Life on Our Evolving Planet optical physicist in aerospace for twenty years designed and analyzed laser optical systems Informal science educator in Morro Bay State Park Museum of Natural History for ten years 5 global evolution walks in parks 12 animated slide shows in museum 3 poster exhibits in museum and at Cal Poly Bob Field Cal Poly adjunct physics professor for seven years and research scholar in residence 4 senior projects Phys 461-464 8 summer student projects 13 special problems projects (Phys, Geol, Bio, Chem 200 or 400) Phys470 Advanced Topics: Solar and Global Evolution visit my website at What is a system? a system has parts that interact and may have emergent properties Is the system open or closed? energy energy matter matter Dr Art Sussman’s Guide to Planet Earth energy flows, matter cycles, web of life Life on Our Evolving Planet The National Academy of Sciences says that it is the role of science to provide plausible natural explanations of natural phenomena The ultimate question for Earth System History is: How did a giant cloud of cold dilute gas and dust evolve into astronauts in a spacecraft orbiting a planet orbiting a star? Simple building blocks evolve into complex systems when energy flows Everything Evolves oceans and atmosphere solid Earth and Sun molecules and cells organisms and ecosystems Abundance in Universe in %0.07% 0.04% 1 1 Na Mg 11 23 12 24 0.02% 0.1% 0.01% Periodic Table of Chemical Elements 0.02% everything else K Ca Cr Mn Fe Ni 19 39 20 40 24 62 25 55 26 56 28 59 Sun fuses 4 1 H } 92% H ~8% He 2 4 C N O Ne 6 12 7 14 8 16 10 20 Al Si P S Cl Ar 13 27 14 28 15 31 16 32 17 35 18 40 → 4 He Sunlight is the waste product Big stars build big atoms composition in our LANL solar evolution code sun solar composition "metals", 1 solar "metals" composition Magnesium, 5.0 other, 1.3 Helium, 28 Nitrogen, 7.0 Hydrogen, 71 Carbon, 22.9 composition by mass Oxygen, 63.9 Simple building blocks ancient atmosphere ??? 2CO2+CH4+NH3+4H2O Sulfur, 1.3 Phosphorus, 0.3 Hydrogen, 7.8 Nitrogen, 5.2 Hydrogen, 7.8 Nitrogen, 7.3 Carbon, 16.6 Carbon, 18.7 Oxygen, 68.7 Oxygen, 66.3 comet volatiles composition about 93% CHO by mass Complex Systems Phosphorus, 0.6 Calcium, 1.4 Sulfur, 0.6 Phosphorus, 0.6 Sulfur, 0.3 Hydrogen, 10.0 Nitrogen, 3.1 Nitrogen, 5.1 Hydrogen, 9.3 Carbon, 12.2 Carbon, 19.3 Oxygen, 63.6 mammal composition Oxygen, 73.8 bacteria composition about 97% CHO by mass elemental composition of the ocean and the atmosphere seawater atmosphere Sodium, 1.05 Chlorine, 1.9 Carbon, 0.0026 Argon, 1.1 other, 0.308 Hydrogen, 10.8 Hydrogen, 0.01 Oxygen, 20.9 Carbon, 0.01 Oxygen, 85.7 Nitrogen, 78 composition by mass wikipedia Elemental Composition of the Earth whole Earth Sulfur, 0.6 Aluminum, 1.6 Calcium, 1.7 Nickel, 1.8 Continental Crust Chromium, 0.5 other, 0.5 other, 4 Aluminum, 8.41 Iron, 7.07 Calcium, 5.29 Magnesium, 15.4 Iron, 32 Silicon, 16.1 Magnesium, 3.2 Silicon, 26.77 Oxygen, 45.3 Oxygen, 29.7 composition by mass McDonough CHONSP molecules are abundant in space: 100 tons per year of IDPs land on Earth (interplanetary dust particles) Cradle of Life pages 133-5 by William Schopf H H C O H H H C H O H H H C N H C C C C C H H C C O C H C C H H C C H H C C O H C N H H C C C N N C N H N C C N H C H Organic molecules have many variations on a few themes S fatty membrane spheres form naturally in meteors CO, H2, PO4 are building blocks of phospholipids found in cell membranes R Pi C C C C C C C C C C C C backbone of phospholipid (H and O not shown) all cells are cells descended a common ancestor Modern are from chemical factories that store, exchange, and transform What do cells do? matter, energy, and information prokaryote 5 kingdoms: bacteria algae fungus plant animal energy energy matter matter eukaryote C H O Life’s Origin page 15 by Walter Schopf A Mammal Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon Nitrogen A,Sulfur B, and Phosphorus Calcium 2.4 C 0.13 are 0.13 0.23 S N B Bacteria P C Comet What are building 61 the 63 56 26 29 31 blocks10.5of molecules? 6.4 10 all 1.4 0.06 about 0.12 - 97% composition by number of atoms 2.7 0.3 CHO 0.08 - many common molecules are made from CHONSP C O C O H H O N S P atoms can share or transfer electrons H–1 O O H O He – 0 H O P O N N H O OH– 2 O O H C–4 N–3 H H S H O N C H SO – 2 N H H H P – 3 or 5 O C S Methane can form new molecules O methanol methane H H O C H H formaldehyde formic acid biochemists give big names to small molecules glucose is a building block of carbohydrates H C H O H O H H C O H glucose O O C H H C O H H C H H H H C C O O H H O C O H C H C H H H O O C C C H O H H H C O 6 CH2O + energy + catalyst H C H O photosynthesis makes glucose from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water O O C C O O O C O O C O H H O H O C C O O 6 O2 H C O H Sunlight O H O H H H H O H O C H H H C H O C H O H H C C O O H O H O H H H H 6 CO2 glucose O 6 H2O glucose supplies energy to make ATP H H O C3H3O3 H C O H O C O C O C H H H glucose C H C O H O H H ATP H ATP C O ATP H ATP C H C O H C O C O C H H O H C3H3O3 aerobic fermentation makes 2 more ATP respiration liberates energy by oxidizing glucose into carbon dioxide and water O O C C O O O O C C O O O O C C O O 6 CO2 ATP ATPH ATP O C ATP H ATP HATP C ATP O H ATP ATP H H ATP ATP ATP C H ATP ATP ATP O C H ATP ATP ATP O ATP ATPH ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATPH ATPC H ATP O C ATP O ATP H ATP ATP H O H O H H H O H O H H H O H O H H 6 H2O Bob Field 2000 low tide in Corallina Cove - Montana de Oro Moon Interactions between Earth systems sun impacts when energy flows, complexity grows atmosphere Condie33 Fig 1.33 biosphere oceans upper crust lower crust sediments subcontinental lithosphere oceanic crust oceanic lithosphere upper mantle lower mantle core Solar and Global Evolution are parts of Cosmic Evolution generic system galaxies stars planets plants animals brains society table from Chaisson139 average power density (W/kg) 0.00005 0.0002 0.01 0.1 2 15 50 when energy flows, complexity grows The Facts of Life: From the Oceans to the Stars I. Oceans and Atmosphere Evolve 1. Voracious Predators 2. Luke Skylighter and Dark Weighter 3. Fire and Ice II. The Solid Earth and Sun Evolve 4. Toxic Flying Insects 5. Global Cooling 6. Solar Heating III. The Biosphere Evolves 7. Bacteria and Viruses 8. Gaia and Hypersea 9. Asteroids and Astronauts IV. Intelligent Life Evolves 10. Cosmo Sapiens 11. Sustainability 12. The Quest for HOPE Appendices A. Five Billion Year Global Evolution Timelines B. Earth Systems Database 1. Oceans and Atmosphere 2. Sun and Solid Earth 3. Biosphere The National Academy of Sciences says that it is the role of science to provide plausible natural explanations of natural phenomena. The ultimate question for Earth System History is: How did a giant cloud of cold dilute gas and dust evolve into astronauts in a spacecraft orbiting a planet orbiting a star? Global evolution studies explore five kingdoms of life and the five billion years of physical, chemical, and biological evolution that have shaped the solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere (including its molecules, cells, organisms, and ecosystems). ©Bob Field 2007 This is the dust cover of a book that I want to write. I have been researching the subject for years. I am seeking students and faculty to help me develop a global evolution website featuring: 1. a five-billion-year timeline of globally important events in 100 million year intervals 2. a database of properties and processes of the Sun and the Earth and its subsystems 3. time dependent math models of solar and global system structures and flows of energy and material 4. constructivist thematic educational resources for students, educators, and the public Global Evolution: The First Five Billion Years The National Academy of Sciences says that it is the role of science to provide plausible natural explanations of natural phenomena. The ultimate question for Earth System History is: How did a giant cloud of cold dilute gas and dust evolve into astronauts in a spacecraft orbiting a planet orbiting a star? The short answer is when energy flows, complexity grows. The fact is that the solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere have undergone nearly five billion years of physical, chemical, and/or biological evolution because of the flows of energy and/or matter into and/or out of these systems, a process that I call global evolution. Each section addresses the structures, functions, composition, interactions and flows of energy and matter, and origin and evolution of a complex natural system. Solar System Sun Solid Earth Hydrosphere Atmosphere Geobiosphere Global Evolution Timelines Molecules and Cells Organisms and Ecosystems Astronauts Earth Systems Data Base The Structure and Evolution of the Solar System including the Sun and the Solid Earth The first section investigates the structures, functions, composition, interactions and flows of energy and matter, and origin and evolution of the solar system including the Sun and the Solid Earth. Solar System Sun Solid Earth The Structure and Evolution of the Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, and Geobiosphere The fact is that the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and geobiosphere have undergone nearly five billion years of physical, chemical, and/or biological evolution because of the flows of energy and/or matter into and/or out of these systems, a process that I call global evolution. Each section addresses the structures, functions, composition, interactions and flows of energy and matter, and origin and evolution of these global systems. Sun vapor transport 10 precipitation precipitation 27 evaporation & transpiration 17 Average Global Energy Budget incident sunlight scattered sunlight 100 30 65 5 94 evaporation percolation radiate 104 20 Hydrosphere absorb condense 105 30 radiate oceans hold 340 M cubic miles groundwater flow 155 absorb return flow 10 units - 1000 cubic miles/year radiated heat LWIR After Stowe atmosphere sea + land 50 90 110 30 absorb absorb radiate evap Atmosphere Geobiosphere The Structure and Evolution of molecules, cells, organisms, ecosystems, and even astronauts How did a giant cloud of cold dilute gas and dust evolve into astronauts in a spacecraft orbiting a planet orbiting a star? The short answer is when energy flows, complexity grows. The fact is that the solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere have undergone nearly five billion years of physical, chemical, and/or biological evolution because of the flows of energy and/or matter into and/or out of these systems. Each section