AIM AND TARGETS The aim of this course is to provide clinic-pathologic lectures and interactive case discussions. The faculty will illustrate several aspects of breast pathology, from histo-morphological aspects to molecular pathology. During the microscopic sessions the faculty will present several cases of rare or controversial diseases, and all participants are strongly encouraged to freely discuss the cases, in an informal and constructive way. Participants are also encouraged to bring their own unusual/problematic cases, along with a brief clinical history. FACULTY Mattia Barbareschi S. Chiara Hospital, Trento Franco Bonetti University of Verona Simonetta Bianchi University of Florence Isabella Castellano University of Torino Manfred Dietel University Hospital Charité, Berlin Vincenzo Eusebi Catholic University, Roma The Pezcoller Foundation: The Pezcoller Foundation is a non-profit organisation created in 1980 by Prof. Alessio Pezcoller (1896 - 1993), Chief Surgeon of Santa Chiara Hospital of Trento, Italy. The goal of the Foundation is to promote biomedical research. Activities: – PEZCOLLER FOUNDATION-AACR INTERNATIONAL UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF AWARD FOR CANCER RESEARCH – 75.000 Euro: this prize is presented, every year, to a scientist who has made a major scientific discovery in the field of cancer. – PEZCOLLER FOUNDATION-ECCO RECOGNITION Azienda Provinciale Servizi Sanitari ProvinciaTO Autonoma di Trento FOR AUTONOMA CONTRIBUTION ONCOLOGY – 30.000 Euro: PROVINCIA U.O. Anatomia Patologica DI TRENTO Ospedale Santa Chiara - Trento this prize is presented, every two years to a single individual (scientist, clinician, nurse. etc.) for his/her professional life dedication to the improvement of cancer treatment, care and research. – THE PEZCOLLER SYMPOSIA: a series of annual sympoOrdine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della provincia di Trento sia promoting interactions among scientists working at the cutting edge of basic oncological sciences. – PEZCOLLER SEMINARS: a series of educational meetings for Medical Doctors. Society of Anatomic Pathology & Cytology –Italian PEZCOLLER FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP: for profesItalian Division of the International Academy of Pathology sional updating in oncology. – THE PEZCOLLER FOUNDATION JOURNAL: this periodical is published in order to provide a direct link, at six Trentina per Medicina Genomica monthlyAssociazione intervals, between thelaPezcoller Foundation and the international medical and scientific community. Associazione Ricerca Medica Trentina Antonella Ferro S. Chiara Hospital, Trento Enzo Galligioni S. Chiara Hospital, Trento Licia Laurino Cà Foncello Hospital, Treviso CON IL CONTRIBUTO EDUCAZIONALE INCONDIZIONATO DI 20th Pezcoller Seminar Surgical pathology of the breast: from morphology to molecular testing Meeting of the Italian Group of Breast Pathologists April 10 and 11, 2014 Trento – Italy Auditorium Centro Servizi Sanitari viale Verona - Big Center Palazzina D - 38122 TRENTO Manfred Dietel Director of the Institute of Pathology University Hospital Charité Campus Mitte Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany Farid Moinfar Institute of Pathology Head of Research Unit Forschungseinheit für Molekularpathologie von Brustdrüsen- und gynäkologischen Tumoren Graz, Austria Vincenzo Eusebi Department of Women and Children Welfare Catholic University, Policlinico Gemelli, Rome Erminia Manfrin University of Verona Guido Mazzoleni S. Maurizio Hospital, Bolzano Farid Moinfar University of Graz Alfredo Santinelli University Politecnica delle Marche Fabrizio Zanconati University of Trieste Fondazione Pezcoller Via Dordi, 8 38122 TRENTO - Italy Tel. 0039 - 0461 - 980250 Fax 0039 - 0461 - 980350 E-mail: La Fondazione Pezcoller è patrocinata dalla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto COURSE PROGRAM APRIL, 10TH, THURSDAY 8.45 9.00 Welcome & registration Mattia Barbareschi, Paolo Dalla Palma Opening address Luciano Flor - general director APSS Davide Bassi - president Pezcoller 1st session Chair: Franco Bonetti - Mattia Barbareschi INFORMAZIONI GENERALI 16.45 Microscopic session: Isabella Castellano 17.30 Discussion 17.45 Closing remarks: Mattia Barbareschi 18.00Chiusura APRIL, 11TH , FRIDAY 3rd session Chair: Simonetta Bianchi - Guido Mazzoleni 9.00 Lecture: Farid Moinfar Reliability of pathologic assessment of breast resection margins 9.45Discussion 10.00 Microscopic session: Fabrizio Zanconati 10.45 Coffee break 11.15 Lecture: Vincenzo Eusebi The classification of breast carcinoma: the Babel era newer ends 12.00 Discussion 12.15 Microscopic session: Alfredo Santinelli 13.00 Lunch SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT Mattia Barbareschi tel.: 39 0461 90 3092 Mariella Bonzanini tel.: 39 0461 90 3119 Teresa Pusiol tel.: 39 0464 403502 Elena Barresi tel.: 39 0461 90 3202 Lecture: Enzo Galligioni and Antonella Ferro Overview of recent therapeutic options in different breast cancer subtypes 10.00 Discussion 10.15 Lecture: Farid Moinfar Molecular (“intrinsic”) classification of the breast carcinomas: a critical review 11.00 Discussion 11.15 Coffee break 11.45 Microscopic session: Manfred Dietel 12.45 Microscopic session: Guido Mazzoleni 13.30Lunch 4th session Chair: Simonetta Bianchi - Guido Mazzoleni OFFICIAL LANGUAGE English 2nd session Chair: Franco Bonetti - Mattia Barbareschi 14.00 CME ACCREDITATION Request for Italian CME accreditation has been submitted for medical doctors and biologists. 9.30 14.30 15.15 15.30 16.30 Lecture: Manfred Dietel Molecular testing of breast cancer Discussion Microscopic session: Farid Moinfar Coffee break Lecture: Manfred Dietel Quality assurance and breast cancer pathology 14.45 Discussion 15.00 Microscopic session: Erminia Manfrin 15.45 Microscopic session: Licia Laurino 16.45 Closing remarks: Mattia Barbareschi 17.00 Test ECM e conclusione del corso ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT progettoeventi srl corso Bettini, 58 - 38068 Rovereto (Tn) tel 0464 750077 fax 0464 750087 CONGRESS VENUE Auditorium Centro Servizi Sanitari - viale Verona Big Center - Palazzina D - 38122 TRENTO REGISTRATION AND ADMISSION FEE Registration Form on web site Regular fee euro 300,00 Reduced fee euro 250,00 if IAP/SIAPEC/ORSA member Free for students and residents