ION IMPLANTATION - Chapter 8 Basic Concepts • Ion implantation is the dominant method of doping used today. In spite of creating enormous lattice damage it is favored because: • Large range of doses - 1011 to 1016 /cm2 • Extremely accurate dose control • Essential for MOS VT control • Buried (retrograde) profiles are possible • Low temperature process • Wide choice of masking materials • There are also some significant disadvantages: • Damage to crystal. • Anomalous transiently enhanced diffusion (TED). upon annealing this damage. • Charging of insulating layers. © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Ran ge R A. Implant Profiles • At its heart ion implantation is a random process. • High energy ions (1-1000keV) bombard the substrate and lose energy through nuclear collisions and electronic drag forces. Proje cte d ran ge RP Vacu u m S ilicon • Profiles can often be described by a Gaussian distribution, with a projected range and standard deviation. (200keV implants shown.) Heavy atoms have smaller projected range and smaller spread = struggle Rp 2 x R P C(x) CP exp 2R2 P (1) Q Cxdx or Q 2 RP CP (2) where Q is the dose in ions cm-2 and is measured by the integrated beam current. -2 to 1*1016 cm-2 used in MOS ICs Doses 1*1012 cm © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Phos Energy (keV) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 Range (µm ) 0.0199 0.0342 0.0473 0.0598 0.0717 0.0833 0.0947 0.105 0.116 0.127 0.148 0.169 0.189 0.210 0.229 As Std De v (µm ) 0.0064 0.0125 0.0179 0.0229 0.0275 0.0317 0.0356 0.0393 0.0428 0.0461 0.0522 0.0579 0.0630 0.0678 0.0723 Range (µm ) 0.0084 0.0156 0.0226 0.0294 0.0362 0.0429 0.0495 0.0561 0.0626 0.0692 0.0821 0.0950 0.107 0.120 0.133 Sb Std De v (µm ) 0.0043 0.0075 0.0102 0.0128 0.0152 0.0176 0.0198 0.0220 0.0241 0.0261 0.0301 0.0339 0.0375 0.0411 0.0446 Range (µm ) 0.0121 0.0219 0.0306 0.0385 0.0459 0.0528 0.0594 0.0656 0.0716 0.0773 0.0883 0.0985 0.108 0.117 0.126 Boro n Std De v (µm ) 0.0058 0.0100 0.0133 0.0162 0.0187 0.0209 0.0229 0.0248 0.0265 0.0280 0.0309 0.0334 0.0357 0.0378 0.0397 Range (µm ) 0.0473 0.0826 0.114 0.143 0.171 0.198 0.223 0.248 0.272 0.296 0.341 0.385 0.428 0.469 0.509 Std De v (µm ) 0.0249 0.0384 0.0483 0.0562 0.0628 0.0685 0.0736 0.0780 0.0821 0.0857 0.0922 0.0978 0.102 0.107 0.110 Energy Dependence Rp and Rp for dopants in Si. Ranges and standard deviation ∆Rp of dopants in randomly oriented silicon. © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ 3D Distribution of P Implanted to Si • Monte Carlo simulations of the random trajectories of a group of ions implanted at a spot on the wafer show the 3-D spatial distribution of the ions. (1000 phosphorus ions at 35 keV.) • Side view (below) shows Rp and ∆Rp while the beam direction view shows the lateral straggle. Lateral struggle R| Rp =50 nm, Rp =20 nm © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Lateral Implantation - Consequences for Devices • The two-dimensional distribution is often assumed to be composed of just the product of the vertical and lateral distributions. y 2 Cx, y C vert xexp 2 2R (3) • Now consider what happens at a mask edge - if the mask is thick enough to block the implant, the lateral profile under the mask is determined by the lateral straggle. (35keV and 120keV As implants at the edge of a poly gate from Alvis et al.) (Reprinted with permission of J. Vac. Science and Technology.) • The description of the profile at the mask edge is given by a sum of point response Gaussian functions, which leads to an error function distribution under the mask. (See class notes on diffusion for a similar analysis.) © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ B. Masking Implants • How thick does a mask have to be? • For masking, x m R*P C* x m C*P exp *2 2R P Dose that penetrates the mask • Calculating the required mask thickness, xm R*P R*P 2 C B (4) Depends on mask material C* P R* mR* 2ln P C P B (5) • The dose that penetrates the mask is given by 2 * x R* Q x R Q P P dx erfc m Q exp P * * 2 2 RP 2R*P x m 2RP (6) Lateral struggle important in small devices © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Masking Layer in Ion Implantation Photoresist, oxide mask Lateral struggle important in small devices y 2 Cx, y Cvert xexp 2 2R Dose that penetrates the mask X R* C* X m C*p exp m * 2 p CB 