Search for charged Higgs boson at CMS Aruna Kumar Nayak LIP, Lisbon Outline A Nayak, 09/08/2011 Brief theoretical overview Search strategies Results Summary DHEP Seminar, TIFR, Mumbai. 1 The Standard Model Standard Model is the most successful theory of particle physics Most of the particles of SM have been discovered and their properties have been measured precisely However, the Higgs boson (the fundamental ingredient of the model) is not yet discovered And there are also quite a few shortcomings. Naturalness or fine-tunning problem The radiative correction to the Higgs mass squared diverges quadratically ( ~L2, L is cut of scale). In order to keep the Higgs mass in the range of electroweak symmetry breaking scale, an unnatural fine adjustment of parameters is needed. Lack of Gauge Coupling Unification Electromagnetic, weak and Strong interactions do not converge at certain energy scale strong force Dark matter problem SM particles only account for a small fraction of the matter observed in the universe A Nayak, 09/08/2011 2 Supersymmetry SUSY postulates a new symmetry between bosons and fermions For each SM fermionic spin-½ field there is bosonic spin-0 partner with exactly the same gauge quantum numbers. Similarly, each SM spin-1 field has a SUSY spin-½ partner. Loops of particles and their supersymmetric partners have the ability to cancel the quadratic divergences in the Higgs field self-couplings hence solving the Naturalness problem. SUSY foresees unification of couplings at large energy scales ~ 1015 GeV Provides candidates for Dark Matter (LSP) A Nayak, 09/08/2011 3 MSSM Higgs Sector The MSSM Higgs Sector 2 Higgs doublets, 5 physical bosons 3 neutral ( H and h with CP even; A with CP odd ) 2 charged (H±) The observation of a charged Higgs boson will be an unambigous signature of new physics Controlled by two parameters at tree level tan (ratio between vacuum expectation values of the 2 Higgs fields) mA (mass of neutral CP-odd Higgs bosons) Other parameters are important for radiative corrections Here, we discuss only the search for a light charged Higgs boson in the decay of top quark. A Nayak, 09/08/2011 4 H+ in Top quark decay CMS-PAS-HIG-11-008 Production and decay at tree level depends on MA and tan = v1/v2 (ratio of the v.e.vs) Light charged Higgs (MH+ < Mtop) : Heavy charged Higgs (MH+ > Mtop) : Search assumption : mH+ < mt, t→H+b, H+→tn, BR(H+→tn) = 1 (high tan) Three search channels included D0 Note 5715-CONF 1) Hadronic tau decay, hadronic W decay (t + jets) : 2) Hadronic tau decay, leptonic W decay (m + t) : 3) Leptonic tau decay, leptonic W decay (e + m) : A Nayak, 09/08/2011 5 The Large Hadron Collider Superconducting magnets (NbTi) opperated at superfluid helium temp.(1.9K) and low vacuum (10-13 atm) 26.7 km pp (/heavy ion) collider located at swiss-french borders (CERN) close to Geneva reaching √s =7 TeV ( designed for 14 TeV ) Operating at instantaneous luminosity : L ~ 2 x10 33 cm-2s-1 Delivered integrated luminosity by 8th Aug : ~ 2.1 fb-1 Expected to go beyond 5 fb-1 in 2011 Analysis presented today with 2011 data Int. luminosity ~ 1 fb-1 A Nayak, 09/08/2011 6 The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector A Nayak, 09/08/2011 7 Hadronic Tau Identification • Tau decays To light leptons (e,μ) and 2 neutrinos with BR ~35% To hadrons(τh) and one neutrino with BR ~65 % Dominantly via π+/Κ+ ,ρ+ → π+π0 and a1 → π+π-π+(π+π0π0) Particle‐Flow based Algorithm : Hadron + Strips (HPS) algorithm • Decay mode Finding : Require there is a valid