – containment and destruction of pathogens – tissue cleanup and repair 21-41 Mobilization of Defenses • When tissue is injured - get the defensive leukocytes to the site quickly! • local hyperemia – increasing blood flow beyond normal rate is a way to do this – local vasodilation due to vasoactive chemicals • histamine, leukotrienes, and other cytokines – endothelial cells separate increasing capillary permeability – fluid, leukocytes, and plasma proteins leave the bloodstream and go to battle 21-42 Mobilization of Defenses • basis for the four cardinal signs of inflammation – heat – results from hyperemia – redness – due to hyperemia, and RBCs in the tissue – swelling (edema) – due to increased fluid filtration from the capillaries – pain – from direct injury to the nerves, pressure on the nerves from edema, stimulation of pain receptors by prostaglandins, bacterial toxins, and a chemical called bradykinin 21-43 Containment and Destruction of Pathogens • a priority of inflammation is to prevent the pathogens from spreading throughout the body – fibrinogen clots around injury site • forms a sticky mesh that walls off microbes – heparin prevents clotting at site of injury • pathogens are in a fluid pocket surrounded by clot • attacked by antibodies, phagocytes, and other defenses 21-44 Containment and Destruction of Pathogens • chemotaxis – attraction to chemicals that guide WBC’s to the injury site • neutrophils are quickest to respond – macrophages and T cells secrete colony-stimulating factor to stimulate leukopoiesis 21-45 Tissue Cleanup • monocytes -main agents of tissue cleanup and repair – arrive in 8 to 12 hours and become macrophages – engulf and destroy bacteria, damaged host cells, and dead and dying neutrophils • edema contributes to tissue cleanup – swelling compresses veins and reduces venous drainage – lymphatics collect and remove bacteria, dead cells, proteins, and tissue debris better than blood capillaries • pus – accumulation of dead neutrophils, bacteria, cellular debris, and tissue fluid – abscess – accumulation of pus in a tissue cavity 21-46 Tissue Repair • platelet-derived growth factor secreted by blood platelets and endothelial cells in injured area • hyperemia delivers oxygen, amino acids, and other necessities for protein synthesis • increased heat increases metabolic rate, speeds mitosis, and tissue repair • fibrin clot forms a scaffold for tissue reconstruction • pain makes us limit the use of a body part so it has a chance to rest and heal. 21-47 ? 21-48 Specific Immunity • immune system – composed of a large population of widely distributed cells that recognize specific foreign substances and act to neutralize or destroy them • two characteristics distinguish immunity from nonspecific resistance – specificity – immunity directed against a particular pathogen – memory – when re-exposed to the same pathogen, the body reacts so quickly that there is no noticeable illness 21-49 Specific Immunity • two types of specific immunity – cellular (cell-mediated) immunity: (T cells) • lymphocytes directly attack and destroy foreign cells or diseased host cells • can attack pathogens that reside inside human cells, where they are inaccessible to antibodies – kills cells that harbor them – humoral (antibody-mediated) immunity: (B cells) • indirect attack where antibodies assault the pathogen (but don’t destroy it) • can only work against the extracellular stage of infectious microorganisms 21-50 Antigens • antigen – any molecule that triggers an immune response – large molecular weights of over 10,000 amu • complex molecules with structures unique to the individual • proteins, glycoproteins, glycolipids • epitopes (antigenic determinants) – certain regions of an antigen molecule that stimulate immune responses • haptens - too small to be antigenic in themselves – combine with a host macromolecule – create a unique complex that the body recognizes as foreign – cosmetics, detergents, industrial chemicals, poison ivy, and animal dander 21-51 Please note that due to differing operating systems, some animations will not appear until the presentation is viewed in Presentation Mode (Slide Show view). You may see blank slides in the “Normal” or “Slide Sorter” views. All animations will appear after viewing in Presentation Mode and playing each animation. Most animations will require the latest version of the Flash Player, which is available at Lymphocytes • major cells of the immune system – lymphocytes – macrophages – dendritic cells • especially concentrated in strategic places like lymphatic organs, skin, mucous membranes • three categories of lymphocytes – natural killer (NK) cells – immune surveillance – T lymphocytes (T cells) – B lymphocytes (B cells) 21-53 Life Cycle of T cells • Stage 1: ‘born’ in the red bone marrow – released into the blood as still-undifferentiated stem cells that go to thymus • Stage 2: mature in thymus – thymosins stimulate maturing T cells to develop surface antigen receptors – with receptors in place, the T cells are now immunocompetent – capable of recognizing antigens presented to them by APCs – T cells are tested by presenting ‘self’ antigens to them – two ways to fail the test: • don’t recognize the testing cell (not responsive enough) • reacting to the self antigen - wrong response 21-54 Life Cycle of T cells – negative selection - T cells that fail either test must be eliminated – 2% of the T cells that reach the thymus leave as immunocompetent T cells • move to thymus medulla, multiply, and form clones of identical T cells that respond to a specific antigen • Stage 3: deployment into body – naïve T cells leave thymus and colonize lymphatic tissues and organs everywhere in the body 21-55 B Lymphocytes (B cells) • site of development – stem cells remain in bone marrow – develop into B cells • B cell selection – B cells that react to self antigens are destroyed as in T cell selection • self-tolerant B cells synthesize antigen surface receptors, divide rapidly, produce immunocompetent clones • leave bone marrow and colonize same lymphatic tissues and organs as T cells 21-56 Antigen-Presenting Cells (APCs) • T cells cannot recognize their antigens on their own • antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are required to help – dendritic cells, macrophages, reticular cells, and B cells function as APCs • function of APCs depends on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins – act as cell ‘identification tags’ that label every cell of your body as belonging to you – structurally unique for each individual, except for identical twins 21-57 Antigen-Presenting Cells (APCs) • antigen processing – APC encounters antigen – internalizes it by endocytosis – digests it into molecular fragments – displays relevant fragments (epitopes) in the grooves of the MHC protein 21-58 Antigen-Presenting Cells (APCs) • antigen presenting – wandering T cells inspect APCs for displayed antigens – if APC only displays a self-antigen, the T cell disregards it – if APC displays a nonself-antigen, the T cell initiates an immune attack – APCs alert the immune system to presence of foreign antigens 21-59 Antigen Processing Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 1 Phagocytosis of antigen Lysosome Epitopes MHC protein 2 Lysosome fuses with phagosome 3 Antigen and enzyme mix in phagolysosome 4 Antigen is degraded Phagosome 6 Processed antigen fragments (epitopes) displayed on macrophage surface Figure 21.21a 5 Antigen residue is voided by exocytosis (a) 21-60 ? 21-61 Immunity • there are two kinds: cellular and humoral • Both occur in three stages: – recognition – attack – memory • thought of as the ‘three Rs of immunity’ – recognize – react – remember 21-62 Cellular Immunity • cellular (cell-mediated) immunity – a form of specific defense in which the T lymphocytes directly attack and destroy diseased or foreign cells, and the immune system remembers the antigens and prevents them from causing disease in the future 21-63 Cellular Immunity • cellular immunity involves four classes of T cells – cytotoxic T (TC) cells – killer T cells (T8, CD8, or CD8+) • carry out attack on enemy cells – helper T (TH) cells (T4, CD4, CD4+) • promote TC and B cell action & nonspecific resistance – regulatory T (TR) cells – T-regs • limit immune response – memory T (TM) cells • descend from the cytotoxic T cells • responsible for memory in cellular immunity 21-64 T Cell Recognition 1. Antigen Presentation – APC encounters and processes an antigen – migrates to nearest lymph node – displays it to the T cells – when T cell encounters its displayed antigen on the MHC protein, they initiate the immune response 21-65 T Cell Recognition 2. T Cell Activation – – • – • • • • TC or TH cell binds to a MHCP displaying an epitope that the T cell is programmed to recognize T cell must then bind to another APC protein on same cell “double checks” to make sure it should respond costimulation successful costimulation will trigger clonal selection activated T cell undergoes repeated mitosis get clones of identical T cells programmed against the same epitope some clone cells become effector cells and attack other cells become memory cells 21-66 21-67 Costimulation protein MHC protein APC Antigen T cell Activation 1 Antigen recognition TC or TH APC TC or TH 2 Costimulation TM TH TC or TC TC TH TM TH TM 3 Clonal selection Memory T cells Effector cells TC Figure 21.22 4 Lethal hit Enemy cell TH MHC-I protein Destruction of enemy cell or APC MHC-II protein 4 Interleukin secretion Activity of NK, B, or