1 Radiation interaction with matter Centre de Toulouse 2 Outline Introduction Generalities cross section dE/dx LET and NIEL Proton electrons range, practical range Ionising and non ionising dose Conclusion Centre de Toulouse / DESP 3 Particles of interest protons [1MeV, 1GeV] electrons [10keV, 10 MeV] hn Photons x, g Centre de Toulouse / DESP ions [1 MeV/uma, 1 GeV/uma] 4 GENERAL : Energy loss by unit path length Assuming a straight line trajectory dx E - dE E dE Interaction Centre de Toulouse / DESP dE dx Nature of the medium e- e- e- e- Si Electrons act as a viscous medium that slow down incident particle Si e- Si e- e- Si e- e- Nuclear Reaction a) v Si e- eSi e- e- e- Si v Si e- e- e- Si e- e- e- Si e- e- e- e- e- e- Si 7 e- silicium e- e- Si e- e- In addition, the probability to encounter a nuclei is not nul Centre de Toulouse / DESP Incident particle Incident particle Si v e- e- Coulombic Scattering 5,4 A 0,9 A b) Ionisation and Displacement for charged particles 8 interaction with electrons - ionisation - Coulombic inelastic scattering interstitial interaction with nuclei - displacements - elastic scattering - nuclear reaction Centre de Toulouse / DESP vacancy 9 Total stopping power nucleus e- dE dE dE dE dE dE dE dx dx Total dx dx nuclear dx dx electronic dx ray Total nuclear electronic NIEL + phonon Not negligeable for low energy protons Centre de Toulouse / DESP Bremsstrahlung Not negligeable for energetic electron in heavy material Ionising stopping power 12 Proton stopping power slowing down of particles Unit : MeV/mm or MeV/mg.cm2 1.E + 05 P ro to n Io n s in S ilic o n S ilicium L ithium 2 L E T (M e V /g .c m ) 1.E + 04 1.E + 03 1.E + 02 1.E + 01 1.E -01 1.E + 00 1.E + 01 E ne rg y (M e V ) Centre de Toulouse / DESP is proportional to density dE/dx is maximal when incident & target particle are identical r B ra g g P e a k 1.E -02 dE/dx 1.E + 02 slowing down of particles 13 Stopping power of electrons 1.E + 02 Hyd ro g e n dE/dx is proportional to specific gravity dE/dx is maximal when incident & target particle are identical A lum inium 2 L E T (M e V /g .c m ) Lead r B ra g g P e a k E le c tro ns 1.E + 01 1.E + 00 1.E -02 1.E -01 1.E + 00 E ne rg y (M e V ) Centre de Toulouse / DESP 1.E + 01 P 14 Displacement damages vacancy interstitial Centre de Toulouse / DESP 21 Protons P Nuclear reaction E 10 MeV 1 MeV displacement 0,1 MeV P 188 eV Elastic scattering - Coulombic scattering - nuclear scattering In silicon 1 eV Centre de Toulouse / DESP No more displacement Recoil energy < 25 eV 22 Interaction of Charged particles with matter : electrons E Gamma g - rays emission Bremsstrahlung 1 MeV Some displacements - Coulombic scattering 250 keV In silicon No more displacement Recoil energy < 25 eV Centre de Toulouse / DESP Bremsstrahlung : Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter l 23 g - rays E 1 pm 1 MeV 10 nm 100 eV Gamma ray emission by interaction with electric field of the atom of the target Ia Zincident Ztarget Mincident 2 400 nm 3 eV 750 nm 1 eV 1 mm 10-3 eV m Centre de Toulouse / DESP Proton Electron negligeable Heavy material large Mincident with large Ztarget 24 The range is deduced from the stopping power depth Range > depth d is trib u tio n 120 80 p ractical ran g e ran g e 40 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 100 80 d is trib u tio n dx D iffe re n tia l p a th le n g th dE dE T ra n s m is s io n ra te (% ) Al 13 1 MeV electron beam In te g r a te d p a th le n g th range ( E ) 1 27 Material surface Range of particles m ean crossed th ickn ess Mean penetration depth 60 p ractical ran g e 40 ran g e 1 M e V e le c tro n in A l 20 0 0 0 .5 1 1 .5 A lu m in u m th ickn ess [m m ] Centre de Toulouse / DESP 2 25 Range of protons & ions Protons in different materials Ions in silicon 1.E+00 1 .E +0 1 hydrogen P ro to n aluminum 1.E-01 1 .E +0 0 lead S ilico n L ithium 1 .E -0 1 Range (g/cm2) 2 R a n g e s (g /c m ) 1.E-02 1.E-03 Protons 1.E-04 1 .E -0 2 1 .E -0 3 1 .E -0 4 Io ns in S ilic io n 1.E-05 1 .E -0 5 1.E-06 1.E-03 1 .E -0 6 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 Energy (MeV) Centre de Toulouse / DESP 1.E+01 1.E+02 1 .E -0 2 1 .E -0 1 1 .E +0 0 1 .E +0 1 E ne rg y (M e V ) 1 .E +0 2 26 Range of electrons 1.E+02 100 hydrogen aluminum 1.E+01 Aluminum thickness (mm) lead Parcours (g/cm2) 1.E+00 1.E-01 Electrons 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-02 10 Practical range Practical range (10% transmission rate) Mean crossed thickness (50% transmission rate) Range 1 0.1 0.01 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 Energie (MeV) 1.E+02 1.E+03 0.001 0.01 0.1 Energy (MeV) Centre de Toulouse / DESP 1 10 27 Order of magnitude Centre de Toulouse / DESP 28 trajectories Aluminium Proton (100 MeV) 100 MeV protons in Al 10 MeV electrons in Al Bremsstrahlung Tr ac e d'un ion c ar bone de 1 5 0 Me V dans du s ilic ium Aluminium 1 E +0 0 1 E -0 1 84 MeV Carbon in Silicon 1 E -0 2 5,99 µm Electrons (1 MeV) 1 E -0 4 1E+14 1 E -0 5 1E+16 1 E -0 6 2 E+20 1 E -0 7 1 E -0 8 4E+20 3E+20 5E+20 8 E+20 1 E -0 9 1E+21 1 E -1 0 0 18 36 54 72 89 10 7 12 5 14 3 16 1 17 9 19 7 2 15 2 3 3 2 5 1 2 6 8 2 8 6 3 0 4 3 2 2 3 4 0 3 5 8 3 6 3 t h i c k n e s s ( µm ) 150 M e V 90 M e V Centre de Toulouse / DESP 5 M eV dire c tion de l'ion 1E+19 3 E +21 r ay ( g/c m ²) 1 E -0 3 Back-scattered electron 1 MeV electrons in Al 29 Ionising and non ionising dose Dose is the averaged energy deposited by unit of mass : Surface S dx h atoms/cm3 dna scattered particles J/ kg = Gray 1 Gray = 100 rad Flux F Deposited energy DE Incident Number of particle Dose Volume Centre de Toulouse / DESP F S dE S dx r Mass F 1 dE r dx FF. LET NIEL Ionising Dose : Normaly incident protons 30 1200 do s e fo r 1 0 150 keV +10 p/c m2 400 keV 1000 D o s e (G ra y ) 800 30 kev 1 MeV 10 MeV Due to straggling and scattering 600 400 Compromise between the increase of the LET and the decrease of the flux due to scattering 200 0 0 .0 0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 1 T h ic k n e s s (g /c m 2 ) Centre de Toulouse / DESP 0 .1 1 31 27 Al Al 13 120 d is trib u tio n D iffe re n tia l p a th le n g th Material surface Ionising Dose : Normaly incident electrons 80 p rac tic al ran g e ran g e 40 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 80 distrib ution Transm ission rate (% ) Integr ated path le ngth 100 m e a n c ro s s e d th ic k n e s s 60 p ra c tic a l ra n g e 40 ra n g e 1 M e V e le c tro n in A l Peack smoother than for protons as electrons are largely scattered 20 0 0 0 .5 1 1 .5 A lu m in u m th ic k n e s s [m m ] Centre de Toulouse / DESP 2 32 Ionising Dose : Normaly incident electrons + Bremsstrahlung Electrons, incidence 30deg, 400keV,in aliminum 1.E+01 1.E+00 Bragg Peak 1.E-01 1.E-02 Dose enhancement 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 0.00001 gamma Dose (Gy) densite = 2.7 g/cm3 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 Thickness (mm) Centre de Toulouse / DESP 1 10 100 1000 33 Mission ionising dose : LEO, GEO 1.E+ 05 LEO O R BIT (S p o t) T rap p ed elec tro ns Infinite s lab 1.E +07 1.E+ 03 1.E+ 02 1.E+ 01 1.E+ 00 Total 1.E- 01 1.E +04 1.E +03 G EO O R BIT 1.E +02 1.E +01 Trapped electrons, AE8M in S o lar m axim um Infinite S lab 1.E +00 1.E- 03 1E -5 1.E +05 Trapped protons, AP 8M in S olar flare P rotons, F eynman M in 1.E- 02 T rap p ed p ro to ns 1.E +06 D o se A l (G y /y ear) D O S E A l (G ray s/y ear) 1.E+ 04 S o lar flare p ro to ns 1.E +08 1.E -01 1E -4 1E -3 1E -2 1E -1 1E +0 T hic knes s Al (g/c m2) Centre de Toulouse / DESP 1E +1 1E +2 1E-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Thickness (m m ) 10 100 1000 34 Mission ionising dose : GPS Centre de Toulouse / DESP 37 Conclusion Electron act as a viscous medium that slow down incident charged particles Interaction with electron produce ionisation (LET) Interaction with nuclei produce displacement (NIEL) Ionising and non ionising dose (Energy deposited by unit of mass) Centre de Toulouse / DESP 38 Conclusion LET is used to quantify SEE effects (sSEU(LET)) NIEL is used to quantify degradation of optoelectronic components Dose is used to quantify degradation of electronic devices ( MOS, Bipolar) LET, NIEL and dose are the fondemental parameters used to quantify many degradations induced by space radiations Centre de Toulouse / DESP