Measuring and modeling absolute data for electron-induced processes Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Free Electrons A personal retrospective Michael Allan Department of Chemistry University of Fribourg, Switzerland 1 Contents 1. A very personal retrospective 2. H2 : a short or long-lived resonance? 3. The peculiar story of threshold peaks : HF, HCl, HBr 4. CO2 : threshold peaks are commonplace 5. H-C≡C-H : the necessity of many dimensions 6. HCOOH : the hybrid case 7. Higher energy : CH3OH, C4H9-O-C4H9 etc. 8. Exotic molecules: Pt(PF3)4 9. Many excellent laboratories 10. Where do we find electron collisions ? 11. Conclusions 2 Pardubice Electron Tubes gloooooooow in the dark magic eye 3 Basel Energy of incident electron Energy of emitted photon M. Allan and J. P. Maier 1976 4 Yale M. J. W. Boness and G. J. Schulz 1976 A. Stamatovic and G. J. Schulz 1970 5 short – lived radical anions = resonances q = 72° background scattering coherent superposition resonant scattering 6 E (eV) DEA and VE in H2 Resonances: Feshbach (sg)13s2 valence core-excited (sg)1(su)2 shape (sg)2(su)1 “s* shape resonance” Ethreshold H-/H2 > 200 D-/D2 7 Frustration over instruments • Background • Low energy not accessible • Only narrow energy range • Spectrum distorted by instrument’s response function • Only relative units • Limited angular range • ... M. J. W. Boness and G. J. Schulz 1973 8 Fribourg 1981 1989 • Very low background • Low energy OK • Wide energy range • but • Only relative units • scattering angle only 0° and 180° • no elastic scattering 9 Magnetic Angle Changer Magnetic Angle Changer (Frank H. Read) see also Andrew J. Murray, Wednesday lecture 10 Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer for absolute DEA cross section Juraj Fedor, Olivier May, Dušan Kubala, Fribourg 2008 11 12 13 full-range spectrum in N2 core excited Feshbach resonance shape resonances 14 H2 : a short or long-lived resonance? 15 H2 : a short or long-lived resonance? E (eV) 1985 calculations: Čížek, Horáček, Domcke 16 1993 looking at large R (high final v) permits time resolution 17 H2- lifetime : going to the extreme D2 : t = 2 ms Experiment : Golser et al., 2005 (Wienna) 18 Threshold phenomena Vibrational excitation in HF – naive expectation s* - resonance 19 Threshold phenomena • threshold peaks • Vibrational Feshbach Resonances s* shape resonance • dipole – bound resonances valence dipole - bound m = 1.8 D Čížek, Horáček, Allan, Fabrikant, Domcke 2003 Original discovery: G. Knoth, M. Gote, M. Rädle, K. Jung and H. Ehrhardt, PRL 1989 20 HF – theory and experiment Čížek, Horáček, Allan, Fabrikant, Domcke, J. Phys. B (2003) review: Hotop, Ruf, Allan, Fabrikant, Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2003) pp 85-216. 21 structures everywhere 22 NO – vibrational excitation boomerang oscillations strongly influenced by existence of quasi-bound vibrational state of NO- Allan, J. Phys. B (2005) K. Houfek, M. Čížek, J. Horáček, Chem. Phys. (2008) 23 Chemistry: Dissociative electron attachment to diatomic hydrides e- + HBr H + Br - 24 Interchannel Coupling in Dissociative Atachment COMPARISON OF ABSOLUTE CROSS SECTIONS ! blue: nonlocal resonance theory red: absolute experiment dissociative attachment cross section drops when a new vibrational excitation channel opens Fedor May Allan (2008) Čížek Horáček Sergenton Popović Allan Domcke Leininger Gadea Phys. Rev. A 63 (2000) 062710 25 to remember: long range (dipole) attraction „nonlocal phenomena“ Vibrational Feshbach Resonances threshold peaks in VE large CS and steps in DEA 26 CO2 has no dipole moment – is it like H2 ? Fermi Resonance the (1000) and (0200) vibrations mix true states: {(1000) + (0200)} (Fermi dyad) {(1000) - (0200)} two Raman lines 27 Exciting the Fermi-dyad in CO2 virtual state p* shape resonance Allan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) Excitation of the Fermi – split states is highly selective! 