Development of backside illuminated Silicon Photomultipliers at the MPI Semiconductor Laboratory Outline: H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab -Motivation for a backside illuminated SiPM (BID-SiPM) -Layout of BID-SiPM -R&D Program -Results and Simulations (preliminary) -Applications in Particle Physics on behalf of the MPI SiPM group MPE PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Max-Planck Institut für extraterrestrische Physik WHI Max-Planck Institut für Physik (Werner-HeisenbergInstitut) PNSensor GmbH Motivation for backside illumination In general SiPM offer great advantages compared to photomultiplier tubes: H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Simple, robust device Photon counting capability Easy calibration (counting) Insensitive to magnetic fields Fast response (< 1 ns) Large signal (only simple amplifier needed) competitive quantum efficiency (~ 40% at 400-800 nm) No damage by accidental light Cheap Low operation voltage (40 – 70 V) R&D goal: Increase Quantum efficiency to the physical limit PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 QE & Fill Factor What limits the QE? H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab QE = x x surface transmission Geiger efficiency geometrical fill factor Front illuminated devices: Large area blinded by structures – Al-contacts – Bias-resistor – Guard rings/Gap between HF implants For 42 x 42 mm2 device: 15% fill factor PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Solutions: – larger pixel size (80% reached for 100 mm pitch device) – back-illumination light enters through homogeneous back side, not covered by any structure 3 mm light spot scanned across device Geiger Efficiency of electrons and holes Avalanche Efficiency (1 mm high field region) Efficiency H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Electrons have a higher probability to trigger an avalanche breakdown then holes 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Efficiency depends on depth of photon conversion and hence on the wavelength Electrons Holes 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Solutions: -Increase overvoltage 0.1 0 250000 350000 450000 550000 Or: - Ensure that only electrons trigger an avalanche n+ p+ p- epi PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 p-substrate 650000 750000 Field (V/cm) p+ holes el. n+ n- epi n-substrate el. holes Sensitivity at different wavelengths 10000 H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Absorption length ( m m) 1000 light absorption in Silicon 100 10 Electrons trigger avalanche 1 0.1 Holes trigger avalanche holes 0.01 0.001 electrons Thin entrance window needed 250 450 650 850 1050 Wavelength (nm) p-substrate: PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 photons < 450 nm: only holes contribute photons > 700 nm: lost in insensitive bulk n-substrate: ok for short wavelengths, hole efficiency dominates for l > 500 nm Back illumination: whole thick (> 50 mm) bulk absorbs photons design for electron collection Example: p-substrate Concept of a back illuminated SiPM H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Combine SiPM and drift (photo) diode: Each Pixel of a SiPM array is drift diode with a geiger APD as amplifying element in the center By drift rings the electrons from photon conversions are focused into a small HF region Homogeneous sensitivity, no dead regions Back Illuminated Drift SiPM BID-SiPM g PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Design of the avalanche cell H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 The HF region is created between a n+ contact at the surface and a deep p well underneath. By modulating the depth of the p-implant and/or the ncontact the HF region can be confined to a small area of a few mm diameter -> Small HF region: Low capacitance, low gain (important to fight cross talk) Engineering of Entrance Window H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Homogeneous, unprocessed thin entrance window at backside - minimal UV absorption in surface layer (important for l < 350 nm) - possibility of antireflective coating (Calculation: R. Hartmann) Disadvantages H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab • Large volume for thermal generated currents (increased dark rate) Maintain low leakage currents Cooling Thinning ( < 50 mm instead of 450 mm) • Large volume for internal photon conversion (increases x-talk) Lower gain (small diode capacitance helps) Possible show stopper! • Electron drift increases time jitter Small pixels, Increased mobility at low temperature <2 ns possible PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Design of Devices Hexagonal Cells H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab 100-200 mm diameter Up to 3 three drift rings Central HF region with <8 mm diameter Capacitance ~ 5 fF Gain: O(105) ~ 1 mm depth 95% Geiger efficiency @ 8V overvoltage (electrons) Drift field extends into bulk PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Test structure production in 2005 -> fix parameters of avalanche cell (radius, depth, resistor values…) -> no backside illumination yet H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Single pixel structures Small arrays Large arrays (20 x 25 pixel 180 mm pitch) HF diameter: 5-25 mm Successfully tested 6000 5000 5860 4000 e Coincidenc Y Axis [ mm] 5185 4510 3000 3835 3160 2000 2485 1810 1000 1135 460,0 X is Ax 1,940 1,935 1,930 1,925 1,920 1,915 1,910 1,905 1,900 1,895 1,890 18,885 18,890 18,895 18,900 ] m [m PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 0 18,850 18,855 18,860 18,865 18,870 18,875 18,880 18,905 1,885 xis YA ] [mm Results: Test Structures H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Low Medium High Results with light pulses from a laser (< 1 ns): Photoelectron peaks clearly resolved up to large n(photon) RMS of single photoelectron signal ~ 5% Results: Test Structures H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 T = 0oC T = 10oC T = 20oC Gain proportional to overvoltage Breakdown voltage in good agreement with device simulations Test Structures H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Dark rate mainly from highly doped HF region: For a 5 x 5 mm2 matrix with 500 pixels: ~0.2 MHz @ 20oC (8V) PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Leakage Currents and Dark Rates Back side illuminated: bulk leakage current dominates: H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 For devices thinned to 50 mm: Cooling needed: ~10MHz @ 20oC ~ 1 MHz @ 0oC Processing thin detectors (50 mm) a) oxidation and back side implant of top wafer c) process passivation Top Wafer H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab open backside passivation b) wafer bonding and grinding/polishing of top wafer PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 d) deep etching opens "windows" in handle wafer Successfully tested with MOS diodes (keep low leakage current ~ 100 pA/cm2) Cross Talk Studies x-talk heavily suppressed due to small HF region and large pitch Background due to pile up (suppressed by cooling to -20 C) entries Dark spectrum of 25 mm arrays H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab 1 pe ~ 2x106 2 pe < 200 2pe signal clearly visible: Probability for x-talk ~ 10-4 (@*V DU) V For backside illumination: Bulk is sensitive to cross-talk photons Use MC to extrapolated to full structure PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Monte Carlo Simulation of cross talk 0.25 2.9 p(n) 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Generate photons 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 n(photon) Propagate through device e PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 4 Photon Converts 1. In pixel of origin 2. In neighbour pixels 1. Active region 2. Apply geiger efficiency drift e drift 8 9 10 11 Monte Carlo Simulation of cross talk 0.25 2.9 H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Generate photons p(n) 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 n(photon) Propagate through device Number of photons poisson distributed Lacaita, IEEE TED, 40 (1993): 2.9 photons/105 e- (E > 1.14 eV) Use black body spectrum with T=4300K -However: el/holes not in thermal equilibrium PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Photon Converts 1. In pixel of origin 2. In neighbour pixels 1. Active region 2. Apply geiger efficiency -Band structure not taken into account (2.9 ph > 1.14 eV => 8.5 ph total) Monte Carlo Simulation of cross talk 1 mm H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Generate photons 100 mm Propagate through device Calculate photon absorption length From Photon energy PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Photon Converts 1. In pixel of origin 2. In neighbour pixels 1. Active region 2. Apply geiger efficiency e e Surface reflection given by n=3.57 Monte Carlo Simulation of cross talk H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Generate photons drift drift Propagate through device PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Photon Converts 1. In pixel of origin 2. In neighbour pixels 1. Active region 2. Apply geiger efficiency Electrons: drift in HF region (if bulk depleted) Apply local Geiger efficiency (as function of overvoltage) Monte Carlo Simulation of cross talk H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Generate photons Propagate through device PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Photon Converts 1. In pixel of origin 2. In neighbour pixels 1. Active region 2. Apply geiger efficiency Cross talk spectrum Cross talk spectrum H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Contribution from photons with range from O(pitch) – O(mm) Dependence on Pitch H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 larger pitch -> x-talk spectrum narrow Larger pitch -> less x-talk Results Cross talk measured with test structures implies: H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab ~54 photons (E>1.14 eV) per avalanche (@*V DU) For a backside illuminated device with 100 mm pitch: cross-talk probability: 99.99% Due to large capacitance (47 fF of HF region + coupling capacitances), the gain is very high: ~4 x 106 Scaling to the expected gain of 105: Cross talk 20-30 % Still high but could be manageable Extrapolation has large systematic error! PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Further Program H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab 2nd step: production of fully functional backside illuminated SiPMs: -> including drift rings -> double sided processing, deplete bulk Finished: End 2007 Various test structures (single pixel, small arrays) Arrays: 30 x 31 pixel Diameter HF region: < 8 mm Pitch: 100, 120, 150, 200 mm Area: 3x3 mm2 – 6x6 mm2 PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 In addition: some front illuminated arrays Applications in (Astro-) Particle Physics H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Main advantages: High QE Good sensitivity for 300nm < l < 1000nm (double sided processing) Can be used where QE and spectral response are important but high dark rate can be tolerated •Air cerenkov telescopes (like MAGIC) PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Drawbacks: Dark rate Cross talk Costs - peak wavelength 300-350 nm - considerable LONS background Applications H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab • Cerenkov detectors in particle physics detectors • Compact high density calorimeters low light yield, direct coupling to blue scintillator • In colliding beam experiments: dark rate can be suppressed using coincidence with beam no self trigger needed (cross talk!) • Large scale applications (big calorimeters) probably excluded (costs) Practical advantage: Direct coupling of entrance window to scintillator (no wire bonds) Scintillator SiPM Readout board PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 Smart SiPMs Connect ASIC chip to back-illuminated SIPM For each pixel: signal detection & active quenching H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab -Fast timing (no stray capacitances) -Low threshold -> low gain -Active quenching -> low gain -Minimal cross-talk -Single pixel position resolution -Veto of noisy pixels g clock x, y, t Could be made using SiPM •Bump bonding •3D integration techniques BiCMOS analogue PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29 CMOS digital Summary H-G Moser Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics Semiconductor Lab Backside illuminated Silicon Photomultipliers are developed at the MPI Semiconductor Laboratory Application: Upgrade of Magic Camera Aim for highest quantum efficiency in a large spectral range (only limited be quality of entrance window) First test structures (not yet back illuminated) produced and tested Production of full devices ongoing Design goals: QE: 80% for 300 – 950 nm, peaking at > 90% Dark rate: <1MHz for 0.25 cm2 device @ 0oC Gain: 105 Cross talk: 20-30 % ? High cross talk is of major concern! PD07 Kobe, Japan June 27-29