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Animal model system

Drosophila melanogaster


Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences,

Department of Biochemistry

Dr. Li-Mei Pai 醫學一 8F, 5520 pai@mail.cgu.edu.tw

My exploration in Science

• 東吳大學 微生物 (Bachalor)

• 陽明大學 微免所 (Master-EBV)

• 美國 北卡州立大學 教堂山分校 ( The University North

Carolina, Chapel Hill —Ph.D)

• Thesis: The function of Drosophila armadillo gene

• (Development, 1997)

• 美國 普林斯敦 大學 (Princeton University —Postdoctoral fellow)

• Study: Identify Cbl oncogene in Drosophila body patterning (Cell, 2000)

Functional homologous genes during evolution

Pax6 and Eyeless

Homologous genes initiate the development program for the same organ in animals separate by 500 million years of evolution

• Genes & Development

Mutants in the EGFR signaling pathway

Little gene redundancy

Wild type

Ligand (signal)

Receptor (torpedo)

GAP (negative regulator)

Fewer genes

4 pairs of chromosomes

Functions of 13,600 genes???

Development of the Drosophila body plan

Axis determination

Signaling pathway

Transcriptional and translational regulationfunctions

Life cycle of Drosophila (very short )

4 stages: embryo, larva, pupa, adult

Imaginal disc

Easily to be cultured , large population

Edward B.




Eric F.


Body patterning of fly

One cell to an organism

Genetic screening strategy for identifying developmental mutants b:balancer

DTS; dominant Temp. sensitive

More than 100 genes!!

How to know who are they??


Superficial Cleavage in a Drosophila early Embryo

Syncytial blastoderm

Gastrulation in Drosophila

Model of Drosophila Anterior-Posterior

Pattern Formation

Maternal effect genes

Zygotic genes

Syncytial blastoderm

Cellular blastoderm

Egg development in Drosophila

Egg shell

Fig. 5-10 each egg chamber: 3 types of cells

Oocyte with nucleus (germinal vesicle-GV)

Connected to 15 nurse cells }---germ-line

Surrounded by a monolayer of about 1000 somatic follicle cells

Signals from older to younger egg chambers

Red arrow: Delta-Notch induces anterior polar follicle cells

JAK-STAT: form the stalk cells

Yellow arrow: signals induce E-cadherins expression

A/P Determination during oogenesis

The oocyte move towards one end in contact with follicle cells

Both the oocyte and the posterior follicle cells express high levels of the E-cadherin

If E-cadherin is removed, the oocyte is randomly positioned.

Then the oocyte induces surrounding follicle cell to adopt posterior fate.

Fig. 5-12

Axis Determination during oogenesis

Gurken —TGFa


1. posterior

mRNA localization in the oocyte

Dynein-gurken and bicoid to the plus end

Kinesin —oskar to the minus end

The sequential expression of different sets of genes establishes the body plan along the anteriorposterior axis

Localized mRNA and Proteins

Translated after fertilization —

Temporal sequence

The effects of mutations in the maternal gene system

Three classes


Posterior terminal head and thoracic abdominal acron and telson

Independent Genetic Pathways Interact to Form the

Anterior-Posterior Axis

Approach I: transplantation

The bicoid gene is necessary for the establishment of the anterior structure

Bicoid--fertilized —translated

Protein diffuses and forms morphogen gradient

No head and thoracic

Prick at the anterior of normal egg

Partial rescued

Approach II: expression pattern

The distribution of the maternal mRNA and protein of bicoid

Short Half life

In situ RNA hybridization

Transcription factor---

Activates zygotic gene


Antibody interaction

Approach III: relationship between genes

Posterior determination

9 maternal genes

Abnormal abdominal Development

Oskar localizes nanos mRNA

Nanos suppresses the translation of the maternal mRNA of Hunchback(hb)

The expression of Gap genes

First zygotic genes —transcription factors

Mutant –large section of the body is missing

Blastoderm —proteins diffuse away but with short half life

Approach IV: the effects of gene copies

Maternal bicoid protein controls zygotic hunchback expression

Dosages of maternal bicoid genes

Bicoid = homeodomain transcription factor

Approach V transcriptional regulation

P-element mediated transformation

hunchback expression

Thresholds of Transcription factor kr Üppel gene activity is specified by Hunchback protein kruppel is t he target genes of hunchback

