Direct detection of WIMP 李金 IHEP/THU 2010.12.13 workshop in ITP 1. Principle of detection 2,New results 3,Detection technique 4,Summary Property of WIMP Suppose : Element particle • stable, came from BB • massive • neutral • speed very low • weak interaction ? WIMP mass : flux: WIMP 10~100 GeV(or smaller) 100,000/cm2/s Detection of dark matter WIMP nuclear elastic scattering WIMP 예상되는 사건 수 < 1/kg/day Cs I Recoil nuclear Detector / Target recoil nuclear is normal particle , can be detected 核反冲事例率和能谱 Ge is better Ar is better Comparison of different dark matter target( WIMP 100GeV in mass 10e6pb incross section) : Form factor for Ar,Xe, and Ge; Differential rate Integral rate over threshold 两种测量方法 本底来源电子反冲和中子的核反冲 WIMP Gamma/betta Interaction difference between WIMP and gamma or electron but similar to neutron Big challenges Very low energy thresholds(<10 KeV) (“Quenching effect” ~1/10) Very low event rate (cross section σ < 10-45) Long exposures (long term stability) Big detector (large mass,100kg 1000kg …) Stringent background control( Cosmogenic ,Radioactive, neutrons ) Underground & Shielding (passive , active , deep site, cleanness) Discrimination signal/background power Measurement has to be in underground Passive shielding & Active shielding Neutrino background Passive shielding & Active shielding Passive shielding PE, PE(B) - neutron Lead –gamma Cu- gamma Ar gas –radon Active veto 本底来源-天然放射性(α,γ, n) 核素 含量 226 Ra 1.8±0.2 Bq/Kg (145.8 ppb) 232 Th < 0.27 Bq/Kg (<66.42 ppb) 锦屏地下岩石放射性含量 40 K < 1.1Bq/Kg (<35.53 ppm) Background from Radon 222Rn长期平衡下,222Rn 衰变一次平均放出0.0269个光子 探测器空间中吹氮气减少氡的影响 中韩合作Y2L地下实验室KIMS实验屏蔽体和VETO .中子屏蔽/μ子探测 铅 聚乙烯 高纯 无氧铜 LS 30cm 宇宙线Veto 中子屏蔽体 屏蔽外部等 Pb 15cm : 30t 屏蔽外部材料的本底 OFHC Cu 10cm : 3t TEXONO实验 。 屏蔽体从外到内: 5cm厚塑料闪烁体反符合; 15cm厚铅室, 25cm厚含硼聚乙烯, 5cm厚无氧铜, 紧贴高纯锗探测器外部的约5cm厚 的高纯CsI晶体反符合探测器 Direct detection techniques WIMP Ionization 10% energy ZEPLIN II/III/Max, XENON, LUX, WARP, ArDM Target CDMS II, EDELWEISS II Phonons/heat 100% energy slowest cryogenics Light DAMA/LIBRA KIMS ZEPLIN-I, DEAP, CLEAN, XMASS 1% energy fastest no surface effects CRESST II WIMP Ephonons Picasso, Simple, Coupp (superheated) Elight HPGe expts TEXONO CDMS II, EDELWEISS I Eionization Detector Techniques - Present Focus : Nuclear Vs Electron recoils Ephonons Future : Lower Threshold ; Direction Sensitive New physics results CDMS Dec09 Results Plus, of course, many theory papers to explain a positive result which was not claimed …… Calibration with Sources Y:Number of standard deviation from the mean recoil yield X: time relative to acceptance region Official Conclusion: Spin-Independent Cross-Section How Probable is it to Detect N>=2 events at Mean=0.8 ?? ~19% from Poisson Distribution i.e.Very Likely to be Statistical Effects ~ 1.3s in Gaussian Equivalence CoGeNT collaboration 2010.2.25 1, 采用PC Ge 探测器 2,2100m.w.e的地下 3,采用去除本底新技术 4,3KeV附近有去不掉的多余事例 5,有可能是CDMS,并在DAMA/LIBRA的区域内 1,做了效率修正,Cut后的低能能谱,有宇宙线的峰, Zn,Ge的EC峰 2. 点线: 触发效率, 虚线: 触发 + PSD cut效率, 实线: trigger + PSD + rise time Cut 4, 电子学脉冲标定 5,7GeV/c 和10GeV/c 的WIMP的信号(sigma= 10e-4Pb) 1 DAMA,CoGeNT2008,2010的结果 2,不同理论模型的预言 3,紫的区域支持CDMS 4,新结果偏向WIMP 质量在7-11GeV/C2,而不是本底 5,axioelectric dark matter 的耦合系数(0.5-8.5KeV) XENON100 Comments&discussion on the results from Xenon 100 最新实验结果 高质量区 低质量区 Large mass Convenience Simple PSD Backgound Scintillation Crystal Detector WIMP nucleus fluorescence light wimp 晶体