
Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Oxford Instruments Analytical GmbH
Wellesweg 31
D- 47589 Uedem (Germany)
Jochen Meurs
Senior Product Manager
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
It is all about light, wavelength and peaks
In 1666 Isaac Newton collected sunlight with a magnifying
glass, sent these beams of light through a prism and
observed the passing light on a screen. He noticed a
separation into colours. This colour ribbon is called a
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Physical basics - Atoms
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Physical basics - Atoms
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Physical basics - Atoms
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Physical basics – emission of light
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Physical basics – emission of light
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Physical basics - Light
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
What is Light and what is a Spectrum
Light :
General definition: light is what we
can see
But light is a wave (energy) where
different colours have different
wavelengths (energy)
Spectrum :
Is a continuous range or sequence
defined in a particular order.
The colours available in a rainbow
and visible by the human eye define
a spectrum in which the individual
colours has a defined appearance
order and going from lower to higher
wavelength (blue to red)
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
The Light Spectrum
• The human eye is only able
to see the spectral colours in
the rainbow.
• Beside the visible part of the
spectrum, the light spectrum
has areas of „waves“ the
human eye can not
• Only spectrometers are able
to observe the entire range.
Violet 380 nm
100 nm
400 nm
Blue 460 nm
Green 510 nm
Yellow 560 nm
Orange 610 nm
Red 660 nm
800 nm
1000 nm
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Physical basics - Light
Conversion Frequency / Wavelength
(c = speed of light)
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Principal of a Spectrometer
Polychrome light
Source and Ignition
Light Emission
Readout of the
calculation of
the results
Steering of the
CCD for the readout
of the light-intensity
Readout of the CCD,
calculation of the results,
steering of the source
and printout/storage
of the data
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The light is reflected and
separated by the diffraction
grating. The spectra appears on
the Rowland Circle.
Diffraction Grating,
works similar like a
Printout or storage of data
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Schematic view of optical system
Entrance Slit
Polychrome light, emitted during spark process,
passes through the entrance slit and falls on the
grating. The light is reflected and dispersed into
individual spectral lines. The separated light is
corresponding to particular wavelength of
elements. The light than falls simultaneously on
the CCD sensors.
Diffraction Grating:
Is like a concave mirror, but with
rules on it. Modern Gratings
have up to 4000 rules/mm. The
incoming light is reflected and
diffracted. The spectra appears.
130 – 800 nm
© Oxford Instruments 2009
The Business of Science®
Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
It is all about light, wavelength and peaks
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Elements and Wavelength
• Why do all elements have many different spectral lines?
• ....simply - each transition of an electron corresponds to a
spectral line of a different wavelength
• The intensity relates to the probability of a transition
• Example:
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400 lines
4500 lines
5000 lines
2000 lines
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Spectrum of different samples
RE12: approx. 120 ppm C
BAS 406: 0.173 % C
BAS 407: 0.49 % C
BAS 408: 0.289 % C
BAS 409: 0.086 % C
C – 193.1 nm
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Visible spectrum
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
The Spectrum of Fe – matrix
between 268 nm and 273nm
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© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
PMT System – limited element analysis
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
CCD: coverage of the entire range  multi matrix capable
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Fields of use for spark-OES
1. Steel plant laboratories
High performance SPARK OES spectrometer (ARL 4460)
• Vacuum optical system
• LOD‘s < 10 ppm, 1 ppm typical
• determination of gases like N2 and O2 possible
• T(ime) R(esolved) S(pectrometry)
• PMT detectors
• laboratory automation
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Fields of use for spark-OES
2. Foundry laboratories
High performance SPARK OES
spectrometer (OI FOUNDRY-MASTER Pro)
• Vacuum optical system
• LOD‘s < 50 ppm, 10 ppm typical
• determination of N2 possible
• CCD detectors
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• good price / performance ratio
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Fields of use for spark-OES
3. semi-finished products (e.g. tube manufacturers)
Rugged mobile SPARK OES spectrometer
• dust proof system
• LOD‘s < 100 ppm, 50 ppm typical
• determination of C, P, S possible
• CCD detectors
• 4 – 10 m probe umbilical
• in-line automation
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Fields of use for spark-OES
4. Fabricators (incoming inspection)
Versatile mobile / stationary SPARK OES spectrometer
• multi-matrix (all technical metals)
• LOD‘s < 100 ppm, 50 ppm typical
• determination of C, P, S possible
• CCD detectors
• grade identification
© Oxford Instruments 2009
• easy adaption to irregular shapes
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Fields of use for spark-OES
5. PMI-testing (refineries, power plants, ship yards)
Versatile mobile SPARK OES
• multi-matrix (all technical
• LOD‘s < 100 ppm, 50 ppm typical
• determination of C, P, S possible
P ositive
M aterial
I dentification
• CCD detectors
• grade identification
• easy adaption to irregular
• battery operation
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Fields of use for spark-OES
6. Scrap sorting
Handheld OES spectrometer
• multi-matrix (all technical metals)
• LOD‘s < 1000 ppm, 500 ppm typical
• CCD detectors
• grade identification
• easy adaption to irregular shapes
• battery operation
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• Carbon determination not possible
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Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis
Oxford Instruments – Distinction by Innovation
© Oxford Instruments 2009
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