Pattern Formation in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies Fran Romero and Karima Righetti Research Fellow School of Computer Science University of Nottingham Nottingham 18th of March 2010 Outline A modelling language for the incremental and parsimonious design of synthetic gene circuits in multicellular systems. Design of a gene circuit producing the emergence of pattern formation in synthetic bacterial colonies. Implementation of our synthetic gene circuit in bacterial colonies of Escherichia coli. APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 2 Outline A modelling language for the incremental and parsimonious design of synthetic gene circuits in multicellular systems. Design of a gene circuit producing the emergence of pattern formation in synthetic bacterial colonies. Implementation of our synthetic gene circuit in bacterial colonies of Escherichia coli. APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 3 Top-Down Synthetic Biology: An Approach to Engineering Biology Discosoma sp. Cells are information processors. DNA is their programming language. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Aequorea victoria Vibrio fischeri DNA sequencing and PCR: Identification and isolation of cellular parts. Recombinant DNA and DNA synthesis : Combination of DNA and construction of new systems. E. coli plasmids Chassis DNA synthesis Circuit Blueprint Tools to make biology easier to engineer: Standardisation, encapsulation and abstraction (blueprints). APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 4 Characterisation/Encapsulation of Cellular Parts: Gene Promoters AHL LuxR A modeling language for CI the design of synthetic bacterial colonies. 01101110100001010100011110001011101010100011010100 PluxOR1({X},{c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9},{l}) = { A module, set of rules describing the molecular interactions involving a cellular part, provides encapsulation and abstraction. type: promoter sequence: ACCTGTAGGATCGTACAGGTTTACGCAAGAA ATGGTTTGTATAGTCGAATACCTCTGGCGGTGATA rules: r1: [ LuxR2 + PluxPR.X ]_l -c1-> [ PluxPR.LuxR2.X ]_l r2: [ PluxPR.LuxR2.X ]_l -c2-> [ LuxR2 + PluxPR.X ]_l ... r5: [ CI2 + PluxPR.X ]_l -c5-> [ PluxPR.CI2.X ]_l r6: [ PluxPR.CI2.X ]_l -c6-> [ CI2 + PluxPR.X ]_l ... r9: [ PluxPR.LuxR2.X ]_l -c9-> [ PluxPR.LuxR2.X + RNAP.X ]_l Collection or libraries of reusable cellular parts and reusable models. } APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 5 Module Variables: Recombinant DNA, Directed Evolution, Chassis selection Recombinant DNA: Objects variables can be instantiated with the name of specific genes. PluxOR1({X=GFP}) PluxOR1({X=tetR}) Directed evolution: Variables for stochastic constants can be instantiated with specific values. A PluxOR1({X=GFP},{...,c4=10,...}) Chassis Selection: The variable for the label can be instantiated with the name of a chassis. PluxOR1({X=GFP},{...,c4=10,...},{l=DH5α }) APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 6 Characterisation/Encapsulation of Cellular Parts: Riboswitches A riboswitch is a piece of RNA that folds in different ways depending on the presence of absence of specific molecules regulating translation. ToppRibo({X},{c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6},{l}) = { type: riboswitch sequence:GGTGATACCAGCATCGTCTTGATGCCCTTGG CAGCACCCCGCTGCAAGACAACAAGATG rules: r1: [ RNAP.ToppRibo.X ]_l -c1-> [ ToppRibo.X ]_l r2: [ ToppRibo.X ]_l -c2-> [ ]_l r3: [ ToppRibo.X + theop ]_l –c3-> [ ToppRibo*.X ]_l r4: [ ToppRibo*.X ]_l –c4-> [ ToppRibo.X + theop ]_l r5: [ ToppRibo*.X ]_l –c5-> [ ]_l r6: [ ToppRibo*.X ]_l –c6-> [ToppRibo*.X + Rib.X ]_l } APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 7 Characterisation/Encapsulation of Cellular Parts: Degradation Tags Degradation tags are amino acid sequences recognised by proteases. Once the corresponding DNA sequence is fused to a gene the half life of the protein is reduced considerably. degLVA({X},{c1, c2},{l}) = { type: degradation tag sequence: CAGCAAACGACGAAAACTACGCTTTAGTAGCT rules: r1: [ Rib.X.degLVA ]_l -c1-> [ X.degLVA ]_l r2: [ X.degLVA ]_l -c2-> [ ]_l } A P System Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology 8 Higher Order Modules: Building Synthetic Gene Circuits PluxOR1 ToppRibo geneX 3OC6_repressible_sensor({X}) = { PluxOR1({X=ToppRibo.geneX.degLVA},{...