Health Physics 3: Medical Cyclotrons Nuclear Power Reactors Lasers Medical Cyclotron Why a medical cyclotron ? Ref. : Sorenson & Phelps: Physics in Nuclear Medicine Medical Cyclotron On-site Production of Short-lived PET Tracers: C-11 T1/2 ~ 20 min N-13 T1/2 ~ 10 min O-15 T1/2 ~ 2 min F-18 T1/2 ~ 2 hr PET Tracers Carbon -11 Nitrogen -13 Oxygen -15 (F-18 ~ H) Are all natural constituents of human body (unlike Tc-99m). Medical Cyclotron •Relatively low-energy particles: ~20 MeV protons ~10 MeV deuterons •But relatively large beam current: ~ 500 micro-A to yield large activities •For quality medical imaging! A Cyclotron as Seen by … A Cyclotron as Seen by … A Cyclotron as Seen by … A Cyclotron as Seen by … A Cyclotron as Seen by … A Cyclotron as Seen by … Cyclotron Principle Cyclotron Principle Positive Ion Cyclotron Beam Extraction on Negative Ion Machine Proton Beam Extraction: 2 electrons are removed from proton-ion beam by carbon stripping foil Negative Ion Cyclotron Advantages: •more efficient beam extraction •less internal component activation •dual beam extraction possibility •simple mechanism Cyclotron Produced Radio-Nuclides Cyclotron Produced Radio-Nuclides Are usually carrier-free: Reason: mostly (p,n), (d,n) reactions Therefore: target material and radioactive product are not the same chemical species (Z changes). RDS System (Radioisotope Delivery System) Nuclear Power Reactor References: 1) Health Physics (Dr. Robert Corns) Chapter 11 2) Sorenson & Phelps: Physics in Nuclear Medicine Nuclear Power Reactor Produces important “by-products” for medical care: Examples: • Fission products (e.g. 99Mo, 131I) • Activation products (e.g. 60Co, 32P) Nuclear Power Reactor Neutron Capture – Fission – more Neutrons nf U-235 f.p. nf nth f.p. nf Chain Reaction ? Neutrons from first fission may induce other fissions. Natural Uranium Composition: 0.71% of 235U 99.28% of 238U Natural Uranium by itself will not sustain a chain reaction. Neutron Moderator A substance containing light nuclei (e.g. D2 O) is most effective in slowing down neutrons to thermal energies (~ 0.025 eV) through elastic scattering. Neutron Moderator Thermal neutrons (E~0.025eV) are more likely to induce fissions. Chain Reaction: The Fission Cycle Reproduction factor k=1 start here Critical Size The more neutrons in the reactor core, the more likely a chain reaction will occur. Neutrons are lost through: 1) absorption in the core and 2) leakage from surface of reactor Therefore: A small reactor surface over reactor volume ratio (S/V) will favor a chain reaction. Critical Size For small reactor: S/V = 6 For large reactor: S/V = 3 Reactor Control Insert neutron-absorbing control rods into reactor (B, Cd). In CANDU reactor, change level of heavy water moderator (D2 O). Reactor Control The CANDU Power Reactor CANadian Deuterium Uranium Uses Natural Uranium as fuel and Heavy Water (D2O) as a moderator This makes the CANDU very safe ! CANDU Reactor Radiation Hazards from Reactor During Operation ! Reactor Shielding Avoid streaming of radiation (neutrons!) Compare with maze in cyclotron vault Radiation Hazards from Reactor When reactor is shut down : Fission Products and Activation Products Continue to be a source of radiation hazard! Fission Fragment Yield for U-235 Important Fission Products Strontium-90 Molybdenum-99 Iodine-131 Xenon-133 Cesium-137 Fission Product Build-Up Short T1/2 : fast build-up Equilibrium Activities for some Fission Products Iodine-131: Iodine-133: Xenon-133: 17’360 Ci 35’770 Ci 35’780 Ci Fission Product Release Fission Product Release Release of radio-iodines (e.g. I-131): • • • • Half-Life: ~ 8 days Volatile, vapor form Contaminate grass, milk Target the thyroid gland Prevention: Pre-loading of thyroid with “cold” iodine. Neutron Activation Neutrons activate elements present in reactor, mainly via (n,gamma) and (n,p) reactions): • moderator, coolant • corrosion elements in coolant • commercial production ports Unwanted Activation Products Tritium: (from D2O), vapor! Co-60: (from Co-59, corrosion) contaminates cooling system, pipes! Useful Activation Products Reactor Produced Radio-Nuclides Are usually not carrier-free: Reason: mostly (n,gamma) reactions Therefore: target material and radioactive product are the same chemical species (Z does not change). Reactor Cool-Off Period Lasers Frequent application in health care institutions: Patient positioning and alignment devices in scanning and radio-therapy equipment. Lasers Lasers Example: ECAT PET scanner Laser Radiation Do not Stare into Beam Class II Laser Product (1 mW maximum output) Wavelength: 600 to 700nm Lasers Biological Effects: Principally temperature effects (burns). Critical Organs: eye, skin Classification of Lasers Class I: not hazardous Class II: continuous (but not momentary) intrabeam exposure damages eye Class III: can damage eye during momentary intrabeam exposure Class IV: damage to eye from momentary intrabeam exposure and from exposure to diffuse reflection Lasers Protective Eye Wear: Goggles should be adapted to the type (wavelength!) of laser being used. Ultraviolet Radiation Attention: UV light (wavelength ~ 300nm) was (is?) used in operating rooms to keep equipment sterile. Therefore, wear goggles, when working in areas where UV light is being used, in order to avoid eye irritation! Cyclotron Principle