RECAP OF NGLS ELECTRON COLLIMATION DESIGN STUDIES Christoph Steier SLAC – LCLS-2 accelerator physics meeting Oct. 17, 2013 NGLS Electron Collimation Motivation (Gun) Dark Current Collimation System Layout Injector Kicker Energy Collimation Betatron Collimation Simulation of Collimation Effectiveness Dark Current Touschek Scattering Gas Scattering Collimator Hardware Development Plan Summary Motivation High duty factor accelerators have main beams with considerable power (MW in our case) Even small fractional losses can have substantial effects Demagnetization of permanent magnet undulators Quenches of s/c cavities and s/c undulators Heat damage to vacuum envelope Activation Collimation system is essential Needs to localize ‘routine’ losses away from sensitive areas Needs to prevent equipment damage in case of malfunction until MPS stops beam For routine losses, experience elsewhere has shown gun dark current to be dominant source – our calculations so far confirm this NGLS Layout e- diagnostics compressors collimation e- diagnostics FELs (1-9) injector linac spreader APEX-based e- injector (1 MHz, = 0.6 m) 300 pC/bunch (0.3 mA max. current) 1.3-GHz CW SRF @ 16 MV/m (27 CM’s) Two bunch compressors + heater (500 A) Beam spreader using RF deflectors (9 FELs) Three (initial) very diverse FEL designs Diagnostics and collimation sections 720-kW main beam stops (3) beam stops exp. halls APEX: Injector Dark current status Fernando's Dark Current measurements Resulting current profile of dark current Use integrated Fowler -Nordheim formula to fit with instantaneous formula (E=E0*cos(ωt)) Longitudinal Phase Space at Injector exit Transverse Distribution of Dark Current in APEX >750 keV, Similaro to NGLS, Not superconducting Buncher <750 keV, Identical to NGLS Gun Solenoid magnet Single-cell RF cavity Multi-cell RF cavity Laser pulse FLASH gun for Dark current “Hotspots” comparison Butterfly shape due to large energy spread Dark current losses in injector Simulated different initial distributions (spots or uniform) After transport in the injector, about 10% (spots) to 15% (uniform) of the dark current survives. C. Papadopulos Electron Collimation Lh L1 L0 L1, Lh L0 L2L2 L3 L3 j = -20.0° 0A = -23.2° = +34.8° Ipk = 47 Aj = 180° Ipk =j 47 j =j -23.2° j =j+34.8° Ipk = 47 A V0 = 0 MV Ipk = 47 A I = 90 A I = 500 Ipk = Ipk =pk500 A A pk 90 A sz = 0.85 mm s = 0.85 mm sz = 0.44 mm BC2 sz 0.08 mm Heater BC1 GUN z SPRDR 94 MeV 215 MeV 720 MeV 0.75 MeV 3.9 CM01 CM09 CM272.4 GeV sd = 0.02%CM2,3 sd = 0.44% CM04 sd = 0.48% CM10 sd 0.04% BC1 BC2 SPRDR Heater GUN 215 MeV 720 MeV 2.4 GeV 3.9 CM01 94 MeVCM2,3 CM09 CM27 CM04 CM10 0.75 MeV R56 = -94 mm R56 = -76 mm R56 = 0 R56 = -5 mm s = 0.44% s = 0.48% s sd = 0.02% d d d 0.04% 300 pC; 2012-04-18 & 2012-07-02 Dark Current Kicker 10 Energy Collimator 1.5 mm Energy Coll. 15 mm Energy Coll. 8 mm 4 -tron Coll.’s 10 mm (x) 2 mm (y) Energy Coll. 2.5 mm Assumed apertures for machine +/- 18 mm radius pipe almost everywhere No restriction (except collimator) in LH, BC1/2, FEL chicanes Undulator chamber +/- 15 mm (x), +/- 3 mm (y) Motivation for Dark Current Kicker First dispersive place to collimate - laser heater chicane (100 MeV) 15% of 8 A at 100 MeV corresponds to 120 W Anything not captured there quickly gains more energy towards bunch compressor FLASH stays below 100 W losses in bunch compressor due to radiological concerns Coordinating with EHS – cost implications for shielding Some of the other 85% is lost in injector cryo-module XFEL guidance is <0.1W/m to avoid cavity quenches, simulation shows about 1 W/m for uniform emission case – <0.1 W/m for other more realistic distributions Gaining factor 10 safety margin necessary – Dark Current Kicker Dark Current Deflector FLASH: F. Obier Dark current produced