Two Higgs Doublet Model: Past and Future February 21, 2014, EWSB-Flavours-LHC @ Guwahati 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 1 2HDM: Past & Future EWSB-Flavour-LHC • Intro: Flav H ➾ EWSB Soni; H+; Enhanced “Murky”; Top-Higgs ➾ • Let’s Do H+: b → sg(g) • “Murky Mode” @ 10%: b → ctn & b → sg ➥ B → D(*)tn; tn • FCNH: Model III & t → ch0 • LHC • Conclusion 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 2 The “God” Particle: the Origin of Mass Fermion: Repeated Doublets Higgs: Flavour Sector Second Doublet mF ~ lFυ Weinberg, 1967 mV ~ gυ (Agent of) B.E.H., 1964 EWSB VL “seen” since 1983 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 3 2HDM Will focus on Flavour Connection p.s. parameters in Higgs sector always give me the shudders … 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 4 Thanks, Soni ! WSH, Soni, Steger, b → sg PLB’87 WSH, Soni, Steger, b → sg* PRL’87 WSH, Soni, Bd & Bs Mixing PLB’87 WSH, Willey, Soni, b → sℓ+ℓ- PRL’87 4G Introduced me to B Physics. But I missed “large QCD corrections” by focusing too much on New Physcs… Bertolini, Borzumati, Masiero, PRL’87 Deshpande, Trampetic, Eilam, Singer, PRL’87 ➥ Operator Analysis: Culmination in M. Misiak! 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 5 Thanks, Soni ! WSH, Soni, Steger, b → sg PLB’87 WSH, Soni, Steger, b → sg* PRL’87 WSH, Soni, Bd & Bs Mixing PLB’87 WSH, Willey, Soni, b → sℓ+ℓ- PRL’87 4G Introduced me to B Physics. Timelike 2HDM Lightlike George W.S. Hou (NTU) Spacelike Guwahati, 2/2014 6 Before summer 1987, before moving from Pitt to Munich, saw this paper ... and said to Ray Willey, “We can easily do this, too.” b → sg Turned out they focus on large tanb … and missed a crucial sign. H+ effect 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 7 Usual 2HDM Framework: NFC 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 8 H+ Couplings in Model I/II “SUSY” (mindset: ~ mt/mb) 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 9 • Ca. 1990: Bs.l. (semileptonic BR) and NC (charm counting) problem. Could there be Enhanced “Murky” Modes? ➥ Polish synergy: B → D(*)tn; B → tn • 1992: CDF bound of mt > 91 GeV Could top be still lighter? t → ch0 Non-NFC: Model III 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 10 2HDM: Past & Future EWSB-Flavour-LHC • Intro: Flav H ➾ EWSB Soni; H+; Enhanced “Murky”; Top-Higgs ➾ • Let’s Do H+: b → sg(g) • “Murky Mode” @ 10%: b → ctn & b → sg ➥ B → D(*)tn; tn • FCNH: Model III & t → ch0 • LHC • Conclusion 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 11 Let’s Do H+: b → sg(g) 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 12 b → sg(g) logarithmic 2HDM vs power GIM suppression in SM QCD corr. brings in large log George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 13 ξ2 = cot2b, ξξ′ = ξ2 (Model I), -1 (Model II) why does ξ′ enter? fig. stolen from Hermann, Misiak, Stenihauser 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 14 ξ2 = cot2b, ξξ′ = ξ2 (Model I), -1 (Model II) why does ξ′ enter? fig. stolen from Hermann, Misiak, Stenihauser 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 15 ξ2 = cot2b, ξξ′ = ξ2 (Model I), -1 (Model II) NNLO fig. stolen from Hermann, 2HDM Misiak, Stenihauser, JHEP’12 George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 16 State of the Art Hermann, Misiak, Stenihauser, JHEP’12 [1208.2788] Can be weakened by BSM Exp 1s SM 1s WSH & Willey NPB’89 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 17 “Murky Mode” @ 10%: b → ctn & b → sg ➥ B → D(*)tn; tn 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) (mn Guwahati, 2/2014 18 The Polish Connection/Synergy b → ctn part based on Krawczyk and Pokorski, PRL’88 SM ~ 3% 2HDM ~ 0.2% George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 19 Sol. 1: b → sg @ 10% ca. 1991 Sol. 2: b → ctn @ 10% charm counting ~ SM ~ SM Great Pheno If True ! 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 20 PLB’92 7 s-wave enhanced 5 3 Form Factors tr. long. 2HDM scalar t polarization Flip George W.S. Hou (NTU) Kalinowski, PLB’90 Guwahati, 2/2014 21 ALEPH Exclusion of b → ctn @ 10%; and then … b → tn + X = (4.08 ± 0.76 ± 0.62)% (2.75 ± 0.30 ± 0.37)% (2.43 ± 0.20 ± 0.25)% PLB’93 PLB’95 EPJC’01 ➙ SM-like, rule out enhanced b → ctn = (1.05 ± 18)% = (1.64 ± 15)% saturate inclusive (PDG’13) expected a crisp result: no new hadronic effect beyond fB within SM cf. 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 22 Crisp B → tn Surprise 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 23 anybody out there? cottage industry When First Evidence in 2006, citations soared. A Driver for Super B Factory 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 24 An Illustration towards 2015+ No serious sign of Godot in FPCP ... Roderjohann; Soni • Old Tensions: e.g. Or, Lüth Which One ? But, B → mn almost touched by BaBar/Belle. Hara Super B Factory (2015 for Belle 2) would unravel it “immediately”. Totally different systematics! Theory Summary George W.S. Hou (NTU) FPCP@USTC, Hefei 5/25/2012 25 FCNH: Model III & t → ch0 11/1991 Became relevant recently at the LHC 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 26 2HDM 2HDM III: “Natural” Framework: FC Neutral NFC Higgs FCNH from B Phys. 