Day 29: Mechanical Behavior of Polymers • • • • • Review How are Properties Defined Introduction to Viscoelasticity Simple Material Models Strain Rate and Temperature Effects Review • Basic definitions: thermoplastic, thermoset, elastomer. • Let’s talk about the kind of mechanical behavior seen in polymers. 1. Stiffness, E 2. Strength 3. Ductility • Factors which can determine the strength of a polymer. Mechanical Properties • i.e. stress-strain behavior of polymers brittle polymer FS of polymer ca. 10% that of metals plastic elastomer elastic modulus – less than metal Adapted from Fig. 15.1, Callister 7e. Strains – deformations > 1000% possible (for metals, maximum strain ca. 10% or less) 5 Tensile Properties for Polymers T and Strain Rate: Thermoplastics • Decreasing T... -- increases E -- increases TS -- decreases %EL • Increasing strain rate... -- same effects as decreasing T. (MPa) 80 4°C 60 20°C 40 Data for the semicrystalline polymer: PMMA (Plexiglas) 40°C 20 60°C 0 0 0.1 0.2 e to 1.3 0.3 Adapted from Fig. 15.3, Callister 7e. (Fig. 15.3 is from T.S. Carswell and J.K. Nason, 'Effect of Environmental Conditions on the Mechanical Properties of Organic Plastics", Symposium on Plastics, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1944.) 7 Effects of Strain Rate and Temperature stress Increasing strain rate Increasing temp strain Time Temp for Delrin (Strain Rate) cs/en_US/assets/downloads/d esign/230323c.pdf Time Temp for Delrin (Strain Rate and Temp) cs/en_US/assets/downloads/d esign/230323c.pdf Time Temp Dependence • Plastic deformation of polymers involves chain uncoiling and chain sliding • Increasing temperature increases relative space between chains and makes uncoiling easier. • Slowing the strain rate means there is more time for chain reconfiguration. Introduction to Viscoelasticity • Some features that are observed in polymeric materials that do not seem to be noticeable in metals or ceramics 1. Mechanical properties depend on Temperature 2. Mechanical properties depend on Strain Rate 3. Creep (noticed in metals at high temperatures) 4. Stress Relaxation 5. Hysteresis Creep • Take a tension specimen made from a polymer and and put on a series of constant stresses on it. • We observe Creep: Progressive strain (deformation) over time at constant stress (load), usually at high temperatures Creep Test • We instantly load with constant stress for a certain time, and instantly unload. Note that both linear elastic and viscous fluid behaviors are present. Note that there seems to be some residual strain at the end, i.e. the material does not completely recover. There is both elasticity and plasticity. Creep of PEEK Write down two examples of parts that see constant tensile or bending load. Stress Relaxation • Think of a polymer specimen loaded with a constant strain. Note that both linear elastic and viscous fluid behaviors are present. Note that there seems to be some residual stress at the end, i.e. the material does not completely recover. There is both elasticity and plasticity. Stress Relaxation: Progressive loss of stress (load) over time under constant strain (deformation), usually at high temperatures Stress Relaxation of Delrin cs/en_US/assets/downloads/d esign/230323c.pdf Write down two examples of parts that see constant strain. Effect of Temperature: Glass Transition Temperature Or why does Garden Hose behave the way it does? Melting vs. Glass Transition Temp. What factors affect Tm and Tg? • • • Both Tm and Tg increase with increasing chain stiffness Chain stiffness increased by 1. Bulky sidegroups 2. Polar groups or sidegroups 3. Double bonds or aromatic chain groups Regularity – effects Tm only Adapted from Fig. 15.18, Callister 7e. 22 Tg and Tm Hysteresis • Polymers often don’t load and unload on the same line on the stress-strain curve. • The difference in areas under those curves represents energy loss (often to heat). • This means that polymers can have inherent energy damping. • This means plastic springs may not be as good an idea as plastic dampers. Load-Unload Cycle in Nylon Hysteresis in Delrin Takeaways • Yield and Ultimate Strength are defined differently for polymers. • Polymers have time and temperature dependent properties (viscoelasticity) Creep Stress Relaxation Tg, Tm Hysteresis