nuclear sta

Nagehan Demirci 10-U
What is nuclear stability and where does
this come from?
As we all know , the nucleus is composed of
protons and neutrons and protons are
positively charged particles and neutrons
have no charge From Coulomb’s law we learned
that like charges repel one another strongly ,
particularly in the nucleus when we consider
how close they must be to each other.
At first glance, the existence of several
protons in the small space of a nucleus is
puzzling. Why would not the protons be
strongly repelled by their like electric
The existence of stable nuclei with more than one
proton is due to the nuclear force. The nuclear
force is a strong force of attraction between
nucleons (protons and neutrons together called
nucleons ) that acts only at very short distances.
(about 10-15 m.) Beyond nuclear distances these
forces become negligible. Insıde the nucleus
however , two protons are close enough together
for the nuclear force between them to be
effective. This force can more than compensate
for the repulsion of electric charges and thereby
gives a stable nucleus. The fact that some nuclie
are unstable (radioactive) ,and others are stable
leads us to consider the reasons of stabilitiy.
Two important factors determine the nuclear
•The mass number (the total number of
nucleons in the nucleus)
•The neutron to proton ratio
This is because in a nucleus , the positively
charged protons repel each other and as the
number of protons increases in a nucleus the
forces of repulsion between the protons
increases drastically.
Thus a greater proportion of neutrons is
required for a nucleus to remain stable as
the atomic number increases.
The Band Of Stability
When you plot each stable nuclide on a
graph with the number of protons (Z) on
the horizantal axis and the number of
neutrons (N) on the vertical axis , These
stable nuclides fall into a certain region,
or band , of the graph. The band of
stability is the region in which nuclides lie
in a plot of number of protons against
number of neutrons.
Slayt 14
The zone of stability. The dots
in the blue area represents
the nuclides that do not
undergo radioactive decay.
Note that as the number
protons in a nuclide
increases, the neutron/proton
ratio required for stability also
increases. The area above
the blue area represents an
unstable region in which there
are too many neutrons,
therefore beta decay. In the
region below the blue area
represents an unstable region
in which there are too many
protons therefore
spontaneous positron decay
A 1 to 1 neutron to proton ratio holds true
for the stable nuclei of the first twenty
elements in the periodic table. This ratio
increases to 1.5 to 1 around atomic number 80.
Elements above atomic number 83 with 209
nucleons do not exist as stable isotopes. Thus
for polonium , with 84 protons , the repulsive
forces due to the 84 protons are so large
that regardless of the number of neutrons ,
its nuclides are unstable.
When the neutron to proton ratio is too large
or too small, the nucleus is unstable , the atom
is called a radionuclide and undergoes
radioactive decay. If a radionuclide has a
higher neutron to proton ratio , that is it has
An excess of neutrons and therefore a
neutron disintegrates to form a proton with
the emission of a beta particle.
1  p1 + e0
This decreases the neutron to proton ratio
and may be repeated until it reaches the
stable value and no further radioactive
decay takes place. An example of beta decay
239  e0 +
If on the other hand , a radionuclide has a
lower neutron to proton ratio , it has an
excess of protons and therefore a proton is
to a neutron either by positron emmission or
by electron capture.
30  Si30 + e0 ; positron emission
37 + e0  Cl37 ; electron capture
In both positron emmission and electron
capture by a nucleus , the nucleus produced
hass one less proton .
If however , the number of nucleons
exceeds 209, the limit to be a stable nuclide
is over and lies beyond the stable value , so
several decays are required in order to
attain stability.
The protons and neutrons in a nucleus
appear to have energy levels much as the
electrons in an atom have energy levels. The
shell model of the nucleus is a nuclear
model in which protons and neutrons exist in
levels, or shells analogous to the shell
structure that exists for electrons in an
atom. Filled shells of electrons are
associated with the special stability of the
noble gases. The total numbers of electrons
for these stable atoms are
2,10,18,36,54,86. Experimentally it is noted
that nuclie with certain numbers of protons
or neutrons appear to be very stable.
These numbers are called the magic
numbers and associated with specially stable
nuclei. According to this theory, a magic
number is the number of nuclear particles in
a completed shell of protons and neutrons.
For protons the magic numbers are 2, 8,20,
28, 50, 82 . Neutrons have these same
magic numbers , as well as the magic number
Some of the evidence for these magic
numbers, and therefore for the shell model
of the nucleus is as follows. Many
radioactive nuclei decay by emmitting alpha
particles or helium nuclei.
There appears to be special stability in the
helium nucleus. It contains two protons and
two neutrons , which 2 is a magic number.
Another piece of evidence is seen in the
final products obtained in natural
radioactive decay. For example uranium-238
decays to thorium-234, which in turn decays
to protactinium- 234 and so forth. Each
product is radioactive and decays to another
nucleus until the final product 82Pb206 is
reached. This nucleus is stable. Note that it
cantains 82 protons, a magic number. Other
some radioactive series end with 82Pb208 and
note that it has magic number of neutrons
A nucleus with a completely filled shell
of either protons or neutrons is said to
be magic because it is relatively more
stable than nuclei with either a larger or
a smaller number of nucleons. Most
magic nuclei are spherical in shape, but
some nuclei can lower their energy
somewhat, and hence increase their
stability, by rearranging their protons
and neutrons into deformed shells
accommodating a different number of
nucleons. The closing of these deformed
shells leads to deformed magic numbers.
Another rule that can be useful in
predicting the nuclear stability is;
Nuclei with even number of protons and
even number of neutrons are more
stable that those with any other
combination. Conversely nuclei with odd
numbers of both protons and neutron
are the least stable. Remember that
magic numbers are also even.
The Odd-Even Rule
In the odd-even rule, when the numbers of
neutrons and protons in the nucleus are
both even numbers, the isotopes tends to
be far more stable than when they are both
odd. Out of all the 264 stable isotopes, only
4 have both odd numbers of both, whereas
168 have even numbers of both, and the
rest have a mixed number.
This has to do with the spins of nucleons.
Both protons and neutrons spin. When two
protons or neutrons have paired spins
(opposite spins), their combined energy is
less than when they are unpaired.
Number of protons Number of neutrons Stable Nuclides Example
168 Carbon12-6
57 Carbon13-6
50 Fluorine19-9
4 Lithium6-3
Table 1:The table showing the number of stable
isotopes according to the number of protons and
neutrons being even or odd.
Summary of the rules that are useful in
predicting the nuclear stability :
•All nuclides with 83 or more protons are
unstable with respect to radioactive decay.
•Light nuclides are stable when atomic
number equals to the number of neutrons ;
that is when the neutron to proton ratio is
1. However for heavier elements the
neutron to proton ratio required for
stability is more than 1 and increases with
the increase in the atomic number.
•Nuclides with even number of protons and
neutrons are more stable compared to
•Nuclei that contain a magic number of
proton and neutron seems to be more