in every injector RF bucket (186 MHz) – useful beam only 1 MHz FLASH kicker reduces dark current intensity by factor of >3 NGLS: kick main bunches and compensate with DC magnet high repetition rate (1 MHz) and fast rise and fall times Just after the gun (0.75 MeV). Reference: ALS camshaft kicker (1.5 MHz, rise/fall times of 20 ns, >70 rad@1.9 GeV) Simulations: scaled version of ALS kicker could reduce by factor of >10 ALS: S. Kwiatkowski Dark Current Kicker Simulation <750 keV, Warm kicker >750 keV, Cold Buncher collimator Cryomodule Gun Plan to collimate in this region Need to collimate kicked beam without scraping main beam: Collimator R=10 mm Condition Dark current (μA) @ injector exit 15 mm ap. across the inj. (ie doing nothing) 1.228 10 mrad Kicker 10 mrad Kicker + 10 mm coll. 15 mrad kicker + 10 mm coll. ALS kicker kicks >70 rad at 1.9 GeV - 180 mrad at 750 keV Factor 2 shorter, factor 3 larger opening, about 30 mrad possible 0.695 0.345 0.057 Dark Current Deflector H. Qian, S. de Santis, S. Kwiatkowski New shape 54 mm 64 mm 21 mm 153 mm Dark current produced in every injector RF bucket (186 MHz) – useful beam only 1 MHz FLASH kicker reduces dark current intensity by factor of >3 NGLS: kick main bunches and compensate with DC magnet high repetition rate (1 MHz) and fast rise and fall times Just after the gun (0.75 MeV). Reference: ALS camshaft kicker (1.5 MHz, rise/fall times of 20 ns, >70 rad@1.9 GeV) Simulations: scaled version of ALS kicker could reduce by factor of >10 Electron Collimation Lh L1 L0 L1, Lh L0 L2L2 L3 L3 j = -20.0° 0A = -23.2° = +34.8° Ipk = 47 Aj = 180° Ipk =j 47 j =j -23.2° j =j+34.8° Ipk = 47 A V0 = 0 MV Ipk = 47 A I = 90 A I = 500 Ipk = Ipk =pk500 A A pk 90 A sz = 0.85 mm s = 0.85 mm sz = 0.44 mm BC2 sz 0.08 mm Heater BC1 GUN z SPRDR 94 MeV 215 MeV 720 MeV 0.75 MeV 3.9 CM01 CM09 CM272.4 GeV sd = 0.02%CM2,3 sd = 0.44% CM04 sd = 0.48% CM10 sd 0.04% BC1 BC2 SPRDR Heater GUN 215 MeV 720 MeV 2.4 GeV 3.9 CM01 94 MeVCM2,3 CM09 CM27 CM04 CM10 0.75 MeV R56 = -94 mm R56 = -76 mm R56 = 0 R56 = -5 mm s = 0.44% s = 0.48% s sd = 0.02% d d d 0.04% 300 pC; 2012-04-18 & 2012-07-02 Dark Current Kicker 10 Energy Collimator 1.5 mm Energy Coll. 15 mm Energy Coll. 8 mm 4 -tron Coll.’s 10 mm (x) 2 mm (y) Energy Coll. 2.5 mm Assumed apertures for machine +/- 18 mm radius pipe almost everywhere No restriction (except collimator) in LH, BC1/2, FEL chicanes Undulator chamber +/- 15 mm (x), +/- 3 mm (y) Location of Collimators (LHS, BC1) • Based on low impedance version of ALS collimators (as well as other places) 50 cm is reasonable length for collimators • With safety margin for finalized mechanical design (impedance calculation) – desirable to reserve 1 m • Enough space available in BC1, working to increase space in LH, downstream of undulator Location of Collimators (BC2, MCS) • Enough space seems available in BC2 • Generous space available in FODO section after main LINAC (MCS, which is just after L3S) • MCS, SLS collimation section of NGLS design much more compact than XFEL • • • • No requirement to transport energy chirped bunchtrains No need for very high beta functions (bunchtrain power) No separate need for R56 variability, … Spreader angle and achromats in SLS provide natural place for energy collimation with secondary showers kept away from undulators Location of Collimators (SLSx) • • • Current simulations are based on spreader lattice from October • • Baseline change to RF spreader since then General achromat layout and space similar – current collimator layout should work – will verify Space at first collimator OK, at second one a little tight. Beta functions at second collimator very small – better spaces later in arc (need trade-off analysis of required MPS speed vs. secondaries escape rate) Technical Details