5th International Conference on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology 18-22 April 2011, Singapore The Plasma Focus- Numerical Experiments Leading Technology Sor Heoh Saw 1,2 and Sing Lee 1,2,3 1INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia 2Institute for Plasma Focus Studies, 32 Oakpark Drive, Chadstone, VIC 3148, Australia 3Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore 637616 e-mails: sorheoh.saw@newinti.edu.my; leesing@optusnet.com.au The Plasma Focus- Numerical Experiments Leading Technology Outline of talk: Numerical experiments assist design; provide reference for diagnostics and provide guidance for implementation of technology for Plasma Focus devices. Pointed the way to development of the Nanofocus, extending proven scalable range of DPF devices from 0.1J to MJ over unprecedented 7 orders of magnitude in storage energy Important guidance uncovered by numerical experiments include: (1) Plasma current limitation effect, so show that it is futile to lower static inductance below around 20 nH (2) Scaling laws of neutron yield and soft x-ray yield as functions of E0 & I (3) Deterioration of scaling laws due to dynamic impedance; so need to go to yield enhancement techniques: high-Z seeding, higher voltage operation & circuit manipulation The Plasma Focus 1/2 Plasma focus: small fusion device, complements international efforts to study nuclear fusion Multi-radiation device - x-rays, particle beams and fusion neutrons Soft XR applications include microelectronics lithography and micro-machining Large range of device-from J to thousands of kJ Experiments-dynamics, radiation, instabilities and non-linear phenomena 3 kJ machine Small Plasma Focus 1000 kJ machine Big Plasma Focus These two Images are shown to geometrical scale: Energy scaling : 300 times Radial Compression (Pinch) Phase of the Plasma Focus Our early numerical work [Lee & Serban IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 24 (1996) 1101] already showed the following scaling rules-of-thumb Axial phase energy density (per unit mass) constant Radial phase energy density (per unit mass) constant Pinch radius ratio constant Pinch length ratio constant Pinch duration per unit anode radius constant The constant energy density scaling pointed the way to development of so-called nanofocus Nanofocus: an ultra-miniature dense pinch plasma focus device with operating at 0.1 J pinch L Soto et al- Plasma Sources Sci & Tech 18 (2009) 015007 Sub-mm anode Scaling Rules-of-thumb predicted numerically are used to design nanofocus- DPF’s operate over 7 orders of magnitude: 0.1J to 1MJAxial phase energy density (per unit mass) constant Radial phase energy density (per unit mass) constant Pinch radius ratio constant Pinch length ratio constant Pinch duration per unit anode radius constant Extending DPF’s to operate over an unprecedented scalable 7 orders of magnitude: 0.1J to 1MJ- This is an example of: Numerical Experiments Leading Technology The Plasma Focus Axial Phase Radial Phases The 5-phases of Lee Model code Includes electrodynamical- & radiation- coupled equations to portray the REGULAR mechanisms of the: axial (phase 1) radial inward shock (phase 2) radial RS (phase 3) slow compression radiation phase (phase 4) the expanded axial post-pinch phase (phase 5) Crucial technique of the code: Current Fitting The Lee Model codeComprehensive Numerical Experiments The approach of the Lee Model code To model the plasma dynamics & plasma conditions Then obtain insights into scaling properties Then uncover scaling laws Critical to the approach: Model is linked to physical reality by the current waveform Insights 1/2 The Lee model code has produced groundbreaking insights no other plasma focus codes has been able to produce These insights have led to other examples of Numerical Experiments leading Technology Ground-breaking Insights published- Numerical Experiments leading Technology Limitation to Pinch Current and Yields- Appl Phys Letts. 92 (2008) S Lee & S H Saw: an unexpected, important result Neutron Yield Scaling-sub kJ to 1 MJ-J Fusion Energy 27 (2008) S Lee & S H Saw- multi-MJ- PPCF 50 (2008) S Lee Neon Soft x-ray Scaling- PPCF 51 (2009) S Lee, S H Saw, P Lee, R S Rawat Neutron Yield Saturation- Appl Phys Letts. 