PERFORMANCE STUDIES OF TRICKLE BED REACTORS Mohan R. Khadilkar Thesis Advisors: M. P. Dudukovic and M. H. Al-Dahhan Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory Department of Chemical Engineering Washington University St. Louis, Missouri CREL Objectives and Accomplishments Examined the current state of the art in experimentation and modeling of trickle beds critically and successfully answered the often asked questions 1. Do upflow and downflow differ? When and Why ? 2. How to get reproducible scale-up data from small scale reactors independent of flow mode? 3. To what extent can current models predict the observed behavior? Formulated the rigorous approach to trickle bed modeling on pellet and reactor scale and illustrated the effectiveness of this approach for prediction of steady and unsteady state performance Examined experimentally and via models, unsteady state operation in trickle beds and identified regions of, and, reasons for performance enhancement CREL Performance of Trickle Bed Reactors 1. Comparison of Trickle Bed and Upflow Effect of Bed Dilution Model Evaluation 2. Rigorous Steady State Model 3. Unsteady State Performance Experiments 4. Rigorous Unsteady State Model Chemical Kinetics Fluid Dynamics Phase Interaction & Contacting Transport Coefficients 5. Transient Fluid Dynamic Simulation Reactor Design & Scale-up Performance CREL Trickle Bed Reactors Cocurrent Downflow of Gas and Liquid on a Fixed Catalyst Bed Catalyst Wetting Conditions in Trickle Bed Reactor ... ...... ........ ...... Operating Pressures up to 20 MPa Operating Flow Ranges: High Liquid Mass Velocity (Fully Wetted Catalyst) (Suitable for Liquid Limited Reactions) Low Liquid Mass Velocity (Partially Wetted Catalyst) (Suitable for Gas Limited Reactions) ....... L i q u id F il m o r R i v u le L i q u id F il le d p o r e s D r y P e lle t C a p ill a r y Limiting Reactant criterion: DeB C Bi 1 DeAC A* D C eB Bi 1 DeA C A* Gas limited reaction if L IQ U ID G AS C o n d e n s a ti Liquid limited reaction if Flow Map (Fukushima et al., 1977) 10000 C AT AL Y S T SPRAY B ED Re(Gas) WAVY G AS 1000 PULSE TRICKLE 100 DISP . BUBBLE 10 1 L IQ U ID 10 100 1000 Re (Liquid) CREL FLOW REGIMES AND CATALYST WETTING EFFECTS DOWNFLOW (TRICKLE BED REACTOR) UPFLOW (PACKED BUBBLE COLUMN) PARTIAL WETTING COMPLETE WETTING CATALYST LIQUID GAS (Trickle Flow Regime) (Bubble Flow Regime) CREL Motivation To understand the differences between downflow and upflow operation. Are upflow reactors indicative of trickle bed performance under different reaction conditions? To understand the effects of bed dilution with fines on reactor performance To develop guidelines for scale-up/scale-down of reactors for gas or liquid reactant limited reactions Objectives Experimentally investigate the performance of downflow (Trickle Bed) and upflow (Packed Bubble Column) reactors for a test hydrogenation reaction Study the effects of pressure, feed concentration, gas velocity and bed dilution on the performance of both modes of operation Evaluate available reactor models in comparison with experimental data Reaction Scheme: CH3 C CH2 + H2 Catalyst : 2.5 % Pd on Alumina (cylindrical 0.13 cm dia.) Fines : Silicon carbide 0.02 cm CH3 HC CH3 Pd/Alumina Alpha-methylstyrene B (l) + A(g) cumene P(l) Range of Experimentation : • Superficial Liquid Velocity (Mass Velocity) : 0.09 - 0.5 cm/s (0.63-3.85 kg/m2s) • Superficial Gas Velocity (Mass Velocity) : 3.8 -14.4 cm/s (3.3x10-3-12.8x10-3 kg/m2s) • Feed Concentration • Operating Pressure • Feed Temperature : 3.1 - 7.8 % (230-600 mol/m3) : 30 - 200 psig (3-15 atm) : 24 oC Limiting