addresses the structures, functions, composition, interactions and flows of energy and matter, and origin and evolution of a complex natural system. ribosomes synthesize proteins by translating mRNA to tRNAs that are attached to amino acids H 2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H 2O H2O H2O His Ala Tyr Val Thr Val Arg Leu Gly GUA CGC AUA CAAUGUCAGGCUGAU CCU ACU AUGCAUGCGUAUGUUACAGUCCGACUAGGAUGA after Trefil and Hazen The Sciences: An Integrated Approach Molecules and Cells Organisms and Ecosystems Astronauts Global Evolution Timelines: Can you identify and sequence the globally important events in the natural history of the oceans, atmosphere, solid Earth, Sun, molecules, cells, organisms, and ecosystems? The Natural History of Planet Earth Timeline: Five Billion Years of Solar and Global Evolution -4900 -4800 -4700 -4600 -4500 -4400 -4300 -4200 -4100 -4000 -3900 -3800 -3700 -3600 -3500 -3400 -3300 -3200 -3100 -3000 -2900 -2800 -2700 -2600 -2500 -2400 -2300 -2200 -2100 -2000 -1900 -1800 -1700 -1600 -1500 -1400 -1300 -1200 -1100 -1000 -900 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 now PreHadean Hadean -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 Archaean -300 -200 -100 ZAMS 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 Era Proterozoic from to MYA MY MY Phanerozoic oceans and atmosphere solid Earth and Sun molecules and cells organisms and ecosystems Earth Systems Database: The Sun These databases document the structures, functions, composition, interactions and flows of energy and matter in the Sun, solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Solar Evolution 1.0 0.9 Relative Value 0.8 0.7 0.6 T/Tsun 0.5 R/Rsun L/Lsun 0.4 cycle 17 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0E+00 relative volume 2E+09 3E+09 Time (years) relative mass Sun fusion core 16 relative heat flow 1000 988 1000 layers convective zone 27 radiative zone 343 convective zone 641 1E+09 fusion core 481 radiative zone 492 1000 800 volume (cm3) mass (g) 4E+09 average density (g/cm3) relative volume relative mass relative average density fusion core 2.22E+31 9.57E+32 43.19 16 481 30784 radiative zone 4.86E+32 9.79E+32 2.01 343 492 1434 convective zone 9.10E+32 5.37E+31 0.06 641 27 42 whole Sun 1.42E+33 1.99E+33 1.40 1000 1000 1000 600 relative total energy 400 relative fusion power 200 convective zone 7 radiative zone 12 0 fusion core radiative zone convective zone 0 convective zone radiative zone 356 fusion core 637 fusion core 988 layers total energy (ergs) fusion power (erg/s) luminosity (erg/s) relative total energy relative fusion power relative heat flow fusion core 1.95E+48 3.80E+33 3.80E+33 637 988 988 radiative zone 1.09E+48 4.62E+31 3.85E+33 356 12 1000 convective zone 2.00E+46 0.00E+00 3.85E+33 7 0 1000 whole Sun 3.06E+48 3.85E+33 3.85E+33 1000 1000 1000 Earth Systems Database: The Solid Earth These databases document the structures, functions, composition, interactions and flows of energy and matter in the Sun, solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. models of growth of continental volume (%) Radiogenic Heat Flow (W) 100 Radiogenic Heat Flow (W) 120E+12 100E+12 75 Total U-235 80E+12 K-40 U-238 60E+12 50 Th-232 40E+12 25 20E+12 0000E+00 -5 -4 -3 -2 Time (BY) -1 relative volume upper mantle 162 relative heat flow outer core 308 lower mantle 492 1000 1000 800 809 relative internal energy inner core 19 lithosphere 7 upper mantle 123 600 400 200 23 49 outer core 0 outer core 315 lower mantle Va ce ren e f al e ic rr a m e e lin ch o ge 2 9 19 from VanAndel Fig. 13.6 4 3 layers inner core outer core lower mantle upper mantle lithosphere whole Earth continental crust ocean crust volume (m^3) 7.63E+18 1.69E+20 6.00E+20 2.67E+20 4.03E+19 1.08E+21 internal volume energy (m^3) (J) 3.15E+29 1.77E+20 5.35E+30 8.66E+20 9.12E+30 4.03E+19 2.09E+30 1.08E+21 1.20E+29 1.70E+31 2 BYA 1 mass (kg) 9.83E+22 1.83E+24 2.92E+24 9.63E+23 1.25E+23 5.94E+24 average density (kg/m^3) 1.29E+04 1.08E+04 4.87E+03 3.61E+03 3.11E+03 5.48E+03 relative volume 7 156 554 246 37 1000 heat sources (W) mass (kg) 9.85E+11 1.93E+24 1.11E+12 3.88E+24 2.43E+13 1.25E+23 8.22E+12 5.94E+24 8.17E+12 4.28E+13 average total heat density flow (W) (kg/m^3) 9.85E+11 1.19E+04 2.10E+12 4.24E+03 2.64E+13 3.11E+03 3.46E+13 5.48E+03 4.28E+13 4.28E+13 relative internal relative energy volume 19 163 315 800 537 37 123 1000 7 1000 0 relative mass 17 308 492 162 21 1000 relative average density 2348 1977 889 658 567 1000 relative total heat sources 617 inner core l n de A n 0 relative mass upper mantle 246 lower mantle 554 0 inner core lithosphere 17 21 inner core lithosphere7 37 outer core 156 upper mantle lithosphere inner core 23 outer core 26 lithosphere 191 upper mantle 192 lower mantle 537 1992 geochemical BYA: % 0: 100 0.6: 90 2.6: 10 3.6: 0 4.5: 0 lower mantle 568 layers layers inner core core outer core mantle lower mantle lithosphere upper Earth mantle whole lithosphere whole Earth continental crust ocean crust relative relative heat relative relative average sources flow mass heat density 23 23 325 2162 26 49 654 773 568 617 21 567 192 809 1000 1000 191 1000 1000 1000 Earth Systems Database: The Hydrosphere These databases document the structures, functions, composition, interactions and flows of energy and matter in the Sun, solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Percent