IMMUNODEPLETION OF CONDENSIN FROM XENOPUS EGG EXTRACTS extracts HSS Δcond. Δmock boiled beads cond. mock anticond. Smc4 Smc2 - 170 - 130 - 100 antiα-tub. FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY: VISUALISING FITC-STAINED SAMPLES Camera/Eyepiece Excitation filter (488nm+/-20 nm) Emission filter (525nm+/-25 nm) Dichroic beam splitter(>495 nm) FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY: MICROSCOPE SET-UP Emission filter Excitation filter Beam splitter EXAMPLE: BRIGHT-FIELD MICROSCOPY OF A STAINED SAMPLE Kidney ducts stained with hematoxylin (blue, basic extracellular matrix) and eosin (pink, acidic nuclei) Source: MBC BRIGHT-FIELD MICROSCOPY Based on differential absorption of light by objects Absorption: Decrease in the amplitude of a light wave (i.e. object gets darker) Absorption may be wavelength-independent or wavelength-specific (e.g. chloroplasts are green under the microscope, the amplitude of all other wavelengths is reduced) Objects visible by bright-field microscopy are called “amplitude objects” PHASE-CONTRAST MICROSCOPY Thin objects (e.g. single cells) don’t absorb sufficient light to be good “amplitude objects” However, all objects shift the phase of a passing light-beam by a fraction of their wavelength. They are called “phase objects”. Using special optics this (invisible) phase shift can be converted into a (visible) amplitude shift This conversion is based in interference between the direct light beam and the phase-shifted light beam EXAMPLE: PHASE CONTRAST LIGHT PATH IN PHASE CONTRAST MICROSCOPY -1/4λ on the diffracted beam (passing through the retarder of the phase ring) -1/4λ on the diffracted beam (passing through the specimen) Net result: shift of 1/2λ of the diffracted beam results in negative interference between direct and diffracted beam apparent conversion of a “phase object” into an “amplitude object” Direct beam Diffracted beam Δ1/4λ Δ1/4λ TYPES OF LIGHT MICROSCOPY Bright-field Phase-contrast Differential-interference contrast (DIC) Source: MBC PRINCIPLE OF FLUORESCENCE Fluorochromes can be excited by a particular wavelength and emit light of a longer wavelength Stokes shift. =heat COMMON FLUOROCHROMES USED FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS PROBE DETECTION Antibodies or nucleic acid probes can be conjugated to fluorescent dyes, such as FITC (fluorescein-isothiocyanate) Fluorescent group Reactive group for conjugation to other molecules via amine groups SCALE BARS • all microscopic images must have a scale bar • experimental determination of scale bar: take image of hemocytometer with squares of known dimensions (e.g. Thoma) • calculate length from pixel as outlined below: 200 µm CALCULATING MAGNIFICATION FOR DIGITAL MICROSCOPY Pixel size: 6.8 µm CCD chip dimension: 1360 x 1024 pixel Microscope magnification: 100x 6.8 µm/100 x1360=92.48 µm 6.8 µm/100 x 1024=69.63 µm One image is 92.48 µm in length and 69.63 µm in height Actin fibres in interphase cells 10 µm Stained with Phalloidin-Fluorescein DNA (DAPI stain) pseudocoloured in red Microtubules in interphase cell 10 µm Stained with anti-tubulin antibodies and secondary fluorescein antibodies DNA (DAPI stain) pseudocoloured in red MACROPHAGE PHAGOCYTOSIS: SIGNALING THROUGH HETEROTRIMERIC G-PROTEINS MACROPHAGE PHAGOCYTOSIS: CHEMOKINES ACT THROUGH HETEROTRIMERIC G-PROTEINS Artificially activated by phorbol ester (mimics DAG) 19 Artificially elevated by ionomycin DIACYLGLYCEROL AND PHORBOL MYRISTATE ACETATE DAG PMA MACROPHAGE PHAGOCYTOSIS: E. COLI LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDE (LPS) Lipid A MACROPHAGE PHAGOCYTOSIS: LPSINDUCED ACTIVATION CLUSTERS LYMPHOCYTE PROLIFERATION Concanavalin A: • Polyvalent lectin • α-D-mannosyl and αD-glycosyl binding • Mitogen • Polyclonal activation (in contrast to antigen-mediated clonal expansion) • Pleiotropic effects • Metabolic stimulation • Receptor clustering (lipid raft)? T-CELL ACTIVATION