28 Cross section for exciting the topmost member of the tetrad {(3000), (2200), ... } Allan, (2011, in print) 29 Similarity of vibrational cross sections in CO2 and HF m=0D m = 1.8 D 30 Potential curves of CO2 and HF bending Physica Scripta (2004) 31 Allan, J. Phys. B (2002) 32 Understanding the selectivity within the dyad FIG. 3. Contour plots of the wave functions for the two components of the Fermi dyad in O-C-O angle. The thick line marks the seam where the anion and neutral surfaces cross. Top panel: upper member of dyad; bottom panel: lower member of dyad. Vanroose et al. PRL 2004 33 Until now: effects due to long range electron binding: • • • • • • • threshold peaks in VE sharp structures in VE cross sections Vibrational Feshbach resonances large cross sections and threshold peaks in DEA steps in DEA cross section theory: nonlocal theory essential existing theory: one dimension (diatomic or pseudodiatomic) Next: effects due several dimensions of nuclear motion: • symmetry-lowering due to vibronic coupling • anion needs to distort in order to dissociate • theory: several dimensions of nuclear motion essential 34 isotope ratio: experiment : 14.4 theory at 0 K : 28.9 theory at 333 K : 17.9 but : theoretical cross section nearly 2× too large theory: S. T. Chourou and A. E. Orel 2009 experiment: O. May, J. Fedor, B. C. Ibanescu and M. Allan 2009 35 Dissociative Electron Attachment to Acetylene S. T. Chourou and A. E. Orel PRA 2008 36 Dissociative Electron Attachment to Acetylene S. T. Chourou and A. E. Orel 37 Chlorobenzene Skalický, Chollet, Pasquier, Allan, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2002 38 Chlorobenzene ring breathing C-Cl stretch - the p* resonances act as doorway states into the s* resonance - no activation barrier ← symmetry lowering ← vibronic coupling Skalický, Chollet, Pasquier, Allan, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2002 39 Two families of DEA: HBr H-C≡C-H • no shape resonance • p* shape resonance • peak at threshold • peak at resonance • steps • LCP sufficient • nonlocal theory required • inherently multidimensional O H Puzzle: mechanism in formic acid ? C O H • both p* shape resonance and polar O-H bond HCOOH + e- HCOO- + H 40 Vibrational excitation of formic acid 41 Vibrational excitation of formic acid - cusps, like HCl, HBr, HF 42 HCOOH + e- HCOO- + H : approach I theory: R-matrix G. A. Gallup, P. D. Burrow and I. I. Fabrikant PRA 2009 experiment A. Pelc, W. Seiler, P. Scheier, N. J. Mason, E. Illenberger and T. Märk 2003 & 2005 43 approach II O H neutral C O p* anion s* anion H 44 Dissociation of formic acid anion on the valence p* shape resonance potential surface Isotope effect expected for D substitution on C-H DFT B3-LYP 6-31G* 45 Isotope effect D. Kubala, O. May, M. Allan, 2011 46 Formic acid is a prototype for biomolecules : forms hydrogen bonds ! M Allan, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2007) 47 Similar situation in other biomolecules : uracil 48 Family III: higher energies On the complexity of dissociation via core-excited Feshbach resonances in polyatomic molecules 49 Feshbach resonances 50 photoelectron spectra are useful in predicting Feshbach resonances Bogdan Ibanescu 2007 51 O-C bond does not dissociate ! Bogdan Ibanescu 2007 52 Rydberg states: potential curves 53 TD-DFT, pbe0/6-311++g(3df,3p), geometry: DFT b3lyp/6-311+g(2df,2p) Bogdan Ibanescu 2007 a recent example : Pt(PF3)4 (a FEBIP precursor) 54 Pt(PF3)4 : vibrational states 55 Pt(PF3)4 : fragmentation O. May, D. Kubala, poster Mo 038 56 Atoms great success of theory ! 57 Ne Absolute cross sections for excitation of the Ne (2p53s) states at θ = 180°. M Allan, K Franz, H Hotop, O Zatsarinny and K Bartschat 2008 58 Some research groups active in electron collisions 59 Sanche and co-workers: slow electrons damage DNA Martin, Burrow, Cai, Hunting, Sanche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004 Science, 2004 60 Sherbrooke, Canada • Léon Sanche • biomolecules, surfaces, theory Lincoln, Nebraska • Paul Burrow, Gordon Gallup, Ilya Fabrikant • DEA, theory Davis & Berkeley, CA • Ann Orel, Tom Rescigno, Bill McCurdy : theory • H. Adaniya : DEA experiment - COLTRIMS Belfast • Tom Field; Gleb Gribakin • ToF DEA, biomolecules; theory Kaiserslautern • Hartmut Hotop • ultrahigh resolution, ultralow energy 61 Innsbruck • Paul Scheier, Tilmann Märk, Stefan Denifl • biomolecules, electron collisions in He nanodroplets Berlin • Eugen Illenberger • DEA, biomolecules Open University, Milton Keynes • Nigel Mason, Jimena Gorfinkiel • European leadership, theory Bratislava, Slovakia • Stefan Matejcik • DEA Gdansk • Mariusz Zubek, Marcin Dampc • cross sections, magnetic angle changer University of Podlasie, Poland • Janina Kopyra • DEA, electron transport 62 Prague, Charles University • Jiří Horáček, Martin Čížek, Karel Houfek (+ Wolfgang Domcke) • theory Prague Heyrovský Institute • Petr Čársky, Roman Čurik • theory Belgrad • Bratislav Marinkovic, Aleksandar Milosavljević, Zoran Petrovic • cross sections Orsay • Robert Abouaf, Roger Azria, Ann Lafosse • cross sections, surfaces Roma • Franco Gianturco, Isabella Baccarelli • theory Bremen • Petra Swiderek • electron collisions with molecules in cold matrices 63 London • JonathanTennyson • R-matrix theory Aarhus • David Field, Oksana Plekan • very low energies, ferroelectricity Island • Oddur Ingólfsson • experiment, DEA Tata Institute, Mumbai • E. Krishnakumar, S. V. K. Kumar, V. Prabhudesai • DEA experiment : velocity slice imaging Brazil • Marco Lima, M.H.F. Bettega, Romarly F. da Costa, M.