of total 500 97.25 1 stored water 2.05 0.68 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.001 434 400 398 water flux 300 0.005 wikipedia 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00004 Biosphere 10 Streams & rivers 100 average rate (10³ km³/year) Atmosphere Soil moisture Lakes Groundwater Ice caps & glaciers Oceans 0.00001 200 100 71 36 0 wikipedia reservoir 107 Precipitation over land Evaporation from land Runoff & groundwater from land Precipitation over oceans Evaporation from oceans transmission vs. depth transmitted sunlight in pure water vs. depth Field - solar sea flux code (0, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 meters) 350 max 300 Field - solar sea flux code pure 250 0.8 particulate 200 DOM chlorophyll 150 0.6 Tz z k 0 Hy ( ) 100 0.4 50 0.2 0 0 1 3 10 depth (m) 30 100 0 0 30 0 1 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 55 0 Hx( ) 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 2 Earth Systems Database: The Atmosphere These databases document the structures, functions, composition, interactions and flows of energy and matter in the Sun, solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. cloudfree sky Sun Average Global Energy Budget Average Flux for Clean, Dry Air at 35 N Field - solar flux code 500 incident sunlight scattered sunlight 100 30 Scattering Losses Flux (W/m^2) 400 radiated heat LWIR 65 5 Absorption Losses Flux at Surface 300 radiate 200 condense 105 30 absorb 100 radiate 0 atmosphere Total UV 0.3-3.0 0.12 155 20 absorb Visible Infrared 0.3-0.4 0.4-0.7 Spectral Band (microns) sea + land 0.7-3.0 50 90 110 30 absorb absorb radiate evap Summer Solstice Thermal Structure of Troposphere Solar Flux vs. Time of Day 0.1 Equator downwelling temperature (K) Tropic of Cancer upwelling temperature (K) 10 9 8 altitude (km) 0.08 Arctic Circle 0.06 North Pole 0.04 7 6 5 Salby237 4 3 2 0.02 1 0 0 24 2 Midnight 4 6 6 am 8 10 12 Noon 14 16 18 6 pm 20 22 24 Midnight 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 Temperature (K) 290 300 310 320 Earth Systems Database: The Biosphere These databases document the structures, functions, composition, interactions and flows of energy and matter in the Sun, solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Phosphorus, 0.6 Calcium, 1.4 Sulfur, 0.6 carbon (Gt) on a logarithmic scale Phosphorus, 0.6 Sulfur, 0.3 Hydrogen, 10.0 Nitrogen, 3.1 1E+9 Nitrogen, 5.1 1E+8 Hydrogen, 9.3 1E+7 Carbon, 12.2 1E+6 1E+5 Carbon, 19.3 1E+4 1E+3 Oxygen, 63.6 Oxygen, 73.8 1E+2 1E+1 bacteria composition CO 2 iss D (a tp re -in du mammal composition A str tm ia osp l2 h 80 er o pp e D lved iss m i n v Pa olve org Oc ) rti d an ea cu or ic n la ga (D te ni or c ( IC) ga D ni OC c O (PO ) ce an C) La bio nd ta Ba P bi ct hy ota er to ia m a a La nd ss nd fun A gi R ni D ea m ea ct al d s or ive ga fra So Lan ni ct il c m io hu d n m In or atte of us ga r , hu ni lit m c s te us oi r, p l( e Ca at C O arb rg S CO o an na ed 3) ic te im m se en at di ts te m Co r s en nt edi ts in m en en O tal ts ce cr a u U nic st pp cr er us m t an tle 1E+0 Flux Molecular Timescale of Evolution in the Proterozoic by S. Blair Hedges et al in Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology edited by Xiao and Kaufman 2003 gross primary production from atmosphere to land biota from ocean to ocean biota respiration from land biota to atmosphere from ocean biota to ocean Net primary production (NPP) from atmosphere to land biota from ocean to ocean biota Volatilization from soil organic matter to atmosphere Net exchange from atmosphere to land Weathering consumption of CO2 from atmosphere to sediments Net exchange to atmosphere from ocean dissolution from atmosphere to ocean evasion to atmosphere from ocean River input of dissolved C (DIC + DOC) to ocean DIC DOC POC PIC Oceanic sediment long-term storage Carbonates Organic matter Volcanism, metamorphism, hydrothermal from land to atmosphere Uplift Carbon Gt/year 203 110 93 89.5 46.9 42.6 113.5 63.1 50.4 62.5 0.6 0.26 0.51 96 96.51 0.6 0.38 0.22 0.19 0.18 0.28 0.22 0.06 0.22 0.4 4 MY 4 BY Time MYA 4 Event Development of hominid bipedalism 4-1 Australopithecus exist 3.5 The Australopithecus Lucy walks the Earth 2 Widespread use of stone tools 2-0.01 Most recent ice age 1.6-0.2 Homo erectus exist 1-0.5 0.3 Homo erectus tames fire Geminga supernova explosion at a distance of roughly 60 pc--roughly as bright as the Moon 0.2-0.03 Homo sapiens neanderthalensis exist 0.050-0 Homo sapiens sapiens exist 0.04-0.012 Homo sapiens sapiens enter Australia from southeastern Asia and North America from northeastern Asia 0.025-0.010 Most recent glaciation--an ice sheet covers much of the northern United States 0.020 Homo sapiens sapiens paint the Altamira Cave 0.012 Homo sapiens sapiens have domesticated dogs in Kirkuk, Iraq 0.01 First permanent Homo sapiens sapiens settlements 0.01 Homo sapiens sapiens learn to use fire to cast copper and harden pottery 0.006 Writing is developed in Sumeria Time MYA Event 4600 Formation of the approximately homogeneous solid Earth by planetesimal accretion 4300 Melting of the Earth due to radioactive and gravitational heating which leads to its differentiated interior structure as well as outgassing of molecules such as water, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide 4300 Atmospheric water is photodissociated by ultraviolet light to give oxygen atoms which are incorporated into an ozone layer and hydrogen molecules which escape into space 4000 Bombardment of the Earth by planetesimals stops 3800 ? The Earth's crust solidifies--formation of the oldest rocks found on Earth 3800 ? Condensation of atmospheric water into oceans 3500-2800 Prokaryotic cell organisms (eubacteria and archaebacteria) develop 3500-2800 Beginning of photosynthesis by cyanobacteria which releases oxygen molecules into the atmosphere and steadily works to strengthen the ozone layer and change the Earth's chemically reducing atmosphere into a chemically oxidizing one 2400 Rise in the concentration of oxygen molecules stops the deposition of uraninites (since they are soluble when combined with oxygen) and starts the deposition of banded iron formations 1600 The last reserves of reduced iron are used up by the increasing atmospheric oxygen--last banded iron formations 1500 Eukaryotic cell organisms develop (common ancestors of algae, fungi, plants, animals) 1500-600 Rise of multicellular organisms (algae, fungi, plants, animals) 580-545 Fossils of Ediacaran organisms are made (biomineralized bodies) The Natural History of Planet Earth Timeline: Five Billion Years of Solar and Global Evolution -4900 -4800 -4700 -4600 -4500 -4400 -4300 -4200 -4100 -4000 -3900 -3800 -3700 -3600 -3500 -3400 -3300 -3200 -3100 -3000 -2900 -2800 -2700 -2600 -2500 -2400 -2300 -2200 -2100 -2000 -1900 -1800 -1700 -1600 -1500 -1400 -1300 -1200 -1100 -1000 -900 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 now oceans and atmosphere solid Earth and Sun molecules and cells PreHadean Hadean -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 Archaean -300 -200 -100 ZAMS 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 Era Proterozoic from to MYA MY MY Phanerozoic Name ten or more globally important events in any column. Think about the W5H: who what when where why how Emphasis on connections not collections organisms and ecosystems Senior Projects, Summer Projects, non-thesis Masters Projects, or Special Problems BIO, CHEM, or GEOL 200 or 400 Students may do library research (books, journals, websites), original thinking, and/or data analysis. Five Billion Years of Global Evolution Identify and sequence globally important physical, chemical, and/or biological events and processes in the five billion year history of the solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and/or biosphere (molecules, cells, organisms, and ecosystems) with emphasis on Pre-Cambrian eras. Prokaryote and Eukaryote Evolution Study the structure and evolution of prokaryotes, eukaryotes, biologically important molecules, and/or metabolic processes. Emphasis is on Pre-Cambrian cladograms based on molecular clocks and fossil records. Biochemical and Geochemical Evolution Study biochemical, geochemical, and/or biogeochemical properties and processes from cellular to global scales in Hadean, Archaean, Proterozoic, and/or Phanerozoic Eras. Prokaryote and Eukaryote Evolution Identify and describe node organisms and characters 1458 Fungi 1351 Animals Provide common names for each label 1513 Fungimal Enter data into my 5 BY timeline 1609 Algfungimal Investigate environmental and ecological causes 1558 Algae Examine environmental and ecological impacts 2100? Respirators Describe ecosystems prevalent in each era 2309 Eukaryotes 3096 Chlorobium 2923 Fusobacterium 2800 Proteobacteria 2688 Firmicutes Cyanobacteria 3644 Thermotoga 3977 Aquifex Evaluate accuracy of molecular timescales 4112 Archaea Create separate charts for each geologic era Molecular Timescale of Evolution in the Proterozoic by S. Blair Hedges et al in Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology edited by Xiao and Kaufman 2003 precipitation Biochemical and Geochemical Evolution vapor transport 10 precipitation 27 evaporation & transpiration 17 94 evaporation percolation 104 return flow 10 oceans hold 340 M cubic miles units - 1000 cubic miles/year groundwater flow After Stowe global average of 40 inches of precipitation per year recycles 120,000 cubic miles of water and transfers heat Sun 10% 50' 0' 300' 40' 15' 2' atmosphere UV V B G Y O R IR photic zone (light) solid Earth oceans and atmosphere scatter, absorb, and transfer energy where is the biosphere? Ocean aphotic zone (dark) ocean conveyor belt Thermohaline (temperature- and salinity-controlled density) circulation of the oceans can be simplistically defined by a great conveyor belt. In this model, warm, salty surface water is chilled and sinks in the North Atlantic to flow south towards Antarctica. There, it is cooled further to flow outward at the bottom of the oceans into the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific basins. After upwelling primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the water returns as surface flow to the North Atlantic. While traveling deep in the ocean the originally nutrientdepleted water becomes increasingly enriched by organic matter decomposition in important nutrients (e.g., phosphate, nitrate, silicate) and dissolved CO2. Figure courtesy of Jim Kennett and Jeff Johnson, University of California Santa Barbara. Ocean currents distribute nutrients and moderate temperatures by transferring tropical heat to arctic