How is Technical & Regulatory Examination carried out in the BR - a detailed view Possible Interference Scenarios GSO SATELLITES INTERFERENCE Non-GSO SATELLITES TRANSMITTING EARTH STATION RECEIVING EARTH STATION TERRESTRIAL STATION Satellite filings by administrations have two basic objectives: -Interference-free operation -international recognition by recording frequency assignments and, as appropriate, orbital positions used or intended to be used in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) Two approaches for sharing orbit / spectrum resource: Coordination Approach Efficiency ↔ First come, first served for actual requirements Planning Approach Equitable access ↔ Plan for future use We shall focus upon the: Coordination Approach COORDINATION means Obligatory NEGOTIATION between Administrations to arrive at ” interference-free” operation by following the processes and Procedures described in Radio Regulations Radio Regulationsa binding international treaty (No. 31 of the ITU Constitution) Mechanisms in Radio Regulations to control interference Article 5 ALLOCATION Frequency separation of stations of different radio services POWER LIMITS Article 21 & 22 Power Flux Density - to protect Terrestrial from Space services EIRP Protect Space from Terrestrial services REGULATORY PROTECTION e.g. No. 22.2 Non-GSO to protect GSO (FSS and BSS) EPFD Protect GSO from Non-GSO Radio Regulation Procedures for the `Coordination Approach’ Article 9 Consolidates all coordination procedures Article 11 & Resolution 33 Provisions detailing the requirement for notification/recording of frequency assignments Radio Regulation Procedures for the `Coordination Approach’ Appendix 4 Specifies data elements Appendix 5 Criteria for identification of administrations with which coordination is to be effected or agreement sought Coordination is central to the three stage process : Advance Publication of Information (API) Submission of advance information that is published by the BR Exam. by BR to establish Coordination Findings, coordination Requirements and to publish . Coordination is then carried out by the responsible administration. Notification & Recording in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) Examination of the Notification, checking of Coordordination Agreements & Recording in MIFR Advance Publication of Information (API) Let us now focus on the process of coordination to establish Findings and coordination Requirements Coordination Notification & Recording in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) Coordination Examination comprises of two parts: No. 9.35 (11.31) Compliance with Table of Frequency Allocation No. 9.36: Identify any administration with which coordination may need to be effected No. 9.35 (11.31) Compliance with Table of Frequency Allocation refers to: Conformity with the `Table of Frequency Allocations’ (Article 5) Successful application of No.9.21 (when reqd.) Conformity with other procedures i.e. Rules of Procedure (RoP) No. 9.35 (11.31) Compliance with Table of Frequency Allocation refers to: Conformity with the `Table of Frequency Allocations’ If Successful Compliance exists –Conformity (Article FINDING 5) application is `FAVOURABLE ’with other procedures of i.e. Rules of If Compliance does NOT exist – No.9.21 Procedure FINDING is `UNFAVOURABLE ‘ (when reqd.) (RoP) For the frequency assignments in a satellite network – how does BR check Compliance with Table of Freq. Allocations ? Let us first get….. …….an overview of the entire process of checking compliance with the Table of freq. allocations (Art.5) No. 9.35 (11.31) PREPARATION of Network summary SNS (Ingres) – BR’s Primary database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS SNS Online (Network Analysis) Check for applicable provisions of Article 5 Network/Frequency Assignments/Provisions Summary Manual check (No software tool exists) Network data is stored here GIMS & SRS_ALL (BR’s secondary data-base – derived from SNS) are used for coordination examination Special query & Network Analysis query on SNS online ( produce summary of network – freq. bandwidth Class of stns. Beams ………… shown in the next slide…… No. 9.35 (11.31) Check for Compliance and applicable Provisions Extract of Table of Frequency Allocations (Article 5) Extract from SNS Online ( ) Footnote No. 9.35 (11.31) Check for Compliance and applicable Provisions Applicable Provisions Satellite Network ID Admin Longitude 2D Date Sp Section No SISCOMIS-6 103520253 B 84°W 04.12.2003 CR/C/ Applicable provisions 9.7 9.7A 9.7B 9.42 Ap30 Ap30A Res77 Res84 Res539 Res33 3 X Res 33 2.1 9.11 9.11A 9.12 9.12A 9.13 9.14 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.21/C X X X Network summary Transmit beams Freq. [MHz] Assigned Bandwidth [kHz] Freq. Band [MHz] 7345 60000 7315 - 7375 7450 – 7750 (4 frequency assignments) 4 Class of Station 218 EG, EJ, EU x 7449.998 7750.002 Another Example of BCN Remarks No.9.21 ← No.5.461 *Hard PFD limits of Art.21 apply (Coordination requirements