Geometry Group Summer 08 Series Toon Lenaerts, Bart Adams, and Philip Dutre Presented by Michael Su May. 27.2008 Introduction Previous Work Review – Physics background Review – Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling Porous Materials Simulating Porous Flow Changing Material Properties Porous Medium-Fluid Coupling Result & Discussion Problem: Fluid-Penetrable object simulation Approach: 1) the Law of Darcy 2) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Goal: 1) Macroscopic scale simulation 2) the changing behavior of the wet material 3) Full two-way coupling Two popular ways to do fluid simulation: 1) Eulerian model 2) Lagrangian model Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) 1) Highly deformable models 2) Interactive fluid simulation [Müller et al 2003 and 2005] Flow through porous media using SPH 1) pore scale Computational Expensive the Law of Darcy 1) Discharge rate: 2) Darcy flux: q Q K KA ( Pb Pa ) L ( P g ) 3) Pore water velocity: v q K ( P g ) Interpolation method Smoothing kernel Ex: Radially symmetric normalized kernel, W poly 6 ( r , h ) 315 64 h (h r ) 2 9 2 3 0 r h W ( r ) dr 1 Derivates of field quantities (gradient/Laplacian) only affect the smoothing kernel. Porous Particle Pi 1) Discrete properties: xi (Position), mi(Unsaturated mass), Vi(Volume), ρi(Material density), hi (Smoothing length), φi(Porosity), Ki (Permeability), and Si(Saturation). 2) Continuous properties: Interaction forces A( x) V j j A j W ( x j xi , h j ) Two types of pressure gradients: 1) Capillary pressure gradient: Pi c V j P j W ( x j x i , h j ), Pi k (1 S i ) c c c j 2) Pore pressure gradient: Pi p V j P j W ( x j x i , h j ), p j Pi Pore water velocity: v pi Ki i p s p k S i is 1 0 ( Pi Pi g ) p c Fluid diffusion inside the medium: 1) Eulerian approach 2) Quantity to be diffused: Fluid mass 3) Depend on the pore velocity, the particle position, and the saturation. m pi t d V m pj W ( x j x i , h j ) ij j 2 j m pi m pi t m pi t , d ij v pj x j xi x j xi Sj Density for a soaked object: oi 0 S i i 0 fluid Stress reduction due to the fluid: i eff i k Si I p Absorption: Fluid particle near the boundary > Fully saturated porous particle. Emission: 1) Fluid particle near the boundary -> 0saturated porous particle 2) Dynamic fluid particle creation Low Pore Pressure, High Permeability High Pore Pressure Low Permeability High Capillary Pressure Surface Tension Force Adhesion forces Friction forces 20,000 particles for the cloth 25,000 particles for the fluid 30,000 porous particles for the armadillo Small simulation time step to avoid penetrations