2R p To stop ions: R*p & R*p are in the m ask m aterial (different from Si) Ex : As 2 1015cm 2 @ 50 keV to 1 1016cm 3 doped channel. X poly ? to act as a m ask. CX m 1 1016 x m 0.105m 105nm Poly thickness @ 80keV &X m 105nm Q p 2.7 1013cm 2 Masking Efficiency • Mask edges tapered – thickness not large enough • Tilted implantation (“halo”) – use numerical calculations ( ex. to decrease short channel effects in small devices) Shadowing effect rotate or implant at 0 Deg. Implantation Followed by Annealing Function rediffused ForR p Backscattering of light atoms. C(x) is Gaussian only near the peak. 2Dt profiles are identical. Annealing requires additional Dt terms added to C(x) Cp, depth , C(x) remains Gaussian. C. Profile Evolution During Annealing • Comparing Eqn. (1) with the Gaussian profile from the last set of notes, we see that ∆Rp is equivalent to 2Dt . Thus Cx ,t 2 x RP exp 2 2RP2 2Dt 2 RP 2Dt Q (7) • The only other profile we can calculate analytically is when the implanted Gaussian is shallow enough that it can be treated as a delta function and the subsequent anneal can be treated as a one-sided Gaussian. (Recall example in Chapter 7 notes.) Cx ,t x 2 exp 4Dt Dt Q (8) © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Arbitrary Distribution of Dopants • Real implanted profiles are more complex. • Light ions backscatter to skew the profile up. • Heavy ions scatter deeper. • 4 moment descriptions of these profiles are often used (with tabulated values for these moments). Range: 1 RP x Cxdx Q (9) 2 1 Std. Dev: R P x R P Cxdx Q Skewness: Kurtosis: 3 x R P Cxdx • Real structures may be even more complicated because mask edges or implants are not vertical. (10) Q R 3P (11) 4 x R P Cxdx Q R 4P (12) Pearson’s model good for amorphous (&fine grain poly-) silicon or for rotation and tilting that makes Si look like amorphous materials. © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Two – Dimensional Distributions Thin oxide Near the mask edge 2D distributions calculated by MC model should be the best – verification difficult due to measuring problems. Poly-Si Phenomenological description of processes is insufficient for small devices. Atomistic view in scattering Verification through SIMS D. Implants in Real Silicon - Channeling • At least until it is damaged by the implant, Si is a crystalline material. • Channeling can produce unexpectedly deep profiles. • Screen oxides and tilting/rotating the wafer can minimize but not eliminate these effects. (7˚ tilt is common.) • Sometimes a dual Pearson profile description is useful. • Note that the channeling decreases in the high dose implant (green curve) because damage blocks the channels. © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Channeling Effect As two profiles <100> c-Si, B Dual-Pearson model gives the main profile and the channeled part. Dependence on dose: damage by higher doses decreases channeling. No channeling for As @ high doses Parameters are tabulated (for simulators). Include scattering in multiple layers (also masks’ edges). IMPORTANT in small devices! Screen oxide decreases channeling. But watch for O knock-out. Channeling not forward scattering Channeling P implantation at 4- keV and low dose Q<1013cm-2 0° 8° © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Manufacturing Methods and Equipment Mass Analysis For low E implant no acceleration Centrifugal force Lorentz force B I Ion velocity B++, B+, F+, BF, BF2+ Mass Selection mr Gives mass separation AsH3 PH3 BF2 in 15% H2, all very toxic Integrate the current to determine the dose D 1 I dt Aq Neutral ions can be implanted (w/o deflection=center) but will not be measured in Dose (use trap) Edep V Idt VQ Ion beam heating T increases - keep it below 200 °C High Energy Implants Applications in fabrication of: wells (multiple implants give correct profiles ex. uniform or retrograde), buried oxides, buried layers (MeV, large doses)! - replaces highly doped substrate with epi-layers CMOS In latch-up Thyristor structure UEB 0.7V p-n-p n-p-n UBE 0.7V Decrease of Rsub - less latch-up Future IC fabrication: implantation at high energy becomes more important - reduction of processing steps Ultralow Energy Implants Required by shallow junctions in VLSI circuits (50 eV- B) - ions will land softly as in MBE Extraction of ions from a plasma source ~ 