Reactant criterion: Gas limited reaction if DeB CBi 1 DeA C*A Liquid limited reaction if DeB CBi 1 DeA C*A CREL Experimental Setup High Pressure Gas Supply PC Timer PC PC Distributor Rotameter Damper TT High Pressure Gas Supply PT Feed Tank LT LT Cooling Jacket LT Saturators HP Feed Tank DPT Reactor Vent Solvent PC TT High Pressure Diaphragm Pump Vent PT TT PT PC PC Rotameter LT LC Demister Waste Tank Gas-Liquid Separator PC PC Gas Chromatograph Computer CREL Downflow and Upflow Experimental Results under Gas and Liquid Limited Conditions without Fines 1 UPFLOW DOWNFLOW Conversion(X) Conversion(X) 0.8 CBi=7.8%v/v, P=30psig 0.6 Gas Limited 8.8 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 Space time , s Downflow outperforms upflow due to partial external wetting and improved gas reactant access to particles 400 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 DOWNFLOW UPFLOW CBi=3.1(v/v)%,P=200psig Liquid Limited 0.8 0 50 100 Space time, s 150 200 Upflow outperforms downflow due to more complete external wetting and better transport of liquid reactant to the catalyst CREL 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 DOWNFLOW Conversion(X) Conversion(X) Downflow and Upflow Experimental Results under Gas and Liquid Limited Conditions with Fines UPFLOW CBi=6.7 %(v/v), P=30 psig 7.5 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 DOWNFLOW UPFLOW CBi=3.18%(v/v), P=200 psig. 0.8 0 0 50 100 Space time,s 150 200 50 100 150 200 Space time,s ABOUT EQUAL PERFORMANCE DUE TO COMPLETE WETTING Fines Packing Procedure: Vol. of Fines ~Void volume (Al-Dahhan et al. 1995) CREL Effect of Pressure and Gas Velocity on Performance 1 =4.0 p=100psig =1.5 p=30psig 0.8 p=200psig Conversion (X) Conversion(X) 1 =0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Downflow Upflow P=100 psig, = 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 CBi=3.1%,Ug=3.8 cm/s 0 0 0 50 100 150 Space time,s Transition to Liquid Limited Conditions 200 0 3 6 9 12 Superficial Gas Velocity, cm/s Negligible Effect of Gas Velocity CREL Conversion(X) Slurry Kinetics 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 # 1 p =3 0 p s ig , C B i=3 . 9 % # 2 p =1 0 0 p s ig , C B i=3 . 9 9 % # 3 p =2 0 0 p s ig , C B i=4 % # 4 p =3 0 0 p s ig , C B i=3 . 4 5 % 0 100 200 300 Time (min) LHHW FORM r kvsCams Ch2 ( 1 K1Cams K2Ccume ) Pressure (psig) kvs 3 (m iq./m3cat./s) *(mol/m3 liq)r-1 K1 K2 30 100 200 0.0814 1.14 0.022 0 4.41 0.0273 0 11.48 0.021 0 1 2 CREL El- Hisnawi (1982) model REACTOR SCALE •Reactor scale plug flow equations L G Liquid phase gas reactant concentration Direct Access . Access of Gas of gas . . . . . . . . . via Liquid Dry Areas ................... .............................. . .................... ..................... . •Constant effectiveness factor Modified by external contacting efficiency •Allowance for rate enhancement on externally dry catalyst Direct access of gas on inactively wetted pellets. Liquid Dry Film L G CREL Beaudry (1987) model • Pellet scale reaction diffusion equations DRY HALF-WET FULLY WET For fully wetted and partially wetted slabs d 2C ' A (1 ) 2 A2C ' A 0, 0 x 1; 2 dx d 2C ' A A2C ' A 0, 0 y 1 2 dy • Effectiveness factor weighted based on contacting efficiency Catalyst Pellet Flowing Liquid • Overall effectiveness factor changes along the bed length Evaluation of overall effectiveness with change in concentration and contacting Overall Effectiveness factor at any location o ( 1 ce )2 od 2 ce ( 1 ce )odw 2ce ow CA CB CB CA 2V/S 0 1 x 0 0 y 1 CREL Conversion(X) Upflow and Downflow Performance at Low Pressure (Gas Limited Condition) Experimental