Vitamin-D-the-Sunshine-Vitamin-PPT - Dr

The Sunshine
Cats and Dogs can not synthesize their own vitamin
D and this must come in their diets every day
The Sunshine Vitamin
What Dr. Lew Olsen has to say about
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is the reason we love the sun
so much, and why our pets do too. It is
also the reason we need to have
concerns for indoor pets that are not
outside in the sun.
Vitamin D is also considered to be a
hormone, it is found in foods and
sunlight and can also be supplemented.
Too little Vitamin D can result in severe
health problems including rickets,
stunted growth, delayed tooth
development and bone deformities, as
well as many other diseases.
An Essential Nutrient
(The mother dog can convey birth
defects to the pups like delayed tooth
eruption and other bone deformities that
signify Vitamin D deficiency, and I myself
have noted that in practice, these
offspring with delayed and/or
developmental abnormalities and
deformities are the first to respond to
adverse effects from vaccines)
This is the same type of damage we were
shown to expect from Dr. Weston Price's
research on how not getting a natural
diet leads to physical degeneration. Well,
I am here to say that the physical
degeneration is also affected earlier by
vaccine damage. This, I am sure, is
because the genomes are weaker from
not being fed their natural diet
Sources of Vitamin D
Animal sources
Fish liver oils, such as cod liver oil, 1 Tbs. (15 ml) provides
1360 IU (90.6 IU/ml)
Fatty fish species, such as:
• Catfish (wild), 85 g (3 oz) provides 425 IU (5 IU/g)
• Salmon, cooked, 100 g (3.5 oz) provides 360 IU (3.6
• Mackerel, cooked, 100 g (3.5 oz), 345 IU (3.45 IU/g)
• Sardines, canned in oil, drained, 50 g (1.75 oz), 250 IU
(5 IU/g)
• Tuna, canned in oil, 100 g (3.5 oz), 235 IU (2.35 IU/g)
• Eel, cooked, 100 g (3.5 oz), 200 IU (2.00 IU/g)
A whole egg provides 20 IU if egg weighs 60 g (0.333 IU/g)
Beef liver, cooked, 100 g (3.5 oz), provides 15 IU (0.15
Plant Sources;
Although vitamin D is commonly called a vitamin, it
is not actually an essential dietary vitamin in the
strict sense, as it can be synthesized in adequate
amounts by most mammals exposed to sunlight.
When you sunbathe for 30 minutes, your body
produces about 20,000 IUs of vitamin D; (humans)
Vit D is also a hormone; A hormone is a chemical in
your body that regulates your physiology
(cats and dogs cannot synthesize vitamin D and
must receive it in their diet).
However, recent research suggests that dogs and
cats have low levels of vitamin D activation by UV-B
light due to low levels of vitamin D in the skin,
indicating that supplementation of vitamin D may
be needed.
This by a veterinary student at Prince Georges
Actually, we just covered vitamins in class this week
and learned that there is effectively no UV
conversion in the skin for dogs and cats. They need
to get Vitamin D from their diet.
Shitake and Button mushrooms
Fresh water algae
Sea vegetables
Edible weeds
Some dark leafy green vegetables
Sockeye Salmon
Sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, are red salmon
found in the north Pacific Ocean. They are often termed
wild Alaskan salmon. A good source of protein, wild
salmon is high in antioxidants, rich in omega-3 fatty acids ,
low in saturated fat and free of detectable mercury.
Sockeye salmon has beneficial amounts of vitamin B
complex, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium
and zinc. It is also one of the few protein sources with
alkaline rather than acidic properties. The good fats in the
salmon provide numerous health
Sockeye salmon contains two antioxidants: vitamin E and
astaxanthin, the natural pigment that produces the red
color of salmon flesh. These antioxidants neutralize free
radicals—unstable molecules in the body that can lead to
cancer and arthritis. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid nutrient.
The major benefits of sockeye salmon lie in its high content
of the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Known as the “Vegetarian Salmon” as they consume more
vegetarian material than any other salmon and this
vegetarian material will be full of “critical sunshine
Natural Sources are Scarce
• Naturally occurring
Vitamin D in foods is
• Fresh water algae, sea
vegetables, Beef liver,
edible weeds, and some
(vegetables) all contain
natural Vit D, and this is
where you see Spark
shine as a supplement.
Ingredients in Spark
Not Always Good for You
Avoid Synthetic Vitamin D
Now, Dr. Weston Price learned that indigenous diets
contain 4 times the water soluble vitamins and ten
times the fat soluble vitamins of which Vit D is a
member of (A,D,E, K). So the natural diets of our
companion carnivores are much different even than
homemade prepared diets.
Vitamin D toxicity will not occur when using whole
food sources rather than synthetic forms of vitamin D.
In general, supplementing with synthetic vitamins is
always dangerous.
The body recognizes whole foods and natural vitamins
and minerals. When supplying whole food
supplements there is not the concern for toxicity that
exists with feeding processed foods then replanted
with synthetic vitamins or supplements that are
essentially pharmaceuticals, synthetic drugs.
It is very important to realize that most supplements,
and vitamins are actually synthetics and made by none
other than the pharmaceutical companies that make
vaccines and drugs
Appropriate doses of Vit D from whole
foods is necessary for health. Taking large
doses of synthetic Vit D is dangerous.