-T. Lee and Ione Iga • theory, high energy experiment Korea • Hyuck Cho • magnetic angle changer, cross sections 64 Tokyo • Hiroshi Tanaka • cross sections Drake University • Klaus Bartschat, Oleg Zatsariny • theory Caltech • Vince McKoy, Carl Winstead • theory Fullerton, CA • Morty Khakoo • cross sections Australia • Stephen Buckman, Michael Brunger, ... • transient molecules, metastable atoms, positrons Australia • Igor Bray, Dmitry Fursa, Laurence Campbell • theory 65 Where do we find electron – driven chemistry and physics? 66 Electron – Driven Chemistry: gas phase - Outer space - Ionosphere: northern light etc. - Industrial plasmas - semiconductor manufacture - flat displays - plasma displays - LCD display manufacture - back-lighting: Xe excimer - surface modification - hydrophilic - hydrophobic - shrink-proof wool - milk packaging -… - waste disposal - satellite engines 67 ROBUST SCIENCE, SOCIETAL BENEFIT · Low Temperature Plasma Science and Technology has a history and future of robust, interdisciplinary science challenges whose resolution provides immediate and long term societal benefit. Ref: Adapted from “Plasma Science: Advancing Knowledge in the National Interest”, US National Research Council, 2007. GEC2010 slide by Prof. Mark J. Kushner University of Michigan 68 Institute for Plasma Science & Engr. with permission Resonance in Hg Angle-integrated cross section for electron-impact excitation of the (6s6p) 3P0o state of mercury from the (6s2) 1S0 ground state. 69 SUCCESS AT CONTROLLING f(e): PLASMA LIGHTING · Annual US electrical power consumption: 3.5 x 1012 kW-Hr · Electrical power expended in lighting: 22% - in fluorescent lamps: 9% · 35 1-GWe power plants are used to excite a single multiplet of Hg in fluorescent lamps. pdfs/lmc_vol1_final.pdf GEC2010 · Optimizing f(e) in plasma lighting by 0.1 eV translates into three 1-GWe plants. · This is an incredible accomplishment and mastery of discharge physics. slide by Prof. Mark J. Kushner University of Michigan Institute for Plasma Science & Engr. with permission 70 Conclusions validate theory by comparing absolute (differential) cross sections for : - elastic scattering - vibrational - electronic - DEA c.f. photochemistry 71 Electron-driven physics and chemistry Where are we ? theory threshold phenomena DEA: diatomics OK multidimensional phenomena H-C≡C-H ; LCP only polyatomics ? elastic scattering vibrational excitation Feshbach/shape reson. Rydberg/valence conical intersections H2O, CO2 ; only beginning electronic excitation experiment - full set of absolute cross sections measured for only few molecules DEA : angular distributions transient molecules (CF2 , metastables) surfaces, liquids - Much remains to be done 72 Wolfgang Domcke Rainer Dressler Jiří Horáček Louis Neuhaus Martin Čížek Bruno Albrecht Karel Houfek Knut Asmis Roman Čurik Christophe Bulliard Petr Čársky Olivier Schafer Jean-Pierre Gauyacq Anne-Christelle Sergenton Arvid Herzenberg Duška Popović Ilya I Fabrikant Momir Stepanović Tom Rescigno Tomáš Skalický Ann Orel Svetlana Živanov Bill McCurdy Bogdan Ibanescu Klaus Bartschat Olivier May Juraj Fedor Dušan Kubala Emil Brosi Paul-Hervé Chassot Lorenz Cederbaum Gleb Gribakin Olivier Graber Hartmut Hotop 73 74 Spin-orbit components of the NO ground electronic term Allan, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2004) 75 sideline : Associative Electron Detachment dissociative electron attachment (DEA) e–(E) + HBr H + Br– and the reverse process associative electron detachment (AED) Br– + H HBr( ,J) + e–(E) related by the microscopic reversibility, but AD probes much higher J 76 sideline : Associative Electron Detachment - Collision parameter b determines J - energy of departing electron carries information about final , J - this permits recording cross section as a function of J for each ! 77 associative electron detachment Interchannel coupling in associative detachment dramatically influences product state distribution Živanov, Allan, Čížek, Horáček, Thiel, Hotop, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2002) 78