stellar temperature SolarSeaFlux Flow Chart ©Bob Field 2003 stellar radius blackbody radiation reduced by inverse square distance flux above atmosphere radius of planetary orbit atmospheric absorption and scattering losses flux above sea surface wavelengths atmospheric composition: absorbers & scatterers reflection losses and refraction at air-sea surface incidence angle seawater absorption and scattering losses polarizations seawater composition: absorbers & scatterers seawater depth horizontal receiving surface flux reflected by air-sea interface transmission angle flux spectrum incident on horizontal surface flux spectrum absorbed in last meter flux spectrum scattered in last meter f Sun Stratosphere ozone layerTemperature of the atmosphere cool -70F temperature vs. altitude 10 km Troposphere has 75% of air density and temperature decrease with altitude warm 60F sea level ocean After Tarbuck Sun Average Global Energy Budget incident sunlight scattered sunlight 100 30 radiated heat LWIR 65 5 radiate 20 155 absorb condense 105 30 absorb radiate atmosphere sea + land 50 90 110 30 absorb absorb radiate evap Sun annual carbon cycle in the atmosphere Ph 109 7 R ff 110 Ph 90 93 +1 -7 R ocean billions of tons of carbon +3 where is the carbon? (billions of metric tons) Sun carbon dioxide gas in atmosphere 700 humus 2000 dissolved gas 40,000 fossil fuels 5000? sediments 20,000,000 from Biology of plants 5th Ed. by Raven et al. page 115 Dissolved organic matter ~2000 deep ocean 38,000,000 Healing Gaia by James Lovelock p139 BIO 200 Special Problems in Biological Sciences for lower division undergraduates Joshua Yang - Carbon in the Geobiosphere Tim Tappscott - Prokaryote Evolution Raechel Harnoto – Astrobiology and Global Evolution BIO 100 Orientation to Biological Sciences Introduction to Biological Sciences faculty, department and campus resources, research opportunities, possible careers, studying science, and current topics in biology. The Sun creates, stores, and radiates energy zone fusion core r < ¼ radiative volume ~r3 1/64 total mass energy 1/2 2/3 r < 0.7 1/3 1/2 1/3 convective r > 0.7 2/3 1/80 1/100 fusion core The Sun evolves becausezone fusion changes the radiative composition of the core which changes density, temperature, and luminosity convective zone H Mass Fraction (X) vs. Radius X=.70, Y=.28, Z=.02 0.7 0.6 ZAMS X 0.5 X 1.5 BY X 0.4 3 BY X 0.3 6 BY X 4.5 BY X 7.5 BY X 0.2 9 BY X 0.1 0.0 0E+00 2E+10 4E+10 6E+10 8E+10 Radius (cm) Guzik Field Lopez x70y28z02 112005 Density (g/cm^3) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0E+00 1E+10 2E+10 3E+10 4E+10 5E+10 6E+10 7E+10 radius (cm) Guzik - LANL solar evolution code Temperature (K) 16E+6 14E+6 12E+6 10E+6 8E+6 6E+6 4E+6 2E+6 00E+0 0E+00 1E+10 2E+10 3E+10 4E+10 5E+10 6E+10 7E+10 radius (cm) Guzik - LANL solar evolution code Solar Evolution 1.0 0.9 Relative Value 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 L= 4πR2·σT4 T/Tsun R/Rsun L/Lsun 0.4 cycle 17 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0E+00 1E+09 2E+09 3E+09 Time (years) 4E+09 Guzik + Field Equations of Stellar Structure dhillon phy213 website relative volume relative mass Sun fusion core 16 convective zone 27 radiative zone 343 relative heat flow convective zone 641 1000 988 1000 fusion core 481 radiative zone 492 1000 800 600 relative total energy 400 relative fusion power 200 convective zone 7 radiative zone 12 0 fusion core radiative zone convective zone 0 convective zone radiative zone 356 fusion core 637 fusion core 988 layers volume (cm3) mass (g) average density (g/cm3) relative volume relative mass relative average density fusion core 2.22E+31 9.57E+32 43.19 16 481 30784 radiative zone 4.86E+32 9.79E+32 2.01 343 492 1434 convective zone 9.10E+32 5.37E+31 0.06 641 27 42 whole Sun 1.42E+33 1.99E+33 1.40 1000 1000 1000 layers total energy (ergs) fusion power (erg/s) luminosity (erg/s) relative total energy relative fusion power relative heat flow fusion core 1.95E+48 3.80E+33 3.80E+33 637 988 988 radiative zone 1.09E+48 4.62E+31 3.85E+33 356 12 1000 convective zone 2.00E+46 0.00E+00 3.85E+33 7 0 1000 whole Sun 3.06E+48 3.85E+33 3.85E+33 1000 1000 1000 nucleosynthesis: billion years or seconds? H1 + H1 → H2 + e+ + υ H2 + H1 → He3 + γ proton turns into neutron e+ + e- → γ + γ photons lose energy quickly neutrino escapes from Sun greatly simplified He3 + He3 → He4 + H1 + H1 million years attractive repulsive Electrical forces keep protons apart because like charges repel Coulomb Barrier Yukawa Attractive Nuclear Potential The rich get richer. If you can climb the rim, you can drop in the crater and gain kinetic energy. Never gonna happen, my friend! 1 2 Proton needs 1000 times more thermal energy than average Tunneling happens all the time! How did the Sun get hot originally? 1 2 Thermonuclear fusion generates energy to replace energy radiated into space, but it takes energy to get started As cold gases condense to form the Sun, they get hot and lose energy gravitational attraction This stage lasts 100,000 years. The Sun was 1000 times brighter. Solar Formation How did a cold dilute gas contract under gravitational attraction and produce a core hot enough and dense enough to sustain thermonuclear fusion? My simplified but detailed explanation of solar formation is more complete than most non-mathematical discussions. 