of Tracking Started from CDR MAD file (sharepoint) Translate (automated) with mad2elegant (does not accept matching routines, but bare lattice) Needed to remove all CSR (just turning switch off is not enough) – otherwise dark current gets lost in first CSR element Translate (automated) with mad2at Added beamline apertures (see before) and collimators to resulting files Will slowly add all apertures/collimators to baseline MAD files Imported ASTRA distributions (astra2elegant, Matlab) Need to carefully consider phase matching between different distributions, energy scaling, … Important to use elegant fiducialization correctly In elegant always need to track two bunches (fiducialization reference + dark current) Tracked CDR beam (and gaussian approximation of it) to determine collimator settings No loss of nominal beam (or 6 sigma particles) + 10-20% Collimator Location + Setting LHEATCOL |x|<1.5 mm BC1COL |x|<15 mm BC2COL |x|<8 mm CXL3ED_1 |x|<10 mm CXL3ED_2 |x|<10 mm CYL3ED_1 |y|<2 mm CYL3ED_2 |y|<2 mm SPREADCOL1 |x|<2.5 mm SPREADCOL2 |x|<5 mm Tracking Gun Dark Current Dark Current losses well controlled • Most losses on Laser Heater Collimator • Followed by BC1 and BC2 • Remaining losses in warm section around laser heater • Losses in Linac 1 below XFEL quench criterium of 0.1 W/m • Dark current kicker will help • No losses beyond BC2 (and in undulator) Trajectories, Loss Power Power densities [W/m] on right are for 8 A dark current from gun: • 10-100 W on collimators • • Up to 1 W/m around laser heater • • Likely need for reduction (deflector) Would like to reduce 10s mW/m in Linac1 • Tesla used threshold 10 mJ/cm3 over 20 ms for 25 MeV/m – extrapolating their shower calculations this is safe by factor of >10 Removing collimators (start to end) • • • When removing collimators earlier in accelerator, undulators remain protected from dark current (until very last energy collimator is pulled) Of course, Linac does not and loss power gets much higher (because collimation does not occur at lowest possible energy) Encouraging with regards to protection from Touschek+Gas Scattering in Linac+Spreader Post Linac Collimation (Gas Scattering) Test of post linac collimation by artificially increasing (20-50x) divergence of beam at points along the linac In vertical plane, combination of two (90 degree apart) collimators and energy collimators protects undulators Rough estimate of pressure requirements on next slide, plan to quantify further with monte carlo and tracking of scattered particles Estimate of gas scattering loss rates • For electrons one can simplify the formulas for gas Bremsstrahlung lifetime (in the approximation of <Z2> ~ 50): • In the same approximation, the elastic gas scattering lifetime becomes: For NGLS: • Assume 1% energy acceptance (logarithmic dependence) relative losses of 10-9 for 100 nTorr due to inelastic scattering over full length • Assuming 7mm ID vacuum chamber relative losses of 10-8 for 100 nTorr due to inelastic scattering • 1-10 mW for nominal beam power (ALS total beamloss power about 30 mW) – No concern Post Linac Collimation (Gas, Touschek Scattering) Test of post linac collimation by artificially increasing (20x) energy spread of beam at points along the linac For energy error originating within LINAC (inelastic gas or Touschek scattering), very small betatron amplitudes First momentum collimator in spreader effectively removes scattered beam – very small amplitudes in undulator Touschek losses In Rings - Bruck’s formula for Touschek lifetime – valid for flat beam Only complicated part is to calculate momentum aperture/acceptance For NGLS with its round beams and changing energy not sufficient Multiple approaches: Monte-Carlo, … We are using approach used by Xiao/Borland for APS-ERL studies: