Lesson overview Chapter 6 Combining Simultaneous and Sequential Moves Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory Each Example Game Introduces some Game Theory • Example 1: Subgames • Example 2: No Order Advantage • Example 3: First Mover Advantage • Example 4: Second Mover Advantage • Example 5: Mutual Benefit • Example 6: Off-Equilibrium Paths Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Applications BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 1 Example 1: Subgames Playing a series of games over time requires a strategy for the entire series, which defines a strategy for each component subgame. For example, the San Diego Chargers have a strategy for playing a season, which defines a strategy for how they play each individual game. The series strategy may involve not maximizing you chance of winning each subgame if doing so might risk injury to Philip Rivers or another key player. BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 2 Example 1: Subgames Citigroup and General Electric must simultaneously choose whether to invest $10 billion to buy a fiber-optic network. If neither invests, that is the end of the game. If one invests and the other does not, then the investor has to make a pricing decision for its telecom services. It can choose either a high price, generating 60 million customers and a profit per unit of $400, or a low price, generating 80 million customers and a profit per unit of $200. If both firms invest, then their pricing choices become a second simultaneous-move game, with each choosing high or low price. If both choose the high price, they split the market, each with 30 million customers and a profit per unit of $400. If both choose the low price, they split the market, each with 40 million customers and a profit per unit of $200. If one chooses the high price and the other the low, the low-price gets the entire market, with 80 million customers and a profit per unit of $200. BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 3 Example 1: Subgames Compute the subgames of this Investment-and-Price Competition Game, then describe the connections between the subgames. Should Citigroup invest? Should General Electric invest? BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 4 Example 1: Subgames First stage: Investment Game General Electric Citigroup Don't Invest Don't 0,0 ,0 Second stage: General Electric’s Pricing Decision Invest 0, General Electric Second stage: Citigroup’s Pricing Decision Citigroup High Low 14 6 Second stage: Pricing Game General Electric High Low Citigroup 14 6 High Low High 2,2 6,-10 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory Low -10,6 -2,-2 5 Example 1: Subgames Solve the two-stage game by backward induction. The first step is to solve each of the second-stage games. BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 6 Example 1: Subgames First stage: Investment Game General Electric Citigroup Don't 0,0 ,0 Don't Invest Second stage: Solved by backward induction Invest 0, General Electric High 14 Second stage: Solved by backward induction Citigroup Second stage: Solved by dominance General Electric High Citigroup 14 High Low High 2,2 6,-10 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory Low -10,6 -2,-2 7 Example 1: Subgames The next step is to input the equilibrium payoffs of each of the second-stage games into the first-stage game. BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 8 Example 1: Subgames First stage: Investment Game General Electric Citigroup Don't 0,0 14,0 Don't Invest Second stage: Solved by backward induction Invest 0,14 -2,-2 General Electric High 14 Second stage: Solved by backward induction Citigroup Second stage: Solved by dominance General Electric High Citigroup 14 High Low High 2,2 6,-10 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory Low -10,6 -2,-2 9 Example 1: Subgames General Electric Citigroup Don't Invest Don't 0,0 14,0 Invest 0,14 -2,-2 The final step is to solve the firststage game. It has two Nash equilibria, and is like the Battle-ofthe-Sexes game. Agreements on one Nash equilibrium are complicated since each player prefers a different equilibrium, so any agreement could be rejected as unfair. If agreements are impossible, finding a focal point is complicated because there is no jointly-preferred equilibrium to focus beliefs. Reputation becomes important: if players have a mutual history of one player dominating or playing tough, players could focus their expectations on the equilibrium that most benefits that player. Another solution is a player strategically committing to his preferredequilibrium strategy, or strategically eliminating some alternative strategies. BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 10 Example 2: No Order Advantage Changing simultaneous moves into sequential moves may benefit neither player, may benefit the first mover, may benefit the second mover, or it may benefit both players. BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 11 Example 2: No Order Advantage Confess is a dominate strategy for each prisoner in the Prisoners’ dilemma. Changing simultaneous moves into sequential moves benefits neither prisoner: Prisoner 1 Prisoner 2 Don't C. Prisoner 1 Confess Don't C. -1,-1 0,-15 Confess -15,0 -5,-5 Don't C. Confess Prisoner 2 Prisoner 2 Don't C. Confess Don't C. Confess -1,-1 -15,0 0,-15 -5,-5 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 12 Example 3: First Mover Advantage When a simultaneous move game has multiple Nash equilibria, changing simultaneous moves into sequential moves benefits the first mover since he can select the equilibrium, as in the Battle of the Sexes: Husband Wife Football Football 3,2 Husband Opera 0,0 Opera 0,0 2,3 Football Opera Wife Wife Football Opera Football Opera 3,2 0,0 0,0 2,3 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 13 Example 4: Second Mover Advantage Changing simultaneous moves into sequential moves may benefit the second mover, as in the Penalty Kick Game: If the Kicker goes second, he gets .7; but if the Goalie goes second, the Kicker gets only .3. Goalie Kicker Left Right Left .1,.9 .7,.3 Right .8,.2 .3,.7 Goalie Kicker Left Right Left Right Kicker Kicker Goalie Goalie Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right .9,.1 .3,.7 .2,.8 .7,.3 .1,.9 .8,.2 .7,.3 .3,.7 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 14 Example 5: Mutual Benefit Changing simultaneous moves into sequential moves may benefit players, as in the Budget Balance Game: Congress’s fiscal policy can either balance the budget or run a budget deficit, and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy can either set interest rates low or high. Congress is under pressure to run a deficit, which causes inflation. The Federal Reserve want to set low interest rates unless there is inflation, when it wants to set high interest rates. BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 15 Example 5: Mutual Benefit The normal form below includes payoffs consistent with the data above. Under simultaneous moves, Budget Deficit is a dominate strategy for Congress, which makes Federal Reserve respond with High Rates, for payoffs 2,2. But if Congress moves first, backward induction has the Federal Reserve setting high interest rates if there is a deficit, so the deficit is rejected. Congress Federal Reserve Low Rate High Rate B. Balance 3,4 1,3 Congress B. Deficit 4,1 2,2 Balance Deficit Fed. Fed. Low High Low High 3,4 1,3 4,1 2,2 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 16 Example 6: Off-Equilibrium Paths Simultaneous moves are usually analyzed in the normal form, and sequential moves in a game tree. It is possible to represent simultaneous moves in a game tree, and some sequential moves in normal form. The latter has an advantage if you believe that the extra detail in a game tree is not essentially to solving the game. For example, if you believe that Nash equilibria or rationalizeability are the definitive solutions to games. BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 17 Example 6: Off-Equilibrium Paths Write the Budget Balance Game with Congress moving first into normal form. First, identify strategies: Congress can choose Balance or Deficit, and the Federal Reserve can choose these: L if B, L if D (Low interest rates if Balance, Low if Deficit) L if B, H if D H if B, L if D H if B, H if D Congress Balance Deficit Fed. Fed. Low High Low High 3,4 1,3 4,1 2,2 Federal Reserve LifB,LifD LifB,HifD HifB,LifD HifB,HifD B. Balance 3,4 3,4 1,3 1,3 Congress B. Deficit 4,1 2,2 4,1 2,2 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 18 Example 6: Off-Equilibrium Paths There is only one rollback solution: Balance with (L if B, H if D) (Low interest rates if Balance, High if Deficit) There are two Nash Equilibria: the rollback solution of Balance with (L if B, H if D), and the equilibrium Deficit with (H if B, H if D). Congress Balance Deficit Fed. Fed. Low High Low High 3,4 1,3 4,1 2,2 Federal Reserve LifB,LifD LifB,HifD HifB,LifD HifB,HifD B. Balance 3,4 3,4 1,3 1,3 Congress B. Deficit 4,1 2,2 4,1 2,2 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 19 Example 6: Off-Equilibrium Paths The strategies Deficit with (H if B, H if D) is not a rollback equilibrium because H if B is not optimal for the Federal Reserve if the opportunity to play actually arises. But those strategies Deficit with (H if B, H if D) are a Nash equilibrium because, given that Congress chooses Deficit, it does not matter whether the Federal Reserve choose L if B or H if B. Congress Balance Deficit Fed. Fed. Low High Low High 3,4 1,3 4,1 2,2 Federal Reserve LifB,LifD LifB,HifD HifB,LifD HifB,HifD B. Balance 3,4 3,4 1,3 1,3 Congress B. Deficit 4,1 2,2 4,1 2,2 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 20 BA 592 Game Theory End of Lesson I.10 BA 592 Lesson I.10 Sequential and Simultaneous Move Theory 21