π,ρ,a1 combination (mass constraints on combination of particle candidates) • 3 possible isolation working points : Loose, medium, Tight depending on the cuts on particles in isolation cone • Electron rejection : Low electron compatibility for leading charged hadron • Muon rejection : Low muon compatibility for leading charged hadron A Nayak, 09/08/2011 8 Tau Identification Performance Commissioned in data : Fake rates for jets in di-jet events, W + jets and muon enriched sample Fake rates for electron/muons with tag & probe method using Z→ll sample Efficiency measured (1) using Ζ → tt → μ + th with tag and probe, (2) Simultaneous fit for tau id efficiency and Z→tt cross section and (3) comparison of measured Z→tt cross section to measured Z→ee,mm cross section at CMS A Nayak, 09/08/2011 CMS-PAS-TAU-11-001 9 b-Jet Tagging Track Counting b-Tagging Algorithm: b-tag discriminator = 3-dimentional impact parameter significance = IP/sIP Two variants : High Efficiency : Two tracks with IP3D significance above a given threshold Discriminator : IP3D significance of 2nd track High Purity : Three tracks with IP3D significance above a given threshold Discriminator : IP3D significance of 3rd track A Nayak, 09/08/2011 10 Muon + Hadronic tau decay 1.09 fb-1 of data used Main backgrounds : , W+jets g/q g Event Selection : Isolated single muon trigger (pT > 17 GeV/c) t t-jet t H+ b b nt nt t nl g/q W All physics objects are reconstructed using Particle Flow method with charged μ hadrons originating from pileup vertices removed. One isolated muon pT >20 GeV/c At least 2 jets pT>30 GeV/c (AK5, particle flow), |h| < 2.4 ET miss (particle flow) > 40 GeV One tau pT >20 GeV/c Opposite-Sign between muon and tau At least one b-jet , Track Counting High Efficiency Loose working point (At least two tracks with 3D impact parameter significance > 1.7) A Nayak, 09/08/2011 11 Muon Selection Preselection : 1 muon + 3 jets (2 jets pT > 30 GeV/c + 1 jet pT > 20 GeV/c) ID : Global muon prompt tight min tracker hits > 10, min muon hits > 1 c2/ndof < 10 Global & tracker muon p >20 GeV/c , |h| < 2.1 T |d0| < 200 mm R (muon, jet) > 0.3 PF isolation cone 0.3 , rel.iso. < 0.2 Loose muon (electron) veto pT >10 GeV/c (15 GeV/c) A Nayak, 09/08/2011 12 Jet Selection Preselection : 1 muon + 3 jets (2 jets pT > 30 GeV/c + 1 jet pT > 20 GeV/c) AK5 PFlow Jets p > 30 GeV/c, |h| < 2.4 T R (muon, jet) > 0.3 L1 FastJet + L2 (relative) +L3 (absolute) ,L2L3 Residual (data) A Nayak, 09/08/2011 13 MET and b-tagging MET distribution for events with one isolated muon and at least three jets A Nayak, 09/08/2011 B-tag jet multiplicity for events with one isolated muon+at least 3 jets +MET 14 Tau Selections Preselection : 1 muon + 3 jets + MET + ≥ 1 btag pT > 20 GeV/c, |h| < 2.4 Hadron Plus Strips loose isolation medium electron rejection, loose muon rejection Not used in the selection A Nayak, 09/08/2011 15 Muon + Tau event yields Event yields at each selection step An excess of event yields expected in the presence of charged Higgs boson A Nayak, 09/08/2011 16 Data driven t-fake background Fake Rates as function of jet pt Main background from “fake” tau jets W+≥1jet Data driven background estimation : - Select jets in events with : 1 lepton + MET + 3 jets + ≥ 1 b-tagged jet - Apply to every jet a “jettau probability (pt,eta,jet Width)” A Nayak, 09/08/2011 QCD 17 Jets in l+ETmiss+3Jets events Jets that can fake taus in events with : 1 isolated muon pT>20 GeV/c At least 2 jets with pT>30 GeV/c ( ≥ 1 b-tagged jet ) + 1 jet with pT>20 