95 (2009) S Lee Simple explanation of major obstruction to progress From Measured Current Waveform to Modelling for Diagnostics 1/2 Procedure to operate the code: Step 1: Configure the specific plasma focus Input: Bank parameters, L0, C0 and stray circuit resistance r0; Tube parameters b, a and z0 and Operational parameters V0 and P0 and the fill gas Step 2: Fitting the computed current waveform to the measured waveform-(connecting with reality) 2/2 A measured discharge current Itotal waveform for the specific plasma focus is required The code is run successively. At each run the computed Itotal waveform is fitted to the measured Itotal waveform by varying model parameters fm, fc, fmr and fcr one by one, one step for each run, until computed waveform agrees with measured waveform. The 5-Point Fit: First, the axial model factors fm, fc are adjusted (fitted) until (1) computed rising slope of the Itotal trace and (2) the rounding off of the peak current as well as (3) the peak current itself are in reasonable (typically very good) fit with the measured Itotal trace. Next, adjust (fit) the radial phase model factors fmr and fcr until - (4) the computed slope and (5) the depth of the dip agree with the measured Itotal waveform. Example : NX2-Plasma SXR Source NX2 11.5kV, 2 kJ 16 shots /sec; 400 kA 20J SXR/shot (neon) 109 neutrons/shot (D) 1/4 Example of current fitting: Given any plasma focus : e.g. NX2 16 shots/sec Hi Rep 2/4 Bank parameters: L0=15nH; C0=28uF; r0=2 mW Tube parameters: b=4.1 cm, a=1.9 cm, z0=5cm Operation parameters: V0=11kV, P0=2.6 Torr in Neon The UPFLF (Lee code) is configured (by keying figures into the configuration panel on the EXCEL sheet) as the NX2 INPUT: OUTPUT: NX2 current waveform NX2 dynamics & electrodynamics NX2 plasma pinch dimensions & characteristics NX2 Neon SXR yield Fitting computed Itotal waveform to measured Itotal waveform: the 5-point fit 3/4 Once fitted: model is energy-wise & mass-wise equivalent to the physical situation 4/4 All dynamics, electrodynamics, radiation, plasma properties and neutron yields are realistically simulated; so that the code output of these quantities may be used as reference points for diagnostics Numerical Diagnostics- Example of NX2 Time histories of dynamics, energies and plasma properties computed by the code 1/3 Last adjustment, when the computed Itotal trace is judged to be reasonably well fitted in all 5 features, computed times histories are presented (NX2 operated at 11 kV, 2.6 Torr neon) Computed Itotal waveform fitted to measured Computed Itotal & Iplasma Computed Total Current & Plasma Current Input: Measured Total Current; shown with fitted Current in kA 350 300 Measured current kA Computed current kA 250 200 150 100 end of radial phase 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time in microsec 2 Current in kA computed total current 400 400 350 300 Total Current kA Plasma Current 250 200 150 100 50 0 0.0 2.5 Computed Tube Voltage 1.5 2.0 2.5 Computed Axial Trajectory & Speed Breech Voltage kV 15 10 5 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Position in cm, Speed in cm/usec 12 20 Voltage in kV 1.0 Time in microsec 25 -5 0.5 10 8 6 4 2 Axial position Axial Speed 0 0.0 Time in microsec Computed Tube voltage 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Time in microsec Computed axial trajectory & speed 2.5 Numerical Diagnostics- Example of NX2 Computed total inductive energy as % of stored energy Computed tube Inductance (axial + radial) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 % of stored energy Inductance in nH 30 25 20 15 Plasma Inductance 10 5 0 Inductive energy 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2/3 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time in microsec 2.5 2.0 2.5 Time in microsec Compare energy dissipated by 'dynamic resistance' with piston work Dynamic Resistance in mOhm 120.0 30 100.0 25 DR in mOhm % of stored energy 35 20 15 10 energy dissipated by 0.5Ldot Piston Work 5 80.0 60.0 40.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time in microsec 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Time in microsec Computed Radial trajectory, Shock & Reflected Shock Computed Length of Radial Structure 20 30 15 25 10 Radial Inward Shock Radial Piston 5 Radial Reflected Shock 0 Length in mm Radial position in mm DR in mOhm 20.0 20 15 10 Length of Radial Structure 5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -5 Time in microsec 2.0 2.5 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time in microsec 2.0 2.5 Numerical Diagnostics- Example of NX2 Computed averaged and peak plasma temperature Computed Radial speeds, Shock, Reflected Shock & elongation 30 3.0 Radial Piston Elongation Speed 10 0 0 -10 1 1 2 2 3 Temp (10 6 K) Speeds in cm/usec Radial Inw ard Shock 20 3/3 2.0 1.0 Averaged uniform T Peak (temporal & spatial) T -20 0.0 -30 0.0 Time in microsec Computed averaged & peak ion number density number density 1023 m-3 30 25 20 15 10 Averaged uniform ni nimax, full shock jump 5 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time in microsec 2.0 2.5 Computed SXR Power in GW SXR Power in GW 3.0 2.0 SXR emission power 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time in microsec 2.0 2.