Innovative applications of Specim's AISA hyperspectral sensors and software Ing. Marco Bacciocchi, Codevintec Hyperspectral sensors and software Current Airborne AISA Products AISA Systems EAGLE/EAGLET HAWK DUAL OWL Spectral range 400-1000 nm 970-2500 nm 400-2500 nm 7.7-12.4 um Spectral sampl. 3/2.5 nm 6 nm 2.5/6 nm 50 nm Spectral bands 200/244 256 498 100 Spatial pixels 1024/1600 320 320 384 Image rate 125/160 Hz 100 Hz 100 Hz 100 Hz SNR 130-1400 800 Sensor weight 3.5/6.5 kg 18 kg 55 kg 13.5 kg Total weight 15/28 kg 45 kg 110 kg 35 kg 250-500 AISA Airborne Hyperspectral System Components Daylight readable LCD Display Hyperspectral camera FODIS CaliGeo Software GPS/INS unit Compact Data acquisition and storage system AISA Installations Push-broom hyperspectral imaging Intensity Flight Line Single Pixel Pixel Spectrum Wavelength Spatial Pixels Spectral Bands Photo - SCG Siena Single Sensor Frame Series of Sensor Frames Push-broom hyperspectral camera Push-broom advantages 1. Acquires all spectral information exactly at the same time - insensitive to instrument/sample movement 2. Multiplex advantage of imaging full line of pixels at the same time 3. No moving parts in the instrument – compact, reliable, stable, low maintenance. 4. With high speed AISA sensors, flexible to adapt to various mission requirements 5. The only HSI technique which practically fits to all applications: air, field, lab and on-line Flight mission parameters GSD = ground sampling [m] v = aircraft speed [m/s} FOV = field of view [degree] n = # of swath pixels Frame rate FR = v/GSD [1/s] Flying altitude A = n*GSD/2tan(FOV/2) [m] Frame integration time [s] AISA system lab calibration Radiometric & spectral › Conversion factor for each pixel from raw data to spectral radiance › Centre wavelength and spectral FWHM for each spectral band Geometric › Focal length › Optical axis position › Possible distortion over the swath Focus Other standard lab tests › Linearity, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Smile and Keystone, Stability, MTF Data processing Radiometric processing Georeferencing Atmospheric correction Mosaic of flight lines Spectral processing for desired information CaligeoPRO › Both interactive and batch mode Atcor, Flaash ENVI, et al AISA software Aisa Operating Software RS Cube All the AISA systems use Windows-based flight operations software RSCube to › Control hardware like image (frame) rate and exposure time. › Display images, GPS/INS status, and other information in realtime for monitoring the progress of data collection Aisa Operating Software RS CUbe All AISA systems can be used in two operating modes: › A: full hyperspectral data acquisition › B: multispectral data acquisition at programmable wavebands Band files are created with AISA Bandage Caligeo Software › CaliGeo is an easy-to-use, GUI-based, interactive software package (stand alone or Envi plug-in). It allows you to fine tune your images and turn your raw AISA data into final useable products. › With CaliGeo you are able to perform › Radiometric correction › Geo-referencing (Geometric correction) › CaliGeo also provides the tools to automatically analyze and correct boresight errors caused by mechanical tolerances between: › head and GPS/INS › VNIR and SWIR sensor heads Dems › A digital elevation model (DEM) defines the ground elevation for every single ground point, independently of the other points. › Using a DEM is supported in CaliGeo. However, it is up to the user to provide ENVI-readable DEM data for the entire image area in a suitable format with a proper resolution › If the DEM does not cover the image area and CaliGeo needs values outside the DEM, then CaliGeo will use the nearest DEM pixel on the edge of the DEM. › There are no size restrictions for the DEM file. The file can cover a larger area than the raw image. › The DEM file must be in ENVI readable format (1 channel grayscale raster data) › To achieve a good rectification result, the ground resolution of DEM should reflect the height