Pasteurized milk is dangerous but it is also
fortified with synthetic Vit D. Even one
large dose of synthetic Vit D can result in
abdominal cramping and nausea. Feeding
synthetic or fortified foods with synthetic
Vit D can lead to calcifications in the body:
soft tissues, heart, lung, kidneys.
Daily supplementation with a whole food
nutritional supplement will ensure your
pet will have this most critical of all
nutrients that essentially is the Spark of all
life force..
Pets Need Sunshine
The Critical Sunshine Vitamin
Accumulating data have provided evidence that vitamin D is involved in brain function.
Vitamin D can inhibit the synthesis of inducible nitric oxide synthase and increase
glutathione levels, suggesting a role for the hormone in brain detoxification.
The study shows that vitamin D helps remove mercury from your body safely by radically
increasing the amount of intracellular glutathione.
Neuroprotective and immunomodulatory
effects of this hormone have also been
described in several experimental
models, indicating the potential value of
vitamin D in helping neurodegenerative
and neuroimmune diseases.
In addition, vitamin D induces glioma cell
death, making the hormone of potential
interest in the management of brain
Mercury toxicity is from vaccines,
amalgams, fish consumption and coal.
Essential for Detoxification
• This latest paper published in Trends in
Endocrinology and Metabolism describes
how scientists are now beginning to
realize vitamin D is involved in maintaining
the health of your brain as well, as they’ve
recently discovered vitamin D receptors in
the brain, spinal cord, and central nervous
• There’s even evidence indicating vitamin D
improves your brain’s detoxification
• Vitamin D helps remove mercury from
your body safely by radically increasing the
amount of intracellular glutathione.
• Vitamin D is proving a vital ingredient for
the entire glutathione antioxidant pathway
and therefore detoxification pathways.
Vitamin D is Essential
for Detoxification
Pathways in the Body
The Influential Vitamin
How Can Vitamin D Be So Influential?
As Dr. Cannell, founder of the Vitamin D Council, explains so well in my upcoming Inner Circle
interview with him; if you understand that vitamin D is not a vitamin, but rather the only known
substrate for a powerful repair and maintenance steroid hormone that is involved in numerous
functions of your body and organs, then you can begin to see the bigger picture.
Additionally, if you understand that, like all steroid hormones, it regulates your body by turning
your genes on or off, and that you have about 2,000 genes that are directly influenced by vitamin
D, then you will be able to wrap your mind around the fact that vitamin D may in fact have as many
as 2,000 or more mechanisms of action within your body!
This is the fundamental principle that explains why the same substance, vitamin D, can be involved
in, and have a major impact on all the diseases of civilization. It all depends on which gene is being
up- or down-regulated by the presence, or absence, of vitamin D.
Vitamin D Deficiency
Conditions Associated With Deficiency
Over 5,000 research studies concerning Vitamin D
and over seventeen different cancers are being
This research has correlated Vitamin D deficiencies
to numerous health conditions including:
• Cancer
• Heart Disease
• Fractures
• Hypertension
• High CRP Levels
• Muscle Pain
• Insulin Resistance
• Decreased Immunity
• Obesity
• Osteoporosis
• Osteomalacia
• Depression
• Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
• Autism
• Auto Immune Diseases thyroid disease
Research being done on these conditions, and their
correlation to Vitamin D deficiency is profound.
When the naïve T cell recognizes
foreign molecules with its T cell
receptor (TCR) it sends activation
signals (1) to the VDR gene.
The VDR gene now starts the
production of VDR (2). VDR binds
vitamin D in the T cell (3) and becomes
Vitamin D bound to activated VDR goes
back into the cell nucleus and activates
the gene for PLC-gamma1 (5). PLCgamma1 is produced (6) and the T cells
can get started.
(Credit: Professor of Immunology, Carsten Geisler)
Links to Disease
• Vitamin D Found to Influence Over 200
Genes, Highlighting Links to Disease
• Aug. 24, 2010 — The extent to which
vitamin D deficiency may increase
susceptibility to a wide range of diseases
is dramatically highlighted in newly
published research. Scientists have
mapped the points at which vitamin D
interacts with our DNA -- and identified
over two hundred genes that it directly
• The results are published in the journal
Genome Research
Manipulation & Damage
• Manipulation of the genome
by metal toxicities;
vaccinations; mercury and
• Vaccines also inject viruses,
protein sequences that infect
genome and gene expression
• Optimal nutrition and antioxidation and epigenetics
prevent damage
Effects from Deficiency
• Vitamin D deficiency and
accelerated accumulation of
aluminum in vaccines
• Vitamin D deficiency and
glutathione deficiency-leads to
breakdown of antioxidation
detoxification pathways, toxin
retention, and gene damagealterations immune defects
• Why does vitamin D deficiency
happen in mercury poisoning?
It happens because mercury
poisoning causes kidney
damage, and kidney damage
causes vitamin D deficiency
• Zinc deficiency in patients,
even in adequate Vitamin D
levels, prevents detoxification
• Vitamin B 5 Pantothenic acid
needed to make coenzymes
necessary to make Vit D
• Relationship of nutrients,
critical nutrient deficiency and
• What is really important to
note, though, is that vitamins
need to be taken seriously
especially in our increasingly
toxic world.
Pets just trying to get sun!
Live a life of detoxification