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time in microsec 2.0 2.5 More on the The Lee Model Code 1/3 Realistic simulation of all gross focus properties Couples the electrical circuit with plasma focus dynamics, thermodynamics and radiation (Lee 1983, 1984) 5-phase model; axial & radial phases Includes plasma self-absorption for SXR yield (Lee 2000) Includes neutron yield, Yn, using a beam–target mechanism (Lee & Saw 2008, J Fusion energy) Numerical Experiments leading Technology Pinch current limitation effect in plasma focus (S. Lee and S. H. Saw, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 021503 (2008), DOI:10.1063/1.2827579) Pinch current limitation effectIpinch does not increase beyond a certain value however low Lo, the static inductance is reduced to. Decreasing the present Lo of the PF1000 machine will neither increase the pinch current nor the neutron yield, contrary to expectations. Results from Numerical Experiments with PF1000 - For decreasing Lo - from 100 nH to 5 nH As Lo was reduced from 100 to 35 nH - As expected Ipeak increased from 1.66 to 3.5 MA Ipinch also increased, from 0.96 to 1.05 MA Further reduction from 35 to 5 nH Ipeak continue to increase from 3.5 to 4.4 MA Ipinch decreasing slightly to - Unexpected 1.03 MA at 20 nH, 1.0 MA at10 nH, and 0.97 MA at 5 nH. 11 Yn also had a maximum value of 3.2x10 at 35 nH. Energy distribution in the system at the end of the axial phase and at the end of the pinch-(1/2) The energy equation describing this current drop is written as follows: 2 2 2 2 0.5Ipeak (Lo + Lafc ) = 0.5Ipinch (Lo/fc + La + Lp ) + cap plasma Where La = inductance of the tube at full axial length zo. = energy imparted to the plasma as the current sheet moves to the pinch position plasma= integral of 0.5(dL/dt)I2 ~ 0.5LpIpinch2 (an underestimate for this case) =energy flow into or out of the capacitor during this period of current drop. cap= 0 (capacitor is effectively decoupled-duration of the radial phase is short compared to the capacitor time constant) 2 2 Ipinch = Ipeak (Lo + 0.5La)/(2Lo + La + 2Lp) 2 (Note : fc=0.7, fc ~0.5) Pinch Current Limitation Effect - (1/3) Lo decreases higher Ipeak bigger a zp longer bigger Lp Lo decreases shorter rise time shorter zo smaller La Lo decreases, Ipinch/Ipeak decreases Pinch Current Limitation Effect - (2/3) Lo decreases, L-C interaction time of capacitor decreases Lo decreases, duration of current drop increases due to bigger a Capacitor bank is more and more coupled to the inductive energy transfer cap 0 Pinch Current Limitation Effect - (3/3) A combination of two complex effects • • Interplay of various inductances Increasing coupling of Co to the inductive energetic processes as Lo is reduced Conclusions – (1/2) Several sets of Numerical results For PF1000 with different damping factors indicate • • Optimum inductances are around 30-60 nH with Ipinch decreasing for Lo below optimum value Reducing Lo from its present 20-30 nH will increase neither Ipinch nor Yn Conclusions – (2/2) • • For a fixed Co powering a plasma focus, there exist an optimum Lo for maximum Ipinch Reducing Lo will increase neither Ipinch nor Yn Because of the Pinch Current Limitation Effect The numerical experiments and discussions – 4/7 Figure 2. PF1000 current waveforms (computed) at 35 kV, 3.5 Torr D2 for a range of Lo. The numerical experiments and discussions – 6/7 Figure 3. Effect on currents and current ratio (computed) as Lo is reduced-PF1000, 35 kV,3.5 Torr D2. Adapted from Beam-target neutron generating mechanism (ref Gribkov et al) A beam of fast deuteron ions close to the anode Interacts with the hot dense plasma of the focus pinch column Produces the fusion neutrons Given by: Yb-t= Cn niIpinch2zp2(ln(b/rp))σ /U0.5 where ni = ion density b = cathode radius, rp = radius of the plasma pinch column with length zp, σ = cross-section of the D-D fusion reaction, n- branch, U= beam energy, and Cn = calibration constant Note: • • • • The D-D cross-section is sensitive to the beam energy in the range 15-150 kV; so it is necessary to use the appropriate range of beam energy to compute σ. The code computes induced voltages (due to current motion inductive effects) Vmax of the order of only 15-50 kV. However it is known, from experiments that the ion energy responsible for the beam-target neutrons is in the range 50-150keV, and for smaller lower-voltage machines the relevant energy could be lower at 30-60keV. In line with experimental observations the D-D cross section σ is reasonably obtained by using U= 3Vmax. The model uses a value of Cn =2.7x107 obtained by calibrating the yield at an experimental point of 0.5 MA. Neon SXR energy generated YSXR = Neon line radiation QL QL calculated from: where : Zn = atomic number, ni = number density , Z = effective charge number, rp = pinch radius, zf = pinch length and T = temperature QL is obtained by integrating over the pinch duration. NOTE Note: The SXR yield is the reduced quantity of generated energy after plasma self-absorption which depends primarily on density and temperature The model computes the volumetric plasma self-absorption factor A derived from the photonic excitation number M which is a function of the Zn, ni, Z and T. In our range of operation the numerical experiments show that the self absorption is not significant. Liu Mahe (1999) first pointed out that a temperature around 300 eV is optimum for SXR production. Shan Bing’s (2000) subsequent work and our experience through numerical experiments suggest that around 2x106 K (below 200 eV) or even a little lower could be better. Hence for SXR scaling there is an optimum small range of temperatures (T window) to operate. Computed Total Current versus Time For L0 = 30nH; V0 = 20 kV; C0 = 30 uF; RESF = 0.1; c=1.5 Model parameters : fm = 0.06, fc = 0.7, fmr =0.16, fcr = 0.7 Optimised a=2.29cm; b=3.43 cm and z0=5.2 cm. Ysxr scales as: •E01.6 at low energies in the sub-kJ to several kJ region. •E00.76 at high energies towards 1MJ. • Scaling with currents • Ysxr~Ipeak3.2 (0.1–2.4 MA) and • Ysxr~Ipinch3.6 (0.07-1.3 MA) • Black data points with fixed parameters RESF=0.1; c=1.5; L0=30nH; V0=20 kV and model parameters fm=0.06, fc=0.7, fmr=0.16, fcr=0.7. • White data points are for specific machines with different values for the parameters :c, L0, V0 etc. The scaling laws obtained (at optimized condition) for Neutrons: Yn~E02.0 at tens of kJ to Yn~E00.84 at the highest energies (up to 25MJ) Yn =3.2x1011Ipinch4.5 (0.2-2.4 MA) Yn=1.8x1010Ipeak3.8 (0.3-5.7MA) The scaling laws obtained (at optimized condition) for neon SXR: Ysxr~E01.6 at low energies Ysxr~E00.8 towards 1 MJ Ysxr~Ipeak3.2 (0.1–2.4 MA) and Ysxr~Ipinch3.6 (0.07-1.3 MA) Global Scaling Law for Neutrons Combining experimental & numerical Experimental data from 0.4kJ to 1 MJ & beyond What causes the deterioration of Yield scaling? The axial speed loads the discharge circuit with a dynamic resistance The same axial speed over the range of devices means the same dynamic resistance constituting a load impedance DR0 Small PF’s : have larger generator impedance Z0=[L0/C0] 0.5 than DR0 As energy is increased by increasing C0, generator impedance Z0 drops At E0 of kJ and tens of kJ the discharge circuit is dominated by Z0 Hence as E0 increases, I~C0-0.5 At the level typically of 100 kJ, Z0 has dropped to the level of DR0; circuit is now no longer dominated by Z0; and current scaling deviates from I~C0-0.5, beginning of current scaling deterioration. At MJ levels and above, the circuit becomes dominated by DR0, current saturates Axial phase dynamic resistance causes current scaling deterioration as E0 increases Yn~Ipinch4.5 Yn~Ipeak3.8 Hence deterioration of scaling of Ipeak will lead to deterioration of scaling of Yn. Analysis using the Lee model code has thus shown that the constancy of the dynamic resistance causes the current scaling deterioration resulting in the deterioration of the neutron yield and eventual saturation. This puts the global scaling law for neutron yield on a firmer footing Into the Future Beyond Saturation Plasma Focus? Current Stepped pinch: b= 12cm, a= 8cm, z0= 2cm; 2 capacitor banks: L1= 30nH, C1= 8uF, r0=6mW, V1= 300kV; L2= 15nH, C2= 4 uF, r0=6.3 6mW, V2= 600kV; P0= 12 Torr D C2 switched after radial start when r=0.8a,Yn= 1..2E12; r=0.6a, Yn= 