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 27 FCNH: t → ch0 & Model III Thy Shall Not Mix 4G – 2HDM – FCNH ! “a3 ” 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 28 FCNH: t → ch0 & Model III S/P S/P t → ch0 / t → bW* h0 → tc / h0 → bb & tt 1% benchmark 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 29 Pro-found if Found FCNH: verboten in SM & 2HDM I/II Glashow-Weinberg 1977 Outline • BaBar Anomaly, 2HDM-III & tch0 Coupling c • B Physics & H → tt Constraints • t → ch0 Search at LHC h0 t ZZ* gg WW* bb Fajfer, Kamenik, Nisandzic, Zupan, PRL 2012 Crivellin, Greub, Kokulu, PRD 2012; 1303.5877 t → ch @ LHC CGK KCHS CHKK George W.S. Hou (NTU) Kao, Cheng, WSH, Sayre, PLB 2012 Chen, WSH, Kao, Kohda, 1304.8037 C.Kao talk EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 30 BaBar “Anomaly” BaBar, PRL 2012 Very (too) Large ! t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 31 2HDM-III (General) Yukawa Interactions Crivellin, Greub, Kokulu, PRD 2012 [we use notation of Mahmoudi and Stal, PRD 2010 “Standard” Exotic 23 To consider t → ch0 : FCNH • Need Nondecoupling: h0 mixes in cos (b-a) frac. of H0 • Not only rbb, but rtt turn out small deviate from CGK CGK considered Decoupling Limit: SMH t → ch @ LHC (next page) [left with mH+ pockets • rct ~ 1, implying rtt and rcc need be considered! George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 32 With Regrets, “detach” from BaBar anomaly B & H → tt Constraints mH+ pockets remain t → ch0 Search at LHC How large can B (t → ch0) be? If rct ~ 1, what constraint we have on cos (b-a) ? N.B. From stt(bar) measurement with dileptons, one infers B (t → ch) cannot be larger than few %. t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 33 Summary of Constained 2HDM-III rcc, rtt rct New Sector to be probed at the LHC t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 34 No Evidence of Excess Jets in ZZ* … Any tt(bar) → chbW ? Illustration Simple CLs estimate gives (95% C.L.) B (t → ch) < 1.5% 2.2% Best done directly by the Experiments ATLAS 4ℓ + 4j evt (backup) Craig et al., PRD 2012: < 2.7% (can improve) KCHS’12: Can probe down to 1% t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 35 Comments ∙ gg + 4j, gg + jj + ln : [gg in Higgs window] Because of background evts perhaps rejected by EPS: Dh (VBF) ATLAS announced atconcerns, Higgs Hunting, Orsay, week after Even of such BG b/t tags if found. t → the cH study < 0.83% at 95may interesting;ATLAS-CONF-2013-081 gg ∙ WW* + jets, WW* + jets + W : [no Higgs Mass] Astounding: % level bound year after Higgs discovery ! CMS announced at SUSY2013: t → chmult-ℓ t → ch @ LHC < 1.28% at 95 C.L. George W.S. Hou (NTU) Can be CMS PAS-SUS-13-002 Improved EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 36 2HDM H+ Search at LHC LHC Search has Started ! a BaBar-centric View Eli Ben-Haim @ EPSHEP2013 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 37 t → bH+ Search at LHC ATLAS JHEP’12 CMS JHEP’12 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 38 t → bH+ & H+ → tb at LHC ATLAS-CONF-2013-081 t → bH+: getting there 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 39 finally getting there 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 40 Conclusion: 2HDM I, II & III BaBar throws in B → D(*)tn monkey wrench ➥ Rule out 2HDM II ? Haisch 0805.2141 need Belle-II (2015+) b → sg FCNH t → ch0 Search Underway 2015+ Looks Bright finally getting there 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 41 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 42 Outline Is “the Higgs” the Agent of BEH Mech.? EWSB 12/2013 2HDM Dilaton : Goldstone George boson of SSB of Scale Invariance W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 43 υ /F 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 44 How does Dilaton fake Higgs ? H → ZZ* → eemm cg Dilaton υ /F but, no convincing evidence for VBF (Vector Boson Fusion) or VH (Higgsstrahlung off V) so far ➙ Check Dilaton 2015+ ! cgυ /F ~ SM Higgs cg cg ~ SM Higgs Leading Processes cg fortuitous, maybe … cg Dilaton H → gg 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 45 B → tn Satus 2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 46 Data-constrained 2HDM-III Higgs → tt : rtt small With Regrets, “detach” from BaBar anomaly b → sg : rbb tiny Because of chiral mt/mb and KM enhancement, rbb tiny ! mH+ pockets remain t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 47 Example: Clean Sample of ZZ* → 4ℓ Consistency of 15-20 evts ~ SM w/ little BG, for both CMS/ATLAS With 126 GeV dominantly SMH, i.e. sin(b-a) ≃ 1 (near Decoupling), ZZ* (and WW*) Rate hard to change. The width of 126 GeV Higgs can be enhanced by rcc as not measured. Gluon Fusion can be enhanced by rtt , even though damped by cos (b-a). Cf.: stt(bar) ~ 220 pb, if t → ch 2%, then tt(bar) → chbW is at 9 pb ! t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) Could we have seen it already !? EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 48 One ATLAS eemm + 4j Event ! “Passed VBF Selection” Is there bias even in ZZ*? h = -2.20 h = 1.19 ATLAS-CONF-2013-013, (extra) Fig. 38 [thanks to Bill Murray t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) is there a b EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 49