under No.9.21/C not necessary) EK X Unfavourable N X / No.11.31 See item 3 of RoP on No.1.23 Receive beam Freq. [MHz] Assigned Bandwidth [kHz] Freq. Band [MHz] Class of Station 220 7995 60000 7965 - 8025 EG, EJ, EU x Remarks No.9.21 ← No.5.461 Checking for applicable provisions of Article 5 & conformity with Rules of Procedure (RoP) Checking compliance with Table of freq. allocations (Art.5) No. 9.35 (11.31) PFD Examination SNS (Ingres) – Primary database SNS Online GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS (Network Analysis) Check for applicable provisions of Article 5 Network/Frequency Assignments/Provisions Summary NGSO Manual PFD Examination GSO PFD Program exists to check Hard EIRP & PFD Limits) PFD.LST (Text Report) (Used to manually indicate unfavourable assignments/groups of freq. assignments) PFD Examination Compliance with EIRP & PFD hard limits is checked (Art.21 & 22, Resolutions, Footnotes). Freq. assignments are given `unfavourable’ findings when these limits are exceeded No. 9.35 (11.31) PFD Examination – Cont. GIBC – PFD Program (To check with Hard EIRP/PFD Limits) GIBC is not for N-GSO networks (PFD Calculated manually) 1. Enter Network ID 2. Select Exam. Type: Hard Limits 3. Start Program GIBC Graphical Interface for Batch Calculations Software-tool used for PFD Exam No. 9.35 (11.31) PFD Examination (Cont.) – PFD.LST (Text Report) Group Id. Transmit beam Frequency Assignment Worst case location where the PFD excess is maximum. PFD PFD Limit Excess N- Finding PFD Examination (Cont.) No. 9.35 (11.31) BatchResults.mdb (Access Database) Fdg_ref Table Grp Table Unfavourable Finding designated by N- Provision No.21.16 X/21.16 → Not in accordance with No.21.16 No. 9.35 (11.31) Checking compliance with Table of freq. allocations (Art.5) SPLITS SNS (Ingres) – Primary database SNS Online GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS (Network Analysis) Check for applicable provisions of Article 5 Network/Frequency Assignments/Provision s Summary NGSO Manual PFD Examination GSO PFD Program exists to check Hard EIRP & PFD Limits) PFD.LST (Text Report) (Used to manually indicate unfavourable assignments/groups of freq. assignments) Split Groups of freq. assignments For network preparation (e.g. provisions) and for unfavourable findings (N-) Results.mdb (Access Database) (Groups split according to findings & contains data for entire network) SPLITS Groups of frequency assignments are then split according to the applicable RR provisions & `Findings’ (Favourable & Unfavourable). SPLITS – Cont. No. 9.35 (11.31) Split Groups – According to the applicable Provisions for Network Preparation This group of frequencies (having 16 frequencies) is split into two groups. Provision No.9.7 is applicable to the first group and Provisions Nos.9.7 & Appendix30 # 7.1 to the second group 9.7 9.7 AP30#7.1 Second Group First Group No. 9.35 (11.31) SPLITS (Cont.) Split Groups – According to Findings No. 9.35 (11.31) Checking compliance with Table of freq. allocations (Art.5) MERGE SNS (Ingres) – Primary database GIMS Data SNS Online SRS_ALL & GIMS (Network Analysis) Check for applicable provisions of Article 5 Network/Frequency Assignments/Provision s Summary NGSO Manual PFD Examination PFD.LST (Text Report) (Used to manually indicate unfavourable assignments/groups of freq. assignments) Split Groups For network preparation (e.g. provisions) and for unfavourable findings (N-) MERGE GSO PFD Program exists to check Hard EIRP & PFD Limits) Results.mdb (Access Database) (Groups split according to findings & contains data for entire network) Finally the data is merged with the SNS `Primary data base’. SNS (Ingres) – Primary database SUMMARY OF STEPS - Checking compliance with Table of freq. allocations (Art.5) PREPARATION of Network summary SNS (Ingres) – Primary database GIMS Data SNS Online SRS_ALL & GIMS (Network Analysis) Check for applicable provisions of Article 5 Network/Frequency Assignments/Provision s Summary SPLITS NGSO Manual PFD Examination PFD Examination GSO PFD Program exists to check Hard EIRP & PFD Limits) PFD.LST (Text Report) (Used to manually indicate unfavourable assignments/groups of freq. assignments) Split Groups For network preparation (e.g. provisions) and for unfavourable findings (N-) Results.mdb (Access Database) (Groups split according to findings & contains data for entire network) MERGE SNS (Ingres) – Primary database No.9.36 To Establish coordination requirements - the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS BSS Plan Database These data-bases are updated every week These data-bases are required for establishing coordination requirements Terrestrial Data-base No.9.36 To Establish coordination requirements - the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS Terrestrial Data-base BSS Plan Database GSO 9.7 9.21/A RS33#3 GSO 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 AP30A #7.1 AP30 #7.1 GSO NGSO GSO 9.13 9.21/B 9.12 9.12A 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 