William Blake生平 出生日期 : 1757年11月28日 英國倫敦 死亡日期 : 1827年8月12日 英國倫敦 職業 : 詩人 畫家 版畫製作 William Blake was born on 28 November.Young Blake was prone to fantastic visions, including seeing God, and angels in a tree. He would later claim that he had regular conversations with his deceased brother.It was soon apparent that Blake’s internal world of imagination would be a prime motivator throughout his life. Noting something special in their son the Blakes were highly supportive of and encouraged his artistic creativity and thus began his education and development as an artist. 威廉布雷克在1757年11月28日出生於英國倫敦,年輕時的 布雷克常常會有一些奇妙的構想,其中包括見到上帝與天使在一 棵樹上,他也聲稱自己常常與已故的弟弟討論.這很明顯的顯示出 在布雷克的內心世界裡,想像力是很重要的一環.注意到其兒子特 別的一點,布雷克父母非常支持,並鼓勵他的藝術創造力,進而開始 了他的教育和發展,作為一個藝術家. He had early shown an interest in and aptitude for drawing, so, at the age of ten Blake entered Henry Pars’ drawing school. Then, at the age of fourteen Blake started a seven year apprenticeship with engraver James Basire, the official engraver to the Society of Antiquaries. From his bustling shop on Queen Street, Blake learned all the tools of the trade that would become his main source of income. The intense study of Gothic art and architecture appealed to Blake’s aesthetic sensibility and brought out his penchant for the medieval. 他對繪畫具有興趣與潛能,因此10歲的布雷克進入Henry Pars‘的繪畫學校.十五歲時,成為James Basire 的學徒,其為一位刻 蝕畫家並提供出版商大量的插圖版畫,在Basrie之下學習七年,習 得標準銅板刻蝕的技術,也成為一輩子謀生的技能.布雷克的發展 是靠自身的熱誠與好奇心,由他偏好文藝復興的硬線條,相對於當 時巴洛克豐富的色調,可知他的獨立判斷能力. 他的作品Joseph of Arimathea Blake's artistry in the most high peak in 1785, he showed three pictures of watercolor about Joseph,also completed two artistries about Bible. 1785年布雷克的作品達 到高峰,在學院展出三幅關於 Joseph故事的水彩畫,也完成二 幅大型聖經故事作品 The Complaint of Job (1785) and The Death of Ezekiel’s wife (1785) In 1789 Blake made the first most important iconograph book "Songs of Innocence", this book shows him about the innocence about child before they are contaminated by the society 1789年布雷克製作第 一本重要的插畫書 Songs of Innocence 這 本 書 表 達 了 他 對於孩童的未被社會污染 之愉悅純潔完整的狀態. . The Marriage of Heaven and Hell(1790-93) and Visions of the Daughters of Albion(1793), the two are bigger than Songs od Innocence, the logos of abstract are convey in the mystery character. 1790-93年的作品The Marriage of Heaven and Hell及1793 年 Visions of the Daughters of Albion,兩者的大小 都比Songs of Innocence 大一些,都以 Blake自創的神秘性的人物表達他的抽 象理念 After the massacre on September in 1792 in Paris, he lost the avidity of his dream, it might cause bipolar disorder in 1790-1800. the artistry in 1793: America, a Prophecy,1794: Europe, a Prophecy 在 巴 黎 1792 年 的 九 月 屠殺之後,對於理想的熱情 似乎也隨之破滅,很可能也 導致了其後在1790-1800年困 擾他的憂鬱症。那時期的作 品 有 1793 年 , America, a Prophecy,1794年, Europe, a Prophecy The experience of Blake about color print is in the most high peak in 1795 of the twelve giant pictures ,these artistry of prints which like painting are made by watercolor and fountain pen, they are a series of artistriy. 布雷克對於彩色印刷 經驗的累積在 1795年十二幅 巨型設計達到最高點 。