SpiraTest Overview

Rapise® - Product Information
Rapid and Flexible Test Automation for Web, GUI and API Applications
© Copyright 2006-2014, Inflectra Corporation
Test Automation Overview
Rapise Overview
Feature Walkthrough
 Recording Automated Tests
 Playback of Tests
 Data-Driven Testing
 Integration with SpiraTest / SpiraTeam
Technologies Supported
 Windows Applications
 Other GUI Technologies
 Web Application Testing
 API and Web Service Testing
Extensibility Options
© Copyright 2006-2014, Inflectra Corporation
Test Automation Overview
Automated test scripts are a valuable way to perform
regression testing on applications to ensure that new
features or bug fixes don’t break existing functionality.
They typically supplement manual testing and
exploratory testing which is more efficient at the testing
of new features and capabilities.
For complete test coverage you need to perform the
same automated tests across a complete spectrum of
platforms, browsers, devices and environments.
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2011, Inflectra
Types of Automated Test
There are several types of automated test:
Unit Tests – these are coded against specific modules or
subroutines and verify that these modules correctly in isolation
Functional Tests – these are tests that simulate a user’s actions
and test that the various screens and functionalities work as
expected when a set of scenarios is executed
Performance Tests – Also known as load and/or stress tests,
these test that an application works correctly under the planned
load and determine the point at which it stops working
Vulnerability Tests – Also known as security tests, these test
that the application’s security cannot be compromised and a
hacker cannot access secure data or functionality
© Copyright 2006-2014, Inflectra Corporation
Rapise® Overview
© Copyright 2006-2014, Inflectra Corporation
Product Overview
Rapise® is a powerful software test automation platform
that leverages the power of open, extensible
architecture to provide the most rapid and flexible
functional testing tool on the market today.
Rapise is ideal for functional GUI testing - both clientserver and standalone applications, cross-browser web
testing, and data-driven testing.
Rapise comes with built-in support for testing APIs and
web services, including RESTful web services.
Rapise is the ideal testing solution for today's agile
software projects.
© Copyright 2006-2014, Inflectra Corporation
Why Choose Rapise?
The top three reasons that our customers choose Rapise
over other solutions are:
Learn and Go™ Capability
Rapise's unique Learn and Go™ testing method is much more time
efficient than traditional record-and-playback processes. Objects can be
edited during the learning process instead of waiting for all objects to be
recorded then edited.
Cross-Browser Testing, API & GUI Testing
Rapise comes out of the box with support for testing Windows, Flash,
Flex, Java, WPF, Ajax, APIs and Web Applications. It allows the same
test scripts to be executed in multiple browsers unchanged.
Extensible Platform for Test Automation
Rapise's open architecture provides unlimited flexibility to extend the
system to meet the unique testing needs of your software applications.
In addition, we provide superb technical support that ensures that
questions are dealt with in a timely and professional manner.
© Copyright 2006-2014, Inflectra Corporation
Feature Snapshot
Listed below are some of the many great features that makes
Rapise test automation software the leading choice for companies
and organizations worldwide:
Learn and Go™ functionality
for rapidly creating test scripts.
Keyword and data-driven
testing using MS-Excel
Built-in Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) for bitmap
Support for testing APIs, RSS
and Web Services
Integrates with SpiraTest for
test management
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Windows (.NET, Win32, WPF)
and Web Application testing
Adobe AIR, Flex and Flash
Silverlight support
Java and JavaFX support
Cross-browser testing with IE,
Firefox and Chrome
Support for Web frameworks
such as GWT, jQuery and YUI
Easy extensibility using
Javascript libraries
Feature Walkthrough
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Learn and Go™ Recording
Rapise's unique Learn and Go testing method is much more time
efficient than traditional record-and-playback processes.
Objects are edited during the learning process instead of waiting for
all objects to be recorded then edited.
Faster, more complete test script generation and automatic script
updates significantly reduces testing time and gets your application
to market faster.
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Playback of Tests
When you record a test, Rapise translates your actions into a script.
When you playback the test, the script is executed.
Tests can be either played-back through the Rapise user interface,
directly from the command-line, or from a test management system
such as SpiraTest.
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Test Script Editing
Rapise scripts are written in JavaScript (Microsoft JScript).
You can run and debug your script using the full featured integrated
JavaScript Editor and Debugger.
Rapise includes a testing API, with methods for manipulating
images, spreadsheets, common GUI widgets, and more.
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Data Driven Testing
Data-Driven Testing (DDT) is the creation of test scripts to run
together with their related data sets in a framework. The framework
provides re-usable test logic to reduce maintenance and improve
test coverage.
Rapise provides powerful support for DDT with the ability to load in
sets of test data from either an Excel spreadsheet or relational
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Cross Browser Testing
Rapise's cross-browser capabilities are world-class with support for
multiple versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and
Google Chrome.
Choose Rapise to test web applications in all of the most used
browsers. Create one test script and execute the same script without
modification across the major browsers.