1. Enormous molecular clouds resist gravitational contraction for billions of years with the help of kinetic energy, rotational energy, and magnetic fields until an external perturbation alters the properties of a portion of the cloud enough to trigger free fall contraction as gravitational attraction dominate other influences. 2. My simple explanation of solar formation will ignore rotation and magnetic effects and will assume the cloud is a cold dilute self-gravitating gas with uniform composition, density, and temperature and the mass of the Sun. 3. Gas particles in the cloud accelerate as they fall toward the center of mass because there is no hydrostatic support. 4. Gas density remains uniform as it increases because all particles have the same free fall time since velocity and acceleration increase linearly with radius since a = GM/r2 = G(4πρr/3). 5. Collisions in the center raise the temperature, internal energy, and pressure producing temperature and pressure gradients as the opacity increases. 6. The developing pressure gradient provides some hydrostatic support for the increasingly dense core gases. 7. Falling particles continue to compress the core, increasing its density, pressure, and temperature. 8. The differential pressure reduces the contraction near the center producing a density gradient. 9. Gas opacity initially increases with density and temperature, trapping radiant energy in the interior. 10. Surface cooling by radiative transport also increases the interior temperature gradient. 11. The high opacity of the interior maintains the increased temperature gradient. 12. A convection instability forms and convection transports trapped interior heat from the core to the surface. 13. At very high temperature, opacity decreases as bound electrons are freed. 14. The core density increases enough to fuse hydrogen nuclei. 15. Radiative energy transport replaces convective energy transport except for the outer gases. Solar Evolution How can the Sun grow brighter over time while the core hydrogen abundance decreases? 1. Energy generated by fusion replaces energy diffusing from the core to the surface. 2. Nucleosynthesis reduces the core hydrogen abundance and particle density. 3. Some core electrons are annihilated by positrons produced during nucleosynthesis. 4. Core opacity decreases as temperature rises and density of core electrons decrease. 5. The decrease in core particles does not decrease the local energy density or pressure. 6. The core temperature rises as the average energy per particle rises. 7. Decreases in core hydrogen abundance reduce protons available for fusion, but fusion rate increases slightly due to the increased core temperature. 8. Luminosity increases as the temperature and temperature gradient increase and opacity decreases. 9. Increased luminosity increases energy density and pressure at larger radii. 10. Pressure increase expands envelope and forces more particles into core. 11. Core contraction maintains the pressure gradient required for hydrostatic support. 12. Gravitational contraction increases core density, pressure, temperature, and energy density. 13. Fusion rate increases with core density and temperature – enough to sustain higher luminosity. 14. Solar envelope expands as its temperature rises, increasing the surface radius and temperature. 15. The Sun’s luminosity increases as its surface radius and temperature grow over billions of years. Earth creates, stores, and radiates energy atmosphere - radiation lithosphere - conduction upper mantle - convection lower mantle - convection D” - conduction outer core – convection? inner core - conduction ICB convection is powered by radiogenic heat sources and produces chemical evolution CMB Radiogenic Heat Flow (W) Earth’s composition evolves as rare but critical elements decay Radiogenic Heat Flow (W) 120E+12 100E+12 Total U-235 80E+12 K-40 U-238 60E+12 Th-232 40E+12 20E+12 0000E+00 -5 -4 -2 -3 Time (BY) -1 0 Whole Earth, Crust, Mantle, Core Element Mass Percent Mg 15.4 Mg 3.2 Whole Earth Crust Mantle Core CaAl Ni 1.6 1.7 1.8 Al 8.41 Ca 5.29 Ca 2.53 Mg 22.8 Si 16.1 Si 26.77 Si 21 Fe Fe 7.07 O Fe 32.0 Al Fe 2.35 6.26 Si Mg Ni 5.2 Ni Si 6 Ca Fe 85.5 O 44 Al O 45.3 O 29.7 S Cr models of growth of continental volume (%) 100 75 50 1992 geochemical BYA: % 0: 100 0.6: 90 2.6: 10 3.6: 0 4.5: 0 25 0 4 3 2 BYA 1 0 from VanAndel Fig. 13.6 Density (kg/m^3) 14000 Core Density (kg/m^3) 12000 10000 ICB 8000 CMB lithosphere R < 6371 km upper mantle R < 6291 km lower mantle R < 5701 km D” R < 3630 km outer core R < 3480 km inner core R < 1221.5 km 6000 4000 Mantle 2000 0 0E+0 1E+6 2E+6 3E+6 4E+6 radius (m) 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 Temperature Evolution (K) assume temperature changes linearly with time 6000 Core Temperature (K) 5000 Mantle 4000 3000 boundaries 4 BYA 2 BYA 0 BYA 2000 1000 0 0E+00 1E+06 2E+06 4E+06 3E+06 Radius (m) 5E+06 6E+06 7E+06 total heat flow (W) 45E+12 total heat flow (W) 40E+12 Mantle boundaries 35E+12 current total heat flow (W) 30E+12 radiogenic heat flow (W) 25E+12 current lost heat flow (W) 20E+12 current ΔGBE heat flow (W) latent heat flow (W) 15E+12 10E+12 Core 5E+12 00E+0 0E+0 1E+6 2E+6 CMB 3E+6 4E+6 radius (m) 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 relative volume relative mass inner core lithosphere 17 21 inner core