這些 像繪畫一般的印刷作品 ,以 鋼筆及水彩完成,可視為是 一系列的作品 In 1800, the Blakes moved to Felpham in Sussex where William was commissioned to illustrate works by his then patron, poet William Hayley.In 1803 Blake was charged with sedition after a violent confrontation with soldier John Scolfield in which Blake uttered treasonable remarks against the King. 1800年的秋天,受到詩人及贊助者William Hayley的 邀請,布雷克夫婦一起到海邊鄉下Felpham渡過三年。 他替Hayley的圖書館畫了一些裝飾性的肖像畫以及詩的插 畫,不過很快他就發現與主人沉悶看法不合, 並與一個闖入莊園的酒醉士兵起衝突,因此被控訴擾亂治 安,倫敦法院於1804年將他開釋。 From living in Felpham, Blake was deep fascinated by the poetry of Milton, he painted a series of watercolor in 18011807,he used Paradise Lost to be the blurprint made some unusual artistry. 從 在 Felpham 居 住 的 時 期,布雷克就深深著迷於 Milton 的 詩 , 1801-1807 年 他 畫了一系列的水彩畫 ,1808 年並以Paradise Lost為藍圖製 作了不尋常的雄偉巨幅畫作 Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion (c.1820) is Blake’s longest illuminated work. In 1821 the Blakes moved to lodgings in Fountain Court, Strand.There he finished his work on the Book of Job in 1825.The following year he started a series of watercolours for Dante Alighieri ’s Divine Comedy.William Blake died at home on 12 August, 1827. 布雷克晚期的插畫表現出強烈與色彩的豐富性,幾乎可 說像巴洛克的形式。同時期作品 Jerusalum,“The Emanation of the Giant Albion”,是最後一件也是最偉大的一部插畫書 在1821年布雷克搬到了河岸邊的一間公寓,他在1825年完 成他對該書的工作.第二年他開始了一系列的水彩畫為但丁神曲 的神曲.威廉布雷克在1827年8月12日於家中逝世. William Blake的作品 詩歌書籍 Poetry Books 詩歌 Poetry 毒樹 A Poison Tree 天真的預兆 (獅無罪) Auguries of Innocence 聖週四 Holy Thursday 我聽到天使 I Heard an Angel 嬰兒的悲哀 Infant Sorrow 引言歌無罪 Introduction to Songs of Innocence 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem 倫敦 London 愛的秘密 Love's Secret 歌曲經驗-我漂亮的玫瑰樹 Songs of Experience - My Pretty Rose Tree 歌曲經驗-蒼蠅 Songs of Experience - The Fly 歌曲經驗-向日葵 Songs of Experience - The Sunflower 歌無罪-夜 Songs of Innocence - Night 歌無罪-掃煙囪Songs of Innocence - The Chimney Sweeper 歌無罪-小黑人男孩 Songs of Innocence - The Little Black Boy 歌無罪-男同學 Songs of Innocence - The Schoolboy 歌無罪-牧羊人 Songs of Innocence - The Sheepherd 煙囪清掃 The Chimney Sweeper 該礪石和鵝卵石 The Clod and the Pebble 花園愛情 The Garden of Love 羔羊The Lamb 土地夢 The Land of Dreams 病態玫瑰 The Sick Rose 老虎 The tyger 。 純真之歌 Auguries of Innocence To see a World in a Grain of Sand 在一粒細沙中看到世界 And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, 在一朵野花中看到天堂, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand 在手掌中把握無限 And Eternity in an hour. 在一小時中把握永恆。 A Robin Red breast in a Cage 在籠裡的知更鳥紅胸脯 Puts all Heaven in a Rage. 憤然放入全部的天堂。 A dove house fill'd with doves & Pigeons 鴿子屋充滿和平鴿子和信鴿 Shudders Hell thro' all its regions. 在整個區域中見鬼的發抖。 A dog starv'd at his Master's Gate 一隻狗在它主人大門前受飢餓 Predicts the ruin of the State. 預言國家的毀滅。 A Horse misus'd upon the Road 一匹馬誤用在道路上 Calls to Heaven for Human blood. 向天堂呼喊人類流血。 Each outcry of the hunted Hare 每次吶喊打獵到的野兔 A fibre from the Brain does tear. 大腦的一條纖維便撕破。 A Skylark wounded in the wing, 一只翅膀受傷的雲雀, A Cherubim does cease to sing. 一個天真可愛的兒童便停止唱歌。 The Game Cock clipp'd and arm'd for fight 鬥雞剪了翅膀裝備戰鬥 Does the Rising Sun affright. 升起的朝陽為之驚嚇。 William Blake The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun Pen and watercolour, 435 x 345 mm c.1805 New York, The Brooklyn Museum of Art, Gift of William Ausustus White, Acc. Not. 15.368