Portuguese groups at ISOLDE - CERN Ulrich Wahl Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (ITN) Sacavém Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa (CFNUL) ISOLDE and Nuclear Solid State Physics Portuguese experiments at ISOLDE: history, people, collaborations Examples: - position-sensitive electron detector development - emission channeling lattice location of Fe in Si - PAC investigation of O and F in High-Tc Hg-1201 Conclusions amd outlook The ISOLDE on-line isotope separator Available beams: ~ 600 isotopes of ~ 70 elements + surface ionization - Li Be mass separation target and ion source Na Mg laser selective ionization Hot plasma discharge Cold He B C N O F Ne Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 60 keV acceleration 1 GeV protons Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Th Pa U Np Pu AmCm Bk Cf Es FmMd No Lr radioactive ion beams Experiments involving Portuguese groups: typically around 10-12 shifts per year i.e. ~3% of ISOLDE availability Solid State Physics 22% Particle and Astro-Physics 13% ISOLDE Experiments 2003 Biology/Medicine 5% Atomic Physics 15% Weak Interaction and Nuclear Physics 46% 37 Experiments 300 Users 96 Institutes 22 Countries 375 8h-shifts of radioactive beams Semiconductor Spectroscopy sensitive to chemical nature or electronic properties (some require radioactive istopes ) 1020 1020 EXAFS Channel. 1018 NMR 1016 1016 ENDOR 1014 1014 Hall EPR 1012 EC DLTS 10 10 108 PL PAC,ME Portuguese groups: emission channeling (EC) perturbed angular correlation (PAC) NMR-ON 1012 1010 defect concentration (cm-3) 1018 108 -NMR 106 106 Experimental techniques used with radioactive isotopes at ISOLDE History of e--g PAC and EC at ISOLDE-CERN 1986 e-g PAC at ISOLDE 1994 Test of new PAC probes IS-P66 IS01/13 spokesperson J.C.Soares e--g PAC spokesperson J.G. Correia 197mHg, 73Ge, 127Cs, 80Br 1997 ~2006 IS360 Studies of high-Tc superconductors with radioactive isotopes 1998 ~2006 IS368 Lattice location of transition metals and rare earths in semiconductors 2000 ~2005 IS390 Studies of colossal magnetoresistive oxides with radioactive isotopes 2001 New improved electron emission channeling pad detectors and spokesperson J.G. Correia (ITN & CFNUL) spokesperson U. Wahl (ITN & CFNUL, then IKS Leuven) spokesperson V. Amaral (U Aveiro) development of self-triggering front-end electronics Cooperation agreement between ITN, CFNUL and CERN EP-ATT Group (now: PH-TA1) Network of groups involved KU Leuven (Belgium) Prof. André Vantomme 2 PhD students: Bart De Vries LEUVEN Stefan Decoster Univ. of Kwazulu Natal (South Africa) Prof. Krish Bharuth-Ram University of Göttingen (Germany) Prof. Hans Hofsäss (future collaboration) CFNUL Lisbon ITN Sacavém Prof. José C. Soares Dr. J. Guilherme Correia Prof. Manuel. R. Silva Dr. Ulrich Wahl 2 PhD students: Dr. Heinz Haas (retired) Elisabete Rita Ana C. Marques 1 Diploma student: Sonia Dias University of Porto University of Aveiro Prof. Vitor Amaral Dr. Mario S. Reis 1 PhD student: Armandina Lopes 1 Diploma student: João C. Amaral Prof. J. Pedro Araújo 1 Masters student: Tania Mendonça CERN Dr. Peter Weilhammer (detector development) Funding: mainly from national sources KU Leuven (Belgium) Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (dedicated project on emission channeling) CFNUL Lisbon ITN Sacavém Portuguese Foundation for Science & Technology (dedicated CERN project on PAC & emission channeling) University of Porto Univ. of Kwazulu Natal (South Africa) University of Aveiro University of Göttingen (Germany) Federal Ministry of Education and Research (dedicated project on emission channeling) Portuguese Foundation for Science & Technology (dedicated CERN project on magnetic oxides) CERN Position-sensitive Si pad detectors for Emission Channeling Collaboration: ITN, CFNUL & CERN PH-TA1 group Future detectors: pads self-triggering 5 keV trigger 10 kHz readout 73As in ZnO low electron energy 300 [-1102] 42 keV noise 100 0 ­+ M2: - M2 : ­ - z:¬ - z: -10 -5 0 5 52 keV 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 energy [keV] -10 10 -5 -5 0 0 5 5 10 10 + z: + z: ¯ ¯ 2 + M 1: ¬ 1 0 -1 rel. M 1-angle [deg] -2 - M 1: ® + M2: - M2 : ¬ ® cn-10 te rclw clo ckw rel. Z-c oordinate [m m ] counts 200 Cooled 2oC ROI "on-line" display: template C:\ORIGIN\PADSPEC4.OTP read with script file C:\ORIGIN\CHANRED4.SCR "on-line" display: template C:\ORIGIN\PADSPEC4.OTP read with script file C:\ORIGIN\CHANRED4.SCR 2 1 0 -1 -2 2 1 0 -1 -2 rel. Z-c oordinate [m m ] 12 keV 0 [0001] Co nve rsion elect ron em issio n ch an ne lin g with 30 mm x 30 mm Si p adCo 4 dnve etersion cto r: elect ron em issio n ch an ne lin g with 30 mm x 30 mm Si p ad 4 d ete cto r: -10 3.37E 3 -- 3.45E3 3.29E 3 -- 3.37E3 3.21E 3 -- 3.29E3 3.12E 3 -- 3.21E3 3.04E 3 -- 3.12E3 2.96E 3 -- 3.04E3 2.88E 3 -- 2.96E3 2.8E 3 -- 2.88E3 -5 0 5 + Mfro1:m ¬ rel. it is viewn t he det ecto r Arsenic occupies multiple sites in ZnO 3.85E 3 -- 4E3 3.7E 3 -- 3.85E3 3.55E 3 -- 3.7E3 3.4E 3 -- 3.55E3 3.25E 3 -- 3.4E3 3.1E 3 -- 3.25E3 2.95E 3 -- 3.1E3 2.8E 3 -- 2.95E3 10 c ounts raw data c ounts raw data 2 1 the plo t sh ows th e crystal as ® cn te rclw clo ckw 0 -1 M 1-angle [deg] -2 - M 1: ® the plo t sh ows th e crystal a s it is viewn fro m t he det ecto r Lattice site changes of implanted 59Fe in Si simulation best fit experiment -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 experiment simulation best fit -1 -2 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 <111> 2 1.23 - 1.27 1.19 - 1.23 1.15 - 1.19 1.11 - 1.15 1.07 - 1.11 1.03 - 1.07 0.99 - 1.03 0.95 - 0.99 1 0 -1 -2 <100> 2 1.18 - 1.21 1.15 - 1.18 1.12 - 1.15 1.09 - 1.12 1.05 - 1.09 1.02 - 1.05 0.99 - 1.02 0.96 - 0.99 1 0 -1 -2 <110> 2 1.10 - 1.12 1.08 - 1.10 1.06 - 1.08 1.05 - 1.06 1.03 - 1.05 1.01 - 1.03 0.99 - 1.01 0.97 - 0.99 1 0 -1 -2 <211> 2 1.15 - 1.18 1.12 - 1.15 1.10 - 1.12 1.07 - 1.10 1.04 - 1.07 1.01 - 1.04 0.99 - 1.01 0.96 - 0.99 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 [deg] -2 <111> 1 1.56 - 1.66 1.46 - 1.56 1.37 - 1.46 1.27 - 1.37 1.17 - 1.27 1.08 - 1.17 0.98 - 1.08 0.88 - 0.98 0 -1 -2 <100> 2 1.41 - 1.48 1.34 - 1.41 1.27 - 1.34 1.21 - 1.27 1.14 - 1.21 1.07 - 1.14 1.00 - 1.07 0.93 - 1.00 1 0 -1 -2 <110> 2 1.10 - 1.13 1.08 - 1.10 1.05 - 1.08 1.02 - 1.05 0.99 - 1.02 0.97 - 0.99 0.94 - 0.97 0.91 - 0.94 1 0 -1 -2 <211> 2 1.14 - 1.18 1.11 - 1.14 1.07 - 1.11 1.04 - 1.07 1.00 - 1.04 0.97 - 1.00 0.94 - 0.97 0.90 - 0.94 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 [deg] experiment simulation best fit -1 -2 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 <111> 2 1.84 - 1.97 1.71 - 1.84 1.57 - 1.71 1.44 - 1.57 1.31 - 1.44 1.18 - 1.31 1.04 - 1.18 0.91 - 1.04 1 0 -1 -2 <100> 2 1.53 - 1.62 1.45 - 1.53 1.36 - 1.45 1.27 - 1.36 1.18 - 1.27 1.10 - 1.18 1.01 - 1.10 0.92 - 1.01 1 0 -1 -2 <110> 2 1.47 - 1.55 1.40 - 1.47 1.32 - 1.40 1.25 - 1.32 1.17 - 1.25 1.10 - 1.17 1.02 - 1.10 0.95 - 1.02 1 0 -1 -2 <211> 2 1.35 - 1.41 1.29 - 1.35 1.24 - 1.29 1.18 - 1.24 1.12 - 1.18 1.06 - 1.12 1.01 - 1.06 0.95 - 1.01 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 [deg] as-implanted: annealed at T=300°C: annealed at T=800°C: mainly displaced substitutional Fe mainly tetrahedral interstitial Fe mainly ideal substitutional Fe Fe is gettered by at least two types of vacancy-like defects Following release to interstitial state re-gettering occurs at a different gettering center on ideal substitutional sites U. Wahl et al., accepted by Phys. Rev. B Oxygen & Fluorine Configurations in Hg1201 (High-Tc) ~ 0.20 Experiment Ii I g EFG Simulations 100 1 Q g If 50 g start clock Hg stop O(2) 0 0 Cu time O(1) 2500 (Mrad/s) 5000 0.34 (a) ~ 0.0 Ba Q.Vzz 100 frequency 50 Electric Field Gradient dopant configuration fingerprint HgBa2CuO4+ d Tc > 92K 0 0 2500 5000 (Mrad/s) J.G. Correia et al., submited to Phys. Rev. B Conclusions and outlook: Currently and near future (till ~2006): IS368: Lattice location in semiconductors, e.g. Si, Ge, SiGe, diamond, III-V, nitrides, II-VI, ZnO… electrical doping, transition metals, rare earths, diluted magnetic semiconductors IS360: PAC in High-Tc superconductors IS390: Magnetism in manganites (CMR) After 2006: New emission channeling proposal(s) applying… new position-sensitive detectors (self-triggering pad, CCD) - on-line experiments with short-lived isotopes - low energy electron emitters (Auger electrons?) a new variety of elements (e.g. Mg, Co, Ni, Zn, Ge) will be available for emission channeling