GeV (If there is only one b-tagged jet, it is not counted. However if there are more than one b-tag jet in an event, all of them are counted) MET > 40 GeV Dominated by W+jets and tt~ -> l+jets events A Nayak, 09/08/2011 18 Uncertainties t-fake background t-fakeon background fake rate applied in bins pT, eta, jet width MVA method is used to apply tau fake probability to jets. k Nearest Neighbour (kNN) is trained with jets passing/failing the tau discriminators closure test within uncertainty Contribution from real tau jets estimated from MC The fake-tau background is estimated at “tau selection step”. In order to get the estimated fake-tau background at “OS selection step” an efficiency 0.66 +/- 0.04 (estimated from MC) is applied. A Nayak, 09/08/2011 19 Uncertainties on t-fake background Systematics Uncertainty on tau ID efficiency : 7% JES,JER and MET uncertainty evaluated as function of jet pT and h (includes unc. due to pileup, jet flavor b-jet, unclustered jet energy) Uncertainty on ttbar cross section : 20% B-tagging/mis-tagging uncertainty : Data/MC scale factor for b-tagging efficiency and mis-tag rates used (CMS-PAS-BTV-11-001) to rescale MC and the corresponding uncertainty is propagated. muon trigger & ID & Isolation: 1% A Nayak, 09/08/2011 20 Muon + Tau event yields Summary of event yields after final selection Background measured from data Data agrees well with the SM expectations within the uncertainty NO excess observed A Nayak, 09/08/2011 21 Fully Hadronic final state 1.08 fb-1 of data used Main backgrounds: QCD multi-jet, ttbar, W+jets General selection strategy is to suppress QCD multi-jet background below ttbar and g/q g other backgrounds Event Selection : g/q Trigger: Single tau + ETmiss trigger HLT_IsoPFTau35_Trk20_MET45 (340 pb-1), t-jet t t H+ nt b b t q W- HLT_IsoPFTau35_Trk20_MET60 (740 nt pb-1) q HLT MET > 60 GeV required offline to have uniform thresholds Require one t jet pT > 40 GeV/c, pT(leading particle)>20 GeV/c, |h| < 2.4 Take as t-jet candidates the jets matching to the trigger t jets HPS, tight isolation, againstElectronMedium, againstMuonTight, one prong ETmiss (particle flow) > 70 GeV At least 3 jets (AntiKt 0.5, particle flow), p > 30 GeV/c, |h| < 2.4 T At least one b-tagged jet, Track Counting High Efficiency Loose working point (At least two tracks with 3D impact parameter significance > 1.7) A Nayak, 09/08/2011 22 Tau and ET miss Selection Distributions after t id, excluding tau isolation A Nayak, 09/08/2011 23 Jet selection Number of selected jets (pT > 30 GeV/c, |eta| < 2.4) after t id, lepton veto and MET cut, excluding tau isolation. A Nayak, 09/08/2011 Number of selected b-jets after t id, lepton veto, MET cut and jet number requirement, excluding tau isolation. B-tagging scale factors are applied. 24 Fully Hadronic Event Yields Event yields at each selection step An excess of event yields expected in the presence of charged Higgs boson A Nayak, 09/08/2011 Signal selection efficiency at each selection step 25 Background measurements QCD multi-jet background, measured from data Method based on factorisation of ETmiss + b-tagging from other selections Apply same selections like signal analysis but in different order. Factorize e(ETmiss + b-tagging ) at a selection level where QCD contribution dominates. e (ETmiss + b-tagging ) estimated in bins of t pT. EWK and tt~ background (genuine taus within pT, η acceptance), measured from data Based on tau embedding method Select events with only one isolated lepton (pT > 40 Gev/c, |h| < 