1.5E12; r=0.5a, Yn= 1.8E12; r=0.4a, Yn= 1.9E12 IPFS-INTI Series 10, 10 October 2010 RADPF15.15d CS Other methods For example: Enhanced compressions by: Thermodynamics effects Radiative cooling and radiative collapse (already covered by S Lee & S H Saw in earlier paper) Further steps: will be discussed by P Lee in his paper tomorrow Conclusions Numerical experiments • Assist design; provide diagnostic reference and guidance for technology of PF’s • Pointed the way for development of Nanofocus, extending proven scalable range of devices over unprecedented 7 orders of magnitude in storage energy • Uncovered Plasma current limitation effect as inductance is lowered, • Extended Scaling laws of neutron yield & SXR yield as functions of E0 & I • Found that Deterioration of scaling laws due to dynamic impedance; • Suggests yield enhancement techniques:, higher voltage operation & circuit manipulation; thermodynamic enhancement and radiation collapse. 5th International Conference on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology 18-22 April 2011, Singapore The Plasma Focus- Numerical Experiments Leading Technology Sor Heoh Saw 1,2 and Sing Lee 1,2,3 1INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia 2Institute for Plasma Focus Studies, 32 Oakpark Drive, Chadstone, VIC 3148, Australia 3Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore 637616 e-mails: sorheoh.saw@newinti.edu.my; leesing@optusnet.com.au S Lee and S H Saw, “Pinch current limitation effect in plasma focus,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 2008, 021503. S Lee and S H Saw, “Neutron scaling laws from numerical experiments,” J Fusion Energy 27, 2008, pp. 292-295. S Lee, P Lee, S H Saw and R S Rawat, “Numerical experiments on plasma focus pinch current limitation,” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50, 2008, 065012 (8pp). S Lee, S H Saw, P C K Lee, R S Rawat and H Schmidt, “Computing plasma focus pinch current from total current measurement,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 , 2008, 111501. S Lee, “Current and neutron scaling for megajoule plasma focus machine,” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50, 2008, 105005, (14pp). S Lee and S H Saw, “Response to “Comments on ‘Pinch current limitation effect in plasma focus’”[Appl. Phys. Lett.94,076101 (2009)],” Appl. Phys. Leet.94, 2009, 076102. S Lee, S H Saw, L Soto, S V Springham and S P Moo, “Numerical experiments on plasma focus neutron yield versus pressure compared with laboratory experiments,” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 51, 2009, 075006 (11 pp). S H Saw, P C K Lee, R S Rawat and S Lee, “Optimizing UNU/ICTP PFF Plasma Focus for Neon Soft X-ray Operation,” accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science. Lee S, Rawat R S, Lee P and Saw S H. “Soft x-ray yield from NX2 plasma focus- correlation with plasma pinch parameters” (to be published) S Lee, S H Saw, P Lee and R S Rawat, “Numerical experiments on plasma focus neon soft xray scaling”, (to be published). Lee S, Rawat R S, Lee P and Saw S H. “Soft x-ray yield from NX2 plasma focus” International, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 30 July 2009. S Lee & S H Saw, “Neutron scaling laws from numerical experiments,” J Fusion Energy 27, 2008, pp. 292-295. S Lee, “Current and neutron scaling for megajoule plasma focus machine,” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50, 2008, 105005, (14pp). S Lee, S H Saw, P C K Lee, R S Rawat and H Schmidt, “Computing plasma focus pinch current from total current measurement,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 , 2008, 111501. S Lee and S H Saw, “Pinch current limitation effect in plasma focus,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 2008, 021503. S Lee, P Lee, S H Saw and R S Rawat, “Numerical experiments on plasma focus pinch current limitation,” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50, 2008, 065012 (8pp). S Lee, “Plasma focus model yielding trajectory and structure” in Radiations in Plasmas, ed B McNamara (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co, ISBN 9971966-37-9) vol. II, 1984, pp. 978–987 S Lee S et al, “A simple facility for the teaching of plasma dynamics and plasma nuclear fusion,” Am. J. Phys. 56, 1988, pp. 62-68. T Y Tou, S Lee and K H Kwek, “Non perturbing plasma focus measurements in the run-down phase,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 17, 1989, pp. 311-315.