Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments Topics Observe interference by plane-parallel plates: Measure the thickness of the plates based on the theory. Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometers: Determine the wavelength of the laser (again). Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Interference by Plane-Parallel Plates Path length difference: Qi n=1 Destructive interference: 2d n sin 2 2 m Constructive interference: m 1 2 d Qt n >1 (Remember: The light undergoes a 180º phase shift due to reflection at the bottom.) Qi Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Interference by Plane-Parallel Plates Constructive interference: m 2d m 2 2d n sin Q i 2 m Q r 2 dm dQ r 1 2 m d 2 Q r n sin 2 2d 2 Qi n sin Q r 2 2 2 d sin Q r cos Q r n sin Q i 2 2 n sin Q i sin Q cos Q r r 2 2 1 2 Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Interference by Plane-Parallel Plates m d 2 Q r n sin Q i sin Q cos Q r r 2 2 Plate Lens Qi Q Use a lens to focus laser beam on plate (avoiding thicknessaveraging) and simultaneously have it diverge after leaving the plate (making it possible to see multiple interference maxima). Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments Variation of fringe density with reflected angle m 100 Q r 2 d sin Q r cos Q r n sin Q r 2 2 # of fringes per degree 80 60 5mm 1mm .1mm 40 Thick plates: Use small angle. 20 Very thin plates: Use angle near 45 degrees. 0 0 20 40 60 Reflected Angle 80 100 Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Setting up the Glass Plate Experiment – Zero Degree Adjustment Make sure that the glass plate reflects light back into the laser to find the zero degree incident angle position. Also, make sure the laser hits the glass plate at a place where there is air behind the glass plate – no metal pieces. Top view Glass plate Laser Short component holder Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Converging the beam with a lens 136mm lens Laser 136mm Top view Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Studying the symmetry of the interference pattern for small incident angles 136mm lens Laser Screen Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Measuring m/Q for thick glass plate 136mm lens Laser R Big screen (make sure angle of incidence is 90) Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Measuring m/Q for thick glass plate m = 5 S Q = S/R (in Radians) Screen Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Measuring m/Q for thick glass plate m = 6 S Q = S/R (in Radians) Screen Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Measuring m/Q for microscope slide 136mm lens Laser Tape microscope slide to component holder (you can use a tiny piece of double stick tape). Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments VI.C Measuring m/Q for microscope cover slide (very thin glass) 136mm lens Laser Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments Using the micrometer to measure thickness Please be gentle to the micrometer! It is a delicate instrument! 40 0 5 10 35 30 25 40 0 5 10 35 30 Thickness = 11.5mm + 0.33mm = 11.83mm 25 11.5mm 0.33mm 0.32mm Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments The Fabry-Perot Interferometer d d* Constructi ve Interferen ce (all outgoing rays " in phase" ) when 2 d m * Highly reflective mirrors where m integer Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments Assume d d (incident * angle close to 90 ) d=m/2 Bright Constructi ve Interferen ce when 2 d m Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments d d (incident * Assume angle close to 90 ) d Bright Dark Slowly increasing m 1 outgoing d a bit by moving 2d m one mirror (no longer constructi ve interferen light goes dark ce) Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments d d (incident * Assume angle close to 90 ) d Dark Bright Slowly increasing d even more until 2 d ( m 1) (next constructi ve interferen outgoing ce) light goes bright again How far do you have to move the mirror to go from the mth to the (m+1)st interference maximum? Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments In summary: When the mirror is moved, the outgoing laser spot “blinks” as you go from constructive to destructive to constructive interference. d 2d=m 2d=(m+1) 2d=(m+2) Etc. Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments Using a Diverging Laser Beam Bright 2d*=(m+1) d Dark (m+1) >2d*>m 2d*=2d=m Bright (m+1) >2d*>m Dark 2d*=(m+1) Bright Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments Moving Mirror by a bit Using a Diverging Laser Beam Dark (m+2) >2d*>(m+1) Bright d 2d*=(m+1) (m+1) >2d*>m Dark 2d*=(m+1) Bright (m+2) >2d*>(m+1) Dark Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments As you move the mirror, the center of the pattern alternates between bright and dark. The rings move outwards as “new” center maxima “pop up” and the outermost rings “disappear”. Etc. Count=0 Count=1 Count=2 Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments Accuracy of Fabry-Perot Interferometer Wavelength Measurement Suppose you can adjust the mirror with a micrometer screw to an accuracy of ± 0.1mm: If you move the mirror by /2 (count=1), your wavelength will be accurately measured to within 0.1mm*2 = 200nm (quite poor considering a laser wavelength of around 600nm). If you move the mirror by 1000* /2 (count=1000), you will calculate your wavelength by dividing the distance the mirror was moved by 1000. Your accuracy will be 0.1mm/500=0.2nm. That is a quite useful accuracy! Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments Aligning an FP interferometer: Use a narrow laser beam Screen Screen view Mirrors not parallel: The reflected beams are too far apart to interfere! Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments Aligning an FP interferometer Vertical tilt needs adjustment Horizontal tilt needs adjustment Both horizontal and vertical tilt needs adjustment Adjust mirror tilts until all spots coincide. Then add the lens to the setup. Move lens left/right/up/down until you illuminate the center of the ring pattern. You can also do some fine adjustment of the tilt to try to get a nicer ring pattern. Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments The Michelson Interferometer Screen Semi-transparent mirror Moveable (translational) mirror Laser Adjustable (tilt) mirror Modern Optics Lab Lab 6 Part 2: Interference Experiments The Michelson Interferometer – with lens added Lens to diverge beam Screen Moveable (translational) mirror Laser Adjustable (tilt) mirror