2.1) and 3 jets (pT > 30 GeV/c, |h| < 2.4). Replace the muon by a fully simulated and reconstructed tau with same momentum. EWK and tt~ fake tau background (e/μ/jets mis-identified as taus, or genuine taus outside pT, η acceptance) Expected to be small, estimated from simulation A Nayak, 09/08/2011 26 Systematics A Nayak, 09/08/2011 27 Fully Hadronic Event Yields Summary of event yields after final selection The major backgrounds are measured from data Data agrees well with the SM expectations within the uncertainty NO excess observed A Nayak, 09/08/2011 28 Uncertainties t-fake em on final statebackground g/q g/q g t t H+ t b b W- 0.98 fb-1 of data used e/μ nl nt nt nl μ/e Tau decays leptonically Main background: Event selection: e-m trigger one e (pT>20 GeV/c ), one m (pT>20 GeV/c ) At least 2 jets (pT>30 GeV/c) A Nayak, 09/08/2011 Deficit of total events expected in the presence of charged Higgs boson, because e/m from t decay become soft 29 Uncertainties on t-fake background Systematics Low systematic uncertainty compared to other two channels b-tagging is not used A Nayak, 09/08/2011 30 Expected BR Uncertainties onevents t-fakevs background mth channel em channel x = BR(tbH+) Ntt (in presence of H+) = NWH 2(1-x)x + NHH x2 + NttSM (1-x)2 A Nayak, 09/08/2011 31 Statistical Interpretation A frequentist approach (CLs) is being used to obtain upper limit on BR(t-> bH+) Define a likelihood ratio Q : “r” is signal strength modifier Run 105 toy expts to generate -2lnQ distributions for “background only” and “background + signal” hypothesis Adjust “r” to get value of CLs = 0.05 A Nayak, 09/08/2011 32 Uncertainties Upper limitonont-fake BR (t background → H+b) fully hadronic muon+tau electron+muon 95 % CL upper limit on BR(t→H+b) using CLs method. The signal is modelled as the excess (or deficit) of events yields in presence of H+ Nexcess (deficit) A Nayak, 09/08/2011 = NttSUSY – NttSM = NWH 2(1-x)x + NHH x2 + NttSM ((1-x)2 – 1) , x = BR(t→H+b) 33 Results from Combination Uncertainties on t-fake background of three channels combination of the fully hadronic, muon + tau and electron + muon channels New World limit Tevatron limit : 0.15 – 0.2 A Nayak, 09/08/2011 exclusion region in MSSM (mhmax ) MH+-tan parameter space 34 Summary The charged Higgs boson in the decay of Top quark is searched assuming BR(H+→tn) = 1 Three search channels have been included : tau + jets, muon + tau and electron + muon Major backgrounds have been measured from data No significant excess/deficit of events have been observed Upper limit on BR(t→H+b) = 0.04 – 0.05 (new world limit) depending on H+ mass A Nayak, 09/08/2011 35 Thank You A Nayak, 09/08/2011 36 Previous limits on D0 BR Limit (multi-channel) + BR(tbH ) CMS BR Limit ( single channel) HIG-11-002 37 QCD multi-jet background Sample purity 60-90% A Nayak, 09/08/2011 38 EWK and tt~ tau background (genuine taus) data-driven Control sample selection One muon, pT > 40 GeV/c, |η|<2.1 •Isolation by requiring no HPSTight-quality PFCandidates in 0.1 < ΔR < 0.4 Veto of isolated electrons and other muons, pT > 15 GeV/c At least 3 PF jets, pT > 30 GeV/c, |η| < 2.4 Tau embedding at PF level Before isolation Simulate and reconstruct tau with same momentum as muon Normalisation Tau trigger efficiency MET trigger efficiency with After isolation ”vector sum caloMET” > 60 GeV Muon trigger and ID efficiency with Tag and Probe Result: 71 ± 5 (stat) ± 15 (syst) MC expectation: 78 ± 7 (stat) A Nayak, 09/08/2011 39 EWK and tt~ bkg measurement A Nayak, 09/08/2011 40