differences in ground (e.g. If having tall buildings etc. in the image a good ground resolution is recommended) AISA Applications and References Why hyperspectral? Hyperspectral imaging is capable of seeing detailed spectral signatures needed in › identification (like plant species, minerals) and › quantification (like chlorophyll in water) of target characterisctics, and › mapping their distribution. Where hyperspectral imaging can help us? Mineral Exploration & Geothermal Exploration, Acid Mine Drainage Water Quality, Off-shore Mapping, Coral Reef Health Forest Chemistry, Health, Inventory Monitoring Infrastructure Conditions Wetlands Health, Vegetation, Discrete vegetation mapping, and Agriculture Research and Development Hydrocarbon Detection, Oil&Gas Leak Detection Fire and Flood Risk Analysis Law Enforcement and Military Applications Airborne mineral mapping SpecTIR LLC, USA Operates three AisaDUAL systems, first obtained in 2006 SWIR and LWIR hyperspectral imaging is capable of identification of most minerals of commercial interest, and provide quick mapping tool in geological and geothermal exploration. High spatial resolution (1 meter) hyperspectral results for the “Buddintonite Bump” area of Cuprite, Nevada. Airborne mineral mapping Courtesy of SpecTIR LLC, USA Forest inventory and health University of Victoria, Canada Purchased AisaDUAL in 2006 › Fusion of hyperspectral imaging and Lidar data › Tree height and volume › Species identification and distribution › Biomass, tree health condition, like stress caused by pine beetle attack Forest chemistry University of Victoria, Canada AisaDUAL Forest health mapping Sarawak Forest Department Malaysia AisaEAGLE Airborne HSI in VNIR provides sensitive and high resolution detection and mapping of fungus disease in oil palm trees >50 km2/h @0.5 m ground resolution @50 m/s (100 knots) Law enforcement in forest area Sarawak Forest Department Malaysia Purchased AisaEAGLE in 2008, AisaEAGLET in 2010 Monitoring of illegal logging and encroachment by detection, classification and mapping of anomalies, like natural vs. felling gap, non-vegetative green targets (camouflage) Integrated geospatial system for fast enforcement response: › hyperspectral data collection › near real-time processing and mapping › web dissemination of the tactical information to field users Detection of recent encroachments Sarawak Forest Department Malaysia Drug plant detection Processed Hyperspectral Image • Known spectral characteristics • Known background • Geo-rectified Marijuana plants Courtesy of SpecTIR LLC, USA Water quality mapping SOA (State Oceanic Administration), China Purchased AisaEAGLE 2006, and two more systems in 2009 Chlorophyll, algae, and total solids mapping Oil slick and oil in water monitoring University of Nebraska, USA Purchased AisaEAGLE 2005 Chlorophyll-a map Phycocyanin map Total solids content Water quality mapping Centro de Economia Aplicada (CEA), Chile Purchased AisaEAGLE In 2009 All water reservoirs in Chile are frequently mapped for organic and inorganic pollution Environmental catastrophes Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: Hyperspectral data is frequently collected with AisaDUAL by SpecTIR LLC, USA, in order to › monitor changes to health in highly sensitive coastal wetlands, and › aid in future impact assessments. ‘Red mud’ flood in Hungary: Hyperspectral data is collected with AisaEAGLE by EnviroSense , Hungary. Data courtesy of Thermal applications AisaOWL Key Characteristics 285x200x175 mm 13.5 kg < 200 W Spatial pixels 384 Spectral range 7.7-12.4 um Spectral resol. 100 nm Spectral sampling 50 nm Spectral bands 100 Smile, keystone <0.2 pix Image rate 100 Hz NESR@10um 20 mW/m2 sr um Thermal Cooled – Performance NESR SNR AisaOWL sensor on the ground Detection of propellant gas (1,1,1-2 tetrafluoroethane) Outdoor scan in Finland in daytime in March 2011. Ambient temperature ca -10 C. Data processed to radiance. Codevintec Italiana Thank you! Via Labus 13 I-20147 Milano Tel. +39 02 4830.2175