Provisions applicable for a satellite network Have been identified and listed in the `Network – Summary ‘ Coordination requirements under various applicable provisions are established by utilising different data-bases, as shown No.9.36 To Establish coordination requirements - the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS Terrestrial Data-base BSS Plan Database GSO 9.7 9.21/A RS33#3 GIBC AP8 GSO 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 PFD - Trigger Graphical Interface for Batch calculations AP30A #7.1 AP8 AP30 #7.1 PXT GSO NGSO GSO 9.13 9.21/B 9.12 9.12A 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 FOS (Freq Overlap with Space Services) FOT (Freq Overlap with Terrestrial Services) Software tools – GIBC, FOS, FOT - suitably selected to establish coordination requirements To Establish coordination requirements - the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required No.9.36 Use of GIBC tool for AP8 calculations SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS Terrestrial Data-base BSS Plan Database GSO 9.7 9.21/A RS33#3 GIBC AP8 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 PFD - Trigger 1. Enter Network Id (e.g. 109520044) 2. Click the start button GSO AP30A #7.1 AP8 AP30 #7.1 PXT GSO NGSO GSO 9.13 9.21/B 9.12 9.12A 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 FOS (Freq Overlap with Space Services) FOT (Freq Overlap with Terrestrial Services) No.9.36 Examination under Appendix 8 – output files/data-bases APP8.LST Coordination requirments Established under these Provisions → Text Report DT/T > 6% Incoming network (Network under examination) Existing network Coordination Arc DT/T 9.21/A RS33#3 AP30A#7.1 * * Requires BSS Plans database No.9.36 Examination under Appendix 8 – output files/data-bases Coordination requirements established under these Provisions Coordination Arc DT/T 9.21/A RS33#3 AP30A#7.1 No.9.36 Examination under Appendix 8 – output files/data-bases NTW.LST → Text Report List of satellite Network for which Delta T/T > 6% or which are within Coord. Arc A = Recorded in MIFR / Already published T = Under examination N = Notification C = Coordination C = Causing Interference R = Receiving Interference A = Coordination Arc No.9.36 Examination under Appendix 8 – output files/data-bases BatchResults.mdb → Access Database This table contains Coordination provision and the names of countries Provn Table This table contains names of satellite networks Tr_aff_ntw No.9.36 Use of GIBC tool For PFD Trigger check To Establish the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS Terrestrial Data-base BSS Plan Database Enter Network Id. GSO GSO 9.7 9.21/A RS33#3 GIBC 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 AP30A AP30 #7.1Select #7.1 `Triggers’ For PFD AP8 PFD - Trigger AP8 .MDB .MDB .MDB Click Start PXT .MDB GSO NGSO GSO 9.13 9.21/B 9.12 9.12A 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 FOS (Freq Overlap with Space Services) .MDB FOT (Freq Overlap with Terrestrial Services) .MDB No.9.36 Examination against PFD Trigger limits – output files/data-bases PFD.LST → Text Report This report contains list of Countries where PFD coordination trigger limit is exceeded. With the amount of excess Group ID Beam A- Finding PFD Limit Frequency Assignment Names of countries over which PFD coordination trigger limits are exceeded. Excess over the limit is also shown No.9.36 Examination against PFD Trigger limits – output files/data-bases BatchResults.mdb → Access Database This data-base contains List of Countries where PFD coordination trigger limit is exceeded. Provn Table No.9.36 To Establish the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required Use of GIBC Tool For PXT Exam (AP30#7.1) 1. Enter Network Id. 2. Click Start SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS Terrestrial Data-base BSS Plan Database GSO GIBC GSO 9.7 9.21/A RS33#3 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 AP30A #7.1 AP30 #7.1 AP8 PFD - Trigger AP8 PXT .MDB .MDB .MDB .MDB GSO NGSO GSO 9.13 9.21/B 9.12 9.12A 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 FOS (Freq Overlap with Space Services) .MDB FOT (Freq Overlap with Terrestrial Services) .MDB No.9.36 Coordination Examination PXT – output files/data-bases PXT.LST → Text Report This report contains List of Countries with whom coordination is required under AP30#7.1 Incoming network (Network under examination) Existing BSS network PFD PFD Limit Excess AP30#7.1 Requires BSS Plans database Coordination with this administration under AP30#7.1 No.9.36 Coordination Examination PXT – output files/data-bases NTW.LST → Text Report This report contains List of satellite networks with whom coordination is required under AP30#7.1 No.9.36 Coordination Examination PXT – output files/data-bases BatchResults.mdb → Access Database This access data-base has the entire network plus the tables containing list countries & the satellite networks with whom coordination is required under AP30#7.1 Provn Table