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Web Service & API Testing
A web service is a unit of managed code that can be remotely
invoked using web protocols. This allows you to share your
application’s functionality with other programs.
The purpose of Web Service and API testing is to verify that all of
the APIs published by your application operate as expected. API
testing requires that you test using all the expected data formats
and input parameters.
Rapise provides native support for testing web services. API tests
can be integrated with user interface tests for complete coverage.
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Rapise comes with powerful and flexible reporting capabilities that
allow you to quickly see the results of your testing activities.
You can event customize the data being reported by adding
instructions within your test script.
Report Filtering lets you specify criteria to filter your view of the test
execution report. Rows that do not match your criteria are hidden.
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SpiraTest Integration
SpiraTest provides an integrated, holistic test management solution
that manages your requirements, tests and incidents.
When you use Rapise with SpiraTest, you can centrally manage
your automated tests and remotely schedule and launch them in a
globally distributed test lab.
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Technologies Supported
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Web Applications
Testing web applications is a core strength of Rapise. With its object
recognition technology and DOM abstraction layer is makes
developing reusable tests for browser applications very easy.
For more advanced testing you can access the native browser
DOM. Rapise supports all recent versions of Internet Explorer,
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
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Yahoo User Interface (YUI) Library
The Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) is an open-source
JavaScript library for building richly interactive web applications
using techniques such as Ajax, DHTML and DOM scripting.
Rapise has built-in support for testing the various components
supplied with the YUI library.
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Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open source set of tools that
allows web developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript
front-end applications in Java.
Rapise has built-in support for testing the various components
supplied with the toolkit, including GWT-Ext and SmartGWT.
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jQuery AJAX Framework & UI Toolkit
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich AJAX JavaScript library
jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects,
widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.
Rapise has built-in support for testing the various jQuery-UI
components including date-pickets, accordions and tab-controls.
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Windows Forms
Rapise provides support for testing Windows Forms applications
written using:
Visual Basic 6
 Microsoft .NET WinForms.
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Microsoft .NET Applications
Rapise provides support for testing Microsoft .NET GUI applications
written using any of the supported .NET languages including C#,
VB.NET and Managed C++.
It includes support for .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0+ controls.
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Windows 32 GUI Applications
Rapise provides comprehensive support for testing Windows 32 GUI
applications, including applications written using:
Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
 ActiveX Template Library (ATL)
 Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX/COM
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Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a computer-software
graphical subsystem for rendering user interfaces.
Rapise supports the testing of Windows Presentation Framework
(WPF) applications using a combination of its WPF, Advanced
Accessibility and UIAutomation libraries:
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Java Applications (AWT / SWT / Swing)
Rapise supports the testing of Java applications using:
The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)
 The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT)
 Swing graphic user interface toolkits (Swing)
For maximum flexibility Rapise can connect to your choice of JVM.
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Adobe Applications (Flash/Flex/AIR)
Rapise supports the testing of Adobe Flex applications:
 Inside Adobe Flash within Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome
 By the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR).
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Microsoft Silverlight
Rapise supports the testing of Microsoft Silverlight Rich Internet
Applications (RIA)
Rapise supports the testing of Silverlight using its UIAutomation library
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Third-Party Component Libraries
Rapise supports the testing of applications that use the following
third-party component libraries:
Infragistics WinExtras/Controls
DevExpress DevExperience XtraEditors/Controls
Telerik RadControls for WinForms
ComponentOne ActiveX Controls
SyncFusion controls for WinForms
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Web Services - REST
Rapise comes with built-in support for testing RESTful
web services using a variety of formats including XML
and JSON.
 Rapise’s query builder streamlines the testing of your
APIs with robust debugging and message tracing.
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Optical Character Recognition
Sometimes you need to get a text written inside a GUI control or find
a place on the screen that contains a given text.
It is not always possible to solve this task using objects natively
supported by Rapise or Simulated Objects.
In this case Optical Character Recognition (OCR) may help.
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Extensibility Options
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Custom Libraries
The JavaScript source code for library recognition and execution is
available to the user, as well as a JavaScript Application
Programming Interface (API).
New recognition and execution capabilities can be added to
Rapise by the end user and shared with colleagues, giving your
team the flexibility to automate where other tools fail.
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Third-Party Extensions – QA Forge
The built-in Package Manager allows you to download third-party
libraries from the Rapise QA-Forge.
The QA-Forge is a community website that hosts various third-party
libraries not provided by Inflectra.
Teams developing new GUI technologies and web frameworks can
publish testing libraries directly to the QA Forge.
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Please contact sales@inflectra.com if you have additional questions.
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Legal Notices
DISCLAIMER: All product comparison diagrams have been made
on the basis of information available on respective product websites.
The analysis and views expressed in the diagrams and the
information made available are purely those of Inflectra
Corporation. It is possible that competing products have additional
features not mentioned on the product websites.
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