Data and Model Predictions 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 down,El-Hisnawi upflow,El-Hisnawi downflow,Beaudry upflow,Beaudryi downflow,exp upflow,exp Ug=4.4cm/s,Co=7.6%(v/v),p=30psig 0 100 200 300 400 Space time(s) CREL Conversion(X) Upflow and Downflow Performance at High Pressure (Liquid Limited Conditions): Experimental Data and Model Predictions 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Ug=3.8cm/s,Co=3.1%(v/v),p=200psig down,El-Hisnawi up, El-Hisnawi down, Beaudry up, Beaudry downflow,exp upflow,exp 0 50 100 150 200 250 space time(s) CREL Summary DOWNFLOW OUTPERFORMS UPFLOW AT LOW PRESSURE. (Hydrogenation of alpha-methylstyrene is a gas limited reaction. Partial wetting is helpful in this situation.) UPFLOW OUTPERFORMS DOWNFLOW AT HIGH PRESSURE. (Hydrogenation of alpha-methylstyrene becomes a liquid limited reaction. Complete wetting is beneficial to this situation.) THE PREFERRED MODE FOR SCALE-UP (UPFLOW OR DOWNFLOW) DEPENDS ON THE TYPE OF REACTION SYSTEM AS WELL AS ON THE RANGE OF OPERATING CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT CATALYST WETTING. FINES NEUTRALIZE PERFORMANCE DIFFERENCES DUE TO MODE OF OPERATION AND REACTION SYSTEM TYPE , DECOUPLE HYDRODYNAMICS AND KINETICS, AND HENCE ARE TO BE PREFERRED AS SCALE-UP TOOLS. THE TESTED MODELS PREDICT PERFORMANCE WELL (although improvements in mass transfer correlations are necessary) CREL Drawbacks of Evaluated Models Isothermal Operation Liquid Volatility Effects not Considered Coupling of Hydrodynamics and Transport Ignored Fully Internally Wetted Pellets Assumed Single Component, Dilute Solution Transport Assumed Multicomponent Effects not Considered Simplified Models Accounting for Some of the Above Effects Pellet Scale (Level I) Model (Kim and Kim, 1981; Harold,1988) Reactor Scale (Level II) Model (LaVopa and Satterfield,1988; Kheshgi et al., 1992) Extended Steady State Rigorous (Level III) Model Test Reaction System: Hydrogenation of Cyclohexene CREL L-III Model Reactor Scale Equations (1-D) Continuity d L u IL L N iGL a GL M i N iLSa LSM i dz d G u IG G N iGL aGL M i N iGS aGS M i dz Species d u IL LCiL N iGL aGL N iLS aLS dz d u IG G CiG N iGL aGL N iGS aGS dz Momentum d dp ( G G u IG u IG ) G G g G FD ,Gas K GL (u IL u IG ) dz dz G I u IG ( N iGL aGL M i N iGS aGS M i ) Energy d ( L u IL L H L ) E GL aGL E LS aSL E LA aLA dz d ( G u IG G H G ) E GL aGL E GS aGS E GA aGA dz Fluxes Modeled by Multicomponent Stefan-Maxwell Formulation CREL L-III Model Catalyst Scale Equations (Extension of Harold,1988) Liquid Filled Zone Fully Externally Wetted, Partially Liquid Filled Pellet d N R C iL dx NiLC i ,liq CiLC C nc 1 d C NtL {[ BL ]1[] CiL }i , j C CtL dx j 1 2 keL i d TLC 2 dx d N iLC H iLC dx | Wet Zone | Dry Zone | 0 0Lc 0 Gas Filled Zone d C N iG i Ri , gas dx C NiG keG C nc CiG d C C N {[ BG ]1 CiG }i , j tG C CtG dx j 1 d 2 C d NiG H iG TG 0 dx2 dx C C Intra-catalyst G-L Interface Continuity of temperature, mass and energy fluxes, and equilibrium relations between compositions CREL Simulation Results: Multiplicity Effects 1.2 460 1 T emperature, K 440 Conversion 0.8 0.6 Wet Branch(Exp t) 0.4 Dry Branch (Exp t) Dry Branch (L-II) Dry Branch (L-III) 380 N=6 .3 , Dry (L-III) N=8 , Dry (L-III) 360 N=1 1 , Dry (L-III) 300 0 5 10 Hydrogen Feed Ratio, N N=4 .5 , Wet (L-III) 320 Wet Branch, (L-III) 0 N=2 .8 , Wet (L-III) 400 340 Wet Branch (L-II) 0.2 N=1 .4 , Wet (L-III) 420 15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Axial Location, m 0.2 • Hysteresis Predicted • Wet Branch Temperature Rise (~10- • Two Distinct Rate Branches Predicted (As