Tr_aff_ntw Table To Establish the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required No.9.36 Using the software tools FOS & FOT To find space stations or terrestrial stations with frequency overlap depending on the requirements of the provisions. SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS Terrestrial Data-base BSS Plan Database GSO GIBC GSO 9.7 9.21/A RS33#3 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 AP30A #7.1 AP30 #7.1 AP8 PFD - Trigger AP8 PXT .MDB .MDB .MDB .MDB GSO NGSO GSO 9.13 9.21/B 9.12 9.12A 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 FOS (Freq Overlap with Space Services) .MDB FOT (Freq Overlap with Terrestrial Services) .MDB Each tool will produce a single database (access data-base) containing the entire network data as well as the coordination requirements. No.9.36 Coordination Examination Frequency Overlap – output files/data-bases FOS & FOT – both produce a text report as well as an access database with coordination requirements stored in the Provn Table. Provn Table (FOS) Provn Table (FOT) Agreement status F means detected by Frequency Overlap. No.9.36 To Establish the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required Merging of all the access data-bases produced by each software tool into ONE data-base SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS Terrestrial Data-base BSS Plan Database GSO GIBC GSO 9.7 9.21/A RS33#3 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 AP30A #7.1 AP30 #7.1 AP8 PFD - Trigger AP8 PXT .MDB .MDB .MDB .MDB GSO NGSO GSO 9.13 9.21/B 9.12 9.12A 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 FOS (Freq Overlap with Space Services) .MDB FOT (Freq Overlap with Terrestrial Services) .MDB Each tool will produce a single database (access data-base) containing the entire network data as well as the coordination requirements. No.9.36 Merge Databases (Example) 9.7 When we merge the databases, all the Provn Tables from various tools are combined together into one single Provn Table ProvnTable A30#7.1 A30A#7.1 Provision symbol & agreement status are described in Table 11 (BR Preface) No.9.36 Merge Databases (Example) 9.7 A30A#7.1 Tr_aff_ntw Table When we merge the databases, all the Tr_aff_ntw Table Tables from various tools are combined together into one single Tr_aff_ntw Table Table No.9.36 To Establish the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS Terrestrial Data-base BSS Plan Database GSO GIBC GSO 9.7 9.21/A RS33#3 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 AP30A #7.1 AP30 #7.1 AP8 PFD - Trigger AP8 PXT .MDB .MDB .MDB .MDB GSO NGSO GSO 9.13 9.21/B 9.12 9.12A 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 FOS (Freq Overlap with Space Services) .MDB FOT (Freq Overlap with Terrestrial Services) .MDB Each tool will produce a single database (access data-base) containing the entire network data as well as the coordination requirements. No.9.36 To Establish the list of countries (& satellite networks) with whom coordination is required And finally the Merged database updates the SNS SNS (Ingres) – Primary Database GIMS Data SRS_ALL & GIMS Terrestrial Data-base BSS Plan Database GSO GIBC GSO 9.7 9.21/A RS33#3 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 AP30A #7.1 AP30 #7.1 AP8 PFD - Trigger AP8 PXT .MDB .MDB .MDB .MDB GSO NGSO GSO 9.13 9.21/B 9.12 9.12A 9.21/A 9.21/B 9.11 9.14 9.21/C RS33#2.1 (Freq Overlap with Space Services) Merge into one .MDB SNS FOS .MDB FOT (Freq Overlap with Terrestrial Services) .MDB Special Section CR/C First page Responsible administration IFIC number / date of publication Special Section number Name of the satellite network Network ID Satellite Network X 9.7 X AP30 #7.1 CR/C Indication of applicable forms of coordination to the network Date of receipt Last date for receipt of comments (Date of publication + 4 months) Special Section CR/C Second page Summary of coord. req. per provision Satellite Network X 9.7 X AP30 #7.1 CR/C Indication of applicable forms of coordination to the network Potentially affected administrations For information only Special Section CR/C Coordination requirements at group level & BR Comments Coord. req. at group level BR comments (e.g. N- findings) Notes by administration Gain contours Network data Summary of coord. req. per provision Satellite Network X 9.7 X AP30 #7.1 CR/C Indication of applicable forms of coordination to the network Subsequent pages show network parameters, gain contour diagrams, notes submitted by the administrations, comments by the BR including reasons for unfavourable findings and coordination requirements at group level. Special Section CR/C List of potentially affected satellite networks For information only Previous special sections Network List(s) – For info only Coord. req. at group level BR comments (e.g. N- findings) Notes by administration Gain contours Network data Summary of coord. req. per provision Satellite Network X 9.7 X AP30 #7.1 CR/C Indication of applicable forms of coordination to the network