Bollettino Settimanale Lunedì 26 gennaio 2015 Martedi’ 27 gennaio 2015 Mercoledi’ 28 gennaio 2015 Meeting ENTERVISION - European training network in digital medical imaging for radiotherapy. Meeting ENTERVISION - European training network in digital medical imaging for radiotherapy. SALA LAUREE ORE 15.00 SEDUTA DI LAUREE Prof. Riccardo Faccini Aula Conversi SALA LAUREE ORE 15.00 SEDUTA DI LAUREE AULA CARERI ORE 14.00 SEMINARIO INFN- Fisica sperimentale particelle elementari The proton radius puzzle and the MUSE experiment Michael Kohl (Hampton University e JLab) The proton is not an elementary particle, it has a substructure governed by quarks and gluons. The spatial extensions of the electric charge and magnetization determine the size of the proton and its response to electromagnetic interaction. Recently, contradicting observations have challenged our understanding of the proton. The disagreement between proton radius determinations from high-precision muonic hydrogen spectroscopy and numerous atomic hydrogen and electron scattering measurements has become known as the proton radius puzzle, which has received much attention even in public media. The puzzle has a variety of possible resolutions, including physics beyond the Standard Model, missing conventional physics, and errors or underestimated uncertainties in the extraction of the radius from the data. I will discuss ways that will eventually help to resolve the puzzle. The MUon Scattering Experiment (MUSE) in preparation at PSI will have a key role toward a resolution of the puzzle. Prof. Riccardo Faccini Aula Conversi SALA LAUREE ORE 15.00 SEDUTA DI LAUREE Giovedi’ 29 gennaio 2015 AULA CONVERSI ORE 16.00 SEMINARIO TEORICO Faddeev eigenfunctions for multipoint potentials Prof. Petr Grinevich (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia) In the study of the multidimensional inverse scattering problem for the Schroedinger operator it is essential to know the singularities of the wave functions in the area of complex momenta (Faddeev eigenfunctions). The proper formulation of the inverse scattering problem in the presence of singularities remains an open problem. To study these singularities we consider the simplest examples of point-like potentials (first introduced by H. Bethe and R. Peierls in 1935). These examples are exactly solvable (joint work with R.G. Novikov). Venerdì 30 gennaio 2015