Momentum Multiple Choice

Chapter 6
When a farmer throws a 3-kg pumpkin
at a speed of 4 m/s onto a compost pile,
the pumpkin’s momentum just before
hitting the pile is
0 kg•m/s.
5 kg•m/s.
7 kg•m/s.
12 kg•m/s.
When a farmer throws a 3-kg pumpkin
at a speed of 4 m/s onto a compost pile,
the pumpkin’s momentum just before
hitting the pile is
0 kg•m/s.
5 kg•m/s.
7 kg•m/s.
12 kg•m/s.
Compared with the momentum of a
200-lb man running 10 mi/h, the
momentum of a 2000-lb car moving
1 mph is
the same.
Compared with the momentum of a
200-lb man running 10 mi/h, the
momentum of a 2000-lb car moving
1 mph is
the same.
A lunar vehicle is tested on Earth at a
speed of 10 km/h. When it travels at the
same speed on the Moon, its momentum is
a. the same.
b. less.
c. more.
d. zero.
A lunar vehicle is tested on Earth at a
speed of 10 km/h. When it travels at the
same speed on the Moon, its momentum is
a. the same.
b. less.
c. more.
d. zero.
When both the force and time of
contact are doubled, the impulse on an
object is
a. unchanged.
b. doubled.
c. quadrupled.
d. decreased.
When both the force and time of
contact are doubled, the impulse on an
object is
a. unchanged.
b. doubled.
c. quadrupled.
d. decreased.
Your friend says that impulse equals
momentum. Your friend’s statement is
not correct, and the missing word is
a. work.
b. acceleration.
c. speed or velocity.
d. change.
Your friend says that impulse equals
momentum. Your friend’s statement is
not correct, and the missing word is
a. work.
b. acceleration.
c. speed or velocity.
d. change.
If a car comes to a full stop when
hitting a haystack and when hitting a
stone wall, the change in momentum is
greater for hitting the
a. haystack.
b. stone wall.
c. Same momentum change in both cases.
d. None of the above.
If a car comes to a full stop when
hitting a haystack and when hitting a
stone wall, the change in momentum is
greater for hitting the
a. haystack.
b. stone wall.
c. Same momentum change in both cases.
d. None of the above.
A 1-kg ball has the same speed as a
10-kg ball. Compared with the 1-kg
ball, the 10-kg ball has
less momentum.
the same momentum.
10 times as much momentum.
100 times as much momentum.
A 1-kg ball has the same speed as a
10-kg ball. Compared with the 1-kg
ball, the 10-kg ball has
less momentum.
the same momentum.
10 times as much momentum.
100 times as much momentum.
Which of the following equations
most directly illustrates the safety value
of automobile airbags?
a. F = ma.
b. Ft = ∆(mv).
c. d = 1/2 at2.
d. v = gt.
Which of the following equations
most directly illustrates the safety value
of automobile airbags?
a. F = ma.
b. Ft = ∆(mv).
c. d = 1/2 at2.
d. v = gt.
A ball is tossed into a bale of hay and
comes to a stop. If instead, it comes to a
stop when hitting a sticky solid wall, the
impulse needed to stop it is
a. less.
b. the same.
c. more.
d. zero.
A ball is tossed into a bale of hay and
comes to a stop. If instead, it comes to a
stop when hitting a sticky solid wall, the
impulse needed to stop it is
a. less.
b. the same.
c. more.
d. zero.
When a falling object bounces as it
hits the ground
a. the impulse on it is greater than for stopping it.
b. its change in momentum is greater than for
c. Both of these.
d. None of these.
When a falling object bounces as it
hits the ground
a. the impulse on it is greater than for stopping it.
b. its change in momentum is greater than for
c. Both of these.
d. None of these.
When you jump from an elevated
position to the ground below, the force
you experience when landing does NOT
depend on
the jumping height.
the softness or hardness of the ground.
how much you bend your knees.
your attitude about jumping.
When you jump from an elevated
position to the ground below, the force
you experience when landing does NOT
depend on
the jumping height.
the softness or hardness of the ground.
how much you bend your knees.
your attitude about jumping.
Nets used to catch falling boulders on
the side of rocky hillside roadways are
more effective than rigid fences because
their breakage is reduced by
a. less impulse of falling rocks.
b. less momentum of falling rocks.
c. more time to change the momentum of falling
d. less time to change the momentum of falling
Nets used to catch falling boulders on
the side of rocky hillside roadways are
more effective than rigid fences because
their breakage is reduced by
a. less impulse of falling rocks.
b. less momentum of falling rocks.
c. more time to change the momentum of falling
d. less time to change the momentum of falling
When you say momentum is
conserved, you mean that
a. when an impulse acts on an object, its
momentum will change.
b. momentum can be stored.
c. when external impulses don’t occur, a system’s
momentum remains the same before and after
an interaction.
d. when two objects collide, the mass and
velocity of each object will not change.
When you say momentum is
conserved, you mean that
a. when an impulse acts on an object, its
momentum will change.
b. momentum can be stored.
c. when external impulses don’t occur, a system’s
momentum remains the same before and after
an interaction.
d. when two objects collide, the mass and
velocity of each object will not change.
In the absence of external forces,
momentum is conserved in
an elastic collision.
an inelastic collision.
either an elastic or an inelastic collision.
neither an elastic nor an inelastic collision.
In the absence of external forces,
momentum is conserved in
an elastic collision.
an inelastic collision.
either an elastic or an inelastic collision.
neither an elastic nor an inelastic collision.
A pair of spiral galaxies collide and
merge to form one larger elliptical galaxy.
Astronomers assume that the momentum
of the new elliptical galaxy is
a. equal to the sum of the momenta of two spiral
b. equal to the difference in momenta of the two
spiral galaxies.
c. the same as the momentum of the more massive
spiral galaxy.
d. zero.
A pair of spiral galaxies collide and
merge to form one larger elliptical galaxy.
Astronomers assume that the momentum
of the new elliptical galaxy is
a. equal to the sum of the momenta of two spiral
b. equal to the difference in momenta of the two
spiral galaxies.
c. the same as the momentum of the more massive
spiral galaxy.
d. zero.