Based on analytic Piwinski formula: Still needs calculation of momentum acceptance – because of tight collimator settings (dark current), acceptance is pretty small in parts of line. Above: APS-ERL example – dependence of Touschek loss-rate in full energy arcs on Momentum Aperture Below: Momentum Aperture of NGLS with baseline collimation. Touschek losses (2) Scattering rate based on analytic Piwinski formula: Scattering rates with NGLS momentum acceptance + design beam parameters: Integrating local scattering probability leading to loss on a collimator of up to few 10-6 (<10 W on spreader collimator) – Acceptable Verified calculation on ALS example – agree well with measured lifetimes Collimator Design Main issues that determine space requirements for each collimator (necessary for CDR): Heat load / beam power / power density <=1 ms MPS -> similar to 3rd generation light sources (kJ) – consistent with XFEL scaling Impedance heating -> similar to rings Wake fields, effect on beam: Need to not spoil beam quality Radiation showers, secondary particle transport, activation: Use of collimator pairs where possible Considered for local shielding and tunnel wall thickness XFEL collimator damage In XFEL design collimator damage sets requirements for large beta functions, one driver for length of collimation section (energy acceptance, R56 tunability, fixed (set of) collimator apertures …) Scaling of XFEL considerations to NGLS Our assumption is 1 ms MPS, i.e. 1000 bunches XFEL was 80 – 90 bunches We assume 0.3 nC, XFEL is 1 nC Gun (750 keV) No concern, low power, very large beam LH, BC Beam is enlarged a lot due to dispersion Post LINAC 2.4 GeV vs. 20 GeV – total deposited energy is factor 2.2 higher in XFEL – but shower is deeper Normalized emittance (0.6 vs 1.4 mm mrad) – absolute emittance is factor 3.6 larger in NGLS NGLS beta functions at collimators factor 10 below XFEL Potentially worse in spreader Overall seems similar -> Need detailed quantitative analysis But faster MPS response possible (desirable?), i.e. current solution is feasible Protector absorbers between cryomodules At CD-0 design had distributed collimators along length of LINAC and large beta functions to make them effective Based on tracking of gun dark current and gas/Touschek scattering estimates we do not believe we need those It was proposed (by reviewers) that local fixed absorbers might be a good idea to localize most of losses (for fault conditions like quadrupole PS trip, …) away from cavities Also provides well defined spots for where to place discrete, fast loss monitors for MPS Marco incorporated those in new layout However, looking at geometry in more detail, they naturally appear just downstream of cryomodule (70->35 mm) Still need to verify that location is appropriate and consider potential impact for designing transition Self-seeded undulator with breaks, etc Smaller Magnetic Gap and Impact on Undulator Length (Emma) Note that 10-mm gap (XFEL) is only ~20 m longer! 7.5 mm 6.0 mm chamber gap is 2 mm less than magnetic gap 500 A, 0.6 um, 150 keV, 10 m beta, 2.4 GeV, 3.3 m segment, 4.4 m break, self-seeded (Lux1.5), 25% safety factor on length (Lux1.5x1.25), 60-um Nb3Sn SCU insulator at 80% (0.48 mm diam.) Estimate of gas scattering loss rates • For electrons one can simplify the formulas for gas Bremsstrahlung lifetime (in the approximation of <Z2> ~ 50): • In the same approximation, the elastic gas scattering lifetime becomes: For NGLS: • Assume 1% energy acceptance (logarithmic dependence) relative losses of 10-8 for 100 nTorr due to inelastic scattering over full length • Assuming 4mm ID vacuum chamber relative losses of 10-8 for 100 nTorr due to inelastic scattering • <20 mW for nominal beam power (ALS total beamloss power about 30 mW) – Still no