Fundamental Concepts in Fluvial Geomorphology Andrew Simon USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory, Oxford, MS National Sedimentation Laboratory Three Zones of the Fluvial System Force, Resistance, and Form Force and Resistance (Or what it takes to initiate movement (erosion) of material) Think in terms of SPECIFIC PROCESSES • On the stream bed Force/resistance • On the stream banks Force/resistance Stream Types: Schumm Continuity Equation Q = w yV =AV Q = water discharge m3/s w = flow width, in m y = flow depth, in m V = flow velocity, in m/s A = cross-sectional area in m2 Stream Power Proportionality gQS a Qsd50 g = unit weight of water Q = water discharge S = bed or energy slope Qs = bed-material discharge d50= median particle size of bed material Thus, streams are open systems with an ability to adjust to altered energy inputs Stream Power: Thresholds Gradient Time Scales in Geomorphology Graded time Gradient Cyclic time Steady time Graded time Variables Change Dependency as a Function of Time Scale! Types of Equilibrium: Thresholds? Why is Fluvial Geomorphology Important? This Will Be on the Test gQS a Qsd50 g = unit weight of water Q = water discharge S = bed or energy slope Qs = bed-material discharge d50= median particle size of bed material Thus, streams are open systems with an ability to adjust to altered energy inputs Gradient Response to Disturbance Graded time Cyclic time Compression of time scales following large-scale disturbances: “natural” or anthropogenic 1,000,000 years = 100 years Trends of Incision: Channelization Hydraulic Shear Stress; Force and Resistance to = g R S to = mean boundary shear stress g = unit weight of water R = hydraulic radius = A / 2y + w S = channel gradient t* = to / [ (gs – gw) * d] t* = dimension less shear stress gs = unit weight of sediment d = characteristic particle diameter Erosion Rate is a Function of Erodibility and Excess Shear Stress te = (to-tc) or e = k (to- tc) e = erosion rate (m/s) k = erodibility coefficient (m3/N-s) to = boundary shear stress (Pa) tc = critical shear stress (Pa) (to-tc) = excess shear stress Critical shear stress is the stress required to initiate erosion. Bed-Level Response Magnitude of Width Adjustments Why are they so different ? Basic Failure Types Forces Affecting Soil Shear Strength Cohesion – chemical bonds between particles Normal load – weight of bank increases friction Friction interparticle roughness Matric suction – apparent cohesion Pore-water pressure – reduces effective friction Bank Stability – The Factor of Safety Factor of Safety (Fs) = Resisting Forces Driving Forces If Fs is greater than 1, bank is stable. If Fs is less than 1 bank will fail. (We usually add a safety margin – Fs>1.3 is stable.) Resisting Forces soil strength vegetation reinforcement Driving Forces (gravity) bank angle weight of bank water in bank Changes in Width/Depth During Adjustment Idealized Adjustment Trends For a given discharge (Q) t gVS Se n tc d This Will Also Be on The Test Applied (Driving) Forces versus Resisting Forces • Hydraulic processes (bed, bank toe) • Geotechnical processes (bank mass) Process, Process, Process Use Form to Tell Us About Process Channel Evolution Models Use Form to Infer Process • Schumm et al., 1984 • Simon and the Hupp, 1986; Simon, 1989 National Sedimentation Laboratory Stage I. Sinuous, Premodified h<hc Stages of Channel Evolution (just another empirical model) hc = critical bank height = direction of bank or bed movement h Stage I. Sinuous, Premodified h<hc Stage IV. Degradation and Widening h>hc Stage II. Constructed Stage III. Degradation hc = critical bank height h<hc h<hc terrace floodplain = direction of bank or bed movement h h h h slumped material Stage II. Constructed h<hc hc = critical bank height = direction of bank or floodplain Stage IV. Degradation and Stage VI. Quasi Equilibrium Widening Stage Aggradation and Widening Stage III.V.Degradation h<hc h>hc h>h h<h c c terrace terrace terrace bed movement h h h h h bank bankfull slumped material References aggraded material slumped material Stage IV. Degradation and Widening Stage III. Degradation Stages I, II h>hc h<hc Stage VI. Quasi Equilibrium Stage V. Aggradation and Widening primary terrace h<hc h>hc knickpoint Stage III Stage IV terrace terrace Stage V top bank h h plunge bank precursor h pool knickpoint h direction o bankfull f flow slumped slumped material secondary material knickpoint aggradation oversteepened reach aggraded material aggraded material zone Stage VI. Quasi Equilibrium ening h<hc aggraded material •Stage I •Stage VI Stages I, IIterrace primary h knickpoint bank National Stage III Sedimentation Laboratory Stage IV bankfull Stage VI aggraded material BED-MATERIAL YIELD, IN T/YR/MI 2 Stage and Bed Material Yield 1000 100 10 Raw data Median values 1 0 1I II 2 III 3 IV 4 V 5 STAGE OF CHANNEL EVOLUTION VI 6 7 Stage and Suspended Sediment Transport SLOPE OF SUSPENDED SEDIMENT RATING RELATION 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 West Tennessee sites (Simon, 1989a) Goodwin Creek and Toutle River sites 1I II 2 III 3 IV 4 V 5 STAGE OF CHANNEL EVOLUTION VI 6 Stage of Channel Evolution Colorado New Mexico Animas River Estes Arroyo Pump Canyon Reach 5 La Plata River Horse Canyon Aztec Flora Vista Gobernador Canyon Reach 4 Reach 3 Farmington Bloomfield Kirtland Reach 1 Reach 2 Cañon Largo Stage of channel evolution III IV V Armenta Canyon VI Kutz Canyon San Juan River 0 20 Gallegos Canyon kilometers What Processes are Active? What’s Happenin’ Here? What Processes are Active? Where do they change, and why? National Sedimentation Laboratory What Processes are Active? National Sedimentation Laboratory What Processes are Active? National Sedimentation Laboratory