lithosphere7 37 outer core 156 upper mantle 162 upper mantle 246 relative heat flow lower mantle 554 outer core 308 lower mantle 492 1000 1000 800 809 relative internal energy inner core 19 lithosphere 7 upper mantle 123 600 relative total heat sources 617 400 200 23 49 inner core outer core 0 outer core 315 lower mantle upper mantle lithosphere inner core 23 outer core 26 lithosphere 191 upper mantle 192 lower mantle 537 lower mantle 568 Volume, Mass, Density, Energy, Heat, and Heat Flow layers inner core outer core lower mantle upper mantle lithosphere whole Earth continental crust ocean crust layers layers inner core core outer core mantle lower mantle lithosphere upper Earth mantle whole lithosphere whole Earth continental crust ocean crust volume (m^3) 7.63E+18 1.69E+20 6.00E+20 2.67E+20 4.03E+19 1.08E+21 mass (kg) 9.83E+22 1.83E+24 2.92E+24 9.63E+23 1.25E+23 5.94E+24 average density (kg/m^3) 1.29E+04 1.08E+04 4.87E+03 3.61E+03 3.11E+03 5.48E+03 internal volume energy (m^3) (J) 3.15E+29 1.77E+20 5.35E+30 8.66E+20 9.12E+30 4.03E+19 2.09E+30 1.08E+21 1.20E+29 1.70E+31 heat sources (W) mass (kg) 9.85E+11 1.93E+24 1.11E+12 3.88E+24 2.43E+13 1.25E+23 8.22E+12 5.94E+24 8.17E+12 4.28E+13 average total heat density flow (W) (kg/m^3) 9.85E+11 1.19E+04 2.10E+12 4.24E+03 2.64E+13 3.11E+03 3.46E+13 5.48E+03 4.28E+13 4.28E+13 relative volume 7 156 554 246 37 1000 relative internal relative energy volume 19 163 315 800 537 37 123 1000 7 1000 relative mass 17 308 492 162 21 1000 relative average density 2348 1977 889 658 567 1000 relative relative heat relative relative average sources heat flow mass density 23 23 325 2162 26 49 654 773 568 617 21 567 192 809 1000 1000 191 1000 1000 1000 transparent planet visible radiation From where we sit, brighter than a thousand suns briefly optical absorption impedes energy flow solid planet thermal conduction thermal scattering impedes energy flow 5000°F 2.5°F/mile or 0.001°F/foot molten planet thermal convection viscosity and density affect energy flow fructose is an isomer of glucose: table sugar forms by joining them H C H O C O H H H H H H C O O C H O C H H O H C H H C C O O H H H H C C H O O H H H C O H 6 CH2O + energy + catalyst C H O table sugar H2O G F cellulose G H2O G H2O G H2O G H2O G H2O G H 2O G simple sugar building blocks combine to form carbohydrates when water is squeezed out ribose is a building block of ATP, RNA.. H C ribose deoxyribose O H H H C H C H O H H H C H 5 CH2O + energy + catalyst C C O O H H H O C H H O C C H O O H H O H C H O nucleic acids are building blocks for energy and information in ATP, RNA... H C N H C N 5 HCN + energy + catalyst H H C N H C N C C N C H N H N N C H adenine H C N H C N Nucleotides are combinations of nucleic acids, ribose sugar, and inorganic phosphate H2O R D Pi Pi R Pi monophosphates relay signals within a cell H2O U G C T A Pi Pi Pi triphosphates transport energy for transfer RNAs, membrane synthesis, and sugar synthesis. R A Pi H2O H2O Pi R Pi R U H2O R C A Pi H2O R Pi G nucleotide building blocks combine to form RNA and DNA when water is squeezed out H H O C H O H C C H H H O C C H O O H H amino acids are readily made from simple molecules by adding energy H O water glycine H H H O H N C C O H H H C O H H C N formaldehyde hydrogen cyanide amino acids are readily made from simple molecules by adding energy H O water generic H amino acid H H H O N C C H O H H C O R H C N hydrogen cyanide “R”-aldehyde amino acids are building blocks of proteins that function as enzymes and structures H H O H N C C O H H O H N C C H C H H H H H H H C C C C O H N C C H C H O H H C C C N O H H C H H H all 20 amino acids have the same backbone C H O N S and all have H and OH on the ends ribosomes synthesize proteins by translating mRNA to tRNAs that are attached to amino acids H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O His Ala Tyr Val Thr Val Arg Leu Gly some of the 20 amino acids are represented by more than one of the 64 triplet codons G U A C G C A U A C AA U G U C A G G C U G A U C C U A C U G CAU GC GUAU GU UACAGU C C GAC UAG GAU GA after Trefil and Hazen The Sciences: An Integrated Approach Catalysts are vital to many processes: Proteins help produce complex molecules Modern cellular processes are highly regulated after Trefil and Hazen The Sciences: An Integrated Approach Which self-replicating molecules came first? DNA+RNA+Protein World RNA+Protein World RNA World no record of early biochemistry Peptide (PNA) World? Thioester World? Clay World? Molecular and metabolic evolution may be relatively simple and rapid Chance affects diversity and abundance Necessity provides natural selection All inheritable biological changes are based on molecular evolution D A Pi D T Pi D C Pi D A Pi D G Pi mRNA provides the message to link amino acids into proteins His Ala Tyr Val Thr Val Arg Leu Gly How does a computer “design” its own software? U G CAU GC GUAU GU UACAGU C C GAC UAG GAU GA How does information evolve? U G CAU GC GUAU GU UACAGU C C GAC UAG GAU GA 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 5 duplication 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 How does information evolve? U G CAU GC GUAU GU UACAGU C C GAC UAG GAU GA 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 5 deletion and insertion 1 4 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5