Increase dose of hunchback – kruppel shift posteriorly

The striped patterns of activity of pair-rule genes

Pair-rule genes in 14 segments

Even-skipped —odd-number

Fusi tarazu —even number

Syncytium just before cellularization

Each stripe is specified independently

Transcription network

The specification of the second even-skipped (eve) stripe by gap gene proteins

Bicoid and Hb activate eve

Kruppel and Giant repress eve

Sites of action of activating and repressing transcription factors

Segment polarity

A/P axis within one segment

Ventral epidermis of the abdomen —ventral denticle belts (anterior)

Mutation —alter the denticle pattern

Wingless=Wnt hedgehog

The cuticle of each segment in the abdomen of the adult Drosophila

Different bristles, pigmentation, and gene expression en- clone —anterior type cuticle

Segment polarity genes and compartment

Mutations upset the A/P polarity of the segment

They are activated in response to pair-rule genes

Engrailed (en) —cell lineage boundary, defines a compartment

En: homeodomain transcription factor

The expression of the engrailed gene

Anterior margin of each parasegment

Interactions between hedgehog, wingless, and engrailed hh turn on wg expression, wg maintain en expression

The hedgehog signaling pathway

Without signal —Ci is processed as a repressor into nucleus

With signal---full length Ci acts as an activator in the nucleus

SHH mutation-50% reduction in gene expression holoprosencephaly,or failure of the midface and forebrain to develop

(cleft lip and palate, hypotelorism)

Signaling pathways are conservedreceptor on the target cells, intracellular effectors , changes in the activity of the target transcription factor


Polydactyly and syndactyly abnormalities in one or more genetic programs

Greig cephalopolysyndactyly (GCPS): loss of function mutation in GLI3 (Ci) —transcription factor

The wingless signaling pathway

More than 50%

Colon cancr with

Mutation in APC

C-myc target gene


Homeotic selector genes

Each segment unique identity —master regulator genes

Homeotic selector genes —control other genes-required throughout development

Vertebrate Hox gene complex

Homeotic transformation of the wing and haltere

Homeotic genes —mutated into homeosis transformation

As positional identity specifiers

Bithorax-haltere into wing

The spatial pattern of expression of genes of the bithorax complex

Bithorax —Ultrabithorax –5-12

Abdominal-A —7-13

Abdominal-B —10-13

Bithorax mutant –PS 4 default state

Bithorax mutant –PS 4 default state

+Ubx —5,6

+Abd-A —7,8,9

+Abd-B —10

Combinatorial manner

Mutation in HoxD13 —synpolydactyly

Extra digits & interphalangeal webbing (hetero)

Similar but more severe & bony malformation of hands, wrists (Homo)

Fig. 5-12

Axis Determination during oogenesis

Gurken —TGFa


1. posterior

2. dorsal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v


The EGFR signal establishes the D-V axial pattern of the egg chamber

Gurken —TGFa ( green)

Actin-cell outline (red)

Fig. 5-11

Blue-dorsal anterior

Follicle cells


The Key determinant in D/V polarity is pipe mRNA in follicle cells

The activation of Toll windbeutel—ER protein pipe—heparansulfate 2-o-sulfotransferase (Golgi) nudel—serine protease

Toll protein activation results in a gradient of intranuclear dorsal protein

Fig. 5-8

Spatzle is processed in the perivitelline space after fertilization

The mechanism of localization of dorsal protein to the nucleus

1. Toll mutant – dorsalized

(no ventral structure)

2. Transfer wt cytoplasm into Toll mutant specify a new dorsal-ventral axis

(injection site =ventral side)

Without Toll activation

Dorsal + cactus

Toll activation – tube (adaptor) and pelle (kinase)

Phosphorylate cactus and promote its degradation

B cell gene expression



Fig. 5-9

Nuclear gradient in dorsal protein

Fig. 5-14

Dorsalized embryo —

Dorsal protein is not in nuclei

Dpp is everywhere

Twist and snail are not expressed

Threshold effect —integrating

Function of regulatory binding sites

Regulatory element

=developmental switches

Model for the subdivision of the dorso-ventral axis into different regions by the gradient in nuclear dorsal protein

Zygotic genes pattern the early embryo

Dorsal protein activates twist and snail represses dpp, zen, tolloid


Repressed by snail (not most ventral)

Binding sites for dorsal protein in their regulatory regions

Fig. 5-13

Dpp protein gradient

Cellularization---signal through transmembrane proteins



Dpp protein levels high, increase dorsal cells short of gastrulation (sog) prevent the dpp spreading into neuroectoderm

Sog is degraded by Tolloid (most dorsal)


1. Principles of Development

2nd edition, by Lewis Wolpert (P48-52)

2. The genetics of axis specification in Drosophila

The Chapter 9 of Developmental Biology by Scott

Gilbert, 9th edition