TC cells Development of memory T cells Inflammation and other nonspecific defenses Attack : Role of Helper T (TH) Cells • helper and cytotoxic T cells play different roles in the attack phase • Helper T cell: central role in coordinating both cellular and humoral immunity • when helper T cell recognizes the Ag-MHCP complex: – secrete interleukins that exert three effects: • attract neutrophils and NK cells • attract macrophages, stimulate their phagocytic activity, and inhibit them from leaving the area • stimulate T and B cell mitosis and maturation 21-68 Attack : Role of Helper T (TH) Cells Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Macrophage, B cell, or other antigen-presenting cell Helper T (T4) cell Figure 21.23 Macrophageactivating factor Other cytokines Interleukin-2 Other cytokines Interleukin-1 Other cytokines Macrophage activity Leukocyte chemotaxis Inflammation Clonal selection of B cells Clonal selection of cytotoxic T cells Humoral immunity Cellular immunity Nonspecific defense 21-69 Attack : Cytotoxic T (TC) Cells • cytotoxic T cells (TC) - only T cells that directly attack other cells when TC cell recognizes a complex of ag-MHC protein on a diseased or foreign cell it ‘docks’ on that cell • – – delivers a lethal hit of toxic chemicals goes off in search of another enemy cell while the chemicals do their work 21-70 Cytotoxic T Cell Function Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. T cell T cell Cancer cell Dying cancer cell (a) 10 µm (b) Dr. Andrejs Liepins Figure 21.24 a-b • cytotoxic T cell binding to cancer cell 21-71 Memory • immune memory follows primary response • following clonal selection, some TC and TH cells become memory cells – long-lived – more numerous than naïve T cells – fewer steps to be activated, so response is faster • T cell recall response – if re-exposed to same pathogen later, memory cells launch quick attack - no noticeable illness occurs – the person is immune to the disease 21-72 Humoral Immunity • humoral immunity is a more indirect method of defense than cellular immunity • B lymphocytes of humoral immunity produce antibodies that bind to antigens and tag them for destruction by other means – cellular immunity attacks the enemy cells directly • works in three stages like cellular immunity – recognition – attack – memory 21-73 Humoral Immunity 1. recognition – immunocompetent B cell has thousands of surface receptors for one antigen – activation begins when an antigen binds to several of these receptors • links them together • taken into the cell by receptor-mediated endocytosis • antigen is digested and epitopes displayed on the cell surface – usually B cell response goes no further unless a helper T cell binds to this Ag-MHCP complex • bound TH cell secretes interleukins that activate B cell 21-74 Humoral Immunity 1. recognition – triggers clonal selection • B cell mitosis gives rise to an entire battalion of identical B cells programmed against the same antigen • most differentiate into plasma cells – secrete antibodies at a rate of 2,000 molecules per second during their life span of 4 to 5 days • antibodies travel through the body in the blood or other body fluids 2. attack – antibodies bind to antigen, render it harmless, ‘tag it’ for destruction 3. memory – some B cells differentiate into memory cells 21-75 Antigen Receptor Lymphocyte 1 Antigen recognition Immunocompetent B cells exposed to antigen. Antigen binds only to B cells with complementary receptors. Humoral Immunity Recognition Figure 21.25 2 Antigen presentation B cell internalizes antigen B cell and displays processed epitope. Helper T cell binds to B cell and secretes interleukin. Helper T cell Epitope MHC-II protein Interleukin 3 Clonal selection Interleukin stimulates B cell to divide repeatedly and form a clone. 4 Differentiation Some cells of the clone become memory B cells. Most differentiate into plasma cells. 5 Attack Plasma cells synthesize and secrete antibody. Antibody employs various means to render antigen harmless. Plasma cells Antibody Memory B cell 21-76 B cells and Plasma cells Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Rough endoplasmic Mitochondria reticulum Nucleus (a) B cell 2 µm (b) Plasma cell 2 µm © Dr. Don W. Fawcett/Visuals Unlimited Figure 21.26 a-b 21-77 Please note that due to differing operating systems, some animations will not appear until the presentation is viewed in Presentation Mode (Slide Show view). You may see blank slides in the “Normal” or “Slide Sorter” views. All animations will appear after viewing in Presentation Mode and playing each animation. Most animations will require the latest version of the Flash Player, which is available at Antibodies • immunoglobulin (Ig) – an antibody is a defensive gamma globulin (protein) – found in the blood plasma, tissue fluids, body secretions, and some leukocyte membranes • antibody monomer – the basic structural unit of an antibody – composed of four polypeptide chains – two heavy chains plus two light chains about half as long – variable (V) region in all four chains • gives the antibody its uniqueness – antigen binding site – V regions of the heavy and light chains on each arm – constant (C) region has the same amino acid sequence within one person 21-79 Antibody Structure Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Disulfide bonds Antigenbinding site Light chain Variable (V) regions Hinge region Complement-binding site Constant (C) regions Heavy chain (a) Figure 21.27a 21-80 Humoral Immunity - Attack • neutralization – antibodies mask pathogenic region of antigen • complement fixation – antigen binds antibody, antibody changes shape, initiates complement binding – primary defense against foreign cells, bacteria, and mismatched RBCs • agglutination – antibody has 2-10 binding sites; binds to multiple enemy cells immobilizing them from spreading • precipitation – antibody binds antigen molecules (not cells); creates antigenantibody complex that precipitates, phagocytized by 21-81 eosinophils Agglutination and Precipitation Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Antibodies (IgM) (a) Figure 21.28 a-b Antigens (b) Antibody monomers 21-82 Humoral Immunity - Memory • primary immune response – immune reaction brought about by the first exposure to an antigen – protective antibodies appear in 3 to 6 days as naïve B cells multiply and differentiate into plasma cells – as plasma cells produce antibodies, the antibody titer (level in the blood plasma) rises – primary response leaves immune memory of the antigen • during clonal selection, some of the clone becomes memory B cells • found mainly in germinal centers of the lymph nodes • very quick secondary response 21-83 Humoral Immunity - Memory • secondary response – if re-exposed to the same antigen – plasma cells form within hours – response is so rapid that the antigen has little chance to exert a noticeable effect on the body – no illness results – IgG antibodies remain elevated for weeks to years • long-lasting protection • memory does not last as long in humoral immunity as in cellular immunity 21-84 Humoral Immunity Responses Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Secondary response Serum antibody titer Primary response IgG IgG IgM 0 IgM 5 10 15 20 25 Days from first exposure to antigen 0 5 10 15 20 25 Days from reexposure to same antigen Figure 21.29 21-85 ? 21-86 Immune System Disorders • immune response may be: – too vigorous – too weak – misdirected against wrong targets 21-87 Hypersensitivity • hypersensitivity – an excessive immune reaction against antigens that most people tolerate • includes: – alloimmunity - reaction to transplanted tissue from another person – autoimmunity - abnormal reactions to one’s own tissues – allergies – reactions to environmental antigens (allergens) – dust, mold, pollen, vaccines, bee venom, poison ivy, foods such as nuts, milk, eggs, and shellfish, drugs such as penicillin, tetracycline, and insulin 21-88 Autoimmune Diseases • autoimmune diseases - failures of self-tolerance • immune system fails to distinguish self-antigens from foreign ones – produces autoantibodies that attack the body’s own tissues • 3rd most common class of diseases in U.S. - affect 5-8% of pop. – – – – – – – 79% of those affected are women Graves’ Disease Insulin-dependent diabetes pernicious anemia rheumatoid arthritis thyroiditis vitiligo 21-89 Autoimmune Diseases • three reasons why self-tolerance breaks down – cross-reactivity • some antibodies against foreign antigens react to similar self-antigens • rheumatic fever - streptococcus antibodies also react with heart valves – abnormal exposure of self-antigens in the blood • some of our native antigens are not exposed to blood sperm – changes in structure of self-antigens • viruses and drugs may change the structure of selfantigens or cause the immune system to perceive them as foreign 21-90 Immunodeficiency Diseases Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. • immune system fails to react vigorously enough • Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID) – hereditary lack of T and B cells – vulnerability to opportunistic infection and must live in protective enclosures © Science VU/Visuals Unlimited Figure 21.30 21-91 Immunodeficiency Diseases • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) – nonhereditary diseases contracted after birth • group of conditions that involve and severely depress the immune response • caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) – invades helper T cells 21-92 END 21-93