},{l=DH5α}) X=GFP ToppRibo({X=geneX.degLVA},{...},{l=DH5α}) degLVA({X},{...},{l=DH5α}) } Plux({X=ToppRibo.geneCI.degLVA},{...},{l=DH5α}) ToppRibo({X=geneCI.degLVA},{...},{l=DH5α}) degLVA({CI},{...},{l=DH5α}) PtetR({X=ToppRibo.geneLuxR.degLVA},{...},{l=DH5α}) Weiss_RBS({X=LuxR},{...},{l=DH5α}) Deg({X=LuxR},{...},{l=DH5α}) A P System Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology 9 degLVA Specification of Single Cells: P systems Abstraction of the structure and functioning a single cell. Objects o Compartmental models o Rule-based modelling approach o Discrete and stochastic semantics Membranes Rewriting Rules APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 10 Specification of Multi-cellular Systems: LPP systems AHL AHL LuxR Pconst AHL GFP PluxOR1 gfp luxR CI LuxI Pconst luxI Plux cI APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies AHL Specification of Multi-cellular Systems: LPP systems AHL AHL LuxR Pconst AHL GFP PluxOR1 gfp luxR CI LuxI Pconst luxI Plux cI APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies AHL Infobiotics: An Integrated Framework Cellular Parts Synthetic Circuits Single Cells Synthetic Multicellular Systems Libraries of Modules Module Combinations P systems LPP systems A compiler based on a BNF grammar Multi Compartmental Stochastic Simulations based on Gillespie’s algorithm Spatio-temporal Dynamics Analysis using Model Checking with PRISM and MC2 Automatic Design of Synthetic Gene Regulatory Circuits using Evolutionary Algorithms APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 13 Outline A modelling language for the incremental and parsimonious design of synthetic gene circuits in multicellular systems. Design of a gene circuit producing the emergence of pattern formation in synthetic bacterial colonies. Implementation of our synthetic gene circuit in bacterial colonies of Escherichia coli. APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 14 Synthetic Biology: Learning by building Validation of hypothesis about the functioning of cellular systems by implementing them in vivo. Specific pattern formation in several organisms is produced by transcriptional networks with a double negative feedback loop at their core. APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 15 Synthetic Double Negative Feedback Loop AmeR 3OC6 LuxR PLtet01 luxR ameR Plux,R lacI cherry PameABC luxI LacI C4 TetR Ptac rhlR arpR PrhlA tetR gfp ParpABC rhlI RhlR ArpR APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 16 AmeR LuxR PLtet01 luxR ameR Plux,R lacI cherry PameABC luxI LacI C4 Ptac rhlR arpR PrhlA tetR gfp ParpABC rhlI RhlR ArpR 3OC6 C4 C4 APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 17 AmeR 3OC6 LuxR PLtet01 luxR ameR Plux,R lacI cherry PameABC luxI gfp ParpABC rhlI TetR Ptac rhlR arpR PrhlA tetR RhlR ArpR 3OC6 C4 3OC6 C4 3OC6 3OC6 C4 C4 3OC6 APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 18 Pattern Formation in synthetic bacterial colonies APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies Pattern Formation in synthetic bacterial colonies APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies Potential Issues o Leakiness in some genes. o Unintended interactions. APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 21 Outline A modelling language for the incremental and parsimonious design of synthetic gene circuits in multicellular systems. Design of a gene circuit producing the emergence of pattern formation in synthetic bacterial colonies. Implementation of our synthetic gene circuit in bacterial colonies of Escherichia coli. APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies 22 TAKE HOME MESSAGE Development of a synergy between gene circuit design/modelling and wet lab implementation. Development of a modelling language close to the lab protocols. Development of wide library of molecular parts/modules from different organisms. Application of novel techniques for controlling synthetically gene networks. APattern P SystemFormation Modelling Framework for Systems and Synthetic Biology in Synthetic Bacterial Colonies