concern Effect of smaller undulator gap on darkcurrent collimation • Smaller undulator gap means vertical collimation is necessary in addition to energy collimamation • Reducing YCOL from +/-2 mm to +/- 1 mm is sufficient • Losses on YCOL get much bigger – too high ? – Also tighter tolerances on orbit, collimator position, … - probably OK To do list + work in progress Further characterize transverse dark current distribution from APEX. Refine models. Study how to reduce dark current and what final level might be achievable. Study secondary particles, escaped particles after the collimators. Continue study of sensitivity to lattice errors, changes in initial distribution, collimator misplacements, … Do trade-off study between cost for shielding/mitigation of activation and complexity and operational impact of collimation system Carry out tracking of scattered particles (Monte Carlo of gas/Touschek). Potentially benchmark calculations with FLASH measurements. Finish Collimator hardware reference design Shower simulations, detailed thermal simulations. calculate short and long range wakefields. Differences NGLS vs. LCLS-2 Lh L1 L0 L1, Lh L0 L2L2 L3 L3 j = 180° j = -20.0° 0A = -23.2° = +34.8° Ipk = 47 A Ipk =j 47 j =j -23.2° j =j+34.8° Ipk = 47 A V0 = 0 MV Ipk = 47 A = 90 A I Ipk I= 90 A I = 500 A A pk pk pk = 500 s = 0.85 mm s = 0.85 mm sz = 0.44 mm BC2 sz 0.08 mm Heaterz BC1 GUN z SPRDR 94 MeV 215 MeV 720 MeV 0.75 MeV 3.9 CM01 CM09 CM272.4 GeV sd = 0.02%CM2,3 sd = 0.44% CM04 sd = 0.48% CM10 sd 0.04% BC1 BC2 SPRDR Heater GUN 215 MeV 720 MeV 2.4 GeV 94 MeV 3.9 CM01 CM2,3 CM09 CM27 CM04 CM10 0.75 MeV R56 = -94 mm R56 = -76 mm R56 = 0 R56 = -5 mm sd = 0.44% sd = 0.48% sd 0.04% sd = 0.02% 300 pC; 2012-04-18 & 2012-07-02 Dark Current Kicker 10 Energy Collimator 1.5 mm L0 j=* V0 =94 MV Ipk = 12 A Lb = 2.0 mm CM01 Energy Coll. 15 mm L2 j = -21° V0 =1447 MV Ipk = 50 A Lb = 0.56 mm L1 j =-21° HL V0 =223 MV j =-165° Ipk = 12 A Lb =2.0 mm V0 =55 MV CM2,3 LH GUN E = 95 MeV 0.75 MeV R = -14.5 mm 56 sd = 0.05 % 3.9GHz 4 -tron Coll.’s 10 mm (x) 2 mm (y) Energy Coll. 8 mm CM04 BC1 E = 250 MeV R56 = -55 mm sd = 1.4 % Energy Coll. 2.5 mm L3 j=0 V0 =2409 MV Ipk = 1.0 kA Lb = 0.024 mm CM15 CM16 BC2 E = 1600 MeV R56 = -60 mm sd = 0.46 % 100-pC machine layout: Oct. 8, 2013; v21 ASTRA run; Bunch length Lb is FWHM CM35 LTU E = 4.0 GeV R56 = 0 sd 0.016% 2-km Summary Have completed tracking with energy + betatron collimators in CDR lattice Energy collimators sufficient to protect superconducting cavities + undulators from gun dark current Dark current kicker appears necessary to minimize activation of collimators and protect injector s/c cavities Betatron collimation (and post linac energy collimation) effective in stopping Touschek+Gas scattered particles before undulators Space requirements for collimators are workable within current layout No apparent show-stoppers remain for CD-1, will finish work in progress – main area is detailed collimator hardware design Thanks to Hiroshi Nishimura, Christos Papadopoulos, Fernando Sannibale, et al. Backup Slides ΔE = 13.5 MV/m State of the art State of the art 25 MV/m BCP cavities 35 MV/m EP cavities Elegant Tracking AT / Elegant comparison • • • At first, results did not agree at all … Doubted my AT modifications However, reason turned out to be intricacies of how elegant tracks (fiducialization, no reference particle) and how data from astra was transferred Now good agreement – small remaining discrepancies are different modeling of apertures, small differences in import of large energy offset coordinates from ASTRA ALS Routine Stored Beam Losses • New scrapers localize losses away from beamline source points and undulators • Installed+work very well JH Scrapers Sector 1 JH Scrapers Sector 3 DESY – FLASH / XFEL