30keV Options: •Lowering the extraction voltage Vout • • the space charge limited current limits the dose J V1/2extd-2 ex. J2keV=1/4•J5keV Extraction at the final energy used in the newest implantors but not for high doses due to self limitation due to sputtering at the surface. Now 250 eV available,; 50 eV to come • Deceleration (decel mode) nonuniformities) more neutrals formed and implanted deeper that ions (doping • Transient Enhanced Diffusion (TED) present in the low energy Ion Implantation and {311} defects. Modeling of Range Statistics dE NSn Se dx • The total energy loss during an ion trajectory is given by the sum of nuclear and electronic losses (these can be treated independently). R The range Computers used to find R R 0 E dx 1 0 dE N 0 Sn(E ) Se (E ) A. Nuclear Stopping • An incident ion scatters off the core charge on an atomic nucleus, modeled to first order by a screened Coulomb scattering potential. (14) Scattering potential Role of electrons in (15) screening Thomas Fermi model Energy transferred Z2, m2 (13) Elastic collisions Head-on collision (max energy transferred) • This potential is integrated along the path of the ion to calculate the scattering angle. (Look-up tables are often used in practice.) • Sn(E) in Eqn. (14) can be approximated as shown below where Z1, m1 = ion and Z2, m2 = substrate. Nuclear stopping power Sn(E ) 2.8x1015 Z1 Z2 m1 eV - cm2 1/ 2 m m 1 2 Z12 / 3 Z22 / 3 (16) © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Models and Simulations • Rutherford(1911) - (He) backscattered due to collision with a + nucleus. • Bohr- the nuclear energy loss due to + atoms cores and electronic loss due to free electrons decrease Many contributors. • Lindhard, Scharff and Schiott (1963) (LSS) B. Non-Local and Local Electronic Stopping Nonlocal Local • Drag force caused by charged ion in "sea" of electrons (non-local electronic stopping). • To first order, Se(E) cvion kE1 / 2 • Collisions with electrons around atoms transfers momentum and results in local electronic stopping. where Inelastic Collisions with electrons momentum transfer, small change of the trajectory. k 0.2x1015 ev1/2 cm2 C. Total Stopping Power (17) • The critical energy Ec when the nuclear and electronic stopping are equal is B: ≈ 17keV P: ≈ 150keV As, Sb : > 500keV • Thus at high energies, electronic stopping dominates; at low energy, nuclear stopping dominates. Energy loss w/o the trajectory change © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Damage Production Ed=Displacement energy (for a Frenkel pair) 15eV large damage induced by Ion Implantation • Consider a 30keV arsenic ion, which has a range of 25 nm, traversing roughly 100 atomic planes. 30 keV As Rp 25mm E decreases to Ed so that ions stop. Si Si n= Number of displaced Si atoms En @ E down to 2 E d : atom s the n 2Ed num ber of displaced atom s n 30,000 1000 displaced atom s by 1 As io 2 15 25nm 0.25nminterplanar spacing Dose – large damage! © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Damage in Implantation • Molecular dynamics simulation of a 5keV Boron ion implanted into silicon [de la Rubia, LLNL]. • Note that some of the damage anneals out between 0.5 and 6 psec (point defects recombining). Time for the ion to stop t Rp E 2m 1013 sec 1 ion primary damage: defect clusters, dopant-defect complexes, I and V Damage accumulates in subsequent cascades and depends on existing N -local defects Damage evolution (atomic interaction) stabilization @ lower concentrations due to local recombiination N nx nfrec 1 N N localdefects N 10 % NSi amorphization Fraction of recombined defects (displaced atoms) Increment in damage more recombination for heavy ions since damage is less dispersed than for light ions: B-0.1, P-0.4, As-0.6. Damage related to dose and energy Damage in Implantation Including Amorphization Damage is mainly due to nuclear energy losses : for B @ Rp. As – everywhere in the Dopant profile. - Si forms @ large doses and spread wider with the increasing Q. - Si forms @ low T of II (LN2) , @ RT or higher – recombination (in-situ annealing) - Si is buried • Cross sectional TEM images of amorphous layer formation with increasing implant dose (300keV Si -> Si) [Rozgonyi] • Note that a buried amorphous layer forms first and a substantially higher dose is needed before the amorphous layer extends all the