Neutrino detectors for future neutrino beams Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 NuFact04 • Paolo Strolin gave an excellent and comprehensive talk Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Main progress since NuFact04 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Paolo at NuFact04 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 I can’t compete with Paolo’s review • Just one subject left to me… Where do we stand with (conceptual) beam-detector optimization for b-beams and neutrino-factory beams? Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Neutrino beams of the (far) future • Beta beams and neutrino factory beams will have no intrinsic background (unwanted neutrino flavour) and precisely known spectrum and intensity • Are we ready with detectors, at least at the conceptual level, to fully exploit their exceptional quality? Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Beta beams • Beta beams will be pure ne or anti-ne beams with spectrum controlled by b-decay at rest of the parent nuclide (e.g. 18Ne or 6He) and g (~100) of the parent: typical neutrino energy few 100 MeV • Look for nm appearance at few 100 MeV n m ( A, Z ) m hadrons • background n e ( A, Z ) hadrons Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Beta beams - 2 • Background reduction: 1. Require identified m+ decay: - and interacting + are elimianted, but stopping + survive 2. Fine tune beam energy: suppress production not suppressing too much m production 3. Final background ~ 4·10-4 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Beta beams - summary • Background reduction is mainly obtained by beam tuning • Any detector sensitive to muon decay is fine “brute force” detector R&D • Maximize detector mass • Minimize detector cost Unless you can conceive a massive detector with /m separation Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Beta beams: a different approach P.Migliozzi, F. Terranova, A. Marotta, M. Spinetti hep-ph/0405081 1. Increase as much as possible beam energy 2. Filter out pions Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Neutrino Factory • 20-50 GeV pure nm+ne beam (or CP conjugates) • Search for appearance of ne or nm: wrong sign electron or muon: magnetic field is essential to identify lepton charge 1. wrong sign electron 2. Liq. Ar + magnetic field see André Rubbia talk on Saturday (WG1?) wrong sign muon magnetized iron detector Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Magnetized iron detector - 1 1. a very conceptual design: LMD Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Magnetized iron detector - 2 2. a beautiful MIND (a.k.a. Monolith, INO, …) Fe Fe Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 2.2 cm 8 cm Magnetized iron detector - comments • detector 1 looks somewhat too much conceptual • a technical design exists for detector 2, however det. 2 was cost optimized for a zero cost neutrino beam (atmospheric) • Neutrino Factory may deserve something better… Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 ( Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 ) Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Magnetized iron detector background 1. Wrong charge assignment to leading muon • reduce with momentum cut and track fit cut 2. Wrong charge assignement due to -decay or m from heavy quark decay • reduce with isolation cut (e.g. require minimum transverse momentum of the leading muon with respect to hadron jet) Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 A few questions… 1. Can we rely on bkg estimates at 10-5-10-6 level? 2. Can we / should we improve detector performance? 3. How? R&D on what? Detector structure? Bfield? Tracking? Ehad measurement? 4. How does MIND perform? Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 and answers… • In 2001 Marco Selvi made a systematic comparison of MIND (he liked to call it Monolith) to LMD performance • Although he did not try to parametrize the effects of B-field, tracking, sampling, hadronic energy flow reconstruction, in his analysis we find several hints to the relevance of these detector characteristics • Hints to detector optimization Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Charge identification Generate interaction using Pythia + q.e. + 1 corrections (Lipari code). o Simulate the whole event in Geant: o Multiple scattering with Moliere theory option ON (not just gaussian approximation) o Full B field description o Fit muon track using GEANE and Kalman filter approach (a real reconstruction, not just smearing) o both for signal and background Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 M. Selvi - INFN Bologna B field details n n Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Charge identification: results Selection cuts: • Pm from range > 7.5 GeV •In each region: • At least 4 points •Track lenght > 300 •Same cm charge assigned in each region Fractional bkg. 1 x 10-6 Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Efficiency 35% M. Selvi - INFN Bologna Wsm from hadrons Large Magnetic Detector people showed (see Sitges Workshop Cervera’s talk) that it is possible to reject such bkg up to ~ 2 x 10-6 with 24% efficiency just using two cuts: • Pm > 5. GeV • Qt > 1.4 GeV Qt = Pm sin2 Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 M. Selvi - INFN Bologna ... What can Monolith say? • • Pm cut may be easily reproduced: • good muon momentum resolution Qt depends on hadronic angular resolution • in LMD analysis they assume to have the same performances of MINOS (MINOS proposal chapter 7) • in MONOLITH: it has to be checked !! Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 M. Selvi - INFN Bologna hadronic angular resolution Reconstructing vertex: about twice MINOS Monolith fit 32. Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 8.2 M. Selvi - INFN Bologna First approach • Just use a hard momentum cut (Pm >20 GeV) and forget about the angular resolution. Fractional bkg and efficiency Charge misid. nm 1. 10-6 MONOLITH 3. 10-6 1. 10-8 1. 10-6 35 100 .6 1. 10-6 1.1 10-6 LMD 1. 10-7 2. 10-7 35 38 6 Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 CC ne CC nm ne NC 11 % 30 24 % 5.6 M. Selvi - INFN Bologna Improvements • Higher granularity • Planes orientation ... perform the same cuts (Pm >5. GeV; Qt > 1.4 GeV) and modify the fractional bkg accordingly with the obtained hadronic direction smearing Efficiencies are considered to be the same (16.5%) Very conservative hypothesis: improvements are expected in both cases Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 M. Selvi - INFN Bologna Vertical plates – 8 cm thick Monolith fit 15. Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 12. M. Selvi - INFN Bologna Marco compares MC whth test beam data… hadronic angular resolution MC and Data comparison: 5cm thick plates 3cm strip width Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 M. Selvi - INFN Bologna hadronic angular resolution MC and Data comparison: 10cm thick plates 3cm strip width ... Also 10cm agrees with MINOS fit (reference one) !!! Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 M. Selvi - INFN Bologna and a final remark Comment about LMD How will this muon track be measured? What has been simulated: Neutrino Oscillation Working Group at CERN – 11 dec 2001 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 M. Selvi - INFN Bologna Roadmaps for mag. Det. R&D -1 • Start with baseline or well known design (MINOS) – Parametrize effects on bkg reduction of • • • • Magnetic field Tracking (Average hadron interaction length) Ehad resolution and energy flow reconstruction – Redesign your baseline detector – Step into roadmap 2 Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05 Roadmaps for mag. Det. R&D -2 • Start with the assumption that Marco did most of the job – Ask a mechanical engineer about max. dimensions of plates that can be hang vertically – Magnetic field design – Baseline detector design – Start R&D for stable, reliable, easy to install active elements Share R&D with linear collider had-calorimeter? Stefano Ragazzi NuFact05