Observed by Hanika, 1975) • Branch Continuation, Ignition and Extinction Points • Wet Branch Conversion (~30 %) • Dry Branch Conversion (> 95 %) 15 oC) • Dry Branch Temperature Rise (~140-160 oC) CREL Wet Branch Simulation 0.045 0.35 0.04 0.035 0.3 0.03 Gas Velocity 0.25 0.2 0.15 Gas Holdup 0.025 Liquid Velocity Liquid Holdup 0.02 0.015 0.1 0.01 N=2.8, Wet Branch (L-III) 0.05 0.005 0 0.012 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Axial Location,m 0.2 6500 16 6000 14 5500 12 5000 cyclohexene 10 4500 cyclohexane 8 hydrogen 4000 6 N=2.8, Wet Branch (L-III) 3500 4 3000 2 2500 0 0 0.05 0.1 Axial Location,m 0.15 0.2 0.008 N(H2 ),z= 0 .0 1 N(H2 ),z= 0 .0 5 N(H2 ),z= 0 .1 5 N(ene),z =0 .0 1 N(ene),z =0 .0 5 N(ene),z =0 .1 5 N(ane),z =0 .0 1 N(ane),z =0 .0 5 N(ane),z =0 .1 5 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 -0.002 Concentration, mol/m3 Concentration, mol/m3 Reactor Scale Species Concentrations 0.01 Intracatalyst Flux, mol/m2s 0.4 Liquid Velocity (m/s) and Holdup Gas Velocity (m/s) and Holdup Reactor Scale Hydrodynamics -0.004 N=2 .8 , Wet Branch (L-III) -0.006 0 0.5 1 Intracatalyst Coordinate, (x/) Pellet Scale Multicomponent Flux Profiles CREL Dry Branch Simulation Pellet Scale Pressure Profiles Reactor Scale Hydrodynamics 0.25 1.900E+05 99990 1.800E+05 99980 1.700E+05 99970 1.600E+05 99960 99950 0.2 99940 Gas Velocity, m/s Pressure, N/m2 0.15 Pressure, N/m2 Gas Velocity, m/s 0.3 100000 99930 99920 99910 N=8, Dry Branch, (LIII) 0.1 Pressure, N/m2 0.35 1.400E+05 1.300E+05 1.200E+05 0.05 0.1 0.15 Axial Location m m m m N=8, Dry Branch (LIII) 1.100E+05 1.000E+05 9.000E+04 99900 0 z=0.01 z=0.03 z=0.06 z=0.12 1.500E+05 0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Intracatalyst Coordinate, ((x-)/(Lc-)) Reactor Scale Species Concentrations Pellet Scale Temperature Profiles N=8, Dry Branch (LIII) 550 500 20 T emperature, K Concentration, mol/m3 25 15 10 z=0 .0 1 400 z=0 .0 3 z=0 .0 6 hydrogen cyclohexene cyclohexane 5 450 350 z=0 .1 2 N=8, Dry Branch (LIII) 300 0 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Axial Location,m 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Intracatalyst Coordinate, ((x-)/(Lc-)) CREL Intra-reactor Wet-Dry Transition 0.0003 420 1 FL (liquid flow) T emperature, K) 400 0.0002 380 0.00015 360 0.0001 340 0.00005 320 0 300 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Axial Location, m 0.1 Mole Fractions, Wetting Fraction 0.00025 T emperature, K Liquid and Vapor Flow, mol/s Internal T ransition, N=7 (LII) Fw (wetting) YA (cyclohexene) YB (hydrogen) YC (cyclohexane) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Internal T ransition, N=7 (L II) 0.1 0 0 0.05 0.1 Axial Location, m 0.15 • Abrupt drop in liquid flow • Abrupt change in catalyst wetting • Temperature rise after liquidgas transition • Cyclohexene and cyclohexane mole fraction shows evaporation and reaction CREL Summary The reactor scale variation of phase holdups and velocities, multiplicity, and temperature rise were successfully simulated by the developed (LIII) model more rigorously than other models developed earlier Both wet and dry branch temperature, conversion, and corresponding fluxes were successfully modeled by the set of equations developed Intra-pellet reaction-transport equations for the wet and dry zones in presence of multicomponent interactions, evaporation, and condensation were successfully modeled The wet to dry transition prediction requires robust numerical techniques to yield stable solution at pellet scale (for the LIII model), but depicts the observed abrupt transition with a reactor scale (LII) model CREL