Chapter 10 Function of the Sensory Organs Huang Qin information(internal and external world) Different energy forms sensory system: of information: process afferent sensory information Pressure Temperature Light Odorant awareness Sound wave Chemical Skin Muscle viscera Visual Auditory Vestibular Chemical special sensory system Sensory Physiology Section A Sensory Functions of Nervous System Some General Principles Section B Special Sensory System Vision Hearing Section A Sensory Functions of Nervous System General Principles Sensory System: sensory receptor : structure that receive stimulus from the external or internal environment neural pathway (conduct information : receptors brain or spinal cord) some part of the brain (deal primarily with processing the information) sensory information awareness: no awareness: hot blood pressure fluctuate Sensory Processing steps: Hearing Sensory system sound waves Telephone equipment sound waves receptor potentials action potentials code CNS (physiology) hearing electrical impulse Receiver (physics) sound waves Sensory receptors General classes of receptors (by the sensitive type of energy) Mechanoreceptor Thermoreceptor eletromagnetic receptor Chemoreceptor Nociceptor (伤害性~) 1.Adequate stimulus of receptors Each of the sensory receptors responds much more readily to one form of energy than to others. Adequate stimulus : the type of energy to which a particular receptor responds sensitively in normal function. light energy sound energy a poke in eye light receptor light 2.Transduction of receptors Sensory receptor (energy forms ---electrical language) 1.separate cell 2.specialized ending of afferent neuron 发生器电位 感受器电位 generator potential Receptor potential Receptor/generator potential 不具有“全或无”性质 有总和现象 呈电紧张形式短距离扩布 action potential 3.Coding action of receptors (energy forms ---electrical language) 基本信息:刺激的模式、强度、部位、时间 刺激的强度 感受器 单一神经纤维上冲动频率 传输的神经纤维数目 4. Adaptation of receptors Adaptation Rapidly adapting receptors: clothes pressing on one’s skin Slowly adapting receptors: joint and muscle receptors: standing for long time Visual Function of Eye Adequate stimulus: electromagnetic wave of 370-740 nm 外层:角膜、巩膜 中层:脉络膜、睫状体、虹膜 内层:视网膜 Optics characteristics of dioptric system of eye Optical system: Cornea Aqueous humor Crystalline lens Vitreous humor (body) scatter concave lens focus convex lens Reduced eye ab/AB=bn/Bn Simplified schematically ab=AB*bn/Bn The parallel rays focus on the retina (6 m away) The scattering rays focus behind the retina (within 6 m) Accommodation of eye 1. lens change to convex: near object→blurred image →Via the optic nerve to the visual cortex →midbrain →Parasympathetic fibers →contraction of the ciliary muscle →loose of the zonular fibers →increases curvature of the lens →the image moves forward to the retina → clear vision meters 6 meters Near point:means the minimum distance that the eye can see the object clearly. depends on : flexibility of the lens Age The flexibility decreases, the accommodation decreases too, the near point moves away from cornea. (presbyopia) 2.pupillary constriction: function: control the light --- eye reduces spherical and chromatic aberrations Parasympathetic fiber in the oculomotor nerve→Contraction of the sphincter of iris 3.convergence of the eyeball (eye axle) Function: ensures the rays from the object to fall on the corresponding part of each retina (diplopia, double vision) Oculomotor nerve→Contraction of the two medial rectus muscles Pupillary light reflex Means that the size of pupil changes with the intensity of rays. 1.5 ~ 8.0 mm Rays → retina → tectum of midbrain → E-W’s nucleus → Parasympathetic fiber in the oculomotor nerve → Contraction of the sphincter of pupil(both side) Significance:regulates the ray amount entering eye,protects the retina diagnose normal far object myopia abnormal accommodation concave lens near object hyperopia Astigmatism convex lens cylindrical lens 眼的折光能力和调节能力异常 1.近视: 原因:眼球前后径过长或眼折光过度,使远处 物体发来的平行光线聚焦于视网膜之前 而致物象模糊,近点移近。 矫正: 凹透镜 2.远视: 原因:眼球前后径过短,少数因眼折光能力不 足,使远处物体发来的平行光线聚焦于 视网膜之后而致视物模糊,近点移远。 矫正: 凸透镜 3. 散光: 原因:折光表面不呈正球面,如角膜,远物发 来的平行光线有的聚焦于视网膜的前方, 有的聚焦于视网膜的后方,引起视物模糊 或变形。 矫正:适当的柱面镜 Retina Structure of retina and two photosensory transduction system Retinal layers: ①pigment epithelial layer (melanin granule and vitA) protection and nutrition ( to Photoreceptor cell) ② Photoreceptor cell layer 视杆 Outer segment: (visual pigment) rod: thin,rod-like cone: conical Inner segment: Cell body: Synaptic terminals: 视锥 rod cone 视杆细胞外段的超微结构和感受器电位 光-电转换的关键部位:外段 静息电位:约为-30mV~-40mV 机制:无光照时视杆细胞的外段膜对Na+有 较大的通透性,使Na+有一定程度的 内流所致 感受器电位:超极化型慢电位 机制:光量子被视紫红质吸收→视蛋白变构 →传递蛋白激活→磷酸二脂酶激活→ cGMP大量分解→外段膜Na+通道开放减少 Na+ -→超级化型感受器电位-电紧张形式→ - 视终足,影响终足处的递质释放。 --- ③bipolar cell layer(双极细胞) Connect to synaptic terminals and ganglion cell ④ ganglion cell layer (神经节细胞) Two photosensory transduction system items cone system distribution center(more) transmit : convergence low visual pigment iodopsin(3) light sensitivity bad vision photopic visual acuity good Resolving power good color vision yes animal species chicken rod system peripheral(more) high rhodopsin better scotopic bad bad no Owl Mechanism of photosensory transduction in Rods dark rhodopsin rhodopsin light scotopsin 11-cisretinene VitA 11-transretinene No VitA: nyctalopia(night blindness) Mechanism of photosensory transduction in Rods dark rhodopsin iodopsin light 3 proteins 11-cisretinene VitA 11-transretinene No VitA: nyctalopia(night blindness) rhodopsin in rods dark bright compose decompose 视网膜的视觉信息处理 (Information disposal of retina) 光照→感光细胞产生感受器电位→电紧张性扩布 →突触前膜释放递质→双极细胞发生慢电位变化 →神经节细胞产生动作电位→视神经→视觉中枢 →产生视觉。 Dark adaptation the process that when a person goes into a dark room,he can see something after sometime. Rhodopsin synthesis increases Light adaptation the process that when a person goes into a light place,he can see something clearly after a few seconds. (Rhodopsin decomposes, cone system is working) Tricolor theory of color vision iodopsin: red-sensitive cones green-sensitive cones blue-sensitive cones combination of blue, green and red cones trichromat dichromat monochromat(全色盲) Visual acuity: means the maximal ability that eyes distinguish the minimum distance of two points. Photo receptor cell Visual field the entire field of vision of an individual eye which only looks on one point. temporal nasal halves C10 SENSE ORGANS - Define sensory receptor and sensory transduction. -How is imformation about stimulus intensity coded by the nervous system? - Describe accomriodation of eyes. -Compare the characteristics of rods and cones. -Describe the mechanism of photoreceptor cell potential generation. -List the sequence of events that occurs between the entry of a sound wave into the external auditory canal and the firing of action potentials in the cochlear nerve. - Describe vestibular apparatus and edequaate stimulus. -What is the relationship betweet head movement and cupula movement in a semicircular canal?