way to the surface. • These ideas suggest preamorphizing the substrate with a Si (or Ge) implant to prevent channeling when dopants are later implanted. Preamorphization eliminates the channeling effect Damage Annealing - Solid Phase Epitaxy • If the substrate is amorphous, it can regrow by SPE. • In the SPE region, all damage is repaired and dopants are activated onto substitutional sites. • Cross sectional TEM images of amorphous layer regrowth at 525˚C, from a 200keV, 6e15 cm-2 Sb implant. • In the tail region, the material is not amorphized. • Damage beyond the a/c interface can nucleate stable, secondary defects and cause transient enhanced diffusion (TED). © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Damage Annealing (more) Formation of End-of-Range (EOR) defects @ a/c interface in Si large damage after II @ the C-Si side but below the threshold for amorphization. Loops R= 10 nm grow to 20 nm in 1000 °C Solid Phase Epitaxy 5 min {311}&loops 60 min Furnace RTP 850 °C 1000 °C 1 sec 60 sec 400 sec 1000 °C gives stable dislocation loops 1100 °C/60 sec may be enough to remove the dislocation loops . 960 min Loops in P-N junctions leakage Optimize annealing: Short time, high T to limit dopant diffusion but remove defects Optimize I2 : LN2 Ge 4*1014 cm-2 RT- 5*1014 cm-2 produces a-Si @ RT , EOR @ 100 nm depth =25 nm, 1010 cm-2 @ 900 °C/15 min @ LN2 NO EOR! Heating by I-beam - defects harder to be remove Damage Annealing - “+1” Model Goals: • Remove primary damage created by the implant and activate the dopants. • Restore silicon lattice to its perfect crystalline state. Primary defects start to anneal at 400 • Restore the electron and hole mobility. °C all damage must be annealed • Do this without appreciable dopant redistribution. with only +1 atom remaining. (+1 model) Fast Frenkel pairs After 10-2s only “I” • In regions where SPE does not take place (not amorphized), damage is removed by point defect recombination. Clusters of I recombine = dissolve @ the surface • Bulk and surface recombination take place on a short time scale. • "+1" I excess remains. These I coalesce into {311} defects which are stable for longer periods. • {311} defects anneal out in sec to min at moderate temperatures (800 - 1000˚C) but eject I TED. @ 900 °C, 5 sec 1011 cm-2 of {311}; not long=10 nm rods then dissolve if below critical size or else grow dislocation loops (stable) = extrinsic e. i. Si I planes on {111} = secondary defects. (difficult to remove) © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Solid State Epitaxy Regrowth from the C-Si acting as a seed (as in crystal growth from melt) @ 600 deg C, 50 nm/min <100> 20 nm/min <110> 2 nm/min <111> 2.3 eV is for Si-Si bond breaking 2.3 v A exp T Regrowth rate Regrowth 10x larger for highly doped regions Time Dopants are active =substitutional position with very little diffusion. But high T might be needed for EOR annealing. No defects=no diffusion enhancements Dopant Activation • When the substrate is amorphous, SPE provides an ideal way of repairing the damage and activating dopants (except that EOR damage may remain). • At lower implant doses, activation is much more complex because stable defects form. • Plot (above left) of fractional activation versus anneal temperature for boron. • Reverse annealing (above right) is thought to occur because of a competition between the native interstitial point defects and the boron atoms for lattice sites. © 2000 by Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ Dopant Activation – No Premorphization Low T Annealing is enough for low doses – low primary damage can be easily annealed. High doses – damage below amorphization secondary defects = difficult to anneal and requires high T 950-1050 ° C. Full activation Secondary defects from Amorphization improves activation @ low T leading to 100% @ high T Note: very high doses may result in low activation (25%) 1. High initial activation, full activation is fast @ low T, 2. Low initial activation, traps anneal out, I compete with B for substitutional sites, I –B complexes 3. More damage so activation decreases with dose maintaining the same behavior. (1) (2) (3) Increasing dose Doses below amorphization High doses - high T required which causes more diffusion - in small devices unacceptable Carriers’ mobility increases with damage anneal